Session 1 Flashcards
bend over backwards
make a great effort to achieve something
throw the kitchen sink at sth
To use all available means or resources to achieve a goal or solve a problem.
From the horse’s mouth
If you hear something (straight) from the horse’s mouth, you hear it from the person who has direct personal knowledge of it.
get cold feet
to hesitate or be nervous
get cold feet
to hesitate or be nervous
bring home the bacon
to provide for family with work
blow my hair back
to amaze or excite
The excitement of jumping out of an airplane really blew my hair back.
your guess is as good as mine
I don’t know
go back to the drawing board
to start over
This newsletter wasn’t a good idea. I’m afraid we need to go back to the drawing board.
mind the store
pay attention to something or be responsible for it
She asked her sister to mind the store while she ran some errands
Cut to the quick
This archaic idiom describes delivering an emotional blow so sharp and personal that it metaphorically “cuts” to the most sensitive part of a person.
speak someone language
to adapt communication
As a business owner, it’s important to speak your customers’ language in order to sell your products effectively.
go with one’s gut
to trust your intuition
When it comes to choosing a career, I always go with my gut feeling and follow my passion.
as cool as a cucumber
Calm and composed, especially in stressful situations.
Even during the intense negotiations, he was as cool as a cucumber.
get a wild hair
to have a spontaneous urge
I don’t know why, but I suddenly got a wild hair to dye my hair pink.
My friend got a wild hair to go skydiving on her 70th birthday.