Sermon Building Flashcards
The total objective (also called the ultimate, supreme, or comprehensive objective) is to bring —– to people
D. Life
Whenever Christianity has made substantial progress ——- has led the way
B. Great preaching
Correctly defined, the text is a complete unit of ——– which serves as scriptural fabric of structure of the sermon.
C biblical thought
Preaching is designed to meet human need?
A planned program of preaching ensures a better balance in the preachers ——–
B topics and texts
Serious and eternal issues are involved in the proclamation of this truth. Lives today and —— tomorrow depend upon accurate and effective interpretation of the truth of God revealed in scripture.
A. Eternal destiny
By —————- interpretation is meant the interpretation of scripture required by the laws of grammar and the facts of history
B biblical grammatical
True interpretation seeks to understand the truths of passage of scripture by careful grammatical-theological analysis against its historical background.
Next, the preacher should write a central idea of the text (CIT) in —— words or less
C. 18
Stating an aim in this manner will enable the preacher to concentrate on preparation. Having a ——— will help focus all thought and force in the sermon toward achieving the desired result
D. Major objective
Illustrations are needed in sermons. They are needed to reach the present-day ——– mind
B visual oriented
The ———, baptism, the lords supper are symbols
A. Cross
Biblical preaching has almost nothing to do with how many times the Bible is quoted in a sermon and everything to do with how faithfully the bible is ——- in relation to contemporary experience.
C. Interpreted
An era of decadent Christianity is upon us if the belief in a
B. Biblical inspiration
Boldness is not ——— in the spirit or in word
B arrogance
The sermon has three major structural parts
A. Intro body conclusion
The finest skills available to the preacher should be used to ensure the ——– accomplishes it’s high purpose
D conclusion
Roughly ————– percent of the sermon content may be devoted to the preparing the way for the sermon body
A. 10-15%
The aim of the preacher is to win a ———-. The pulpit is not a lecture platform; the sermon is not a lecture
B. Response
Image level communication seeks to help the congregation to ——– in order to feel the message.
C. See
The preacher must be relevant to this ———, to people of this culture
D. Generation
Have a preference for big words
In spite of its importance, delivery is the most ——- area of sermon prep
A neglected
When attire calls attention to the ——– rather than the message, it is inappropriate
B speaker
The textbook indicates 8 essential steps to sermon building and devotes a chapter to each of the steps. Name the authors 8 steps to the sermon
- Understand the task
- Discover the idea of the sermon
- Interpret the text
- Organize the material
- Mature the idea
- Formulate the structure
- Finish the sermon
- Deliver the sermon