series expansions and complex numbers Flashcards
what is the real and imaginary part of a complex number z = a + ib
a = real
ib = imaginary
conjugation: z = a + ib, z* =
z* = a - ib
i =
i = sqrt(-1)
i^2 =
i^2 = -1
argand diagram: r^2 =
r^2 = x^2 + y^2
argand diagram: tan(theta) =
tan(theta) = y/x
polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates
z = r(cos(theta) + isin(theta))
r =
r = radius (vector length)
theta =
theta = angle
omega =
omega = angular frequency
if omega is constant, phi (t) =
phi(t) = omega*t + theta, with theta = phi at t = 0
formula for locus of point on the unit circle with theta = 0, z =
z = cos (omegat) + isin(omegat)
euler’s formula, exp(ix) = and exp(-ix) =
exp(ix) = cos(x)+ isin(x) and exp(-ix) = cos(x) - isin(x)
euler’s formula, cos(x) =
cos(x) = (exp(ix) + exp(-ix))/2
euler’s formula, sin(x) =
sin(x) = i(exp(-ix) - exp(ix))/2