Session 1 - Surgery, Post Op *wink wink nudge nudge* Flashcards
Surgical reconstruction or replacement of a joint
abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
Excision of an aneurysm (a localized dilation of the wall of a blood vessel) from the abdominal aorta to prevent or repair a rupture
abdominal perineal resection
Usually performed for lower rectal tumors. The rectum is removed and the remaining bowel is brought out to the surface of the abdomen to create a colostomy
anterior bladder repair (cystocele repair)
Bladder repair (lift bladder up) done through the vagina
Removal of the appendix
Removal of the adenoids
bowel resection
Removal of part of the bowel
breast augmentation
Insertion of a synthetic breast-shaped implant through an incision
breast reduction
Removal of excessive breast tissue and skin
bunionectomy (hallus valgus/chevron osteotomy)
Removal of a bunion
burch colposuspension (retropubic suspension)
Bladder repair done through an abdominal incision
cholecystectomy (Chole)
Removal of the gallbladder
Suturing of the vagina
Removal of the colon
An artificial opening into the colon. A portion of the colon is attached to the surface of the abdomen for the passage of stool
Removal of all or part of the bladder
cataract extraction
Removal of the clouded lens of the eye
circumcision (Circ)
Removal of the foreskin of the penis
cystocele repair (anterior bladder repair)
Bladder repair done through the vagina
dilation & curettage (D&C)
Surgical procedure to scrape the inner walls of the uterus
Removal of part or all of the stomach
hysterectomy (Hyster)
Abdominal - removal of the uterus through the abdominal wall
Vaginal - removal of the uterus through the vagina
hernia repair
Surgical repair to the hernia (the condition in which part of an order or tissue protrudes through an opening)
Removal of hemorrhoids
Hartmann resection
Performed when a temporary colostomy is required to rest part of the bowel
Excision of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes
inguinal hernia repair
Repair of a protrusion of a loop of the intestine into the inguinal canal
Creation of a surgical passage through the abdominal wall into the uterus
The operation of making an outlet from the jejunum through the abdominal wall
A technique for removing areas of fat tissue
The examination of the abdominal cavity with a laparoscope through a small incision in the abdominal wall
Incision into the abdominal wall
Removal of the lamina of a vertebrae
Removal of a lobe of a lung
Removal of part or all of a breast
Removal of the meniscus of the knee joint
Incision of the tympanic membrane
Removal of the kidney
Incision into the kidney to remove a stone
Removal of an ovary
open reduction
Surgical repair of a severe fracture. After an incision is made the bone is manipulated and screws or nails may be inserted into the bone
closed reduction
Surgical repair of a fracture done without an incision
Removal of a testicle
posterior (rectocele) repair
Rectal repair done through the vagina
Removal of the prostate gland
Plastic repair of the pyloric sphincter, located at the lower end of the stomach
retropubic suspension (Burch colposuspension)
Bladder repair done through an abdominal incision
Repair of the nose
Removal of a fallopian tube and an ovary
Removal of the spleen
Removal of the thyroid gland
Removal of the tonsils
Incision into the chest cavity
transurethral prostate resection (TUPR)
Endoscopic resection of prostate tissue through the urethra
transurethral resection of the bladder (TUR Bladder)
Endoscopic resection of bladder tissue through the urethra
Incision into the vagus nerve
Correct order for all OR records?
- Consent to surgical procedure
- Nursing Unit Pre-Op Checklist
- Anesthesia Record Sheet
- Perioperative Nursing Record
- OR Count Sheet
- Physician’s OR Report
- Post Anesthetic Recovery Room Record
Post-op checklist
- Inform RN of patient’s arrival from PARR/PACU
- File old thinned charts in the appropriate place on ward
- Organize chart and file all OR records behind the proper dividers in the correct order
- Scan orders for medications and fax to Pharmacy is not already done in PARR/PACU
- Transcribe the post-op orders informing RN of any STAT orders
- Record date (full legal date) and type of surgery performed on the Kardex under “Operations” in red ink
- Record catheters or drains that may still be in the patient (see OR/PAR Record) prn
- A new MAR is started post-op.