Session 2 Flashcards


Define the following lung volumes and capacities: Tidal volume, Inspiratory reserve volume, Expiratory reserve volume, Residual volume; Inspiratory Capacity, Functional Residual Capacity, Vital Capacity and Total lung Volume LO

  1. What generates automatic rhythmic impulses which are responsible for the normal involuntary rhythmic breathing pattern?
  2. Define Tidal Volume LO
  3. Define inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) LO
  4. Define expiratory reserve volume (ERV) LO
  5. Define residual volume (RV) LO
  6. While Lung volumes change with changes in tidal volume, Lung capacities do not, as they are defined relative to fixed points in the breathing cycle. These are ?
    61qa. maximum inspiration, maximum expiration, and the end of a quiet expiration.
  1. Neurones in the respiratory centre in the medulla of the brain
  2. The volume of air which enters and leaves the lungs with each breath
  3. maximal amount of additional air that can be drawn into the lungs by determined effort after normal inspiration
  4. the additional amount of air that can be expired from the lungs by determined effort after normal expiration
  5. Residual volume is the amount of air that remains in a person’s lungs after fully exhaling (even after FORCED EXHALATION). Doctors use tests to measure a person’s residual air volume to help check how well the lungs are functioning. Residual volume is measured by: A gas dilution test.
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