Session 1 Flashcards
Pec Major
A - Medial Rotation, Flexion, Adduction
O - Anterior clavicle, Sternum, 2nd 6th costal cartliages
I - Greater tubercle
A - Flexion/Medial rotation (A), Abduction (S), Extension and lateral rotation (R)
O - Lateral third clavicle (A), Acromion (S), Spine of Scapula (R)
I - Deltoid Tuberosity
Pec Minor
A - Draws Scapula downwards and anteriorly, stabilises.
O - 3rd/5th Ribs
I - Coracoid Process
A - External rotation
O - Infraspinous fossa
I - Greater tubercle
Teres Minor
A - External rotation
O - Lateral border of scapula
I - Greater Tubercle
Teres Major
A - Internal rotation
O - Inferior Angle of scapula
I - Greater Tubercle
A - Initiates Arm abduction
O - Supraspinous Fossa
I - Greater tubercle
A -Internal rotation and adduction
O - Subscapular fossa
I - Lesser tubercle
Triceps brachii
A - (LH) Extension at elbow and glenohumeral joint (MH) Extension (LAH) Extension
O - (LH) Posterior surface humerus (MH) Posterior surface humerus (LAH) Infraglenoid tubercle
I - (LH) Olecranon (MH) Olecranon (LAH) Olecranon
Biceps brachii
A - (LH & SH) Flex forearm, supination, flex shoulder, abducts arm, medially rotates arm
O - (LH) Supraglenoid Tubercle (SH) Tip of coracoid process
I - (LH & SH) Radial tuberosity
A - Flexes forearm and assists in pronation
O - Lateral supracondylar ridge
I - Lateral bases of Radial styloid process
A -flex and adduct the arm at the glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint)
O - coracoid process
I - anteromedial surface of the humeral shaft
A - The trapezius elevates, depresses, rotates, and retracts the scapula, or shoulder blade
O - It originates on the occipital bone, the ligamentum nuchae, and the spinous processes of T01–T12
I - lateral third of the clavicle, as well as the acromion and scapular spine of the scapula
Latisimus dorsi
A -extension, adduction, transverse extension also known as horizontal abduction, flexion from an extended position, and (medial) internal rotation of the shoulder joint.
O - Origin of the latissimus dorsi is from spinous processes of thoracic T7–T12, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest and inferior 3 or 4 ribs, inferior angle of scapula
I - insertion on floor of intertubercular groove of the humerus.
Rhomboid Major
A -Retracts the scapula
O - T2 to T5
I - medial border of the scapula,
Rhomboid Minor
A -Retracts the scapula
O - the spinous processes of the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebrae
I - inserted into a small area of the medial border of the scapula
Rectus Abdonimis
A -pulls the rib cage and the pelvic bone towards the middle of the abdomen
O - pubic crest and pubic symphysis,
I - costal cartilages of ribs 5-7 Xiphoid process of sternum.
Serratus Anterior
A - pull the scapula forward around the thorax.
O - 1st to 8th ribs
I - anterior length of the medial border of the scapula
A -Elbow Flexion
O - anterior surface of the distal half of the humerus
I - Coronoid process of Ulna