Session 17 - Experience Corps & Johns Hopkins Flashcards
goals of the experience corps
-improve mental & physical health of elderly
-train elderly to work as volunteers in elementary schools
-increase academic performance of kids in low SES/urban schools who may have less resources
-provide additional mentoring opportunities for these kids
benefits of RCT
eliminates bias & confounding
facilitates blinding
benefits for academic researchers partnering with communities
-show legitimacy & that they are holistically committed to doing good in the communities they partner with
-gain more research opportunities - recruit participants, gain access to schools
-get better understanding, more aware of community resources & assets, get better cultural/community competence, gain trust of the community
benefits for communities partnering with researchers
gain access to money from researchers & fundings (partnership could attract local attention & donors)
communities can gain trust in the researchers that they want to do good
tuskegee syphilis study
low income black men monitored for 40 years
- 400 infected with syphilis
- no informed consent
- told they have bad blood & was denied medical treatment
guatemala syphilis study
5000 uninformed & un-consenting guatemalan citizens intentionally infected with bacteria that cause STDs & many were left untreated
- much more intense & less media coverage than tuskegee
henrietta lacks
a poor black woman died of cancer at johns hopkins
- researchers collected cells from her body & bred her cells in vitro creating the worlds first immortal cell line
- cells used in thousands of medical experiments
- used to find cure for polio
- her family was unaware until 1970s; no compensation or consent
eugenics movement
selective breeding - encouraging people with desirable genes to reproduce & discourage people with defective genes from reproducing
- N32 states passed laws that allowed sterilization (without consent) of people unfit to breed (ex: criminals, juvenile deliquents, mentally ill, gay men, etc)
- sterilization was used as a condition to release people from hospital or prison
final compromise of implementing EC in baltimore school system
used RCT & selected schools for treatment & control groups
- researchers created 19 additional matched pairs & assigned one in each pair