Series 63 Flashcards
National secuirities markets improvement act
-1966 eliminate duplicate regulation between states
State vs fed covered advisor registration amount
SEC:fed covered advisors with 100-110M fed reg. 90 buffer so doesn’t have to deregister
state below 100M
mid size: 25 mil or more that must register in 15 or more states can opt to be SEC
issuer/ non issuer
issuer- any person who issues or proposes to issue a secuirity
nonissuer- person who is not defined under act like purchaser. secondary transactions
institutional buyer
distinguished from gen public
-banks, savings and loans, trust companies, insurance companies, investment companies, pension and profit sharing plans
broker dealer
engages in business effecting secuirities transactions for the account of others, or his own account (proprietary trading)
agency vs principal
agency- firm effects trades for others
principal- firm trades out of its own accounts, dealer
NOT broker dealers
depository institutions
firms that trad with professional investors with no place of business
firms that contact existing clients on vacation in another state
de minimis exemption
individual who represents BD or issuer effecting secuirities transactions. sales rep.
exclusions from agent
(only apply to individuals representing issuers, not BD)
- sales of specified exempt secuirities
- exempt transactions
- sales of specified covered secuirities
- sales of secuirities to employees of issuer if no comission is paid
exempt transactions
- non isssuer transaction in the secondary market
- transactions between issuers and underwriters since public not involved
- trsnaction with financial or instiutional investors. exempt because investors are sophisticated
covered securities
- cannot be required to register in state, only SEC
- traded on national secuirities do not have this exclusion
- treasury/agency and muni
- bank issues
- money market instruments
- contracts issued in connection with pension plans
- employees of issuer if no comp is paid
- qualified wealth ypurchasers
covered trsnaction
- federal private placement rule 506 reg D
- qualified purchasers
- natural persons who own at least 5 mil
- pre existing trust for persons above
- any other person acting for own account or qualified purchasers who own and invest discretionary baiss 25mil
investment advisor
- give advice for fee and must register in state
- engages in business of advising others directly or indirectly
- issues or promulgate analysis or reports concerning secuirities as regular part of business
- fed covered advisor
excluded from IA
- depository institutions (banks, savings, loans, trusts
- professionals- laywers, accountants, engineers, teachers
- publishers that do not give specific advise
federal covered advisor
must register with SEC, state not required
100mil+ assets or
advise investment companies
-any person excluded from investment adviser under 1940 act
investment advisor rep
any partner officer, director or other individual employed by IA who
- makes recomendations or gives secuirity advice
- manages accounts or portfolios of clients
- determines which recommendations or advice regarding secuiritiies
- solicits, offers or negotiates for sale of investment advisory services
- supervises employees who perform functions above
exluded from IAR
clerical or ministerial duties
north american secuiriites admin association
-each state has jurisdiction to require reg of individuals assoicated with fed covered advisors
Form BD
used to register with state or with SEC
- check of SROs register with SRO self regulatory org like FINRA if with SEC
- check off states if state. pay reg fee
-unlike IAs, BD’s must register with BOTH SEC and in each state. balance and computed net capital (liquid net worth( filed with both). surety bond just with state
Agents dual reg
-cannot be affiliated with more than one BD at one time unless affiliated (some states allow dual reg)
-if admin allows dual reg, must be disclosed to BD
(separate aplication for each)
IARs of fed covered advisors
- if IAR is phsyically present in state, they must register
- if IAR is not present in state and fed covered adviser files notice in state, IAR must register in state
- if IAR solicits business there but is not in state, IA must notice filing and IAR must register
reg applicaiton
- reg application
- form of business organization
- place of business and proposed method for doing business
- qualifications and business history
- injunctions, admin orders or convictions
- financial condition and history
-consent to service process (only required for initial applications)
fed covered advisers reg req
- same documents as with SEC for fed reg
- form ADV under investment advisers act of a1940
- consent to service of process
- initial notice fee
reg effective date and expiration
Reg effective in 30 days (admin may specify earlier or later)
reg expires each dec 31st
CRD- BD and agents at fed level.
IARD- reg for state or fed advisers
-notice requirements for fed covered adviseres
-fee, check off states
IA also expires dec 31st and renewed with fee
Annual A
IARD form
–form adv
-notice requirements for fed covered adviseres
-fee, check off states
IA also expires dec 31st and renewed with fee
ADV amendment filed within 90 days of fiscal year end under SEC and NASAA
-material changes amendment update filed within 30 days (NASAA) SEC is promtply
app creates CRD as agent or IARD as investment advisor rep
annual u4 update within 30 days of year end renwal date
termination. former employing firm must filwithin 30 days
report of disicplinary action taken by regulator
u6 files can be viewed by public
-reports of felony complaint. if respolved its cleared
-brokercheck makes public
Reg standards for BD or IA
- min dolar amounts of net capital
- surety bond coverage (usually 10k)
- pass qual exam
- filing of advertising (unless exempt)
- publication of opening announcment in paper
- business history
- financial condition
- conviction record
surety bond coverage
- usually 10k, can be raised to 35k
- can be required for agents, BD, or IA (but not IAR)
- only required for advisers that take custody
- required to accept deposit of cash or secuiriites in lieu
net worth requirement
- applies in state where adviser has prinicpal business
- kept in accordance with 1934 act
liquid assets minus all liabilities. intangibles excluded
filing of financial reports
every BD and IA file financiap reports required by admin
-statement of financial condition (Balance sheet)
oat or affirmation it is true
- if BD or IA fails to meet financial statnadrsds, notify admin promptly next business day.
- net worth deficiency notice given day after discovery, report filed day after
agent and IARs reg standards
- surety bond coverage (if custody or discretionary power)
- passing of qual exam (or cert)
- filing of fingerprints required by some states (filed with CRD run by FINRA)
financial condition
- trial alance of ledger accounts
- statement of all client funds not segregated
- compilation of aggregate amount of lcient ledger debit balances
- statement as to number of customer accounts
apply to take exams not subject to finra rules
waived from 65/66
CFP- planner CIC- chartered investment counselor chFC- chartered financial consultant PFS- personal financial specialist -CFA chartered financial analyst
IA reg
automatically registeres partners, officers and directors (do not have to file separately in state)
reps must file separately (same for BD and agents)
- if no denial order or proceedint pending, reg is effective noon on 13th day after app is filed
- admin may rule or order earleier or later effedctive date
private secuirities trasnactioin
prohibited. all secuirities effected by agents must be known to BD, must be recordd on books, and be supervised.
if does not, agent must then register as BD
dealer vs agent
Broker dealers records 1934 rules
customer correspondence- 3 years
trade confirmations- 3 years
account statements- 6 years
covered advisors 1940 rules
all records kept 5 years
customer accounts
secuirities transactions posted by 10 business days after end of calendar quarter in which trade occurs
BD must post customer accoutn transactions on settlement under SEC rules
custody of client funds records
must retain records in principal office. 5 year retention with first two in principal office
NASAA- all records ketp for 5 years
NASAA- customer purchases and sales, customer sec positions (account statements)
permenant records kept for life of firm. 3 years after firm is closed
permenant records
kept for life of firm +3 years
- articles of incorporation
- minutes to board of directors meetings
- stock certificate books
- partnership articles and any amendments
advertising and sales lit
may be required to be filled with state unless exempt
-prospectus, pamphlet, circulars, form letters
advertising- communication seen by gen public
sales lit- specific audience: research, form letters, password protected web
if registration is withdrawn
withdrawl is effective in 30 days unless admin allows earlier date
when reg filled, is effective within 30 days
both agent and BD must notify admin promptly of withdrawl
if agent is terminated
agent- both agent and BD must notify state admin promptly.
- if moving from one to the other, all 3 must notify
how long jurisdiction after widrawl of agent
agent from 1 year from withdrawl date
both agent and BD must notify admin promptly of withdrawl
reasons to revoke reg of adviser or BD
- ceased operating
- mentally incompetent
- relocated, not notified admin
- fails to pay fee
- does not maintain required records
- does not file financial reports
- does not file advertising
BD vs IA reg rules
Firm with No Office in State and Only Deals with Institutional Clients:
- BD excluded
- IA- exempt
Firm with No Office in State Contacting Existing Customer Vacationing in That State
- BD excluded
- IA exempt
Firm with No Office in State That Has 5 or Fewer Clients in That State
- BD exempt in many states
- IA exempt in all states
record retention
- BD 3 years except customer accounts 6 years
- IA 5 years if firm closes, keep all for 3
- BD comissions
- IA fixed fees
BD vs IA fees vs comissions
BD comissions, IA fixed fees
advisory contract rule 502 c
- NASAA state advisors
- applies to fed covered advisers if there is fraud.
- advisory contracts with customers must be in writing and have fixed life eg 12 years etc
- can accept prepaid advisory fees
- early termination, detail the refund to be made
- cannot assing contract unless lcient approves
*customer must be notified of changes in partnership comp.
what customers can be charged a performance fee?
wealthy clients 1.1 mil or 2.2mil net worth
- investment advisers act of 1940 allows this
- requires disclosure of incentive to make riskier investments
- compensation for unrealized and capital gains
- basis for valuing iliquid investments used in compputing unrealized appreciation
- periods that will be used to measure performance and significance to fee
- nature of an index used as comparison of investment performance
wrap fees
wrap all services including costs of trades into single annual fee/flat dollar or percentage of assets under management
12b-1 fees
sec rule. investment companies can charge shareholders annual fee .75 cap
-no load must be under .25
brochure supplement
free look must be delivered 2 days before signing
-if no free look, 5 days to rescind without penalty
- broachure update. material changes must be provided within 120 days of years end
- can be sent electronically, firms create own brochures
Form ADV brochure delivery rule
copy of 2a gives info about advisers business
part 2b supplement. gives info about adviers key personnel
IA custody
- needs notice to admin in form aDV
- secuirities held by qualified custodian
- prompt notice to customer of custodian identity, address and manner they are maintained
- quarterly statements
- no requirement for customer statements to be sent if no custody
- annual suprise audit filed within 120 days with state admin
qualified custodian registration
- FDIC insured deposit-taking institutions
- registered broker-dealers holding customer assets
- registered futures commission merchants holding assets
- foreign financial institutions holding financial assets for customers