Session 2 Flashcards
What is a sample average?
Same as the mean of a sample
How do sample means usually look?
All look similar regardless of population
What is the average of the means of the sample?
Mean of the population values
What is the distribution of the means of samples?
Normal Gaussian distribution
What is a confidence interval?
95% confidence interval contains the mean of the population values 95% of the time
What is the purpose of statistics?
To generalise and infer about a population
What is a sample
As a representative as possible of the population
What happens if there is a wider 95% confidence interval?
Greater variation in population values
Smaller the size of the sample used to calculate
What is precision?
Exact and accurate
What is bias?
Of or on a target
Something has no bias- on a target
What is selection bias?
Errors due to systematic differences in the ways in which the two groups were collected
What is information bias?
Errors due to systematic misclassification of subjects in the group
Differential recall errors especially in case control studies
Differential observer or interviewer errors
Differential measurement error
Differential mis-classification
Give a confounding factor example
Distort results and give misleading results
E.g. People in Bournemouth have higher levels of cancer but age is a confounding factors as older people are more likely to have cancer but also more likely to live in Bournemouth
What is prevalence?
Incidence x duration of disease
The amount of people who currently have the disease
What is Incidence?
Number of new cases of the disease per 1000 people per year