Session 09: Teaching Literature Flashcards
What is the purpose of teaching literature?
- entertainment
- motivation
- interest
- information
- awareness
- action
- identity
- history
- cultural aspects
- language value
- linguistic input
What are challenges of teaching literature?
- Text selection: need to be chosen of relevance and interests to the learners
- Linguistic difficutlties
- Length
- Cultural difficutly
- Cultural appropriacy
Name questions that cope with the challenges of teaching literature
- is the subject matter likely to interest this group?
- is the language level appropriate?
- is it the right length for the time available?
- is it culturally offensive in any way?
- does it require much cultural or literary background knowledge?
- can it be aesily expoited for language learning purposes?
Explain Rosenblatts approach
- distinguishes the efferent (information) from the aesthetic (pleasure) way of reading
- focus rather on information than on reflected experiences
Explain New Criticism
- interprets texts from a rather linguistic point of view without any reference to contextual influences
- focus on close reading
Explain reader-response criticism
- moves away from the objective approach towards a more subjective and open one
- focus on the dialogue between text and reader
Outline the change of materials/texts
Klassiker -> Kanonisierung -> “Kulturgut” -> Analyse& Interpretation -> Schülerzentrierung
open up from a restricitve point of view to a more flexible one
Outline a learner-centered, creative task
Feel like reading (inital motivation) -> get into the story (guessing, conflict, emotions) -> absence from reality (get lost in the book) -> sense of ending
What are advantages of short stories in class?
- short
- offer flexibility
- easy access, direct access possible
- appropriate for different age groups
- variety of topics
- limited range of different characters
What are possible considerations before using “Ganzschriften” in class?
- time management, planning, scheduling
- selecting important passages
- providing information
- thinking about grading and assessment
- which passages are teacher-centered.
which are learner-centered?
What defines product-based activities?
- see the text as the object of study
- internal aspects: setting, plot, characters, structure, message and
external aspects: genre, context, autobiographicals
are prioritized
what defines process-based activities?
- open the text for manipulation and focus on the learner
- learners views, thoughts and interaction with the text are important
Name possible ways of working with a text
z.B Wortschatzarbeit
- Learning vocab
- finding stylistic devices
- practice work with dictionary
- focus on style and register