session 18 fill in Flashcards
TB #101
What are the 3 main features, or advantanges of the standardized emergency management system
TB #101
Sems provides for a 5 level emergency response organization, activated as needed to provide an effective response to multi-agency and multi-jurisdictional emergencies
what are the 5 levels
Field Response Level Local Government Level Operational Area Regional State
TB #101
The State has been divided into____ mutual aid regions
TB #101
What benefits are derived from the incident command system
Can manage an emergency incident or a nonemergency
It can be used for both small and large situations.
Considerable internal
it can grow or shrink to meet differing needs.
it is very cost effective and
efficient management system.
TB #101
What are the principle ICS management functions
TB #101
what are responsibilities of Command
The Incident Commander is responsible for the overall incident.
TB #101
What are the responsibilities of Operations
The Operations Section is responsible for directing the tactical actions to meet the incident
TB #101
what are the responsibilities of planning?
The Planning/Intelligence Section is responsible for the collection, evaluation, display of incident
information, maintaining status of resources, and preparing the Incident Action Plan and other
incident related documentation.
TB #101
What are the responsibilities of
The Finance/Administration Section is responsible for keeping track of incident related costs,
personnel, equipment records and administering procurement contracts associated with the incident
or event.
TB #101
who maintains responsibility for command:
Command is established by the highest ranking authority at the scene of responsible jurisdiction
TB #101
The orderly line of authority within an organization best defines:
Chain of Command means that there is an orderly line of authority within the ranks of an organization
TB #101
The criteria that applies to the transfer of command are:
A more qualified person arrives on scene.
Situation changes where a jurisdictional or agency change in command is required by law or
just makes good management sense.
Normal relief of personnel on extended incidents.
Transfer of Command may also take place in certain situations when a person of lower rank
but of higher qualifications would be the best suited person to assume command.
TB #101
In unified command, what ICS components will there only be of, or a single one:
Incident action plan
Operation section Chief
Incident command post
What procedure within the incident command system ensures accountability:
Check-in Mandatory
Unity of Command- ensure everyone has only one supervisor
Resource status unit-maintains status of resources
Div/group assignment list
Unit logs
Staging areas should be located within____ travel time to the area of expected need. Resources in staging are always in an available status which means that they are ready for assignment with____:
3 min