Serious Crime Flashcards
Objectives of a Crime Scene Investigation
Corroborate or contest witness and victim accounts
Back up (corroborate) or exclude other evidence
Exonerate the innocent
Exclude possible defences
Has an offence occurred (establish)
Identify people associated with the crime
Verify admissions and confessions
Establish key elements of the crime
Suspect - identify the suspect
Responsibilities of the OC Scene
Control, freeze, preserve the scene and ensure it is safe
Overseeing and coordinating crime scene examination
Providing a communication link between OC investigation and scene
Planning forensic scene examination
Ensuring scene is photographed, fingerprinted and examined by specialists before it is searched
Briefing staff on their duties
Creating a Common Approach Path from outer cordon to scene focal point
Reconnaissance to get an overall picture, and testing possible reconstruction
Inspecting, Uplifting and ensuring delivery of labelled exhibits to exhibit recorder
Proving relevance of exhibits in court
What is a reconnaissance
A reconnaissance is:
- The preliminary inspection or survey of the scene made to get an overall picture, without disturbing any evidence
- An assessment providing information allowing you to make/formulate:
- A plan of action
- An appreciation
- A preliminary reconstruction
Steps for conducting a reconstruction
Gather all available info from staff/witnesses/complaints
Create a common approach path
Look for :
- offenders routes in and out of scene, seat of activity
- extensions to scene
- obvious evidence
Sketch scene, briefly note anything of significance
Note and be prepared to cope with anything that may change e.g.: weather, foot/shoe prints may evaporate / be washed away in the tide
Reconsider boundaries, extend if necessary
What a scene strategy should cover
Starting place, e.g.: offender point of entry
Logical and systematic search method
Likelihood of evidence deteriorating, e.g.: blood or explosives, clear a path get examined asap
Any specialists required
Individual tasks and areas of responsibility assigned
Recording system to be used, e.g.: inventories, exhibit schedule, searcher jobsheets
Exhibit handling
Consider photographing in situ
Package, seal and label as soon as taken
Securely seal all packages and containers with tape, sign across tape
Label each package with :
- exhibit number
- description of item
- location of item
- time and date found / collected
- name of person exhibit seized from (if applicable)
- Who seized by
Store and transport samples, and items from each suspect/victim/scene in separate outer containers
Benefits of an appreciation technique
Informs staff of what is expected of them Increases chances of success Establishes sequence of activities to be carried out Eliminates duplication Ensures nothing is over looked Effective use of resources Reduces uncertainty Manages Risk
Exhibit numbering system
Should be simple, efficient and: (BACE)
- Be consistent
- Allow delegation of exhibit numbers to staff
- Compatible with technology
- Encompass all exhibits
Initial responsibilities / General investigation model
Victim - identify and locate
Appreciation - make initial appreciation, assess personal risk, then preserve lives of others
Witnesses - locate and contain
Scene - Preserve, set boundaries
Exhibits - note and preserve any that would otherwise be lost
Ingredients - Consider whether ingredients of offence established
Powers - identify powers available, and consider to execute them
Offender - Identify and apprehend
Control People at the Scene
- Take control
- exercise warrantless search powers if appropriate
- Clear scene of people, and contain then nearby
- identify and locate complainant, prelim interview
- Arrange a detailed interview and statement
Responsibilities of OC Body (12points)
The OC Body must :
- Ensure death is certified by Dr or advanced paramedic
- Maintain security and continuity of body/samples/exhibits from scene to commencement of PM
- Secure and guard body/samples/exhibits with dignity and respect
- Note and record:
- observations of the body
- details of medical staff or others attended body
- any action taken in respect of the body - Establish if body has been moved/disturbed
- Ensure photographed in situ
- On authority of OC Investigation arrange:
- transport of body to mortuary
- formal ID procedures - Complete sudden death procedures
- Obtain medical records of deceased
OC Body and Exhibits
The OC Body is responsible for recording, labelling, packaging, sealing and securing all samples taken from PM. All exhibits must be packaged and sealed before leaving mortuary
Stripping the body (12 points)
1) Body must only be stripped in presence of pathologist
2) Remove body from mortuary fridge, transport to PM exam room
3) Remove body from body bag causing minimal damage
4) Seize body bag, sheets and wrappings from body as exhibits
5) Instruct police photographer to take photographs before and after body is disrobed
6) Remove items of clothing
- avoid cutting clothing, if unavoidable cut in areas least likely to have evidence
- search pockets and keep and inventory of contents
7) Make an inventory of each item of clothing/possession
8) Label each item and possession
9) Seal each item in separate exhibit bag
10) Avoid cross contamination
11) Maintain security and continuity of exhibits until PM commences
12) in cases of head trauma, consider placing a sieve in mortuary table drain hole to collect trace evidence that may be washed away
Role and function of Family Liaison Officer
The role of the FLO involves the day to day management of the partnership between the family of the deceased and the police investigation. The primary function of the FLO is of an investigator, and not of a support person. FLO must offer, facilitate and co-ordinate support that address the needs of the family
Responsibilities of File Manager
- Assist with establishing and maintaining investigation HQ
- Operate paper flow and associated structure in accordance with serious crime template
- Manage electronic and physical files
- Support 2IC by reading all documents and highlighting important information to 2IC
- Assist 2IC with identification and recording of evidential material
- Complete a synopsis of information received throughout investigation
- Ensure a flow of information throughout the investigation
- Assist with preparation of prosecution file
- Assist with management of trial
Responsibilities of OC Area Canvas FESQRAMP
Forms - ensure all completed and actioned as outlined
Emphasis - the need for thoroughness, every person in every household must be seen personally
Summarise - situation, and detail duties and responsibilities of team members
Questionnaire - only a guide to ensure questions are asked, and is flexible
Reconcile - completed locations with a master copy to avoid duplications
Advise staff on:
- what action to take if: id suspect/locate evidence/individuals refuse to assist
- how to complete correspondence flow
- what information can and cannot be disclosed
Maps - use to record every address visited
Probative value of evidence must be in a formal written statement and the questionnaire endorsed if statement taken
PREVENTION FIRST - Graduated Response Model
BRONZE VICTIM: (FGR2A3DSC) Follow police policy for crime type Gather information Refer if appropriate to: - Victim support - other support agency Ask the victim: - any undisclosed offences - if would like a support person - how they would like to receive communication in ongoing investigation cases e.g. phone/email/letter Discuss prevention opportunities Send a letter of prevention advice if appropriate Consider area canvas in cacoon, and give prevention advise
PREVENTION FIRST - Graduated Response Model
Bronze response, and:
Referral if appropriate to:
- tasking and co-ordination
- other support agencies, e.g.: strengthening families
Follow up:
- face to face visit with victim
- phone call subsequent to prevention advice
PREVENTION FIRST - Graduated Response Model
Silver response, and:
Visit by officer:
- to assess needs of victim
- update victim on investigation progress
- gain consent to engage and contact neighbours and family to keep a watchful eye
- engage victim in crime prevention advice
- consider obtaining privacy waiver consent
Increased directed patrols in neighbourhood
Target hardening - personal alarms/ increased security
Develop and implement Victim intervention plan
Referral to tasking and coordination
Graduated Response model - Offenders
bail conditions/opposition to bail, prevention opportunities, intel
Bronze response and:
Prevention visit by officer to discuss consequence of actions,
If offender and victim known to each other, consider support agency that addresses needs of both
Follow up phone calls over 2 week period
Silver, and Intell led targeting of offender
Emergency Intervention (Graduated response model)
Emergency operation response overrides GRM, however consider GRM as follow up to emergency situation
Responsibilities of OC Exhibits
The OC exhibits is responsible for establishing and maintaining exhibit management systems and for maintaining the physical security and continuity of all exhibits.
Forensic strategy meetings (what is)
Forensic strategy meetings are held to determine which exhibit or other forensic examinations are required and the priority of those examinations
Topics covered in forensic strategy meetings
What examinations ESR and others could conduct on exhibits
The priority of each examination
Any further work required to assist a reconstruction
A plan for any further work required to assist the reconstruction
An agreed reconstruction
Submission of Exhibits for Examination
Ensure exhibit examination decisions are confirmed at forensic strategy meeting
Record all decisions about exhibit examinations in exhibits register
Ensure O/C Investigation authorised proposed examination
Ensure exhibits are:
- packaged separately/sealed/labelled/numbered
- a list of all items is attached to pol143
- the list on the pol143 is consistent with labels on exhibits
- exhibits in appropriate condition - e.g. clothing dried, blood refrigerated
Pol 143 must contain:
- brief circumstances of offence, purpose of examination, location of where exhibit originates from, whether damp or require special attention
- authorisation from supervisor
Deliver exhibits promptly to avoid deterioratoin
Family Liaison Plan
Assess most appropriate method for interviewing family
Information to be released or withheld from family
Requests made by family that have been refused, and reason why
Objective of family liaison
Liaison with victim support and other agencies
Any family members who are suspects, how to deal with
Complainants made by family, and action taken in respect of
Exit plan of FLO
Selection of FLO
Preserving the scene
Identify the scene - freeze, control, preserve, guard,
Clear scene of people
Conduct an initial assessment of scene
Use common approach path
Brief scene guards on duties
Establish scene boundaries/perimeters
If no immediate risk to life, consider using stepping plates
Make appropriate records, who what, when, where, why, how
Preserve fragile evidence/ exhibits exposed to elements
Make accurate notes and advise OC invest asap
Sketch scene / take initial photographs
Logistics - request extra staff or resources if required
Dealing with Suspects at Scenes
Identify routes used by suspect to arrive/leave
Isolate from other people
Ask suspect to remain and co-operate,
if suspect refuses to co-operate consider:
- whether grounds to arrest exist and
- cautioning the suspect
if suspect is arrest - caution the suspect
Consider searching suspect under S+S12
Note suspects appearance, demeanour, condition
Record any comments made by suspect
Consider a prelim if appropriate, take suspect to police station
Police Responsibilities to Witnesses
MAINTAIN contact with:
- witnesses to ensure not subject to intimidation
- witnesses appearance in Court (summonsed) - witnesses are briefed and updated on proceedings - appropriate documentation completed to ensure witnessest are registered with justice system, and victim views are heard, e.g.: CSV1, VIS, sec29 VRA, op to bail
ARRANGE if necessary for:
- name suppression - alternative ways of giving evidence - interpretors - witness expenses to be paid
CONTROL witnesses, ensure they do not:
- discuss case in public areas of court - have contact with jurors - discuss case with witnesses who have yet to give evidence - in cases of media interest ensure witnesses/victims are advised of consequences of speaking to media ie jeopardising case
- order of witnesses, generally OC exhibits first so other witnesses can refer to exhibits - witness welfare issues
- witnesses refresh memory by reading previously signed statements and transcripts
OC Body and Exhibits
The OC Body is responsible for recording, labelling, packaging, sealing and securing all physical exhibits relating to the body, including samples taken during the PM.
All exhibits must be packaged and sealed before leaving the mortuary without exception, and will be recorded in a Scene Exhibit Schedule