Serum Protein Flashcards
What are the three primary causes of hypoproteinemia?
Inadequate intake Inadequate production Increased loss
What are the causes of inadequate intake?
Starvation Maldigestion or maloabsorption Intestinal parasitism
Causes of Inadequate production
Severe liver disease i.e. neoplasia, cirrhosis, shunt
How can excessive protein be lost?
Renal GI Hemorrhage Severe exudative skin lesions Repeated effusive draining
What are possible causes of hypoalbuminemia with hypoglobulinemia?
Blood loss Protein losing enteropathy (usually diarrhea) Exudative skin lesions
When might you see hypoalbuminemia with normal or elevated glubulins?
Liver failure Glomerular disease GI (usually not)
When will you see normal albumin with hypoglobulinemia?
Super rare Failure of passive transfer or immunodeficiency (SCID or FIV)
What other substances might be decreased if your hypoalbuminemia is caused by malabsorption or maldigestion?
Glucose Cholesterol Urea
If hypoalbuminemia is caused by inadequate production, what else will be seen on panel? How can you differentiate production or maldigestion?
Glucose Cholesterol Urea If it is production, globulin will likely be high due to liver not filtering antigens
What is typically seen with nephrotic syndrome?
Hypoalbuminemia hypercholesterolemia proteinuria edema/ascites
You see a patient with emaciation and ascites. Abdominal fluid is a low protein transudate. Based on biochemical profile, what do you suspect?
Protein losing enteropathy suggested by hypoalbuminemia AND hypoglobulinemia along with clinical signs.
At what albumin value would you begin to expect ascites and edema?
An older patient presents to you with vomiting and enlarged popliteal lymph nodes, CBC is unremarkable except a very slight non-regenerative anemia. Based on the biochemical profile, what do you suspect?
Hypoalbuminemia, hyperglobulinemia, hypercholesterolemia are suggestive of the onset of nephrotic syndrome.
What is the only possible cause of hyperalbuminemia?
What are the two forms of hyperglobulinemia?
What are their primary causes?
Monoclonal - neoplasia
Polyclonal - inflammation