Series 79 Flashcards
Any person who performs investment banking activities is required to do what?
Pass the series 79 exam
Is an employee who is engaged in both investment banking activities and general securities business required to pass only the 7?
No - he is required to pass both the 79 and 7
Is receiving any parts of an examination from any person considered to be a violation?
How long must candidates wait after failing an exam the first or second time to take the second or third exam?
30 days
How long must candiates wait after failing an exam for the third time?
180 days
What must agents do in addition to qualifying under FINRA rules (ie passing the 79)
Must ensure proper registration in each state as well (most states require the series 63 examination in addition to the 79)
Along with the individuals who are required to be registered in a state, what must be true of the securities that are sold?
Each security that is sold to a customer must either be registered (blue-skyed) under state law or be exempt from registration. If there is more that one state involved (e.g. the RR works in one state, but the client resides in another state), the security must generally be registered or exempt in each jurisdiction
If there is more than one state involved (e.g. the RR works in one state but the client resides in another state), the security must be what with respect to each state?
The security must be registered or exempt in each jurisdiction
If a person who is associated with a FINRA member firm has been indicted or pleads guilty to any felony or misdemeanor that involves the purchase or sale of a security, theft, robbery, burglary, extortion, forgery, or counterfeiting, the event must be what?
Reported to FINRA
If a person is not subsequently convicted of the act, is he subject to voluntary disqualification?
No - however, if found guilty he may be subject to statutory disqualification and may no longer be associated with a FINRA member firm in any capacity - even in an unregistered capacity
What must a firm do in order to continue to employee someone who has been subject to statutory disqualification?
A firm must file an MC-400 (membership continuation) with FINRA requesting special permission through a process referred to as an Eligibility Proceeding
When a registered representative resigns or is terminated from employment with a member firm, what is the firm required to do?
They are required to notify FINRA within 30 days by filing a u5 form with the applicable details
When a registered rep resigns or is terminated from employment with a member firm, the member firm is required to file a specific form with FINRA, what is that form? Who is also, in addition to FINRA, required to be provided with a copy of this form?
a U5 form. The firm is also required to provide the former employee with a copy of the form
What does the U5 form state?
The U5 states whether the termination was voluntary or involuntary as well as any relevant compliance information
What are the four ways that issuers have to obtain money?
- Remove funds from their bank accounts
- Borrow from a bank
- Borrow from the public (issue bonds)
- Offer an ownership stake (equity) in their company to the public in return for the needed capital
What is a primary offering?
In a primary offering, the corporation (issuer) seeks to sell its securities directly to investors
Is the weekly offering of treasury bills by the US government an example of a primary offerin?
How do secondary markets help firms raise money?
Although the resale of securities has no direct effect on the issuing entity, the ability to resell a stock or bond (liquidity) increases an investor’s willingnes to raise additional capital in the future
How are trading markets traditionally broken down (two categories)
- Physical trading floors (NYSE)
2. Electronic marketplaces (Nasdaq)
Issuers that are seeking access to capital often approach financial firms for assistance. Many of these firms are referred to as broker-dealers - what is that?
The term broker dealer refers to the two possible capacities in which a firm may act when affecting a transaction
What is a broker?
A broker is defined as any person engaged in the business of effecting transactions in securities for the account of others
What is a dealer?
A dealer is defined as any person engaged in the business of buying and selling securities for its own account
Broker dealer departments include investment banking, sales, trading, and operations - what is investment banking?
Investment banking is the area that works directly with the issuers to arrange and structure the needed financing. For example, these financial professional may advise an issuer whether it should sell stocks, bonds, or a combination of both to obtain funds. Investment bankers are often referred to as underwriters
Broker dealer departments include investment banking, sales, trading, and operations - what is sales?
Sales professional are often referred to as registered representatives (RRs). Historically, these personnel were referred to as stock brokers or bond brokers. Financial professional who work in the sales area market products to both retail investors (individuals) and institutions such as pension plans and college endowments
Broker dealer departments include investment banking, sales, trading, and operations - what is trading?
Trading professionals handle the execution of trades for both the firm’s clients and the firm’s own account. These executions (trades) may occur on an exchange or in the over the counter market
Broker dealer departments include investment banking, sales, trading, and operations - what is operations?
This department ensures that all paperwork, funds, and securities transfers that are associated with a trade (or processing) are handled efficiently and in accordance with industry standards, Operations personnel perform functions such as generating customer statements, confirmations, and tax records, as well as engaging in the transfer of securities and/or funds. THese personnel are also responsible for verifying that all firm and client assets are organized properly and safeguarded
The major regulation for capital raising, trading, and clearing are heavily regulated. The major regulation comes from laws - also referred to as what?
Laws (also referred to as Acts) that are passed by Congress and enforced by the SEC
Who creates and enforces day to day operations?
day to day rules are often handled by SROs, such as FINRA
Yes , the financial industry regulatory authority (FINRA) is an SRO)
Compliance professionals create a series of house rules that will form the basis for what?
A firm’s written supervisory procedures (WSP)
Under SRO rules, what must each individual who seeks registration with a member firm complete?
A form U4
Who is the form U4 filed with and reviewed by?
The central registration depository (CRD)
Potential customers may obtain certain information about the disciplinary history of registered representatives from the CRD system by calling a toll-free telephone number or through FINRA’s online BrokerCheck system
Could a “yes” answer to some of the questions on the U4 form lead to a statutory disqualification
Statutory disqualification refers to the denial of an application for registration based solely on past transgressions, such as:
- Being expelled or suspended from a SRO
- Having a registration denied, suspended, or revoked by the SEC or another regulatory agency (including the commodity futures trading commission and foreign regulators)
- Violating, or assisting in the violation, of any securities or commodities law, or any rule of the MSRB
- Failing to reasonably supervise a subordinate who violateds rules. This does not apply if (1) there was a supervisory system in place which would reasonably be expected to detect the violation, and (2) the supervisor reasonably discharged duties under the system
- Being convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving false reports, bribery, perjury, crimes related to funds or securities, or any other felony within the last 10 years
A convicted felon is barred from the operating the securities business for 10 years from the time of her conviction
Note - a disqualified person may apply to an SRO to enter or reenter the securities industry before the 10year period has elapsed
By signing the form U4, registered representatives also agree to file timely amendments if any information on the form changes
Under SEC rule 17f-2, what are required of any registered employees of a broker dealer - including representatives and principals - an exception is made for employees who are not engaged in the sale of securities, do not have access to funds or securities, and do not handle or process funds or securities
If answers to certain questions on a U5 change within 30 days following termination, an updated (amended) form must be filed - t/f?
If a person who was previously registered seeks employment with another member firm, the new firm must do what?
Investigate the person’s qualifications - to accomplish this investigation, the firm must, within 60 days of filing Form U4 for the new employee, reveiw the form U5 that was submitted by the person’s previous employer
If an applicants potential employer requests a copy of a form U5, it must be provided within how many business days of the request?
2 - however, if the applicant does not have a copy of Form U5, he must promptly request a copy from from his former employer and then provide it to the requesting firm within two business days of receipt
FINRA retains jurisdiction over a registered representative for two years following any termination of registration - therefore, if an individual decides to return to a brokerage firm as a registered representative, he will be able to do so without having to requalify with FINRA (essentially wihtout retaking his regulatory exam) if he becomes employed by a member firm within that two year period
What is the most inclusive registered representative registration (which allows you to sell any security)
The series 7
What is investment banking defined as?
Work being performed by associated persons of a broker-delaer which primarily involves:
- Advising on or facilitating debt or equity securities offerings through a private placement or a public offering, including origination, underwriting, marketing, structuring, syndication, and pricing of such securities and managing the allocation and stabilization activities of such offerings
- Advising on or facilitating mergers and acquisitions, tender offers, financial restructurings, asset sales divestitures or other corporate reorganizations or business combination transactions including but not limited to rendering a fairness, solvency, or similar opinion
Does the definition of investment banking cover individuals whose investment banking work is limited to public municipal finance offerings or direct participation program offerings (limited parnterships)
No - also, this registration category does not cover individuals whose investment banking work is limited to effecting private securities offerings
Does FINRA consider the content of its qualification exams to be confidential?
If a person is found guilty of any felony or misdemeanor that involves the purchase or sales of a security, theft, robbery, burglary, extortion, forgery, or counterfeiting, he may be subject to statutory disqualification and may no longer be associated with a FINRA member firm in any capacity - even in an unregistered capacity - t/f?
What must a firm file in order to continue to employ someone who was subject to statutory disqualification?
An MC-400 with FINRA requesting special permission through a process referred to as an Eligibility proceeding
If an MC-400 is denied, and the employee is terminated what must the firm file?
The firm must file a Form U5
What are the activities of non-registered persons within a broker dealer limited to?
- Extend invitation to firm-sponsored events
- Inquire as to whether a prospective customer wished to discuss investments with a registered representative
- Inquire as to whether a prospective cusomter wished to receive sales material from the firm
non-registered persons my not solicit orders or new accounts, provide investment advice, make recommendations, give pricing information, or execute transactions on behalf of the firm
Note - they can’t even solicit new accounts
In situations in which an associated person of a foreign broker-dealer is permitted to make sales calls in the US, she must be accompanied by a registered representative of a US broker-dealer and any sales that are effected must be appear on the books and records of the US broker dealer
Must all registered persons participate in an annual compliance review which may be conducted as an individual meeting with each representative or as a group meeting - in either case, the meeting must include a discussion of compliance issues that are relevant to the business of the representatives involved. The emphasis of the meeting should be on regulation and complaince, but not product knowledge
Note - participation in these annual compliance meetings should be documented
A member firms registered and associated persons are also required to participate in an industry mandated continuing education (CE) program
The mandatory CE program is broken down into 2 parts, what are they?
- The regulatory element
2. The firm element - which is the responsibility of each broker-dealer
How often must registered persons participate in regulatory element training?
On the second anniversary of their initial securities registration and every three years thereafter - this requirement continues for as long as a person is associated with a member firm in a registered capacity
How many days in advance will FINRA notify a broker-dealer of a registered representative’s appropriate anniversary date for taking the regulatory element of his or her continuing education?
FINRA will notify a broker-dealer of a registered representative’s appropriate anniversary date 30 days in advance
Is the anniversary for continuing education always related to the representative’s initial date of registration?
No - the anniversary date could be a representative’s initial registration or a significant disciplinary action (since certain disciplinary actions “restart the clock”)
Once notification is made, the represnative has how many days to complete the regulatory element training before his registration becomes inactive?
120 days - note, the the registration becomes inactive, the rep cannot perform any activity or receive any compensation that requires securities registration
If an inactive status exceeds two years, a person must requalify for registration by retaking the appropraite examination - t/f?
What is a covered person?
Any registered person who has direct contact with customers while conducting a member firm’s securities sales, trading, or investment banking activities, and her immediate supervisor is considered a covered person with regard to the firm element of continuing education
What must firms do on an annual basis with respect to the training of their covered personnel?
At least once per year, each firm must demonstrate to the regulators that it has analyzed and prioritized the training needs of its covered personnel and developed a written training plan based on that needs analysis
A broker-dealer must maintain records documenting the content of its program and the completion of the program by its covered registered persons
Is a broker-dealer;s firm element plan required to be submitted for regulatory review?
No - the broker-dealer’s firm element is not required to be submitted for review unless requested - but the broker dealer must maintain records documenting content of program and the completion of the program by covered registered persons
Is it true that registered persons who are called into active military service are exempt from the two year inactive status limitation that normally applies to registration reinstatement?
During the period of active military service, individuals are not permitted to function as registered representatives by contracting customersl however, they may continue to receive compensation based on their previous securities transactions
If a person doesn’t register within 90 days of the completion of active duty, she has the standard two years to register - t/f?
True (minus the time between termination and engaging in active serivce)
The demand to sit for regulatory element of continuing education based on the second anniversary of initial registration is tolled during the period of active military service. THerefore, the demand to sit for Regulatory element of continuing education base don the second anniversary of initial registration and each three years thereafter is halted while the person is in active military service
What is the main federal law that covers the operation of the secondary markets?
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the Exchange Act)
What does the securities act of 1934 cover?
- Regulation of transactions in the secondary market including anti-manipulation rules and regulation of the extension of credit in securities transactions
- Registration and regulation of broker dealers
- oversight of industry self-regulatory organizations
- Registration and regulation of companies that have securities trading in the secondary market, including regular financial disclosures, proxy rules, and insider reporting
What are some securities that are exempt from some aspects of the securities exchange act of 1934?
Certain securities, such as US government securities and municipal securities are exempt from some aspects of the securities exchange act of 1934
THe exchange act authorized the creation of the securities and exchange commission (SEC) which is charged with what?
Enforcing the securities laws and creating rules to implement those laws
What created the SEC?
the exchange act of 1934
How are members of the SEC appointed?
They are appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the senate
How many commissioners are there in the SEC? Are there any regulations on how many of these commissioners can be from the same political party?
5 - no more than 3 of these commissioners may be from the same political party
How long are the terms of the commissioners of the SEC?
5 years - may not participate in securities transactions over their tenure
What does the phrase “manipulative, deceptiv, or other fraudulent device or contrivance” is considered to include any untrue statement of a material fact and any omission of a material fact that is necessary to make the statements made not misleading
What is the most high-profile application of Rule 10b-5?
insider trading (but there are other manipulative acts such as wash sales, matched orders, and pool activities that are also prohibited
What are wash sales?
Wash sale represent the purchase and sale of securities by an individual without any beneficial change of ownerhship for the purpose of raising or depressing the price of the security
Matched sales are essentially cooperative wash sales?
Can an individual who suffers damages due to the manipulation of the price of a security sue the manipulator for recovery of the damages?
How long is the statute of limitations for manipulative activities?
3 years from the occurence of the manipulative activity or one year of discovery - whichever comes first
Is it acceptable to state that a firm is registered with the SEC, but fraudulent to state that any activities effected by a firm are approved by a regulatory body?
Are pro-forma financial statements allowed?
Yes - but a pro forma financial statement that projects the income or capital structure resulting from a business combination is allowed, but the securities act considers the use of the statements fraudulent unless the assumptions upon which the statements are based are clearly disclosed
Generally, the circulation of rumore is prohibited; however, unsubstantiated rumors that are published in some of widely circultated media may be discussed - t/f?
True - especially if the source of the rumors and the fact that they are unsubstantiated is disclosed
Is a FINRA member allowed to circulate a quote if the quote is not a bona fide bid for, or offer for the security?
No - A FINRA member is not permitted to publish or circulate a quote unless (the member) believes the quote to be a bona fide bid for, or offer for the security
Any quote that is not firm must be indicated as what?
Nominal or subject
To balance legitminate reasons why an issuer may choose to legitimately purchase its own stock in the open market, such as through stock buyback plans or funding employee stock purchase plans with the temptation to illegally increasing the price of its stock, the SEC has created what rule
rule 10b-18