Serverless Architecture Flashcards
What is Lambda?
AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing the underlying servers. It’s like you’re running code without computers.
What is the max amount of ram that a Lambda function can have?
Whats the longest a Lambda function can run?
15 minutes.
What is AWS Serverless Application Repository?
Allows users to easily find, deploy, or even publish their own serverless application
What is the AWS SAM Template?
A manifest
What are the two options for AWS Serverless Application Repository
1) Publish
2) Deploy
What is AWS Fargate best used for?
When you have containers that do not need to run all the time.
Is Fargate a serverless tool?
Do you need ECS or EKS to use Fargate?
What is AWS EventBridge?
Formely Cloudwatch Events
is a serverless event bus. It allows you to pass events from source to an endpoint. It is essentially the glue that holds your serverless application together.
What AWS feature can alert a variety of different endpoints like Lambda functions, that something has happened when any API call that happens?
AWS EventBridge
What is Amazon ECR?
Elastic Container Registry
An AWS-managed container image repository
What Formats does Amazon ECR support?
Docker Images
OCI Images
OCI-compatible artifacts.
What are lifecycle Policies in AWS ECR?
Rules defining when to expire and remove unused or older images
What is Image Scanning for AWS ECR?
Scan on push repository settings allow for identifying software vulnerabilities in your container image