Session 10 - Ad design III Flashcards
What is an Executional framework?
It is the way an ad appeal is presented
Exec. frame: Animation (pros and cons)
=> cheap (if actors are too expensive), better with rising technology
=> could be “too” funny
Exec. frame: Slice-of-life (pros and cons)
=> Encounter -> Problem -> Interaction -> Solution
=> very persuasive
=> only works for typical problems
Exec. frame: Testimonial (pros and cons)
=> testimonial with real/fake/paid customer
=> high credibility
=> right testimonial important
Exec. frame: Authoritative (pros and cons)
=> convincing, especially for difficult -to-judge products
Exec. frame: Demonstration (pros and cons)
=> visually persuasive
=> mostly for experience products
Exec. frame: Informative (pros and cons)
=> best for interested consumers (who want to buy, who pay attention)
=> people need to pay attention
Exec. frame: Fantasy (pros and cons)
=> creates loyalty
=> often exaggerated, not credible
Types of spokespersons
- Celebrities
- CEOs
- Experts
- Typical person
Spokesperson: Celebrities (pros and cons)
=> most common type (6% of ads), useful for young (<35)
=> enhance liking, create emotional bonds, establish brand personality
=> negative publicity (Lance Armstrong), not credible if endorse too many products, may overshadow brand
Spokesperson: CEOs (pros and cons)
=> works well if CEO visible and personable
=> tough decision makers, so may not be very popular, not the most charismatic ones
Spokesperson: Experts (pros)
=> serve as authoritative figure, useful if product complex
Spokesperson: Typical person (pros)
=> similarity, people can identify with
Spokesperson key dimensions for effectiveness
- attractiveness (physical/personality)
- trustworthiness
- similarity
- expertise
- likability
Types of executional framework
- Slice-of-life
- Fantasy
- Demonstration
- Authoritative
- Animation
- Testimonial
- Informative