Service Vehicle Collisions Flashcards
When a member is involved in a service vehicle collision (SVC) and they are determined to be at fault, the member may be subject to the following:
criminal/provincial charges disciplinary action driving assessments/driver development training
revocation of their Blue Card.
All SVCs deemed reportable collisions under HTA criteria, including collisions resulting from intentional contact, shall:
be recorded on a SRLD401, completed in full (including diagram and synopsis), and submitted electronically to the Ministry of Transportation (MTO).
All SVCs deemed non-reportable collisions under HTA criteria shall
be recorded on an eReport and do not require a SRLD401.
Service Vehicle Collision – Responsibility for Investigation
A _________ and a ________shall attend the scene and assume the responsibility for all SVC investigations. Subject to availability, the attending supervisory officer shall be from ____.
supervisory officer and a TSV officer
Where the collision involves a vessel from Specialized Emergency Response – Marine (Marine), who shall conduct the investigation and comply with the unit specific policies
a Marine officer
Supervisory Officer
When notified that a reportable or non-reportable SVC has occurred in the City of Toronto shall
promptly attend the scene to provide assistance and conduct an internal investigation
notify the respective Officer in Charge
ensure the collision is investigated in compliance with this Procedure and Procedures 04–21, 07–01, 13–16 and 15–17, as applicable
ensure all witness statements and other evidence is gathered prior to reporting off duty, or make arrangements for this to be completed as soon as possible
if the Service vehicle is equipped with an in–car camera system (ICCS) video, review the video and
if the SIU mandate has been or may be invoked, comply with Procedures 13–16 and 15–17, if applicable
if required for court or training purposes, request a copy of the ICCS video evidence from the Property and Video Evidence Management Unit (PVEMU) by e–mail; indicating date, time and fleet number, as soon as practicable
conduct an internal investigation to determine if any of the following apply in relation to the involved member
criminal offence
provincial offence
conduct issue
training requirement
no further action required
complete a TPS 559 for each Service vehicle involved, include the circumstances of the SVC and complete the Supervisor’s Determination section
ensure the damage is recorded on the appropriate Vehicle Damage Report in the unit file
send a copy of the SRLD401 or eReport to the Unit Commander – Fleet & Materials Management (FLT) forthwith
Where shall the supervisory officer send a copy of the SRLD401 or eReport to forthwith?
the Unit Commander – Fleet & Materials Management (FLT)
Supervisory Officer
When in receipt of a SVCR shall review for completeness, accuracy and investigative integrity and submit to
Officer in Charge prior to reporting off duty
Supervisory Officer
When detailed to attend a reportable or non-reportable SVC that has occurred outside the City of Toronto shall
promptly attend the scene to provide assistance and conduct an internal investigation
notify the involved member’s Officer in Charge of any recent updates to the SVC
liaise with the investigating officer and/or supervisory officer on scene
obtain a copy of the collision report from the investigating officer
complete a TPS 559 for each Service vehicle involved, include the circumstances of the SVC and complete the Supervisor’s Determination section
ensure the damage is recorded on the appropriate Vehicle Damage Report in the unit file
send a copy of the SRLD401 or eReport to the Unit Commander – Fleet & Materials Management (FLT) forthwith
comply with Procedures 13–16 and 15–17, if applicable
Supervisory Officer
When criminal or provincial charges are warranted against the involved member shall:
if immediate action is not required, consult with the involved member’s Unit Commander prior to laying a charge
if immediate action is required, take appropriate action, then advise the involved member’s Unit Commander as soon as practicable
initiate the applicable charge
when a conduct issue is identified shall comply with the applicable procedures contained in Chapter 13
Supervisory Officer
Upon receipt of a Provincial Offences – Notice of Trial shall
assume the role of case manager, as appropriate
comply with Procedures 12–01 and 12–08
Supervisory Officer
Shall consider all other factors involved in a collision and identify the appropriate measures to address them, such as:
training, equipment placement in car, etc.
Officer in Charge
When notified of a SVC which has occurred:
1 ____________________
2 ____________________
3 ____________________
shall ensure that a supervisory officer is assigned to attend the scene and conduct an internal investigation, if applicable.
- within the divisional boundaries, or
- outside the boundary of the members’ division and inside the City of Toronto, or
- when detailed by the Officer in Charge – Toronto Police Operations Centre (TPOC)
Officer in Charge
When notified of a SVC which has occurred outside of the City of Toronto shall notify
Officer in Charge – TPOC.
Officer in Charge
When in receipt of a SVCR shall review for completeness, accuracy and systemic integrity and ensure
the collision is investigated in compliance with this Procedure and Procedures 04–21, 07–01, 13–16 and 15–17, as applicable
if the Service vehicle is equipped with an ICCS video, the ICCS video has been reviewed and
if the SIU mandate has been or may be invoked, comply with Procedures 13–16 and 15–17, if applicable
a copy of the ICCS video evidence is requested from PVEMU by e–mail; indicating date, time and fleet number, as soon as practicable
a copy of the SRLD401 or eReport has been sent to FLT
if concurring with the report submit
- the original to TSV Unit Commander (Designate) - Review
- a copy to the involved member’s Unit Commander