Session 1 (development) Flashcards
What is the other name for the first pharyngeal arch , and what is the innervation of it , and what are the Derivatives of it ?
(maxillary and mandibular processes)
- V. Trigeminal: maxillary and mandibular divisions
- Mastication (temporal; masseter; medial, lateral pterygoids); mylohyoid; anterior belly of digastric; tensor palatine, tensor tympani
-maxilla, zygomatic bone, part of temporal bone, Meckelβs cartilage, mandible malleus, incus, anterior ligament of malleus, sphenomandibular Ligament
What is the other name for the second pharyngeal arch , and what is the innervation of it , and what are the Derivatives of it ?
- hyoid
- VII. Facial
- Facial expression (buccinator; auricularis; frontalis; platysma; orbicularis oris; orbicularis oculi); posterior belly of digastric; stylohyoid; Stapedius
- Stapes; styloid process; stylohyoid ligament; lesser horn and upper portion of body of hyoid bone
What is the other name for the third pharyngeal arch , and what is the innervation of it , and what are the Derivatives of it ?
- IX. Glossopharyngeal
- Stylopharyngeus
- Greater horn and lower portion of body of hyoid bone
What is the other name for the fourth & sixth pharyngeal arch , and what is the innervation of it , and what are the Derivatives of it ?
- X. Vagus
- Cricothyroid; levator palatine; constrictors of Pharynx Intrinsic muscles of larynx
- Laryngeal cartilages (thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid, corniculate, cuneiform)
What are the Derivatives of the first Branchial Pouch?
Eustachian tube and middle ear cavity
What are the Derivatives of the second Branchial Pouch?
Crypts of palatine tonsil
What are the Derivatives of the third Branchial Pouch?
Dorsal part β inferior parathyroid
Ventral part - thymus
What are the Derivatives of the fourth Branchial Pouch?
Dorsal part β superior parathyroid
Ventral part β C (calcitonin cells or parafollicular cells)cells of thyroid