Session 11: Higher Functions of the Brain Flashcards


What are the association areas of the brain?


The association areas make up 70 to 80% of the surface of the cortex. These regions, the parietal-temporal-occipital (or parietal-occipitotemporal) association area, the prefrontal association area and the limbic association area, receive, integrate and analyse signals from multiple cortical and subcortical regions and their output produces the complex ‘human’ behaviours, which make up our individuality – the cortical association areas are where information from different modalities are brought together for processing.

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Describe the cortex


Inputs to layer IV from (information going up):

  • Motor and sensory cortices, thalamus and brain

Outputs (informing going down)

  • From layers V and VI to hippocampus, basal ganglia, cerebellum and thalamus
  • From layers I, II and III to other cortical association areas (information going deeper to the brain)

The cortex is a very dense network of neurones (~2-3 mm shrinks due to atrophy or Alzheimer’s)

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Describe the functions of the frontal lobe and possible manifestations of frontal lobe lesions


Frontal Lobe: higher intellect, personality, mood, social conduct, interpretation of meaning and language (dominant hemisphere). Damage to the frontal lobe can be diverse but can cause personality and behavioural changes as well as inability to solve problems. Examples include mood changes, inappropriate social conduction, perseveration (and associated inflexibility - cannot process new ideas). Perseveration is the repetition of a particular response, such as a word, phase, or gesture despite the absence of cessation of a stimulus and symptoms include “lacking ability to transition or switch ideas appropriately with the social context, as evidenced by the repetition of words or gestures after they have ceased to be socially relevant or appropriate”.

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Describe the functions of the parietal and temporal lobes + possible manifestations of lesions


Parietal Lobe: language, calculation (dominant hemisphere) and visiospatial functions (non-dominant hemisphere – music, emotions etc). Parietal lobe lesions can cause attention deficits (associated with contralateral neglect syndrome e.g. right hemisphere damage leads to contralateral neglect – only eats half the food on the plate etc) – not aware of deficit.

Temporal lobe: memory and language. Temporal lobe lesions will produce recognition deficits (such as agnosia and prosopagnosia (‘facial blindness’). Other agnosias can be auditory (not able to differentiate between different sounds e.g. difference between phone and car horn).

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Describe the function of the occipital lobe and problems global lesions could create


Occipital lobe: vision

Any global lesions can cause more severe problems – cognitive deficits, as seen in dementia e.g. in Alzheimer’s, cerebrovascular disease.

Memory and thought tend to go first and deficit progresses, inappropriate social conduct and emotions (overreacting, reacting more negatively than expected) occur.

Key questions to ask in assessment include “Who am I? Where am I? What year is it? Who is the Prime Minister?”

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Describe the limbic association area


The limbic association area attaches emotional connotations to our sensory input and consequent behaviour. It rewards appropriate behaviours with pleasure sensations and negative sensations to inappropriate behaviours. These reward/punishment centres of the limbic system are closely associated with the ability to learn.

Association of the cortex connect cortical tissue strips to the rest of the brain. They can be short-range connections (such as arcuate fibres) or long-range connections (such as occipito-frontal connections, which include superior longitudinal fasciculus or the arcuate fasciculus).

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Describe what is meant by dominant and non-dominant hemispehres


Individuals can be described as having a dominant and non-dominant hemisphere, whereby certain functions are carried out using onside of the brain and others on the other side, known by a process ‘lateralisation’.

The dominant hemisphere (normally the left hemisphere) will involve the language (spoken/heard, written/read, and gestured/seen), maths, logic and motor skills (handedness), whereas the non-dominant hemisphere will involve emotion, music/art, visiospatial and body awareness. So in a stroke for example that affected the dominant hemisphere, patient may not be able to understand sign language etc.

The dominant hemisphere is the left hemisphere in up to 95% of people.

However, connections are made between the two hemispheres, allowing information to travel from one side to the other. These connections are achieved mainly through the corpus callosum (band of connective tissue), as well as the anterior and midbrain commissures; any lesions to the corpus callosum can mean individuals can elicit a response from their dominant hemisphere (e.g. action from a written word) without the non-dominant (body awareness) knowing why.

To summarise: the left hemisphere processes information in sequence (e.g. language) and the right hemisphere looks at the whole picture (e.g. spatial awareness)

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Describe lateralisation of language and the two pathways that arise


Language is also lateralised. The input into this system is via Wernicke’s area (found on the temporal lobe) which acts in the interpretation of written and spoken words, whilst the output comes from Broca’s area (found on the frontal lobe), which acts in the formulation of the language components (i.e. putting words into a sequence of order), sending information to motor cortex (which deals with moving lips or hands etc).

As a consequence of these two areas, two pathways develop for speaking; one for speaking a heard word and one for speaking a written word

  • Pathway for speaking a heard word: Primary Auditory Area => Wernicke’s Area sends fibres (via arcuate fasciculus) to => Broca’s Area => Motor Cortex
  • Pathway for speaking a written word: Primary Visual Cortex, via angular gyrus to => Wernicke’s Area, via arcuate fasciculus => Broca’s Area => Motor Cortex

NB: lesions that affect the angular gyrus are associated with alexia and agraphia (can’t read nor write).

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Describe the difference between Wernicke’s and Broca’s aphasias. What other possible aphasias are there?


Any damage to Wernicke’s area can result in a Wernicke’s Aphasia (which is a receptive/sensory/central aphasia); when this affects the dominant side, (damage to the non-dominant side will be less severe), individuals have a disorder of comprehension, producing a fluent yet unintelligible speech (producing jargon aphasia). There may also be associated loss of mathematical skills (loss of ability to interpet symbols).

Any damage to Broca’s area can result in a Broca’s Aphasia (which is an expressive or motor aphasia); when this affects the dominant side, individuals present with poorly constructed sentences and disjointed speech, yet their comprehension is fine. Interestingly people can still sing very well (motor output is from a different part of the brain).

Other types of aphasia that can develop are conduction aphasia (difficulty in repetition), nominal/amnesic aphasia (cannot remember names) or a global/total aphasia (damage to both Wernicke’s and Broca’s Areas – rapidly leads to demntia as cannot interpret anything in the world around you).

Dementia describes the disruption of behaviour consequent upon the degradation of these areas by a wide variety of disease processes including vCJD (Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease).

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Summarise the parieto-occipitotemporal, pre-frontal and limbic assoication areas


The parieto-occipitotemporal areas integrate the visual, proprioceptive and auditory inputs necessary to an understanding of our relationship to the immediate surroundings. Other areas, particularly Wernicke’s area, is essential to the comprehension of the meaning of spoken or written words, so that if damaged here a patient may remain fluent but make up words or speak with a great tangle of words (receptive dysphasia).

The pre-frontal association area is concerned with integrating complex sensory and motor associations allowing us to consider the consequences of an action or plan for the future. Within the pre-frontal cortex the specialised Broca’s area is necessary for the translation of thoughts into words, damage here and the patient’s speech becomes slow and laboured.

The limbic association area attaches emotional connotations to our sensory input and consequent behaviour. It rewards appropriate behaviours with pleasurable sensations, but dumps embarrassment and guilt upon any socially inept behaviour. The reward/punishment centres in the limbic system are closely associated with our ability to learn.

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Where are memories stored? What are the two types? Which structures are involved in which?


Memories are stored throughout the cortex e.g. visual memories in visual cortex, auditory memories in auditory cortex.

Memory underlies our ability to learn new information.

Psychologists classify memory into procedural memory, involved in the performance of motor skills, riding a bicycle for example, which are learnt and perfected by practice, and declarative memory, concerned with the naming of objects, recognition of places, remembering events etc.

For procedural memories, the cerebellum, basal ganglia and the pre-motor cortex are involved. Such memories are difficult to form, but once formed are long-lasting and can be performed without conscious recollection.

Declarative memories, which are assessed continuously, are rapidly learned but also rapidly forgotten, depend upon connections between the hippocampus and widespread regions of the cerebral cortex.

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How may declarative memories also be classified?


Declarative memory may also be classified according to the time frame over which it persists.

Immediate memory: the ability to hold an experience in mind for a few seconds provides us with our sense of the present.

Short term memory describes the ability to hold an experience for a few minutes or hours. Short term memory can be considered to be our ‘working memory’ – allowing us to retain information until a task has been performed e.g. memorising a phone number, then forgetting it as soon as your call is finshed.

Finally information may be storied in a long-term memory to be retrieved days, months, years later. It’s not affected by other mental activity.

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What does the process to form and retrieve a memory require?


The ability to form and retrieve a memory involves several distinct processes.

Memories are produced as a result of synaptic changes that occur, producing a concept of “neuronal plasticity”.

Repetition and consolidation, the process by which immediate experiences are converted first into short term then into long-term memories, appears to depend upon physical changes in synaptic connections.

The act of remembering refers to the process whereby information is retrieved from long-term storage into consciousness (declarative memory) or is expressed as motor skill (procedural memory).

Memories will be committed if there is emotion involved, rehearsal/repetition, association or simply just an “automatic memory”.

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Which areas are involved in memory formation?


Memories form via synaptic links between the cortical sensory areas (inputting into the region), amygdala and hippocampus (where long term memory occurs and structural changes develop), and the diencephalon, thalamus, hypothalamus basal forebrain and the prefrontal cortex (interprets and organises the memory for storage – allows us to find memory again – the prefrontal cortex is like an indexing system).

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What is meant by long-term potentiation?


The formation of memories has been described to be based around the concept of ‘long-term potentiation (LTP)’. LTP is a long-lasting enhancement in signal transmission between two neurones that results from stimulating them synchronously; LTP makes a memory stronger by allowing circuits to adapt to allow more presynaptic messengers to be present – there is up-regulation of the synapse such as more vesicles, more neurotransmitters etc. Glutamate (NMDA receptors) are involved.

The opposite of LTP is long-term depression, where there is a weakening of infrequently used synapses, causing gradual loss of memory (synaptic connections diminish)

Age and memory

  • Memory function reaches peak at 25
  • At 40+ brain cells die at a rate of 10,000 a day
  • At 85+ 50% of individuals have Alzheimer’s disease
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What are the two types of amnesia?


Amnesia: forgetting is a normal process, however in some individuals, the inability to remember (amnesia) is pathological. It often follows head injury and can indicate the severity of brain trauma. Amnesia may be:

Anterograde Amnesia: the inability to form new memories following an accident because of some fault in the consolidation of new experience into long-term memory. Such a defect is often associated with damage to the temporal lobes, particularly the hippocampal gyrus. Destruction of the hippocampus leads to failure to form new memories.

Retrograde Amnesia refers to an inability to recall events prior to some precipitating event e.g. a car crash. This type of amnesia is a failure of long-term memory. As such memories are distributed throughout the cerebral cortex retrograde amnesia may follow generalised lesions such as those produced by Alzheimer’s disease (failure to retrieve old memories). Retrograde amnesia is more common.

Noting what happened (duration of anterograde amnesia) is very helpful in assessment. A patient remembering the scene of an accident is less seriously injured then a patient whose first recollection is of the hospital ward the same evening. Retrograde amnesia is much less common, most people remember the instant of their accident i.e. they remember the ‘bang’. In more serious head injury, a patient will have no recollection of an accident and be mystified by finding himself in hospital, but he will remember what he had for breakfast. A patient unable to remember events during the week before his accident is seriously damaged.


What can cause amnesia?


Amnesia can develop from vascular interruptions, tumours, trauma, infections, or vitamin B deficiency (Korsakoff’s syndrome, commonly seen in chronic alcoholics – short term memory loss, confabulation – patient invents events to fill gaps), Electroconvulsive Therapy (treatment used to relieve symptoms in severely depressed and suicidal patients – but although patients have a change in mood, they also report a sense of loss of self-identity),Transient global amnesia.


Recap higher functions of the cortex


Cerebral hemispheres are responsible for cognition and higher mental function (memory, reasoning, language, social skills, vision etc)

  • Left hemisphere – language
  • Right hemisphere – special awareness

Occipital Lobe: visual cortex and visual processing (macula has large representation in the visual cortex – so some forms of visual field loss can occur without involving the macular (‘macular sparing’))

Temporal lobe: involved in language, recognition of faces and objects, emotional response (e.g. stranger vs close family) and memory

  • Left Temporal Lobe: dominant in 9 out of 10 and contains Wernicke’s area.
  • Overactivity can lead to temporal lobe epilepsy. The seizures involve sensory changes e.g. unusual smell that is not there (olfactory illusion) or a memory disturbance.
  • Characteristic aura – gustatory or olfactory hallucination
  • Incredibly heightened emotions e.g. fear
  • Seizures may lead to temporal lobe damage => problems with memory

Frontal Lobe:

  • Broca’s area (left) – expressive, non-fluent aphasia if damaged
  • Motor cortex
  • Executive function

Parietal Lobe: sensation and perception, ‘multimedia’ understanding of bodily self and surroundings => can test 2 point discrimination (fine and tough), joint position sense, fine touch and temperature. Lips have a lot of sensitivity – large representation in the cortex.


Describe the clinical manifesations of damage to the occipital cortex


Entire Occipital Lobe on One Side – ‘Homonymous hemianopia’

Stroke Affecting the Occipital Pole (contains the part of the primary visual cortex – Broadmann area 17 – representing the macular ‘central’ vision – accounts for the majority of the primary visual cortex because of the disproportionate macular representation within the cortex) - ‘Central Vision Defect’

Stroke Affecting the Occipital Lobes on Both Sides – ‘Cortical blindness’ (total or partial loss of vision in a normal-appearing eye caused by damage to the brain’s occipital cortex).


Describe the changes seen in damage done to the anterior frontal lobes




Abulic (lack of will or initiative and can be seen as a disorder of diminished motivation – more extreme than apathy)

Euphoric (without feeling so)



Loss of social rules

Loss of empathy

NB: olfactory groove meningiomas grow along the nerves that run between the brain and the nose => tumours cause loss of smell. If they grow large enough, olfactory groove meningiomas can also compress the nerves to the eyes, causing visual symptoms. They can grow to large size prior to being diagnosed due to changes in the sense of smell and mental status changes being difficult to recognise.


Describe the differences between the Right Parietal Lobe and the Left Parietal Lobe


Right Parietal Lobe

  • Spacial layout of world, local and remote
  • Awareness of self and relationship to environment
  • Body image – configuration and movement

Left Parietal Lobe:

  • Reading, writing and arithmetic
  • Abstraction
  • Word finding
  • Metaphor
  • Orchestration of skilled movement

What is Dementia? Describe its progression


Dementia is described as progressive decline of cognitive function (impairment of intellect, reason and personality without impairment of consciousness), usually affecting the cortex as a whole (though can sometimes be patchy). Memory becomes affected and intellect gradually falls, with associated loss of emotional control, deterioration of social behaviour and loss of motivation. It is an acquired loss of cognitive ability sufficiently severe to interfere with daily function and quality of life.

Markers of Dementia

  • Progressive deterioration: memory, intellect, behaviour, personality, speech
  • Other physical difficulties e.g. slowness of movement

Clinical Course of Onset of Dementia: the rate of progression depends upon the primary cause of tissue degeneration


Describe Chronic Dementia. What abnormal proteins accumulate in dementia?


Vascular damage of brain tissue:

  • Underpined by diseases of the vascular system
  • Neuronal death is secondary to the vascular disease


  • Accumulation of abnormal proteins
  • Neuronal cell death

Commonest Chronic Dementias are: Alzheimer’s disease, Dementia with Lewy bodies and Fronto-temporal Dementia.

Dementia is a substantial cause of morbidity with 10% of over 65s affected and 20% of over 80s affected. There are numerous causes for dementia, the most common of which are Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia with Lewy Bodies and vascular dementia.


Describe Alzheimer’s


Commonest cause of dementia, accounting for 65% of dementia cases – and is present in 47% over age 85. 2:1 female predominance

It is seen as an exaggerated ageing process and presents with a progressive memory loss, various aphasias, apraxia, agnosia, behavioural changes (e.g. agitation, aggression or wander) or depression.

The course is progressive over several years, with death resulting in an extreme state of cognitive decline. Prognosis is 5 years (but variable between 10 and 20 years).

It presents with neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. The neurofibrillary tangles are intracellular twisted filaments of the Tau protein; the Tau protein normally binds to and stabilises the microtubules in the cell yet in AD, they become hyperphosphorylated and very stable, producing the neurofibrillatory tangles. The senile plaques are foci of enlarged axons, synaptic terminals and dendrites, with amyloid deposition in the vessels in the centre of the plaque; the amyloid proteins appear to form as a result of upregulation of amyloid precursor protein and mutation to the enzymes which normally break down the amyloid proteins (both genes found on Chromosome 21).


Describe the progression of Alzheimer’s


Early – affects hippocampus, then progresses to affect the temporal lobes (e.g. difficulty finding words, recognition), parietal lobes (starts to get lost) and frontal lobes (including incontinence, inappropriate social conduct). NBL amygdala is often spared – so can recognise familiar people.

  • Early: loss of memory for recent events, global disruption of personality, gradual development of abnormal behaviour
  • Intermediate: loss of intellect, mood changes – blunting of emotions, cognitive impairment of failure to learn
  • Late: reduction in self-care, restless wandering, incontinence

Describe DLB


DLB occurs for 4-10%of dementia cases, M=F and is characterised by fluctuation in cognition, especially in attention and alertness; memory loss may not occur in the early stages. There are Cortical Lewy Bodies seen at autopsy (similar to those seen in Parkinson’s Disease), which are a hallmark of DLB. It is a synucleinopathy.

Associated with Parkinsonism (particularly if lewy bodies in basal ganglia).

Lewy bodies may begin in the basal ganglia or the cortex but progresses to the other site as the disease progresses

Prominent visual hallucinations

Delusions and paranoia

Fluctuates in severity from day to day

REM sleep behaviour disorder (no muscle atonia so act out very violent dreams – can injure themselves or sleeping partner)

Sensitive to haloperidol (antipsychotic) – problem in misdiagnosis, causes them to become rigid and can lead to death.

As it progresses, it starts to resemble AD with worsening movement difficulties, problems with speech and swallowing, challenging behaviour.

Prognosis – eight years after the first symptoms

DLB usually has a much more rapid onset of symptoms than AD.


Describe Vascular Dementia


(Multi-Infarct Dementia)

Vascular dementia is caused by multiple infarcts occurring throughout the cortex, causing neuronal death that can be seen on imaging. There may be a history of TIAs or the dementia follows a succession of cerebrovascular events. Widespread vessel disease on MRI is the typical finding and may produce a variety of cognitive deficits, reflecting the sites of ischaemic damage.

It’s always cerebrovascular disease

10-20% of cases

3 patterns:

  • Stroke
  • Stepwise progression
  • Subcortical

Control vascular risk factors


Describe Frontotemporal Dementia


Frontotemporal Dementia (Pick’s Disease) – selective atrophy of frontal and temporal lobes

3rd most common dementia under 65 years old


Family history in 1015%

Prognosis – 8 years

May be associated with a movement disorder (particularly motoneurone disease)

Can affect frontal and the temporal lobes or both

Behavioural-variant FTD (frontal lobes) – changes in behaviour and personality.

Semantic dementia (loss of semantic memory in both the verbal and non-verbal domains, loss of word meaning – characterised by a primary progressive non-fluent aphasia).

Behavioural changes can be disinhibitions, loss interest in people and things, loss motivation, loss sympathy or empathy, show repetitive, compulsive or ritualised behaviours, crave sweet or fatty foods, lose table etiquette, or binge on ‘junk’ foods, alcohol or cigarettes.


What are other types of dementia? What are dementia mimics?

  • Subcortical Encephalopathies: comprises of disorders that affect subcortical structures, so includes dementia occurring in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease or Huntington’s Disease.
  • Primary Progressive Aphasia: language-based dementias

Dementia Mimics

  • Drugs
  • Depression (severe)
  • Delirium

Describe possible infectious and metabolic causes of dementia



  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
  • HIV infection (also consider opportunistic neuroinfections and malignancies in people with HIV which can cause them to present with dementia symptoms)
  • Viral encephalitis
  • Progressive multifocal Leucoencephalopathy


  • Hepatic disease
  • Thyroid disease
  • Parathyroid disease
  • Cushing’s syndrome

Describe nutritional and other causes of dementia



  • Wernicke Korsakodd (thiamine deficiency)
  • B12 deficiency
  • Folate deficiency

Malignancy e.g. subfrontal meningioma

Toxic poisoning of the brain

Drug-induced neuronal death

Chronic inflammatory: e.g. collagen vascular disease, vasculitis, multiple sclerosis (some new MS treatments increase risk)

Trauma: head injury, punch-drunk syndrome


Describe Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus


Gross structural changes: ventriculomegaly

CSF pressure remains normal, hence the term normal pressure-hydrocephalus

It is said to be a communicating hydrocephalus

Classic Triad: dementia, gait disturbance (dyspraxic – can’t do particular sequence of motor events), urinary incontinence

RARE – usually the ventriculomegaly is a consequence of global cortical atrophy


Describe investigations into dementia


Dementia is diagnosed from the history and basic examinations, especially cognitive testing.

Routine investigations include full blood count, biochemistry tests (electrolytes, calcium, glucose, renal and liver function), thyroid function tests and serum vitamin B12 and folate levels. Perform a midstream urine test if delirium is a possibility. Conduct investigations such as chest X-ray or electrocardiogram (ECG) as determined by clinical presentation

NICE guidelines do not recommend routinely testing for syphilis serology or HIV or examining CSF unless there are risk factors or the clinical picture dictates.

On MRI, bilateral atrophy will be seen in the hippocampus in AD. MRI can detect subcortical vascular changes in early dementia.

CT scanning is also a possibility in structural imaging.

Functional Imaging

  • Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
  • 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET)

Once diagnoses, dementia cases are rarely investigated further.


Describe management of dementia


Management: there are rarely treatable causes of dementia so management will be supportive (multi-disciplinary team) yet the burden of care commonly falls on relatives. Possible manipulation of neurotransmitters.


What is meant by Le Fort’s Fractures?


Head trauma can vary from a simple fracture of the nose to a condition, which causes a patient to die overnight in ITU.

Three common fractures, caused for example by a fist tight, are fractures of the nose, of the zygomatic arch and of the mandible.

Each of these fractures needs prompt treatment and can give rise to a sensory deficit.

More serious fractures involving the whole face arise from road traffic accidents. The facial bones fracture in 3 different patterns depending upon the severity of the trauma. These are called Le Fort’s Fractures

  • Le Fort I (horizontal maxillary fracture): a fracture of the maxilla just above the teeth which remain in the detached portion of the bone
  • Le Fort II – the body of the maxilla is separated from the facial skeleton with a horizontal fracture through the nose and vertical fractures from the floor of the orbit
  • Le Fort III: a horizontal fracture through the top of the nose, the sphenoid bone and the fronto-zygomatic sutures and zygomatic arches. The maxilla and other bones of the face are entirely separated from the cranium.