Series 57 Flashcards
Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding limit orders?
I NASDAQ market makers must accept limit orders
II NASDAQ market makers are not required to accept limit orders
III If a limit order is accepted, NASDAQ market makers may impose separate charges for limit order handling
IV If a limit order is accepted, NASDAQ market makers may not impose separate charges for limit order handling
II and III
Under SEC rules, OTC market makers are not required to accept limit orders - they can do so if they wish. Since these orders require special handling, extra charges can be imposed for processing these orders.
What is the settlement date that applies to the exercise of index options?
The business day following the date of exercise
Cash settlement for index options must take place on the business day following the date of exercise.
How many shares constitutes block size for purposes of the rule against displaying customer limit orders on NMS equities?
Block size for NMS display purposes is at least 10,000 shares and a market value of at least $200,000.
System hours expire time (SHEX) orders
allow the customer to specify the exact time in force. For example, the customer could state “good for an hour,” “good for a week,” or “good for a month.” 10 orders are available for entry and execution anytime the system is open (4:00 am–8:00 pm).
During a limit state for an equity security
Orders can be entered and trades can be executed.
During the 15 second limit state, trading will continue. If the limit state quote persists for 15 seconds, trading will be halted for five minutes. If the limit state quote is executed or cancelled the security will exit the limit state and trading will continue uninterrupted. During a halt under LULD, orders can be entered but trades cannot be executed.
Under Rule 103 of Regulation M, a UAR request to act as a passive market maker is:
I made by the syndicate manager
II made by each syndicate member
III signed by the syndicate manager
IV signed by each syndicate member
I and III
Rule 103 of SEC Regulation M requires that the manager and syndicate members of a secondary offering that happen to be market makers in that issue either resign from market making (they get “excused withdrawal status”) during the 20-day cooling off period; or act solely as passive market makers (their quotes will be identified as those of a passive market maker). FINRA requires that written notice be given on an “UAR” (Underwriting Activity Report) at least 1 business day prior to the start of the 20-day cooling off period. The report is filed by the manager on behalf of the syndicate members. NASDAQ requires that the managing underwriter notify each syndicate member that it has been identified to MarketWatch as a distribution participant, so that its quotes will be automatically withdrawn or identified as passive market maker quotations.
What is the difference between Nasdaq’s rules for clearly erroneous trades and obvious options errors?
The obvious error rule will adjust the price of the trade while the clearly erroneous rule will cancel the trade.
Nasdaq’s rule for clearly erroneous trades in equity securities will lead to the cancellation of a trade if it is outside a certain range from the stock’s reference price. Nasdaq’s obvious error rule for options will result in a trade being adjusted to a designated amount away from its theoretical value, if the price of the trade is a certain range from that value.
Important TRF modifiers
- Timely report executed outside market hours
- Timely reports are with 10 seconds when TRF is open
- Timely reports are by 8:15 the next time TRF is open
- Late report for a trade within normal market hours
- Late is more than 10 seconds after execution
- Prior Reference Price trade
- Lists both the actual executed time and the reference time
- The price reported is the actual executed prcie
Which FINRA members can sell short shares of an IPO at an agreed price, prior to the first trade of shares on an exchange?
This is a prohibited activity
Brokers and traders cannot agree, prior to an IPO, to buy or sell short shares of an IPO at a stated price. The rule applies equally to all FINRA members, not just syndicate participants.
Do ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) retirement plans permit options trading?
yes, as long as it meets the investment criteria of the plan
Bernice is a broker who executes options trades. If she sends orders to the CBOE for execution, in which case will these orders not be received by the CBOE in a systematized format?
when they are not transmitted electronically
A systematized transmission is one that is electronically submitted to the CBOE for execution. If an order is received in a non-electronic format, such as an order telephoned to a floor broker, the order must be input into CBOE’s electronic systems upon receipt at the CBOE. This allows the order to be captured by the COATS system.
indicates that market makers can begin quoting the stock, and 5 minutes later, may begin making a market in that stock
Investor who expects little volatility would want to enter what kind of straddle?
Enter a short straddle position (short call, short put)
A short combination will achieve the same
How long does a market maker have to update its quote?
30 seconds
NASDAQ Official Opening Price
Net Purchase Limitation
On each day of the restricted period, a passive market maker’s net purchases cannot exceed the greater of 30% of the market maker’s daily trading volume (DTV) limit or 200 shares. The DTV limit is based off the market maker’s average daily trading volume in the security during the two full calendar months immediately preceding the filing of the registration statement.
A market maker’s average daily trading volume in a covered security is 100,000 shares. Therefore, the market maker’s net purchases as a passive market maker may not exceed 30,000 shares. If the market maker has bought 80,000 shares on a given day and sold 65,000 shares, it is a net purchaser of 15,000 shares. Therefore, it can continue its passive market-making activities. Note that the market maker may buy more than 30,000 shares on any day but the net total, or purchases minus sales, may not exceed 30,000.
An investor buys a listed options contract on euros, at a time when the euro is worth $1.18 per dollar. The strike price is $1.20. If the euro rises to $1.25 near expiration, the investor stands to profit by
$500 per contract, less premiums paid.
Foreign currency options have a contract size of 10,000 units of currency i.e., euros. The exception is Japanese yen, in which size is 1,000,000 yen. This contract would be in the money by 5 cents X 10,000 units = $500. From this profit, the premium paid would be subtracted.
A passive market maker has a daily purchase limit of 7,500 shares. Since trading opened this morning, the firm has sold 3,000 shares and purchased 8,500 shares. It now receives an order from a customer who wants to sell 3,000 shares to the market maker. This passive market maker
May purchase the entire 3,000 shares and then withdraw its quote.
A passive market maker may purchase all of the securities that are part of a single order, even if the transaction would cause it to exceed its purchase limitation. Upon executing this transaction, the passive market maker would be required to promptly withdraw its quote from Nasdaq.
Manning rule
Limit order protection
- If a firm trades for its own account at or through a customer’s limit, it must execute the customer’s limit order within 1 minute
- Firms need not execute a larger order for a customer than it executes for its own account
- Any price improvement must be passed on to the customer
- does not apply to no-knowledge trades
- information barriers/Chinese walls
Broker G is a FINRA member and OATS Order Respondent. G outsources OATS reporting work to a third-party firm that provides back-office services but is not a FINRA member. What must G do to assure the non-member’s clock is synchronized?
Obtain a copy of procedures used by the non-member
A FINRA member can delegate synchronization responsibility to a non-member third-party. The member must obtain a current copy of the non-member’s synchronization procedures and then work with the non-member to fix any clock problems.
Order ticket required information
- account number
- timestamps (both receipt and entry)
- Notation if unsolicited or discretionary
- Locate requirement for short sales in any equity security
- Order instructions (market, limit, etc.)
- Security and quantity
- Time of execution
All of the following must be disclosed about any joint securities accounts held by a member or associated person, except
Addresses of all joint owners
Required disclosures include: the name and interests of joint owners; a statement of the account’s purpose; the name of the member carrying and clearing the account; and a copy of the written account instrument or agreement.
A Nasdaq market maker can request a withdrawal for operational difficulties from
Nasdaq Market Operations.
When a Nasdaq Market Maker needs to seek a withdrawal for technical problems, the request is made through market operations. For a withdrawal for any other reason, the request is made through MarketWatch.
4 dates for dividends
- Declaration date (company announces dividend will be paid)
- Ex-dividend date (first date stock trades without dividend)
- Record date (when, by the end of trading, individual must own stock to get dividend, so must settle by this date!)
- Payable date (when the dividend is dispersed)
Form 13H contents
Form 13H requires large traders to provide the following information:
◆ Businesses in which the large trader is engaged (e.g., broker-dealer, investment adviser, futures commission merchant, bank, pension trustee)
◆ Other SEC filings it is subject to (e.g., 10-Q, 13F)
◆ Disclosure of whether it is subject to futures regulators or foreign regulators
◆ Organization chart identifying the parent company and any affiliates in the securities industry
◆ Structure and governance of the large trader (e.g., trust, LLC, partnership, corporation)
◆ Disclosure of any general partners (if applicable) and any limited partners with interests greater than 10% in the accounts of the large trader
◆ Names of executive officers, directors, and trustees
◆ Locations of all prime broker, executing broker, and clearing broker accounts
Riskless principal
Broker dealer receives a customer buy order for a security and simultaneously purchases that stock for its own account to fill the customer’s order from its own inventory
Marked on trade report
Exceptions to Locate rule
If member marks order long and has no reason to know sale is short
Sale by member to offset customer’s odd lot orders
Bona fide market making or block positioner activities
* For example to provide liquidity
An investor who is bearish on the equity markets might deploy which of the following investment strategies?
Long VIX call option
The VIX is a tool used to measure market expectations of near-term volatility, based on S&P 500 Index option prices. Investors who are bearish generally believe there will be an increased level of volatility and would be likely to buy call options on the VIX.
If a company becomes ineligible to have its securities quoted on the OTCBB, how much notice will FINRA provide to allow a hearing, prior to removal?
7 days
FINRA provides at least 7 calendar days to allow an issuer to request a review, prior to removal.
Who makes the determination to trigger a short-sale circuit-breaker in a covered security, based on a 10% decline in price from the preceding day’s close?
The listing market
The determination of whether the price of a covered security has decreased by 10% is made by the security’s listing market (e.g. NYSE or Nasdaq). The information is then disseminated to all market participants.
Which U.S. broker-dealers are exempt from reporting requirements under the CAT system?
Although non-FINRA members are exempt from OATS reporting, there will be no reporting exemptions under the CAT system. All US registered broker-dealers must report.
Who is notified of a lock-up expriration?
the public and the issuer
The public and the issuer must be notified at least two business days before the lock-up expires or is waived. The public is generally notified by an announcement made through a major news service.
Broker-dealer T is a Large Trader. It effects transactions for an intermediary whom it believes may exceed the identifying activity level in an omnibus account. T may disclose the intermediary to the SEC as
An Unidentified Large Trader
The Large Trader discloses the existence of an Unidentified Large Trader intermediary by assigning a four-digit suffix to its own LTID. This may be done even if the broker-dealer only suspects that the intermediary may be exceeding the identifying activity level.
Which order is NOT exempt from the Limit Order Display Rule?
A De Minimis order
B Institutional order
C Odd Lot order
D Block Size order
The best answer is B.
The limit order display rule does not apply to block size orders (10,000 shares or more); de minimis orders (orders that are 10% or less of display size at the market maker’s quote, where the quote is at the inside); AON (all or none) limit orders; odd lot orders; or orders delivered to an eligible ECN. Institutional orders, unless they are of block size (10,000 shares or more) must be displayed.
Minimum Pricing Increments
NMS Rule 612
For stock $1.00+: $0.01
For stock less than $1.00: $0.0001
A company’s stock that is trading at $0.15 per share would typically trade on which platform?
Micro-cap, penny stocks, and shares of companies in bankruptcy typically trade on the for Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) as they do not meet the listing requirements of exchanges such as NYSE, Nasdaq, and AMEX. The OTCBB is an electronic, regulated quotation service that displays real-time quotes, last-sale prices, and volume information in over-the-counter equity securities.
Imbalance indicator
Updated every 1 second (used to be 5)
likely opening price
indicates unpaired shares
NMS Rule 606—Order Routing
Broker-dealers that route customer orders in equity and options securities are required to produce quarterly reports on non-directed market and limit orders. These reports must be filed with the SEC and made available to the public within one month after the end of each calendar quarter.
Kevin is the registered rep assigned to the Holidays joint brokerage account. While Kevin is on vacation, another rep, June, agrees to cover the Holidays’ account for him. If the Holidays buys 200 shares of stock from June while Kevin is on vacation, whose name will go on the order ticket?
both Kevin’s and June’s
Books and records requirements mandate retention of all order tickets along with the name of the rep responsible for the account, the name of any other person who entered the order for the customer, whether the order was placed with discretion, and the time the order was received. Kevin is responsible for the account but June is responsible for the trade, so both names must be on the ticket.
For OTC equities, what happens to the percentage bands for clearly erroneous trades outside of normal market hours, compared to during normal market hours?
For OTC equities, there is no difference in the bands based on the time of the trade - during or outside normal market hours. For listed equities, the bands double outside normal market hours.
ABC Securities buys 200 shares of stock for a customer on an agency basis. The price of the transaction is $67.25 per share, including a commission of 50 cents per share. What price will be shown on the trade report?
For agency trades, firms should report the number of shares traded and the trade price excluding any commissions charged. For buy trades, subtract the commission from the transaction price. For sell trades, add the commission to the transaction price.
The type of trading in which the violation of quote-stuffing occurs involves…
high-frequency trading.
Quote stuffing is a prohibited practice in which algorithmic traders enter and then quickly withdraw large orders to create confusing or slow market execution, so as to gain a price advantage.
What orders must be COATS systemized?
All orders! includes:
telephone orders
manual trades with hand signals on the floor
exchange transactions
Broker Dealer A receives an indication of interest of 3 million shares for an institutional investor. The investor ultimately is notified that it will receive 1 million shares but decides NOT to accept the allocation, returning the shares to the underwriter. Which of the following would not be a permissible activity with these returned shares, provided that they are trading at a premium?
Hold the shares in their investment account for at least 90 days and then sell them.
Under FINRA 5131, a member firm with returned shares can use the shares to cover a short, allocate them to investors randomly or donate the profits to charity (anonymously). The shares cannot be placed in the member firm’s investment account.
The agreement among underwriters will address how to handle returned IPO shares that trade
at a premium to the public offering price.
The agreement requires that any returned shares trading at a premium to the public offering price we used to cover short positions or sold with proceeds donated to charity.
Trade reporting timeline
Executing party:
Within 10 seconds (or as soon as practically possible)
Non-executing party:
Confirm with 20 minutes
During a LULD halt, which of the following is not allowed?
For a minimum of five minutes, trading is halted. However, quotes may continue to be displayed and orders accepted during an LULD halt.
Participation in the Over the Counter Trade Reporting Facility (ORF) is mandatory for any FINRA member that
Has an obligation to report an OTC transaction
The Over the Counter Trade Reporting Facility (ORF) is used for reporting OTC transactions. Usage is required for FINRA members.
Broker N has a system outage on Wednesday at 9pm. To request a FINRA determination that the outage is excused, Broker N must supply supporting information by
The close of business on Thursday
An ADF Trading Center that seeks a FINRA review of a system outage must supply supporting information by the close of business that day or on the following business day if the outage occurs outside normal market hours. FINRA normally will make a determination on the day after that.
In the Trade by Trade Match method of locked-in trade reporting, which party submits transaction data?
Both parties
Both parties to the trade submit transaction data and the ADF System performs an on-line match. The executing party is required to report a trade within 10 seconds of execution. The non-executing party submits for a match within 20 minutes.
How may a penny stock disclosure be sent to a customer?
By either postal mail or email
The penny stock risk disclosure may be sent by either postal mail or email at least two full business days before the transaction.
What term describes a short-sale in which the seller is unable to borrow or locate shares by settlement, and therefore can’t deliver them?
This is a naked short-sale. It is not the fact that shares have not been borrowed when the order is placed that makes it naked. Rather, it’s the fact that shares can’t be found or delivered on settlement.
Circuit break level 2 halt
13% decline in S&P 500
- in effect from 9:30 am to 3:25 pm
- 15 minute halt
- Quotes permitted in last five minutes
- Can only happen once per day
For pricing obligation purposes, what is the difference between a Tier 2 and Tier 3 security?
Whether the share price is above $1
Tier 2 Securities consist of NMS stocks that are not Tier 1 with a price equal to or greater than $1. Tier 3 consists of NMS stocks that are not Tier 1 with a price less than $1. The only difference is share price. Tier 1 includes S&P 500 and Russell 1000 stocks.
After an excused withdrawal and notification of an intent to reinstate quotes, how much time does a market maker have to meet its market making obligations?
After notification of a reinstatement of quotes, the market maker has 10 minutes to meet its market maker obligations.
Trader C marks a System Order with the instruction “MGTC.” If it is entered on March 5 and only partially filled, when will it expire?
In one year
Market hours good-til-cancel (GTC or MGTC) orders remain on display, in whole or part, until filled or until one year from entry, whichever comes first.
A market maker, acting on a passive basis during the business day prior to the effective date, has a daily net purchase limit of 12,000 shares. At 2:10 PM, its net purchases total 11,600 shares. The market maker then receives a customer market order to sell 500 shares. Which statement is TRUE?
The market maker is permitted to execute only 400 shares of the order
The market maker may execute the entire order
The market maker may execute the entire order only if it has an offsetting customer buy order
The market maker must refuse the order
Under Rule 103 of Regulation M, if a passive market maker is near its daily purchase limit, any single order which causes it to reach or exceed the limit will generally require it to seek an excused withdrawal for the remainder of the day. The market maker can execute the order in its entirety, which would then place it over the limit, and it must withdraw for the balance of that day, since its daily net purchases would now be 12,100 shares (which is over the 12,000 share daily limit in this case). Keep in mind that if the market maker sells stock in an amount which puts it back under the limit, as long as the firm reports both trades within 30 seconds of each other, it can remain as a passive market maker. (Note that this has nothing to do with the normal trade reporting rule.)
Which type of securities transactions are not subject to FINRA’s Uniform Practice Code (UPC)?
Municipal bonds
Municipal securities, exempt bank holding company securities and transactions in Direct Participation Programs are not subject to UPC.
XYZ common stock, an S&P 500 component, is currently trading 103-104 with a reference price of 100. At 2pm an order is entered to buy 300 shares at 108. What will be the impact of this order on the market for XYZ stock?
The price of the order will be adjusted and the stock will enter a limit state.
When an order comes in that is aggressively priced outside the LULD band (i.e. bid above the upper end or offered below the lower band), Nasdaq will price slide the order to the band. In this case, the 108 bid would be priced down to 105, which is the upper end up the LULD range (100 + 5%). The stock would then enter a 15-second limit state.
ABC stock is currently quoted 78.47-.52 with a last sale of 78.42. To repurchase shares under the Rule 10b-18 safe harbor, ABC could bid
$78.47 or lower.
Rule 10b-18 provides a safe harbor for issuers repurchasing their own stock. Under the rule, the maximum an issuer can bid is the greater of the highest current bid or last sale price.
An American Depository Receipt (ADR) may be quoted on the OTCBB if it is registered with the SEC and…
…Is not listed on a national securities exchange in the U.S.
The main requirements for ADRs to be quoted on the OTCBB are SEC registration and no listing on a national U.S. exchange. However, if the ADR is listed on a national exchange but does not qualify for dissemination of transaction reports on the Consolidated Tape, it still may be quoted.
A market maker is currently quoting $35.60 - $35.80 20 x 34 and is holding, but not displaying the following customer limit: Buy 50 shares at $35.60 and Buy 120 shares at $35.60. Which of the following is the smallest customer limit order that would require the market maker to update its displayed quote?
Firm must aggregate multiple, same-priced customer limit orders to determine whether the de minimis standard has been exceeded. Because the firm is holding, but not displaying orders to purchase 170 shares, once a new order is received for more than 30 shares, the aggregate customer shares would exceed the 10% de minimis exception for the 20 displayed round lots and the quote must be updated.
Investment Adviser M asks a client to write a personal letter to a prospect, stating that her experience with the adviser has been excellent. This is an example of
An prohibited testimonial
The Adviser’s Act defines advertising broadly. Any type of written communication addressed to one or more people, including a personal letter, is advertising. It is prohibited for advisers to solicit testimonials or use them in advertising. This adviser has solicited a testimonial and plans to use it in advertising.
A wealthy customer has asked ABC Securities, an NMS market maker, to help her sell 100,000 shares of a stock. The same customer is also using another market maker to sell another large block of the same stock. The customer requests that her two market makers work together to coordinate their quotes to ensure both blocks are executed under the best possible circumstances. Under what circumstance may ABC honor her request?
none, because it would be illegal quote rigging
It is not permissible for market makers to enter quotes purely for the purpose of creating a false appearance of market activity or manipulating stock prices. This is called quote rigging. The SEC has taken disciplinary action against market makers who worked together to coordinate the entry of quotes.
If a market maker receives a marketable customer order, when may the firm revise its quote?
Only after filling the order
If a customer presents a marketable order to a market maker, the firm must execute that order. To revise a quote after receiving a marketable order from the customer is backing away. After executing the order the market maker can then revise and update its quotes.
A market maker, quoting 11.50 - 11.75 (10 x 10) receives a customer limit order to buy 1,500 shares at 11.56. The market maker immediately delivers the order to an eligible ECN. Which statement is TRUE?
The market maker must update its NASDAQ bid for price, but is not required to show size
The market maker must update its NASDAQ bid for size, but is not required to adjust the price
The market maker must update its NASDAQ bid for both price and size
The market maker is not required to adjust its NASDAQ quote
The best answer is D.
Under SEC rules, an “eligible ECN” must distribute its best priced orders not only through the ECN, but also to NASDAQ and trade with non-subscribers who wish to trade at these quotes through NASDAQ. Thus, the ECN will be posting the better priced bid in NASDAQ, so the market maker is not required to do so.
Is COATS the same as OPRA?
No, OPRA (the Options Price Reporting Authority) collects, consolidates, and disseminates options market data (last sale and quotes) from options exchanges. Think of OPRA as the reporting facility for options transactions, similar to the consolidated tape or TRF.
When subject to a restricted period under Regulation M, a firm seeking an excused withdrawal must make this request when?
1 business day prior to the first complete trading session of the restricted period
A firm must request excused withdrawal status under Regulation M no later than the business day prior to the first complete trading session of the restricted period under Regulation M. Depending on the daily trading volume and public float of the security, the restricted period begins either 5 days before the new issue is priced or 1 day before the new issue is priced.
An investor has written a short naked put. To create a straddle the investor must
Sell a call
A short straddle is an option combination strategy that involves the sale of both call and put options on the same underlying asset with the same exercise price and expiration date. The investor will profit on a short straddle if the stock has little volatility.
Can investors trade OTCBB securities directly without the services of a broker dealer?
Investors must deal with broker dealers to buy or sell OTCBB securities; they do not have direct access to OTCBB services. The OTC Bulletin Board displays real-time quotes, last-sale prices, and volume information in over-the-counter equity securities. OTCBB securities include national, regional, and foreign equity issues, warrants, units, American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), and Direct Participation Programs (DPPs). There are no minimum quantitative standards which must be met by an issuer for its securities to be quoted on the OTCBB.
Market maker
Commits its own capital to provide liquidity for a security; stands ready to buy/sell at all times
Rule 15c2-11 exceptions
Customer initiate trade
- “Natural” IOI (indication of interest)
- Only can quote to fill the order, can’t continue afterwards
Security traded on an exchange that day or the day before (recently delisted securities)
Piggy backing
For Limit-Up Limit-Down purposes, what defines a “Tier 2” stock?
It is not an S&P 500 or Russell 1000 component
Tier 1 stocks are components of the S&P 500 and Russell 1000. All other NMS stocks fall into Tier 2.
Independent unit aggregation
Each unit of a firm can aggregate on its own, but:
Firm must have info barriers
Traders can’t move around divisions
A protected bid is displayed by an automated trading center. It represents what price?
The highest available
Protected means a quote is the best bid or ask available on a national exchange or Nasdaq. It’s the highest current bid or the lowest current ask.
To create a butterfly spread, it is necessary to place orders for
four options, all with the same expiration and with three different strike prices.
A butterfly spread is created with four options, all with the same expiration and with three different strike prices.
Closing cross timeline
Begins at 3:55pm
- Disseminates closing cross order imbalance every second from 3:55 to 4:00pm (used to be very 5 seconds)
- MOC, LOC, and IO orders can be entered, modified, cancelled until 3:55pm
- At 3:55 MOC is no longer accepted, LOC accepted, but can’t be modified
- At 3:58pm, LOC no longer accepted
- From 3:58, IO orders can be submitted, but not modified/cancelled, until close
Broker-dealers are required to close out an open short-sale fail if the stock remains on the Threshold List for how many consecutive settlement days?
Regulation SHO requires a broker dealer to close out an open fail if the stock remains on the Threshold List for 13 consecutive settlement days.
Characteristics of NASDAQ extended hours
Greater volatility, wider bid-ask spread
“A market or limit order which is to be executed in whole or in part as soon as such order is represented in the trading crowd. Any portion not so executed is to be treated as canceled.” This is the description of a(n):
Immediate or Cancel order
Broker-dealers and associated persons may not compensate publications or members of the media for the purpose of
influencing or rewarding their actions.
FINRA restricts ways in which broker-dealers and associated personal may compensate publications and member of the media. Compensation may not be given directly or indirectly to influence or reward actions that have an effect on securities prices.
If a brokerage firm offers an alternative type of order that is triggered based on quotes, not trades, it must not label this
Stop or “stop-limit”
Any order labeled “stop” or “stop-limit” must be triggered based on transactions, not quotes. Firms may not label alternative order types based on quotes using these terms.
Which of the following is not an item that should be considered when using “reasonable diligence” to obtain the best possible execution for a customer order?
Average spreads in similar securities
Compliance with best execution standards involves consideration of various factors, including the character of the market, the size and type of transaction, the number of markets checked, and the accessibility of the quotation. Average spreads are not relevant.
Find max gain or max loss for option
Always include the premium (even when excluding fees)
Trade report is marked “as/of” when…
Trade occured earlier than the current day or when reporting the reversal of a trade from the previous day
Which type of issuer will lose the safe harbor protection for share repurchases if it buys shares at the opening transaction of the day?
All issuers
To qualify for safe harbor status, shares repurchases may not occur as the opening transaction in the consolidated system. This rule is for all companies, regardless of size. It is under the “timing” requirement.
Which securities are included in the NASDAQ Intraday Cross?
A NASDAQ listed issues
B NYSE listed issues
C NYSE-American (AMEX) listed issues
D All of the above
The best answer is D.
The NASDAQ Intraday Cross can include any stock in the S & P 500 Index and NASDAQ 100 Index - these include NASDAQ, NYSE and NYSE-American (AMEX) listed issues.
Which clocks of a broker-dealer must be synchronized before the market opens on each business day?
All associated with the order handling system software
FINRA does not require all clocks to be synchronized. This is an OATS-related requirement, so only clocks (computer or mechanical) associated with the order handling system software must be synchronized on a daily basis.
To know whether a trade may be “clearly erroneous” based on numerical guidelines, one must know
reference price and percentage band.
The numerical guidelines for a clearly erroneous trade are triggered when individual securities trade outside of percentage bands, based on their reference price. The reference price is the last sale price for exchanged-listed securities and the prevailing market price just prior to the time of the trade for OTC securities.
Under SEC Rule 10b-18 an issuer with an average trading volume less than $1 million per day or a public float value below $150 million is unable to
Trade its own securities within 30 minutes of the end of the trading day
An issuer with an average trading volume less than $1 million per day or a public float value below $150 million is unable to trade within the last 30 minutes of trading. Companies with higher average-trading-volume or public float value can trade up until the last 10 minutes.
The NBBO is $9.92 / $9.96 and the $9.96 offer is on another market center. If Dealer Q enter a Price-to-Comply buy order at $9.96, it will be displayed at
Price-to-Comply are designed not to lock or cross the market. They are put on the Nasdaq book as non-displayed at the locking price. Nasdaq then displays the order at the most aggressive price allowed under Regulation NMS - one trading increment inside the locking price. If a seller asks $9.95, the order will execute against the Price-to-Comply order at $9.96.
All of the following transactions taking place in the OTC market are subject to the 5% Policy EXCEPT:
Transactions requiring a prospectus
The 5% Policy applies to secondary market transactions in both exempt and non-exempt securities that take place over-the-counter. It does not apply to new issues requiring a prospectus (primary market); nor does it apply to secondary market trades that take place on an exchange floor. It also does not apply to secondary market transactions in municipal securities, since these are covered by a similar MSRB rule.
Price Priority
A better price always takes precedence over a other prices (higher bid/lower offer)
A bona fide investor wishes to use the exception to the short-sale rule to short shares within the five-day restricted period and close the short position with newly offered shares. The latest this short sale can occur is
30 minutes prior to the close on the business day prior to the day of pricing.
An exception to Regulation M’s Rule 105 allows bona fide investors who meet certain conditions to short-sell within the five-day restricted period and close their positions with newly offered shares. To use the exception, the latest a short sale trade can occur is 30 minutes prior to the close on the business day prior to the day of pricing.
Insiders (CEO, CFO, board members) will often agree to a post-IPO lockup with the underwriter. Though not required, they typically last 180 days
How is a riskless principal trade treated for reporting purposes?
As one trade
E.g., if a broker dealer purchase 50,000 shares to fill an existing customer’s order for 50,000 shares, this would be reported as one transaction for 50,000 total shares, not 2 transactions for 100,000 shares
Joe places an order with Market Maker A to buy 100 shares of XYZ at $10.75. Which of the following activities would be prohibited while holding this order.
Buying 100 shares as principal at $10.755.
A market maker, while holding a customer’s order, is prohibited from trading on the same side of the market at the same order better price unless it immediately thereafter executes the customer’s order. In this case, to avoid a manning obligation the firm could trade for its own account at $10.76. The minimum price improvement that must be provided is $0.01, it could not trade better than the customer’s order by less than $0.01.
Trade reporting modifier .P
Late execution honoring price earlier than when trade actually happened Include: actual execution time actual execution price prior reference time of execution price
Print protection trade
A print protection trade is exempt from the Reg NMS Rule 611(a) trade-through rules, and allows broker-dealers to execute orders that were not executed because they are not at the top-of-book (“TOB”) in the market in which they are displayed but are priced superior to TOB orders executed in other markets.
An investor is bullish on the overall market but wants to limit loss. If he has sold an index call, which additional position could be added to help achieve this objective?
Buy a call with a lower strike price
By purchasing a call option with a lower strike price, the investor will create a bull debit spread, which has a bullish view.
For a quote in a stock that is a component of the S&P 500 index made at 11 a.m. during a trading day what is the Defined Limit?
9.5% from NBBO
For Designated Stocks, the Defined Limit is 9.5% from NBBO (or last trade) at all times except between 9:30 and 9:45 and 3:35 and market close.
OPRA contents
Includes options market data
- quotes
- last sale price’
- Open interest (number of open quotes in the market at any one time)
Dan is an options broker who works on the floor of the CBOE. He frequently executes trades at rapid speed using only hand signals. Tim is his assistant, who stands beside him to record the details of each trade. What will he do with these details immediately after the trade?
enter them into COATS in systematized format
All options orders must be systematized for COATS processing, including those transacted on the floor of the CBOE using hand signals. The information that must be captured includes options symbol, expiration month and year, strike price, buy or sell, call or put, number of contracts and Clearing Trading Permit Holder.
When a broker-dealer is determining its own net long or short position in a security it must aggregate all of its positions in that security unless it qualifies for independent trading unit aggregation. Independent aggregation allows each trading desk (i.e. unit) to determine its own position, if all of the below requirements are met:
- The broker-dealer has a written plan to identify each unit.
- Each unit determines its own net position for every security.
- Traders are assigned to only one unit.
- Traders from one unit do not coordinate with trades in another unit.
Options break even
- call up
* net premium + strike price of the dominant position
- put down
* subtract the net premium from the strike price of the dominant position
Downbid exemption
mark ticket as short exempt
- Person owns security subject to selling restrictions
- customer is long equivalent security
- Market maker offsetting odd lot
- foreign exchange arbitrage
- oversold new issue (green shoe)
- riskless principal trade
- volume weight average price (VWAP)
To resolve a customer dispute, a broker needs to verify the time an order was received from a customer. It was a limit order to buy 300 shares of a listed stock. This information is captured on…
…an OATS report.
Order receipt time is not required on a trade confirm. It is recorded by the OATS reporting system.
Rule 144 applies to which of the following?
Corporate insiders owning more than 10% of the company’s securities
Rule 144 pertains to owners of securities that were not originally sold under SEC registration. Corporate insiders include officers or directors of the issuers, as well as any entity owning greater that 10% of the company’s outstanding common stock.
In which case must a member firm post the Extended Hours Trading Risk Disclosure Statement on its Website?
If it allows online account-opening and trading
Regulators believe that investors who engage in online account-opening and trading are more likely to see a disclosure posted on a Website than to read it in hard-copy.
Average daily trading volume
Base on the average of the past four weeks
Syndicate Covering Transactions
A syndicate covering transaction is a bid made by the underwriting syndicate to reduce the short position created in connection with the oversold offering.
The underwriter purchases shares in the secondary market to make delivery on the undelivered portion of the new issue. Underwriters generally prefer a syndicate covering transaction over a Rule 104 stabilization bid because there are no price restrictions and there is no disclosure requirement to the public. As a result, these transactions allow the underwriter to support the price without creating the perception that the deal is not being well received.
What orders are allowed for Closing cross
market hours orders, system hours orders, market-on-close, limit-on-close, imbalance-only
A customer with total assets of $75 million has placed an order to purchase 20,000 shares of XYZ on a “net” basis. Consent for this transaction
May be provided in a negative consent letter
When effecting “net” trades with institutional customers, a firm must obtain the customer’s consent prior to executing the transaction. The allowable methods to obtain consent differ between retail and institutional clients. Any entity with assets of at least $50 million (including an individual investor) is considered an institutional customer according to FINRA rules. The consent from institutional clients for net trades may be provided in a variety of ways, including a negative consent letter. The firm may also accept oral consent from the customer, as well as written consent.
What lots are reported
Round lots, odd lots, mixed lots
Post-trade execution reports should be provided to appropriate surveillance personnel in compliance with broker-dealer
Financial risk management controls
Broker-dealers with market access must have financial risk management controls in place to systematically limit the financial exposure of the broker-dealer that could arise as a result of market access. Among other things, these controls would prevent the entry of orders that exceed appropriate price or size parameters, as well as orders that appear to be erroneous.
When may a Market Hours Good Til Cancel (MGTC) order be placed?
From 4 a.m. to 8 p.m.
MGTC orders may be entered from 4 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST. But they may only be executed during market hours from 9:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. EST. Any unfilled amount remains on the books (unless cancelled) for one year.
Market maker W has just engaged in a syndicate covering transaction. It must notify
FINRA within one business day of completion of this activity
FINRA member firms must notify FINRA within one business day of completion of a syndicate covering transaction or the imposition of a penalty bid
FINRA 5% policy does not apply to:
New issues
mutual funds
municipal bonds
(they have their own rules)
A market maker can initiate market making activities in additional securities with the appropriate application to NASDAQ. Quoting may begin
That same day
When applying for registration status in additional securities, Nasdaq will typically review and approve the request on the same day, and quoting may begin immediately.
Regulation FD
Ensure fair disclosure to all investors
Disclosure of insider information requires disclosure to the public
- Intentional disclosure
Requires simultaneous public disclosure
- Unintentional disclosure
Requires disclosure within 24 or before the open of trading the next day
The rule against order-splitting prohibits splitting one order into multiple smaller items for purposes of
either trade execution or reporting.
Order-splitting, also known as tape-shredding, prohibits splitting one order into multiple smaller orders for either execution or reporting purposes. Often firms engage in order splitting to increase compensation or in-kind payments (e.g. soft dollars).
he Rule 10b-18 safe harbor applies to open market purchases by an issuer of its own
Common Stock
The Rule 10b-18 safe harbor only applies to open market purchases by an issuer of its common stock. It does not apply to an issuer’s purchase of securities related to the common stock, such as warrants, options, or single stock futures.
Market Maker Peg Orders (MPEG)
Automation of quotes so they don’t drift outside the defined limit
Trade modifiers outside normal market hours
.T timely
.U untimely
After reviewing a clearly erroneous stock trade, NASDAQ MarketWatch makes a written determination to nullify the trade. Which statements are TRUE regarding the written determination?
I Either side can appeal to the Market Operations Review Committee
II Appeals must be made within 1 hour of receiving written documentation
III Any decision made by the Market Operations Review Committee is final and binding
IV Any decision made by the Market Operations Review Committee can be submitted to arbitration
I and III only
Appeals of a NASDAQ MarketWatch decision on a clearly erroneous stock trade can be made to the Market Operations Review Committee (MORC) by either party to the trade - buyer or seller. Any appeal must be made within 30 minutes of receiving written determination (not within 1 hour). All decisions made by the Committee are final and binding.
For purposes of a stabilization bid, the “principal market” is defined as
The market with the largest aggregate volume for this class of securities over the last 12 months Explanation: SEC Regulation M, Rule 100, defines the principal market as having the largest aggregated reported trading volume for the class of securities during the full 12 calendar months immediately preceding the filing of the registration.
The ’34 Act defines a market maker as
- Any person (including any natural person, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity) that holds itself out as willing to buy or sell securities for its own account on a regular or continuous basis, or
- Any dealer acting as a block positioner (a type of market maker that is eligible to buy or sell blocks of stock with a current market value of $200,000 or more)
When one department of a broker-dealer transmits an order to another department of the same broker-dealer, which of the following items is not required to be recorded in an OATS report?
CUSIP number of the security
These OATS reports do not contain the CUSIP number of the security.
What do OATS reports include
Order identifier Broker dealer MPID Date of order origination Date and time of order transmission ATS must report trades to the TRF or ORF within 10 seconds of execution (unless there is an exemption)
Outlier trade
3x normal range (9%, 15%, 30%)
Get 60 minutes
Large trader with discretionary accounts
In the case of discretionary accounts, large trader status applies to the adviser or agent with trading discretion over an account, not to the account itself or to the beneficial owner of the account.
Public companies must disclose the average price paid per share at which they have repurchased shares over what time frame?
Issuers must disclose the average price paid per share in a table included in periodic reports (10K or 10Q) for any quarter in which any share buybacks have occurred. It itemizes total number of shares purchased and average price per share on a monthly basis.
Broker-dealer W is an introducing broker-dealer, clearing all business through a registered clearing firm. Which OATS responsibilities can W fully outsource to the clearing firm?
Establishing a clearing relationship and transmitting all orders to a clearing firm does not relieve the member of full OATS responsibilities; the member firm remains ultimately responsible even if a reporting firm has been retained to facilitate reporting requirements.
A System Order is passively displayed on the order book at one price. At the same time, the trader seeks to access liquidity at a more aggressive price. It should be designated a
Discretionary Order
Discretionary Orders are passively displayed on the book at one price while also seeking to access liquidity at a more aggressive price. The discretionary portion of the order is not visible on the book, and only becomes active as an IOC order when shares are available within the discretionary range.
Key items for Covered calls
Position is created by owning the stock and selling a call against those shares
max gain = strike price - stock purchase price + premium received
A customer shorts stock which is on NASDAQ’s “threshold” (restricted) list. The following day, the stock is removed from the list. If there is a failure to deliver on settlement, which statement is TRUE?
A Mandatory buy-in is required after 13 consecutive settlement days
B Mandatory buy-in is required after 35 consecutive settlement days
C Mandatory buy-in is required only at the specific direction of NASDAQ
D Mandatory buy-in is not required
The best answer is D.
If a customer sells short a security and fails to deliver on settlement, Regulation SHO requires that the position be bought-in after 13 consecutive settlement days if the security is on the exchange’s list of “threshold” securities as of trade date and remains on the list during that entire time window. If the security is removed from the list after trade date, then the time window does not restart counting unless the security is added to the threshold list again (the list is updated daily). Basically, a “threshold” security is one that has a large outstanding short position - the SEC does not want large outstanding short positions that cannot be covered to build over time.
An alternative trading system (ATS) does not
Provide for disciplinary measures to be taken against its subscribers
An alternative trading system (ATS) does not discipline its subscribers other than by disallowing trading privileges
To avoid being reported late, must a pre-open trade be reported within 10 seconds?
Only if execution is after 8:00 a.m.
A pre-opening trade made before 8:00 a.m. must be reported by 8:15 a.m. EST. A pre-opening trade made after 8:00 EST must be reported within 10 seconds or else it is late.
Market Participant Identification
Securities that are included in the Pink OTC Markets are
quoted by market makers
A market maker determines whether to quote a Pink Sheets security, and initiates quotations by submitting Form 211 to FINRA. It is possible for a market maker to quote securities in the Pink Sheet Quote system without the knowledge or permission of the issuer of the securities. Pink Sheet Securities are not always registered with the SEC and are often thinly traded. All OTC equity securities are required to report last sale and trading volume information.
What is the deadline for filing a broker-dealer’s quarterly report on order routing for the second calendar quarter?
within one month after the end of the quarter
The 606 report for each calendar quarter must be made publicly available within one month after the end of the quarter. For example, the second quarter ends June 30, so the deadline is July 31.
A trade-through occurs when…
…a purchase or sale of an NMS security is effected at a price that is worse than a protected bid or higher than a protected offer. Here, the sale of securities at a price lower than the highest bid would be a trade through. On the purchase side, a trade-though would occur if the execution occurred a price higher than the current protected offer.
8:00 a.m. Thursday
The OATS report must be submitted by 8 a.m. on the calendar day following the end of the OATS business day. The OATS business day runs from 4:00:01 p.m. on one market day and ends at 4:00:00 p.m. on the next market day.
The Monday OATS business day begins at 4:00:01 p.m. on Friday and ends at 4:00:00 p.m. on Monday. The OATS report is required to be filed at 8 a.m. on Tuesday morning. Weekends are not counted as business days for OATS purposes.
The Trade Reporting Facility for NASDAQ
runs on the ACT platform and reports completed trades of NASDAQ issues
When-, As-, and If-Issued Contracts (WI)
Newly issued securities often trade on a when-, as-, and if-issued basis—shortened to when-issued or WI. This means:
◆ For equities—The IPO offering date and price have not yet been
◆ For debt—The offering date and coupon rate have not yet been finalized.
When-issued securities are most common for new issues where the securities
do not yet trade. Securities trade WI until the offering date. If enough interest
exists for the new issue, the offering is finalized and the WI settlement date is set.
What is the normal length of time an ADF is granted an excused absence from submitting quotes/responding to orders?
Five business days
Excused withdrawals based on circumstances beyond a Center’s control (e.g. equipment failure) may be granted by FINRA for up to five business days, unless extended by ADF Operations. Excused withdrawals are not permanent in nature.
If a broker-dealer sells a penny stock on an agency basis, it must disclose the best bid/offer price obtained through reasonable due diligence. This can be demonstrated by obtaining quotes from
at least other three market makers.
Due diligence, for this purpose, means obtaining independent interdealer quotes from at least three market makers.
When is a market maker’s obligation to meet pricing obligations suspended?
During trading halts, suspensions or pauses
Market makers must meet pricing obligations during regular trading hours, except when trading is halted, suspended or paused.
ADF market partcipant
A FINRA member that has been approved for ADF trading
Market makers are
Exempt from the Regulation SHO locate requirement provided their sales are connected to bona fide market making activity.
NASDAQ Market makers are exempt from having to comply with the locate requirement under Regulation SHO.
If an issuer does not want to be subject to penny stock requirements, it should have net tangible assets in excess of
$2 million
The definition of what is not a penny stock includes stocks of large issuers with net tangible assets in excess of $2 million or average annual revenues of at least $6 million for the last three years.
Introducing additional parties to a securities transaction to generate additional income
Prohibited, unless it results in a superior price (equal price still no good)
NASDAQ Official Closing Prcie
Used by mutual funds to calculate NAV
Quotation requirements for market makers
Market markers must maintain quotes reasonably related to the market
Lower priced and less liquid stocks have wider band
Stop stock transaction
Price is guaranteed to customer for a short period of time
so they can shop around
Stop limit order
becomes a limit order when there is a trade at or through the stop price
If a buy limit order is marked “DNR,” what adjustment must be made to its price before the open on the ex-dividend date, assuming a 2-for-1 split?
It will be halved
A “DNR” (do not reduce) instruction applies only to cash dividends - not stock distributions or splits. The instruction is ignored in the case of a stock split.
Broker-dealer B receives a customer order to buy 100 shares of ABC. BD B buys 100 shares of ABC from the market at $60 and then resells the shares to its customer at $60 plus commission. This is an example of what type of trade?
Riskless Principal
Trades effected in this manner are examples of riskless principal trades
The Limit Order Protection Rule is in effect:
whenever a trade is executed per the customer’s instructions
Limit orders must be protected at whatever time they are executed, as long as the order is being filled during the TIF (Time In Force) specified by the client.
Which total short positions must broker-dealers report to FINRA periodically?
Both proprietary and customer
Total short positions must be reported through the Regulation Filing Application (RFA) for both proprietary and customers. The filings are made on the 15th and last day of each month.
FINRA has the authority to declare trading halts on
Both NMS stock and OTC trading
FINRA has authority to halt trading on exchanges in any NMS stock whenever an exchange imposes a trading halt. It also may halt OTC trading for specified reasons.
If an issuer files periodic reports with a regulatory authority other than the SEC what information about periodic filings must a market maker provide prior to quoting the securities on the OTCBB?
Identity of the regulatory authority
The market maker reports on Form 211, Part 4 the identity of the regulatory authority with which the issuer files periodic reports.
What happens if a trade is not confirmed in 20 minutes?
It automatically clears (not frozen)
Jim owns 5,000 shares of Issuer U. When accepting a sell order for these 5,000 shares, Broker-dealer C
May accept the order once it has received assurance that Jim will deliver the shares upon removal of any delivery restrictions
Broker-dealer C may accept Jim’s sell order so long as it has been reasonably informed that Jim will deliver the securities once all restrictions on delivery have been removed
Broker-dealers must make publicly available a report on its routing of non-directed orders in NMS securities
how frequently?
On a quarterly basis
Broker-dealers must make publicly available for each calendar quarter a report on its routing of non-directed orders in NMS securities during that quarter.
Trading ahead
Trading securities based on non-public advance knowledge of the content of an upcoming research report
If traders have advance knowledge, they may not trade on that information
A Large Trader has discretionary authority over aggregate transactions in NMS securities exceeding the share volume and fair market value thresholds. The thresholds are based on trading over which period?
Either daily or monthly
The test for a Large Trader is based on aggregate NMS transactions calculated by a daily test (2 million shares or a fair market value of $20 million) or a monthly test (20 million shares or a fair market value of $200 million). Either test may be met. These are called identifying activity levels - i.e., they identify Large Traders who must self-report to the SEC.
What information is required to determine that a private firm is not a “covered nonpublic company,” for purposes of the rule against spinning?
Income, shareholders’ equity, total assets and total revenue
To determine that a private company is not covered, all four items of information must be evaluated.
Additional registrations for a CQS market maker are effective:
Once a member is registered as a Third Market Maker, additional registrations are effective when requested - that is, on the day of request. NASDAQ has the same rule for additional registration requests.
For penny stock disclosure purposes, what defines a contingent compensation arrangement?
Compensation is determined and paid after the transaction
Compensation is determined following the transaction, based on aggregate sales volume or other contingencies.
The independent bids for a covered security are reduced to a price below the passive market maker’s bid. Which of the following statements is correct?
The passive market maker may purchase the lesser of two times the minimum quote size for the security, or its remaining purchase limit.
Once the independent bids are reduced to a price below the passive market maker’s bid, the firm may purchase the lesser of two times the minimum quote size for the security, or the remainder of the passive market maker’s purchase limit.
When Market Maker B enters a quote in the OTCBB, this quote…
…Must be firm up to the applicable minimum quote size
All quotes entered into the OTCBB must be firm up to the applicable minimum quote size for the security. The minimum quote size varies based upon the price of the security.
Firm C has a Two-Sided Obligation to make a market in ABC Co. common stock. If trading in the stock is suspended, when does the obligation re-commence?
After the first regular way trade in the primary listing market
The Two-Sided Obligation is suspended during a trading halt, suspension or pause. It re-commences after the first regular way trade in the primary listing market.
A fund manager oversees a well-diversified portfolio consisting of large cap U.S. stocks with a combined value of $10,000,000. The current level of the S&P 500 is 2000. How many S&P contracts are needed to hedge this portfolio?
To calculate the number of contracts needed, divide the total portfolio by the value of the S&P 500 (10,000,000/2,000 = 5000). Because the multiplier for S&P 500 contracts is 100, divide the result by 100 to determine the number of contracts (5,000/100 = 50 contracts). The portfolio valued at $10,000,000 can be hedged with the purchase of 50 put contracts.
Exemptions form penny stock trade suitability requirements
- unsolicited orders
- institutional accounts
- firms who receive less than 5% of their commission revenue from penny stock trades
SEC filing requirements for NASDAQ
Must be Current
10-K, 10-Q, 8-K, etc.
Net trades/net transactions
When a broker dealer commits its own capital to facilitate a trade but charges a markup on the second leg of the trade
It’s okay, but looks like front running
uncollared market orders are permitted when?
during crosses
The exceptions to the Manning Rule are for
1) large and institutional orders;
2) no-knowledge (a separate proprietary trading unit with information barriers);
3) ISO sweep orders; and
4) odd lot and bona fide error transactions.
Firm’s must adhere to Manning when executing orders in discretionary accounts.
When comparing the execution quality of its current order routing arrangements to the execution quality of other markets, which of the following is not a consideration?
The time of executions
In evaluating differences amongst markets, and evaluating its own order routing and execution arrangements, the time of execution of orders is not a factor in the review of execution quality.
Under FINRA OTC rules, what is a block
10,000+ shares and $100,000+ value
Syndicate covering transactions
An underwriter purchases securities in the open market to make delivery on an oversold new issue
green shoe clause (force the issuer to register 15% more shares)
Should a market maker consider its own costs (or basis) when determining mark up or mark down?
No, instead they should look to the current market price
If a short sale price test restriction is triggered where can un-displayed orders (including those in dark pools and ATSs) be executed?
at a price above the current national best bid
If the short sale circuit breaker in Rule 201 has been triggered for a covered security, an un-displayed “dark liquidity” short sale order may only be executed at a price above the current national best bid.
On the CBOE, the execution of contingency orders depends on the
last reported price of the underlying security, as reported on the primary exchange
Execution of all contingency orders depends on the last reported price of the underlying security, as reported on the primary exchange. In most cases, the primary exchange is the NYSE or Nasdaq.
A market maker wants to increase its order flow from ABC Securities, a broker-dealer. If ABC agrees to route a given volume of its order flow to the market maker, the market maker says it will allow ABC to participate as an underwriter in an upcoming public offering. Under what circumstance is this arrangement allowed?
ABC must adhere to the Order Protection Rule and best execution mandate and disclose payments to customers.
This is an example of a payment for order flow made through in-kind services. Such services may include research, clearance, custody, adjustments to unfavorable trade errors, and offers to participate as an underwriter in a public offering. The main requirements are that the originating firm (ABC) must: 1) adhere to the Order Protection Rule and best execution mandate; and 2) disclose any payments for order flow to affected customers.
Complex order
Allows customer to place a single order involving multiple options positions together (e.g. spread order)
The modifier .E appended to the stock symbol of an OTCBB company indicates that the:
issuer is delinquent in its regulatory filings
The modifier .E means that the issuer is delinquent in its regulatory filings. In order to be quoted, OTCBB issuers must be current in their SEC filings, or for insurance company and bank issuers, with the filings made with insurance or banking regulators. Issuers, once delinquent, are allowed a grace period of 30 days for SEC reporting; or 60 days for reporting to other regulators; during which quotes can continue in the OTCBB. After the grace period expires, quotes in the OTCBB are not permitted if filings have not been made.
Circuit break level 3 halt
20% decline in S&P 500
- Market closes for the rest of the day
- In effect all day (9:30 am to 4:00 pm)
FINRA may grant an Alternative Trading System (ATS) an exemption from trade reporting obligations, provided it is consistent with
Investor protection and public interest
FINRA will grant an exemption to trade reporting only if four conditions are met, and also if the exemption is consistent with investor protection and the public interest. In such circumstances the “executing party” to the trade (typically the seller) is required to report the trade.
An ADF ECN is a FINRA member that operates an electronic trading network and has been approved for ADF trading. ECN stands for Electronic Communications Network.
A security can be quoted on the OTCBB if it is not listed on a national exchange, or otherwise if it is
being delisted
The OTCBB allows market makers to quote securities that cannot be listed elsewhere, including those of unlisted and delisting companies.
Broker-dealer S receives an order from a customer to buy as many shares of ABC Co. as it can with $100,000. For purposes of OATS Reporting, this type of order is considered
Cash Not Held
This is considered a cash order or Cash Not Held. It is coded into OATS as CNH. There is no need to then submit a Cancel/Replace report to reflect a change in share quantity due to market fluctuations because the system knows shares will be purchased at fluctuating prices up to the cash limit.
A customer who buys 300 shares of stock through a limit order can expect to find all of the information on the order ticket except
CUSIP # of securities bought.
CUSIP numbers, the unique identification code for securities, are not usually found on the order ticket. Rather, most stocks are identified on the ticket by name or symbol.
What term describes a manipulative operation involving two or more participants, in which trading is for the purpose of unfairly influencing the market price?
Stock pool
Stock pools are organized to manipulate securities and market prices through coordinated actions between two or more participants.
How are most trades cleared?
Through a clearing house
The specific orders and securities that must be reported in a broker-dealer’s quarterly report on routing are
Non-directed orders in NMS securities
Under Rule 606, broker-dealers must make publicly available for each calendar quarter a report on its routing of non-directed orders (market or limit) in NMS securities during the quarter.
When are OATS reports due?
8am on the calendar day following the OATS business day
- OATS reports generated at 3pm Monday, OATS business day is still Monday, filing deadline is 8am Tuesday
- OATS report generated 2pm Friday, OATS business day is Friday, filing deadline: 8am Saturday
- OATS report generated 6pm Tuesday, OATS business day is Wednesday, filing deadline is 8 am thursday
- OATS report generated 5pm Friday, OATS business day is Monday, report filing deadline is 8am Tuesday
Albert, a registered rep, begins a conversation to discuss a proposed investment with a client at 9:42 am. The client agrees to buy 200 shares of a stock at 10:05. Albert writes the order ticket at 10:07 and submits it to an electronic trading system for execution at 10:09. It is executed at 10:11. What times must his firm preserve in its books and records?
10:05 and 10:09
Firms must maintain records of orders to buy or sell securities that include: 1) the time the order was received; and 2) the time of entry (when the firm transmits the order for execution). For verbal orders, receipt is when the client agrees to the terms of the transaction.
The limit order display rule requires customer limit orders be displayed. Exceptions to the display requirement include
1) orders that are executed upon receipt,
2) orders that are immediately routed to a national securities exchange or an electronic communications network,
3) an “all or none” order, or
4) a block size order. For this rule, a block size order is defined as at least 10,000 shares or for a quantity of stock having a market value of at least $200,000
So, order for 7,500 shares with a value of $100,000 is not a block size and therefore must be displayed.
To be granted by Nasdaq, market maker withdrawal requests based on legal or regulatory requirement must be supported by a statement that the problem
is not permanent in nature.
Nasdaq wants to know that the market maker can address legal or regulatory problems in some fashion. Otherwise, it may terminate registration in some or all securities.
Intermarket sweep order
- Can perform a large order on one exchange IFF you hit one superior quote on every other exchange
- Exception to order protection rule
All of the following investors would benefit from the purchase of an S&P 500 put EXCEPT
An investor who wishes to generate portfolio income and believes that the market is likely to remain flat
An Index put allows the investor to profit from a downward move in the level of the market as measured by S&P 500 index, while committing less capital compared to the margin requirements needed for the short sale of a number of component issues. A long put holder is not subject to the unlimited upside risk that applies to investors with short stock positions. The maximum loss to the investor is the premium paid.
Rule 10b-18
A company can repurchase up to 25% of its average daily trading volume in any particular day. (for illiquid stock: 1 block purchase per week)
purchase price:
greater of highest independent bid or last independent sale price
Safe harbor (but think of it like a rule)
Bids/purchases through one market maker per day during normal market hours
Should not be during open or last 30 minutes of trade
For actively traded securities ($1million ADTV & $150million public float)
should not be during open or last 10 minutes
Company can do buy back 4 weeks after IPO
An institutional customer selects one firm to provide custody and financing of securities, while orders to buy or sell are placed with executing brokers. This is an example of a:
prime brokerage account
A prime brokerage account is one where a customer, generally an institution, selects one broker (the prime broker) to provide custody and financing of securities purchased, and other brokers (executing brokers) to buy and sell on behalf of the customer. Unlike a prime brokerage account which involves a customer, a give-up clearing arrangement is between two members. For example, member firm A agrees to settle and clear all trades entered by member firm B.
The public offering price of XYZ was $20.00. The last independent transaction was effected at $17.50. The current quote is $17.10 - $17.90. Where may stabilization occur?
Since the current ask ($17.90) is greater than the last independent transaction ($17.50), the stabilizing bid may be placed at $17.50.
New quote pricing requirements for Market Makers
Within 8% of the inside market
What is the 5% policy for debt securities
First, it should reflect the prevailing market price, which is established by the firm’s contemporaneous costs/proceeds
Reg NMS 605 and 606
Require uniform information on where customer orders are being route and the quality of execution being received
Rule 105—Short-Selling in Connection with a Public Offering
Rule 105 prohibits anyone from purchasing securities in a public offering if that person sold the same securities short within the five-business-day period preceding the pricing of the offered securities. The purpose of the rule is to prevent an investor from shorting a significant amount of stock just prior to the pricing of a follow-on offering and subsequently closing that short position by repurchasing the stock at the now depressed offer price. To do so is manipulative and a violation.
Regulation M Rule 105 restrictions on short sales and purchases during the restricted period apply to all investors. The rule does not apply to short sales executed more than five business days before the pricing of the new issue.
Nasdaq’s online list of Short-Sale Circuit Breaker stocks shows the Trigger Time for ABC Co. stock as 9:30:47 AM. What does this signify?
The time at which the price fell 10% from previous day’s close
The Trigger Time is the second at which the stock dropped 10% from the previous day’s close. At that point, the short-sale circuit-breaker is triggered for the remainder of that trading day and the entire next trading day.
Approvals necessary for net transactions
retail customers must consent in writing trade-by-trade institutional customers: - Negative consent letter, or - verbal consent trade-by-trade, or - Written consent trade-by-trade
A reverse pegged order to sell is placed at the:
inside bid plus $.01
Peg orders dynamically track the inside market - their price movements are “pegged” to the movements of the NBBO. A “market peg” order (a reverse peg order) is tied to the opposite side of the NBBO. Thus, a market peg order to buy is tied to the inside ask. A market peg order to sell is tied to the inside bid. A reverse peg order to buy is placed at the inside offer less at least $.01. This means that the pegged bid will be lower than the inside ask, so there will not be a lock or cross. A reverse peg order to sell is placed at the inside bid plus at least $.01. This means that the pegged ask will always be higher than the inside bid, so there will not be a lock or a cross.
What type of control must a broker-dealer have over its own risk management controls and supervisory procedures?
Direct and exclusive
Controls and procedures must be under the direct and exclusive control of the broker-dealer that provides market access. They cannot be delegated or outsourced.
Bob wishes to sell 100 shares of DEF. The broker dealer holding his account executes the trade as principal, includes a $0.15 mark-down, and submits a timely trade report indicating a price of $15.20. What proceeds will Bob receive per share?
When reporting principal transactions, any mark-up, mark-down, or commission is not included in the trade report. Therefore, the reported price of $15.20 does not include the $0.15 fee Bob pays the broker dealer for executing the transaction. Net of fees Bob will receive proceeds of $15.05 per share.
For Nasdaq to declare an obvious error in a listed options trade, the price must fall outside bands based on what price?
Theoretical Price
Theoretical Price is an estimated price based on either by the market price or by Nasdaq MarketWatch.
A buy limit order has been placed for 5 shares. If a 3-for-2 stock split then occurs, how many shares will appear on the adjusted order, after the open on the ex-distribution date?
Technically, a 3-for-2 stock split will produce 7.5 new shares. However, if the calculation produces a fractional number of shares, the order is adjusted down to the next whole number of shares. To calculate the new number of shares, multiply by the first number of the split and divide by the second: 5 x 3 / 2 = 7.5, which again, is rounded down to 7.
Reporting trades software
For manual reporting of transactions
Reporting requirement for trade cancellations
If executed during normal hours and cancelled on same day during market hours: within 10 seconds
If executed during normal hours and cancelled on same day after market hours: best effort by 8pm otherwise T+1 by 8pm
BASICALLY: report by the next 8pm
OATS applies to:
Exchange listed securities
OTC equity securities
When is the Trade confirmation provided
Provided at or prior to completion of transaction (i.e. settlement)
A customer enters a limit order to buy 200 shares of an NMS stock at $42.15 per share. At the time, the NBBO is $42.20-$42.22. This limit order is
To be near-the-quote, a buy limit order must be lower by 10 cents or less than the national best bid at the time of order receipt. A sell limit order must be higher by 10 cents or less than the national best offer.
Takes specified price or better on open
The volume requirement of the issuer share repurchase safe harbor restricts the number of shares an issuer can buy back per
The issuer may not repurchase more than 25% of the ADTV per day. The ADTV is based on four full calendar weeks preceding the week in which each share repurchase is made.
To receive an exemption from trade reporting, an ATS must agree to provide trading volume data to FINRA how often?
All of four conditions must be met for an ATS trade reporting exemption. One is that the ATS agrees to provide FINRA monthly data on the volume of trades executed.
What is the minimum net capital a prime broker must maintain?
A prime broker is a firm that performs a suite of services for hedge funds and other institutions.
Prime brokers must maintain minimum net capita of at least $1.5 million.
Under SEC rules, limit orders from which of the following must be protected by a market maker?
I Orders from customers of the market maker
II Orders from another member for customers of that member
III Orders from another member for that member’s proprietary trading account
I and II
The limit order protection rule applies to customer limit orders - not to member firm proprietary limit orders. Also note that customer limit orders must be protected whether they come from that market maker’s own retail base of customers or from the customer base of another member.
Market Maker G bids $47.50 to buy 800 shares of XYZ Co. If G receives an offer from a dealer to sell 600 shares at the market, how many must it buy from the dealer at that price?
A firm quote means that a market maker executes transactions of at least the size displayed, at the price bid/offered.
What equities could be quoted on the OTCBB by a market marker without filing Form 211?
An equity that traded on Nasdaq earlier that day but was delisted
Unlisted equities or equities that trade only on a regional exchange can be quoted on the OTCBB after filing a Form 211 provided the issuer is current in its SEC filings. There are three exceptions to the requirement to file a Form 211: 1) piggybacking (quotes on at least 12 of the last 30 days and no more than four days in a row without a quote), 2) unsolicited customer orders, and 3) securities that traded on an exchange either that day or the previous day (i.e. recently delisted). Here, an equity that traded on Nasdaq earlier that day but was then delisted could be quoted on the OTCBB without a Form 211.
ACT hours of operation
8 am - 8pm
When open, reporting due within 10 seconds
when closed, reporting due by 8:15 am next time they are open
Brian calls his registered rep and asks for the NBBO on shares of EDD common stock. The rep indicates it is $25.64-$25.69 12x4. Brian places a market order to sell 100 shares, and asks for an estimated gross proceeds per share, inclusive of any fees and commissions. What is the best estimate the rep can give Brian?
Less than $25.64
By placing a market order to sell Brian’s will sell shares at the national best bid, and pay his firm a fee. Here, the market is $25.64-$25.69, so Brian will sell shares to the highest paying buyer, receiving $25.64 per share, minus the fees Brian must pay for the brokerage. Therefore, the best estimate of the gross per share proceeds will be less than $25.64 per share.
FINRA Rule 5131 requires the lead manager to provide the issuer with
regular reports of indications of interest including the names of institutional investors and the number of shares indicated by each along with aggregate retail demand. After settlement, a final report with similar information must also be provided. Reports are submitted to the issuer’s pricing committee or, in the absence of one, to the board of directors.
On the CBOE, the execution of contingency orders depends on the
ast reported price of the underlying security, as reported on the primary exchange
Execution of all contingency orders depends on the last reported price of the underlying security, as reported on the primary exchange. In most cases, the primary exchange is the NYSE or Nasdaq.
Price substantially unrelated to the market (i.e. a gift), who reports?
the seller
Jane wishes to sell 100 shares of XYZ when it is trading at $35.00 per share. The broker dealer holding her account executes the trade at that price and takes a profit through a $0.30 mark-down. What price will be reported to the reporting facility?
When reporting principal transactions, any mark-up, mark-down, or commission is not included in the trade report. Therefore, the firm must submit the full $35.00 share price to the trade reporting facility, regardless of whatever fees it charges its clients. Note that Jane will receive only $34.70 in proceeds from the sale, because the firm charges 30 cents per share fee to execute.
If a firm is in receipt of nonpublic advance information from a research report it must place any customer orders
on an agency basis.
The rule against altering inventory means the firm cannot trade for or from its own inventory - on a principal basis. It must accept customer orders on an agency basis only.
A market maker on the floor of the CBOE gives a firm quote without stating a size. This quote is good for:
10 contracts
If no size is stated, a quote from a market maker on the CBOE is good for 10 contracts.
Who publishes non-OTC threshold securities
The SRO (such as NASDAQ or NYSE) that owns it
A market maker effects an agency cross transaction of 400 shares at 41.00, charging the buyer a commission of 50 cents per shares and the seller a commission of 38 cents per share. Under ACT/TRF rules, the tape report is:
400 shares at 41.00
Under ACT/TRF reporting rules, in an agency cross transaction, the trade is reported to the tape only once, at a net price exclusive of commissions, mark-ups or mark-downs. In addition, a non-tape report is required that identifies the parties to the trade that were not named in the tape report. For example, assume in this case that BD1 crosses the buy and sell order between BD2 (buyer) and BD3 (seller). The following reports are required:
Reporting As A Cross - BD1 executed the trade, so it reports.
Tape Report: BD1 400 shares at $41 as a cross;
Non-Tape Report #1: BD1 buys from BD3
Non-Tape Report #2: BD1 sells to BD2
In the compensation disclosure for the sale of penny stocks, what must be disclosed when a contingent compensation arrangement exists to reward an associated person?
Both cash and other compensation
In contingent compensation arrangements, both cash and other compensation paid to associated persons for penny stock transactions must be disclosed.
The NASDAQ system that has tools to assess and manage credit risk is:
The ACT system has risk management tools such as the single trade limit, gross dollar threshold, pre-alert and super cap. Essentially, these tools give special notice to the clearing broker of very large trades executed by correspondent brokers, so that the clearing broker can review the trade before accepting it for clearance and settlement. ACES Pass Through is the system that allows NASDAQ order entry firms to contract with a market maker for limit order entry and maintenance in the NASDAQ Market Center. FQCS is the Firm Quote Compliance System that allows member firms to complain to NASDAQ about a member firm that is “backing away” from its quotes. TRF is the Trade Reporting Facility - an automated trade reporting and reconciliation service operated on the ACT platform. TRF reports trade price and volume for NASDAQ listed securities and for third market trades of exchange listed stocks.
FINRA has the authority to impose a market-wide circuit breaker on
All OTC trading of NMS stocks
FINRA can impose a market-wide circuit breaker on all OTC trading of NMS stocks in response to extraordinary market conditions or if it is so directed by the SEC.
Minimum price improvement for NMS stocks trading at $1.00 or more
1 penny
If a firm is registered as both a broker dealer and an investment adviser, in what capacity is it more likely to fill customer orders?
As agency capacity rather than principal capacity
A trade is executed at 9:15 a.m. and is reported one minute later. The trade report
Is considered late and must include .U modifier
Trades executed between 8::00 a.m. and 9:29:59 a.m. must be reported within 10 seconds. If not reported within 10 seconds, the trade report must include a .U modifier
OTC Securities
Can NOT quote nationally listed stocks & ADRs
Can quote regionally listed socks
Lots of volatility
Low volume
For stocks quoted at prices of $1 or more, the maximum fee a trading center may charge for access to quotes is
three tenths of a cent per share.
Trading centers may not charge for access more than $0.003 per share - three tenths of one cent.
Issuers may not purchase their own shares during a period in which they make
a distribution of securities.
Under Regulation M, Rule 102, issuers’ share purchases are restricted during any period in which they make a distribution of securities. They may not bid, purchase, or cause others to bid or purchase their securities during the restricted period with some exceptions for actively traded securities. When an issuer announces a merger or acquisition it may still buy its own shares but will not have the protections afforded by the 10b-18 safe-harbor (though the safe harbor remains available if it is an all-cash transaction with no valuation period).
WTF is the Manning rule
The “Manning Rule” is the limit order protection rule. It prohibits NASDAQ and OTC market makers from “front running” customer limit orders.
When must the compensation paid to an associated person of a broker-dealer, for selling a penny stock, be disclosed?
At or prior to receipt of the order
Broker-dealers must disclose any cash compensation paid to associated persons who have communicated with the customer, at or prior to receipt of the order.
After a mandatory five-minute halt, an LULD halt ends when
the primary market reports a reopening price.
After the mandatory five-minute halt (plus any extension by the primary exchange), trading resumes when the primary market reports a reopening price.
Trader Z wishes to mark a System Order so that any shares not executed on entry will remain available for execution for the next three hours only. She should mark the ticket
SHEX stands for System Hours Expire Time. If any part of the order is not executable upon entry, unexecuted shares remain available for execution for the time specified.
Do order routing reports under Rule 606 apply to all customer orders?
No, Rule 606 reports apply only to non-directed market orders and limit orders.
The OCC assigns exercise notices on a:
random basis
The OCC assigns exercise notices on a random basis. The member firm, once it receives an exercise notice from the OCC, has a choice of assignment methods - random, FIFO, or any other method that is fair and reasonable.
The Designated Percentage
New bids and offers must be no more than the Designated Percentage away from the current NBBO. During most of the trading day, the percentage is 8% for Designated Stocks. Thereafter, the quote can drift to no more than the Defined Limit away from the NBBO. The defined limit is usually 1.5% more than the designated percentage.
The latest time to trade an index option (other than during a closing rotation) is:
4:15 PM EST (3:15 PM CT)
Unlike equity options, which stop trading at 4:00 PM ET; index options stop trading at 4:15 PM ET.
What term is defined to mean a dealer’s contemporaneous cost paid to acquire a security?
Prevailing market price
Prevailing market price relates to the dealer’s own contemporaneous cost to acquire securities or proceeds from a sale. The term “contemporaneous” means another transaction close enough in time to reflect current value.
The filing of current quarterly and annual financial reports is a requirement for inclusion in all of the following EXCEPT
Pink OTC Markets
Companies that are quoted in the Pink OTC Markets are not required to file financial reports with the SEC or other regulators. Current financial reports must be filed for inclusion in the OTCBB, and listing on Nasdaq or the NYSE.
To begin quoting a security on the OTCBB, a market maker must first register by filing a form with
To begin quoting an OTCBB security, a market maker must first register by filing a Form 211 with FINRA OTC compliance.
When might a customer’s limit order not be required to be displayed
- If the customer requests the order not to be displayed
- If the customer’s size represents a de minimis change in the market maker’s size
- odd-lot orders
The purpose of the consolidated audit trail (CAT) system is to
help regulators track events in the trade life cycle.
The CAT system, created by Regulation NMS Rule 613, allows regulators to effectively and efficiently tack events in the life cycle of a trade, thereby enhancing regulatory oversight of US securities markets.
To meet FINRA’s standard for best execution, a member must buy or sell so that the price to the customer is
as favorable as possible under prevailing market conditions.
Performing reasonable due diligence to assure best execution means determining the best market for each customer order, making every effort to execute a market order fully and promptly, and buying or selling so that the price is as favorable as possible under prevailing market conditions.
A market maker offering an OTCBB equity at $0.25 must be firm on at least
2,500 shares Explanation: OTCBB quotes must be firm for a minimum number of shares depending on the price. The bid and ask side are evaluated independently to determine the minimum quote size. The minimum price and shares are as follows: 0.0001-0.0999: 10,000 shares 0.10-0.1999: 5,000 shares 0.20-0.5099: 2,500 shares 0.51-0.9999: 1,000 shares 1.00-174.99: 100 shares 175.00+: 1 share
Attributable quotes
Quote by known entity
Order tickets must note whether:
An order was entered as discretionary or unsolicited
A 1,000 share order, marked MDAY, is entered at 10:30 a.m. and 600 shares are filled at 1:15 p.m. If the other 400 shares are not filled, when will the order be returned to the entering party?
At 4:00 p.m.
MDAY orders are executable between 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on the day the order is entered. They may be filled in part. But if there is an unfilled part, the order is returned at 4:00 p.m.
How long are OATS records maintained?
3 years
Stop quote orders
triggers is something other than execution
e.g. bid price, moving average
Order must be clearly explained
Cannot be referred to as stop order
- Stop quote order or stop bid order is ok
Trick to remember whether an investor hopes for a spread to widen or narrow:
debit has five letters and widen has five letters
credit has six letters, narrow has six letters
an investor selling shares acquired in an IPO within 30 days of the offering date. The 30-day period is measured from the offering date regardless of when the purchaser was allocated or paid the shares
Broker-dealers Y and Z execute a trade in Stock X at a price unrelated to the current market for X. This transaction is reported
By the seller for regulatory transaction fee assessment purposes
If two parties enter a trade at a price substantially unrelated to the current market for the security, the executing party must report for regulatory transaction fee assessment purposes. This information will not be disseminated to the public.
enalty bids are designed to reduce selling pressures by assuring that syndicate members place shares with investors who
will hold their shares.
The penalty bid is assessed against a syndicate member who sells shares that are subsequently flipped by the investor.
A trade in an OTC equity takes place at 7:36 am. The trade is not reported until 9:03 am the same day. When is the trade report due, and what modifier should be included on the trade report?
8:15 am, .U
For OTC equity trades executed between midnight and before 8:00 am, the reporting requirement is by 8:15 am (within 15 minutes of system open on trade date). This trade is reported late so the modifier is .U (untimely). If it had been reported by 8:15, the modifier would be .T (timely).
Market Maker J intends to enter a stabilizing bid on Nasdaq. Which of the following statements are true?
A stabilizing bid must be available for all freely tradable outstanding securities of the same class being offered. Explanation: It is permissible to initiate stabilization in a security where there are no independent market makers quoting the stock. There may be only one stabilizing bid. MM J must notify Nasdaq if it intends to enter a stabilizing bid.
Adjustments to options contracts for splits and dividends are made to option contracts by
When a corporate issuer determines that a contract adjustment such as a dividend or split is to be made, the OCC adjusts the option contracts to reflect the changes in value of the underlying stock and/or changes in the number of contracts.
Over what time period is an issuer’s ADTV calculated for purposes of staying within the safe harbor in connection with a share repurchase program
Four full calendar weeks
The look-back period for measuring ADTV is four full calendar weeks. To qualify, an issuer cannot repurchase per day more than 25% of the ADTV measured over this four-week period.
A pegged cap order to buy:
I is tied to the inside bid
II is tied to the inside ask
III becomes a market order once the specified price is reached
IV becomes a limit order once the specified price is reached
I and IV
A pegged order is pegged to the side of the market on which it is placed. A pegged order to buy is tied to the inside bid and dynamically moves as the inside bid moves; a pegged order to sell is pegged to the inside ask and dynamically moves as the inside ask moves. These are called “primary” peg orders. If a pegged order is also capped, then the order becomes a limit order once the order price moves to the “cap” price.
Under Nasdaq’s rule on clearly erroneous trades, what is used to determine if a trade is defined as clearly erroneous?
Reference price
Nasdaq’s rule for clearly erroneous trades in equity securities will lead to the cancellation of a trade if it is outside a certain range from the stock’s reference price. The reference price is typically the consolidated last sale immediately prior to the execution.
All of the following statements are true regarding the OTCBB EXCEPT:
foreign equity securities are not quoted
The OTCBB lists foreign equity securities, as well as ADRs on foreign equity securities. There are no listing standards, but the issuer must be current in its SEC filings. Quotes posted can be firm or unfirm; a priced quote is “firm;” an unpriced quote is “unfirm.” Note that if a price is quoted, then it is firm. Finally, quotes for DPPs (Direct Participation Programs, which are very thinly traded tax-shelter vehicles), whether priced or not, are always “unfirm” and are open for negotiation.
Limit on open order
Order seeking to purchase shares at the open and receive a specific price or better
Can Pegged orders on NASDAQ have a price cap?
Put spread is:
- bearish when it’s a debit spread (when the investor purchases a put contract with a higher strike price and sells a put contract with a lower strike price)
- bullish when it’s a credit spread (when the investor purchases a put contract with a lower strike price and sells a put contract with a higher strike price)
Broker-dealer V is planning to place a penalty bid in the market for Issuer O, an OTC Equity Security. BD V must
Notify FINRA prior to the publication of the penalty bid
A broker-dealer must notify FINRA prior to the placement of a penalty bid or engaging in a syndicate covering transaction in an OTC Equity Security
A trade in an OTC Equity security is executed at 9:45 AM and is cancelled 12 hours later. The broker-dealer must report the cancellation
By 8:00 PM the following business day
If the trade was executed during regular market hours and cancelled after 8:00 PM the same day, the cancellation report must be submitted by 8:00 PM the next business day.
OTCBB quotes must be firm for a minimum number of shares depending on the price. The bid and ask side are evaluated independently to determine the minimum quote size. The minimum price and shares are…
- 0001-0.0999: 10,000 shares
- 10-0.1999: 5,000 shares
- 20-0.5099: 2,500 shares
- 51-0.9999: 1,000 shares
- 00-174.99: 100 shares
- 00+: 1 share
When a penny stock disclosure is required, it must be delivered to the client when?
At least two business days before the transaction.
The two-day prior delivery requirement creates a kind of “cooling off” period, during which the client can consider whether the transaction makes sense.
If a short sale price test restriction is triggered on Friday at 2 pm, until when will the price restrictions apply?
until Monday at 4 pm
Once triggered, the short sale price test restriction of Rule 201 applies for the remainder of that day and the next trading day. Thus, if the Rule 201 circuit breaker is triggered on a Friday, the price test restriction will be in effect on that Friday and on the following Monday. The bid-test restriction is triggered when a stock is down 10%.
A Nasdaq listed option trades for $8.90 at a time when the last sale price is $8.75 and the theoretical price is $8.20 Under the Nasdaq obvious error rule, what will be the final price of the trade?
Under the Nasdaq obvious error rule, Nasdaq will adjust a trade if it is a more than a defined amount away from the theoretical price. For options with a theoretical price between $5.01 and $10.00, the band is $0.50. Since this trade occurs outside that $0.50 range, it is an obvious error. For options with a theoretical price above $3.00, the price will be adjusted to $0.30 away from the theoretical price - $8.50.
VIX index relation to the market
A broker-dealer has received a customer order to purchase 7,500 shares of ABC at 21. If later that day the BD buys 10,000 shares of ABC for itself at 20.50, the BD
Is required to execute the customer order at 20.50 within 60 seconds.
According to industry regulations, if a broker-dealer receives a customer order and proceeds to execute a transaction for its own account in the same security, it must immediately thereafter (within 60 seconds) execute the customer order, based on the same terms as the firm’s execution.
SEC filing requirement for OTC Pink
Not required
Broker D is an ADF Trading Center. If it wishes to deny a broker-dealer that is not a Trading Center direct electronic access, how much prior notice must it give to FINRA?
14 calendar days
The Trading Center must give prior notice of at least 14 calendar days to FINRA Market Operations before denying a broker-dealer direct electronic access.
closing price
established by closing cross
Gerald places an order to buy 1000 shares of an OTC equity from his market maker firm. The firm’s current quote is $4.24 - $4.30 3 x 5, and executes Gerald’s order upon receipt. Does the firm need to update its quote?
No, because the order was executed upon receipt.
The general rule requires firms display customer limit orders, but there are a variety of exceptions when an order does not need to be displayed. The rule excepts any customer limit order that is: executed upon receipt of the order; placed by a customer who expressly requests that the order not be displayed; an odd-lot order; a block size order; delivered immediately upon receipt to a national securities exchange or an ECN that widely disseminates such order; delivered immediately upon receipt to another OTC Market Maker that displays the order; or an all-or-none order. Because Gerald’s order was executed upon receipt, the firm does not need to update its quote.
Which orders can be accepted for the opening rotation?
I Market order
II Limit Order
III Straddle order
IV Spread order
I and II
At the opening rotation, each option series trades alone for a brief time period to fill any orders for that series in an “orderly” fashion. When all of the series have been “rotated through,” trading starts in all series. A spread or straddle order requires that 2 series be traded at the same time to create the position - this is an impossibility if only one series is trading at the time. Any order for a single series (buy, sell, buy limit, sell limit) can be filled at the opening (or closing) rotation.
Under FINRA rules, all of the following information must be recorded on an order ticket EXCEPT:
payment for order flow
Payment for order flow information, if such a payment was made, is required on customer confirmations. It is not required on order tickets. Order tickets must have the time of execution stamped on the ticket. If the order is a sale, the ticket must be marked long or short. Finally, the ticket must be marked “solicited” or “unsolicited,” showing how the order was received.
Which of the following items will not be found on an order memorandum (Ticket)?
Transfer Agent ID Number
An order ticket will not contain any information about the transfer agent.
Closing cross
Process by which trading ends
A trader who engages in the violation of quote-stuffing is trying to use high-frequency trading for the purpose of
overwhelming the market with orders and slowing down execution, to gain a price advantage.
Quote stuffing is a prohibited practice in which algorithmic traders enter and then quickly withdraw large orders to create confusing or slow market execution, so as to gain a price advantage.
For OTC equity securities, market makers and broker-dealers must review information about the issuer whenever they
Initiate or resume OTC quotes
Market makers and broker-dealers must review information about the issuer when they first publish, or resume publishing, OTC quotes for specific securities unless a 15c2-11 exemption applies (e.g. piggybacking).
Where are OTC Pink and OTC BB trades reported?
OTC Reporting Facility (ORF)
Good till cancel
Stop order can activate and execute on different days
Unless otherwise specified, orders are only for that day
What happens during an LULD trading halt if no reopening price is reported by the primary exchange?
All trading centers may resume trading after 10 minutes
If the primary market does not report a reopening price within 10 minutes, all trading centers may resume trading the stock.
In a principal transaction, a market maker buys 500 shares of ABCD from a customer at 49.75, which includes a mark-down of 10 cents per share. Which statement is TRUE about the report for this trade made to the TRF for NASDAQ?
500 shares are reported at 49.85
Trade reports exclude mark-ups, mark-downs, commissions, or any other charges. The firm bought the stock from the customer at 49.75, inclusive of a .10 mark-down. The price to be reported is thus 49.85.
Broker-dealer G operates several market centers that are required to post monthly data on execution quality. G must maintain an Internet site that includes
A list of links where files can be downloaded for all market centers
For each participant, the SEC wants investors to be able to access the downloadable files on execution quality from a central Internet page, containing a list of links to files for all market centers. The files themselves can be located on separate Internet sites or pages. This is a requirement under Reg NMS Rule 605.
For FINRA to consider a trade clearly erroneous under the numerical guidelines, it must trade
outside the percentage band.
The percentage band sets both a floor and ceiling price which are symmetrical around the Reference Price. A trade must be outside the band to be a candidate for a clearly-erroneous designation by FINRA.
Under TRF (Trade Reporting Facility) for NASDAQ rules, all of the following transactions are exempt for last sale reporting purposes EXCEPT:
A the purchase of shares of a registered offering at the Public Offering Price
B the purchase of shares of an unregistered offering under Regulation D
C dual agency trades
D trades resulting from the exercise of listed options
The best answer is C.
Not reported to the TRF for last sale purposes are:
- Odd lots;
- Trades where the buyer and seller have negotiated a price that is unrelated to the current market price (e.g., to enable the seller to make a gift and value the securities for gift tax purposes);
- Trades resulting from exercise of listed option (note, however, that the exercise of OTC options must be reported);
- Private placements of unregistered shares of companies (Regulation D is the federal private placement exemption) listed on NASDAQ (note, however, that trades of 144A issues - blocks of private placements that can be traded between Qualified Institutional Buyers - must be reported);
- Initial sales of IPOs at the Public Offering Price (only trades in the secondary market following the closing of the books on the deal are reported); and
- Trades reported through other NASDAQ or exchange systems.
Dual agency trades (agency crosses) must be reported to the tape, with the tape report only showing 1-side of the trade. In addition, a non-tape report is required naming any parties to the trade that are not included in the tape report. Finally, remember that FINRA can require regulatory (non-tape) reports for any of these transactions - and usually does so that it can assess fees on them.
All of the following statements are true regarding cabinet trades EXCEPT:
A Cabinet trades are effected by Market Makers
B Cabinet trades are treated in the same manner as “off the floor” trades
C Cabinet trades are effected at a premium of $.01 per share
D Cabinet trades may be placed for customer, firm, or Market Maker accounts
The best answer is A.
A “cabinet” trade is a closing trade for a worthless contract at a premium of $.01 per share ($1 aggregate premium per contract). These are handled by Order Book Officials or Specialists/DMMs as an “accommodation” to give customers a closing trade confirmation. Cabinet trades can be placed with the Order Book Official by customers, member firms, and Market Makers. These are treated like an “off floor” trade because there is no reporting in real time of the trade to the tape. These transactions are reported at the end of the day.
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 prohibited manipulation activities
Matching / Painting the tape
Inducements (stock touting, tipster sheets)
False statements
- Practice of entering lots of limit orders to obtain better execution on the other side of the market
- Entering orders to entice other participants to trade at prices higher or lower than the true market price
Price fixing
Prearranged trading between 2 firms
Collusion between 2 firms
Interpositioning a third party in a trade
- Permitted if it leads to better price for customer
Insider trading
- Firms can accept unsolicited orders while in possession of material, non-public information
Front running a block transaction
Marking the open
Marking the close
Permitted quotes for OTCBB
Firm (for priced quote)
Unpriced indications
Under NASDAQ SCAN order routing procedures, if a customer limit order cannot be completely filled in the NASDAQ System, the unfilled portion of the order is:
routed to other market venues that trade that issue and if it is not filled, it is returned and placed on the book
NASDAQ offers choices of routing algorithms that can be used for filling of orders in the NASDAQ System. The main ones used are:
- SCAN: First attempts to execute the order against the NASDAQ System at a price equal to, or better than NBBO. If the order cannot be filled at the best price, it is routed to the better-priced market (e.g., an ECN, third market maker or another exchange). If the order is not completely filled in the better-priced market, the unexecuted portion posts to the System. If the order is subsequently locked or crossed by another market, it will not route to that market.
- STGY: Behaves the same as SCAN, except if the order is subsequently locked or crossed by another market, it will route to that market.
Because exchanges now pay for orders, the more orders that are executed on a single market, the greater the payment that the order entry firm will get. With SCAN routing, orders posted to the System after attempting a fill in another market are “passive” - they wait there for another market to access that order in the System under the rule. This means the order will be filled on NASDAQ, maximizing the order entry firm’s payments for order flow received from NASDAQ. With STGY, the unfilled order on NASDAQ’s book will be routed to the other market, so an order entry firm that does not have sufficient order flow to receive payments for order flow might choose this option.
Late orders (basically a limit order with lower priority)
- limit orders that are repriced to the inside market
- designed to balance the cross
- not guaranteed execution
An investor has an open order to sell 300 shares of ABC for $75.25 limit. If the stock subsequently goes ex-dividend for $0.162, what will be the resulting order price of the limit order?
Open orders below the current market price are adjusted downward by the amount of the dividend prior to the open of trading on the ex-dividend date. For dividends in fractional cents, the order is further rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Open orders above the current market price are not adjusted. Sell limit orders are above the current market price and therefore are not adjusted for dividends.
How often are broker-dealers required to report to FINRA their total short positions in all customer and proprietary accounts?
Twice per month
The filings are made via the online Regulation Filing Applications (RFA) system. A mid-month filing is due on the 15th of the month and a month-end filing is due by the last business day of the month on which transactions settle.
Describe the main differences between quotes on equity securities on the Nasdaq System versus the OTCBB?
Quotes on the Nasdaq must be priced, two-sided, and firm, whereas OTCBB may be priced or unpriced and two-sided or one-sided.
Quotes on the OTCBB have much greater flexibility as compared to Nasdaq or the ADF. On the OTCBB, quotes can be two-sided, one-sided, or unpriced, whereas on Nasdaq all quotes must be priced, firm, and two-sided. However, if an OTCBB quote is priced, it must be firm.
All of the following orders can be accepted at the opening rotation EXCEPT:
A market order
B limit order
C spread order
D market if touched order
The best answer is C.
At the opening rotation, each series of option is traded alone for a brief period, followed sequentially by the next option in the series, etc., until the rotation is completed. Since all contracts are not being traded at the same time, it would be impossible to fill a spread or straddle order (since these orders require 2 different contracts to create the position, and only 1 contract is being traded at a time in the rotation).
When a short sale circuit breaker is triggered in Rule 201 for a covered security, how can short sale orders be executed?
Orders can only be executed at a price above the current national best bid unless the order is marked short exempt.
Customer limit orders are not exempt short exempt, regardless of when they were entered.
Which of the following is true regarding IPO share allocation reports?
Reports are provided to the issuer.
FINRA Rule 5131 requires the lead manager to provide the issuer with regular reports of indications of interest including the names of institutional investors and the number of shares indicated by each along with aggregate retail demand. After settlement, a final report with similar information must also be provided. Reports are submitted to the issuer’s pricing committee or, in the absence of one, to the board of directors.
The stock of a bank can be quoted on the OTCBB, even if the issuer does not file with the SEC, provided that it…
…Is current in its filings with banking regulators
Bank stocks can be quoted on OTCBB if the bank is current in filings with the appropriate banking regulator.
Under SEC Rule 605 of Regulation NMS, market centers, in their monthly reports on order execution, must disclose all of the following information EXCEPT:
A quoted spreads
B speed of executions
C rates of price improvement
D fill rates
The best answer is A.
SEC Rule 605 of Regulation NMS requires that market centers prepare, and make available to the public, monthly standardized reports summarizing their order executions. Included in the report is data on:
Effective spreads;
How market orders of various sizes were executed relative to the public quote;
Speed of execution;
Fill rates; and
Price improvement or disimprovement.
Quoted spreads are often much wider than effective spreads, since most trading occurs within the quoted spread. Thus, effective spreads are included in the report - not quoted spreads.
indicates that the news announcement has been made
Reg M Rule 101
Restricts activities on distribution participants during new offerings of securities as they participate as market makers and underwriters at the same time
Prohibition on bidding, purchasing, or attempting to induce others to bid or purchase covered securities during restricted time period
You can’t drive up the price of the stock!!!
Step out
broker transfers position to another broker, not actual trade
IPO Timeline
Underwrite sells to investor at IPO price, taking into account:
- Financial analysis (cash flow, revenue, expenses)
- Market enthusiasm
Trading begins in secondary market on effective date after the market opens
- Initial trade must be on primary listing place
- Market makers can register and immediately begin quote an IPO after the opening cross
During which time of a trading day is speculation or manipulation likely to drive large swings in stock prices?
4 to 6 p.m.
Prices can change dramatically right after the close of regular market hours, as after-market trading begins. Rapid price change can be driven by speculation or manipulation, especially if news is announced right after regular market hours.
How many Nasdaq-listed options of the same class must be quoted “no bid” for at least five seconds before execution to trigger an “obvious error?”
It takes at least two options of the same class quoted “no bid” to trigger an obvious error. One is the option in which the trade took place. The other must be one strike price below (for calls) or one strike price above (for puts).
What type of notice must be given to FINRA by a syndicate that imposes a penalty bid on an offering involving OTC equities?
Prior notice and confirmation notice
Prior notice must be given before the penalty bid. The confirmation notice must be provided within one business day of completion.
Order protection rule
Prohibits trade-throughts
Under SEC Rule 15c2-11, in order to be eligible for the piggybacking exemption the security cannot have had a gap of more than how many days without a quote?
four days
Piggybacking allows a market maker to initiate quotes in an OTC equity without filing Form 211 provided that quotes have appeared for the security on at least 12 of the last 30 trading days and provided that there has been no more than four business days in a row without a quote during that period.
Nasdaq market makers must be open for business during normal business hours from
9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
During normal business hours on all business days - 9:30 to 4 p.m. - market makers must maintain two-sided quotes and abide by Nasdaq rules.
What level of NASDAQ service do market makers use?
Level 3
Prime broker
performs a suite of services on behalf of hedge funds and other large institutions
One exception to the order protection rule is allowed for trades executed for the account of a customer, with a guarantee of execution at no worse than an agreed price. This is known as
A stopped order
Stopped orders are an exception to the order protection rule - but only if the customer agrees. The stopped price must be set on an order-by-order basis. In a stop stock trade, the price is guarantees on a customer’s order for a short period of time.
NMS Access Rule
- It prohibits trading centers from unfairly discriminating against private connectivity providers in ways that inhibit access.
- It limits fees that trading centers may charge for access to no more than $0.003 per share for stocks quoted at $1 or more. For quotes below $1, the
limit is 0.3% of the quotation price.
The offer to sell an NMS stock is displayed as $20 per share. The cost to access the offer may not exceed $0.003 per share. The offer to sell an NMS stock is displayed as $0.60 per share. The cost to
access the offer may not exceed $0.0018 per share (calculated as $0.60 × 0.003). - It requires self-regulatory organizations (SROs) to establish, maintain, and enforce written rules to prevent members from displaying automated quotes that lock or cross the protected quotes of other trading centers.
The Nasdaq closing cross begins at exactly 4 p.m. EST. It concludes
Five seconds later
The closing cross is brief, lasting just five seconds. It enables market participants to execute orders at a fully transparent closing price that reflects actual market activity.
Required information for reporting transactions
Stock symbol number of shares price time of execution action: buy, sell, short sell, cross Trade capacity: principal, agent, riskless principal, step-out, give-up
Butterfly spread
Made of four options, all with the same expiration, but three with different strike prices
A two-option position could be a butterfly spread
A customer owns 100 shares of ABC stock and purchases 1 ABC Jan 50 Put @ $4 as a hedge. The market declines, and the customer wishes to exercise the put. ABC has declared a cash dividend that the customer wishes to receive. What is the first day that the customer can exercise the put and still receive the dividend?
“Ex” Date
If a customer exercises a stock option contract, settlement occurs “regular way” 2 business days after trade date. To receive a dividend, a customer must be on the record books on Record Date. The “ex” date is set by the exchange, based from the record date. This is the first date that any purchaser of the stock in a regular way trade will settle after the Record date, and, thus will not receive the dividend. Thus, to receive the dividend, the holder of a put must exercise on or after to the ex date, since exercise of a put results in a regular way sale of the stock. Exercise of the put prior to the ex date will result on settlement on or before the Record date, and the person who exercised would not be on record to receive the dividend.
At 3:10 p.m., Trader H enters an IO limit order to buy at $45.63. At what price will it execute?
At or below the 4 p.m. bid price
IO orders must be limit orders. But their limits are re-priced just before the Nasdaq opening and closing crosses. An IO buy order executes at or below the opening or closing bid price. IO sell orders execute at or above the closing ask price. The purpose of an IO order is to add liquidity to the crosses.
Where are NASDAQ/NASDAQ convertible bond trades reported
NASDAQ/FINRA TRF (trade reporting facility)
Market Maker C displays a manual quote in the ADF, so that it locks a previously disseminated quote. Unless the quote is promptly withdrawn the market maker must
Route an intermarket sweep order
If a member displays a manual quote that locks or crosses, the member must either promptly withdraw the quote or else route an intermarket sweep order to execute against the full displayed size of the locked or crossed quote.
Until when can American options be exercised?
5:30pm on the third Friday of the expiration month
out of the money options at this time will expire
When must excused Withdrawals for Quotation Notification be sent?
Typically one day in advance
For OATS purposes, a firm that does any of the following must record OATS reports, except
A firm that solicit orders
An Order Receiving Firm is a FINRA member that is subject to OATS reporting because it originates or receives an order instruction. The instruction may come from a customer, another firm, or a department of the same firm.
At 9:23 a.m. one morning, a broker recommends a stock to a customer. The customer calls back at 9:29 a.m. and agrees to the trade. The broker’s firm transmits the order for execution at 9:31 a.m. and the trade takes place at 9:34 a.m. The time of entry on this trade is
9:31 a.m.
The time of entry is defined as the time when the firm transmits the order or instruction for execution.
Under NASDAQ rules, the opening price quoted on NASDAQ for an IPO:
I must be reported to NASDAQ by the lead underwriter by 6:45 PM on the evening before trading
II must be reported to NASDAQ by the lead underwriter by 9:25 AM on the morning before trading
III will show the P.O.P as the opening bid
IV will show the P.O.P as the opening ask
I and III
The opening price quoted in NASDAQ for an IPO is the issuer’s Public Offering Price - shown as the first bid. NASDAQ requires the lead underwriter to call NASDAQ by 6:45 PM on the night before trading, so that NASDAQ can open the stock with the P.O.P. as the first bid. This is the baseline price against which NASDAQ builds the book of subsequent quotes and orders.
According to OATS, if an order is submitted at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, on which day must it be reported?
An ordered entered after the market closes on Friday will be captured on the Monday OATS report (Monday OATS reports include all orders from Friday 4:00:01 p.m. until Monday 4:00:00 p.m.). This OATS report would then be submitted on Tuesday by 8:00:00 a.m.
Stopped stock trade
Stopped stock trades do not update the last sale. Therefore, they can be executed outside LULD bands.
Stopped orders—a stopped order, sometimes called a stop stock transaction, is an order where a broker-dealer offers a customer a specific price for a transaction, along with the opportunity for the customer to find a better price elsewhere. The execution must be at a superior price to any protected quote in order to qualify for an exemption from the Trade-Through Rule. This is a different order from a traditional stop order.
When a broker dealer acts on an agency basis to help a customer complete trades, the firm normally is compensated through
Acting as an agent, broker dealers normally charge commissions. Acting as principals, they mark up securities sold from their own inventory, or purchased and then sold.
Resting limit order
A limit order that cannot currently be filled
Who issues an escrow receipt?
The OCC accepts an “escrow receipt” for stock to cover short call positions or an escrow receipt for cash to cover short put positions. An escrow receipt is a receipt from a bank showing that the stock is being held on deposit by the bank and that the bank will deliver the shares if there is an exercise of the short call; or that it will deliver the cash if there is an exercise of a short put.
Trading halt in ADR
Foreign halt of underlying for public interest or new?
FINRA will halt domestic ADR
Foreign halt of underlying for regulatory reasons or filing deficiency?
No FINRA halt (maybe they’re okay in US regulations/filings)
VIX index options allow the investor to speculate what?
Investor sentiment and market volatility
Under SEC Rule 10b-10, must the difference between the reported trade price and the price to the customer be on the customer confirmation?
Under SEC Rule 10b-10, confirmation disclosure must include, among other things:
- Customer name and address;
- Firm name, address and telephone number;
- Name of security purchased;
- Size of trade and Price of trade;
- Trade date and Settlement date;
- If the trade is an agency trade, the commission must be disclosed. In addition, the time of the trade and the name of the contra-party to the trade must be made available to the customer on request;
- If the trade is a principal transaction, the mark-up is not disclosed except for principal transactions in NASDAQ stocks - note that a mark-up is defined as the difference between the reported transaction price and the price to the customer;
- If the market maker effecting the trade paid a fee to the introducing broker, this must be disclosed - this is known as “payment for order flow;”
- If the firm is a market maker in the security, this must be disclosed;
- If a control relationship exists between the member firm and the issuer of the security, this must be disclosed.
There is no requirement to disclose whether the order was solicited or unsolicited on the confirmation. On the other hand, this information is required to be recorded on the order ticket.
By following the provisions of SEC Rule 10b-18, an issuer is allowed a safe harbor for the purchase of its
Common Stock
The Rule 10b-18 safe harbor only applies to open market purchases by an issuer of its common stock. It does not apply to any other type of security even if related to the common stock, such as warrants, options, or single stock futures.
ABC stock is currently quoted 18.75-.90 with a last sale of 18.72. To repurchase shares under the Rule 10b-18 safe harbor, ABC could bid
$18.75 or lower.
Rule 10b-18 provides a safe harbor for issuers repurchasing their own stock. Under the rule, the maximum an issuer can bid is the greater of the highest current bid or last sale price.
Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, what is the max jail sentence and max fine?
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 provides for maximum jail sentence of up to 20 years. Individual persons may be fined no more than $5 million if convicted of violations under the Act. Persons other than natural persons (corporations, partnerships, etc.) may be fined up to $25 million.
Reg SHO Rule 201 (the Alternative Uptick Rule)
Under Reg SHO Rule 201 (the Alternative Uptick Rule), if the price of an NMS stock declines 10% from the previous day’s closing price (in the security’s primary listing market), short sales will be subject to price restrictions. The only permissible short sales once price restrictions are triggered are those at a price above the national best bid (NBB). The price restriction lasts for the remainder of that trading day and the entire next trading day, subject to limited exceptions for arbitrage (hedging) and odd-lot transactions.
The three tests of a covered non-public company, for purposes of the anti-spinning rule, are designed to identify private companies that
have the potential to go public
The tests are income, shareholders’ equity and total assets/revenues. They are designed to identify companies large and substantial enough to go public. Officers and directors of these companies are subject to the spinning rule. Spinning prohibits a broker dealer for allocation IPO shares to these individuals in return for garning that company’s investment banking business.
An allocation of IPO shares to a corporate officer will not be subject to the anti-spinning rule if there is no condition that the officer will retain the member for what type of service?
Investment banking
The anti-spinning rule is designed to eliminate quid pro quo arrangements that link IPO allocations with investment banking services.
ABC Inc. Will pay a cash dividend of $0.522. An order to purchase 300 shares at $12.73 will be adjusted to
When an issuer pays a cash dividend, the price of an order will be reduced by the amount of the dividend, rounded up to the nearest whole cent. An order to purchase 300 shares at $12.73 would be reduced by $.53 and the new order price will be $12.20.
For purposes of NMS stocks, the dollar size threshold that defines a block size trade is
At least $200,000
Block size with respect to an order in NMS securities means at least 10,000 shares or a quantity of stock having a market value of at least $200,000. Note for OTC securities a block is 10,000 shares and $100,000.
When must underwriter notify FINRA of the end of a restricted period
5 day stock: six days prior to pricing
1 day stock: 2 days prior to pricing (underwriter must provide trading data by close on pricing data)
Actively traded security: 1 day after pricing (Underwriter must provide trading data by close on pricing date)
Broker-dealer B is a market maker in the OTC Pink Market. The placement of a subject quote by BD B
Must be properly identified as a quote that is not firm
Quotes that are not to be understood as binding obligations on the firm that entered them must be clearly identified as such at the time the quote is published
NASDAQ MarketWatch has the authority to declare a clearly erroneous stock trade null and void on:
I its own motion
II the complaint of the buying dealer
III the complaint of the selling dealer
NASDAQ MarketWatch has the authority to declare an inter-dealer stock trade null and void; or can adjust the terms of the trade, given that the trade is clearly erroneous. It can do so on its own motion or at the request of either the buyer or the seller.
What is a clearly erroneous trade
For stocks greater than $50
- Normal hours: 3%
- Extended market hours: 6%
For stocks greater than $25.01 ~ $50
- Normal hours: 5%
- Extended market hours: 10%
For stocks greater than $0.00 ~ $25.00
- Normal hours: 10%
- Extended market hours: 20%
if it breaks the 52 week range, can apply, but might not be
To avoid further disclosure and self-identification requirements, a Large Trader must not exceed the aggregate discretionary share thresholds for what period of time?
A full calendar year
If a Large Trader has not had aggregate discretionary transactions exceeding thresholds at any time during the previous full calendar year, it may file for Inactive Status and be exempt from filing requirements, until thresholds are once again exceeded.
Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the maximum penalty that can be levied against a corporate “tipper” for insider trading violations is:
Insider trading violations are punishable by treble damages (pay back 3 times the profit achieved or loss avoided) for the tippee, plus pay a fine of up to $1,000,000; or go to jail for up to 20 years. For the “tipper” (and these are often the guys with the deep pockets, like an officer of a company who gave the information that resulted in the trade), the maximum fine is $25,000,000.
Harry is an accredited investor who purchases securities in a Regulation D private placement. The issuer of the securities does not report financial information to the SEC. How long must Harry hold the securities, at minimum, before they can be resold?
12 months
Most securities acquired through private placements are restricted or control securities. If they are issued by companies that report financial information to the SEC, they must be held at least six months. If no financial information is reported by the issuer, they must be held 12 months.
Which FINRA member is responsible for the complete and accurate submission of information into the Trade Reporting Facility?
Reporting Member
Unless the contra side has an opportunity to provide its own trade information, the Reporting Member is responsible for complete and accurate submission of information for both sides of the trade.
Rule 105—Short-Selling in Connection with a Public Offering
Rule 105 prohibits anyone from purchasing securities in a public offering if that person sold the same securities short within the five-business-day period preceding the pricing of the offered securities. The purpose of the rule is to prevent an investor from shorting a significant amount of stock just prior to the pricing of a follow-on offering and subsequently closing that short position by repurchasing the stock at the now depressed offer price. To do so is manipulative and a violation.
Regulation M Rule 105 restrictions on short sales and purchases during the restricted period apply to all investors. The rule does not apply to short sales
executed more than five business days before the pricing of the new issue.
Acting as principal, a dealer buys 100 shares from a customer at $28.45 per share, including a 10 cent mark-down from the prevailing market. The trade will be reported by the buying dealer as
100 shares at $28.55
In a principal trade, a mark-down by a buying dealer must be added back to the trade price. A mark-up by a selling dealer must be subtracted from the trade price.
A market maker has 2 limit orders to buy 500 shares of ABCD at 10.00. A market order to sell 400 shares is executed by the firm at 10.00, at which point the firm fills one of the two orders for 400 shares. Is this permitted?
This is permitted as long as the firm consistently applies a methodology for dealing with multiple limit orders
All firms that accept limit orders must have a methodology in place to deal with multiple limit orders at the same price. This firm can allocate the market order to sell against either of the customer limit orders to buy. Since the market order to sell 400 shares is less than either customer limit order to buy of 500 shares, the balance of the one partially filled order (100 shares) must be protected; as must the other unfilled 500 share order to buy at 10.00.
Partial Tender
An offer to buy some of the stock in a publicly-traded company for a price well above fair market value. The company making the tender offer specifies the maximum number of shares it will buy. As with other tender offers, it is not intended to stop trade on its stock. It may be part of a hostile takeover or, if a company is buying back its own stock, an attempt to keep a hostile takeover from happening.
Stabilizing bids may be entered:
I Above the Public Offering Price
II Below the Public Offering Price
III Below the Public Offering Price but above the current independent market
IV At the Public Offering Price
II and IV only
Under the SEC’s rules relating to stabilization, stabilizing bids may only be entered at or below the Public Offering Price, if no current independent bid exists for that issue. If a current independent bid exists, then a stabilizing bid can only be placed at or below this quote. For most new issues, there is no current independent bid because the NASDAQ screen is “blacked out” until the syndicate manager closes the syndicate books and notifies NASDAQ operations that the security is free to trade. When the screen is “turned on,” it opens showing the stabilizing bid placed by the manager. At that point, any other independent market makers may enter quotes.
A trade is executed after-hours, at 5:00 p.m. and then cancelled 30 minutes later. What is the deadline for reporting the cancellation?
By 8:00 p.m. that day
For trades executed outside normal market hours (9:30 to 4:00) and cancelled prior to 8:00 p.m. on the same day, the cancellation must be reported by 8:00 p.m. that day.
How many round lots must a market maker be prepared to trade?
1 round lot (100 shareds)
An OTC equity trade is made by a firm located in San Francisco for a client who lives in Chicago. The time of execution is shown on the trade report as 14:04:12:146. What time did the trade occur?
2:04 pm Eastern Time
On a trade report, the time of execution generally is expressed in hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds based on Eastern Time in military format, unless another provision of FINRA rules requires that a different time be included. It doesn’t matter where the trade takes place or where the firm and client are located.
Subject quote
Quote subject to change, subject to confirmation
A market peg order to buy tracks the:
national best offer
Peg orders dynamically track the inside market - their price movements are “pegged” to the movements of the NBBO. A “market peg” order (a reverse peg order) is tied to the opposite side of the NBBO. Thus, a market peg order to buy is tied to the inside ask. A market peg order to sell is tied to the inside bid. A reverse peg order to buy is placed at the inside offer less at least $.01. This means that the pegged bid will be lower than the inside ask, so there will not be a lock or cross. A reverse peg order to sell is placed at the inside bid plus at least $.01. This means that the pegged ask will always be higher than the inside bid, so there will not be a lock or a cross.
Once a customer establishes an options position, the OCC reserves the right to change all of the following terms of the contract EXCEPT:
A Number of shares covered by the contract
B Number of contracts covering 100 shares each
C Exercise price of the contract
D Exercise style of the contract
The best answer is D.
Because listed option contracts are adjusted by the OCC for 2:1 and 4:1 stock splits, the number of contracts can be adjusted; the number of shares covered by each contract can be adjusted; and the strike price (exercise price) can be adjusted. The style of the contract (e.g., American or European) is not changed.
NASDAQ Official Closing Price, disseminated at 4pm
The best bid/ask quote displayed for an OTC equity is $9.95-$9.99. How would a trader who wants to buy shares lock the market?
Bid $9.99
The only bid that will lock this market is the current ask - $9.99. A bid lower than this will not lock, and a bid higher will cross.
When is a riskless principal capacity indicator used to report a riskless principal transaction to FINRA?
When only one side of the trade is reported
If only one leg of a riskless principal transaction is reported by a dealer (because the other leg has been reported by another member), a riskless principal capacity indicator must be added to the non-tape, non-clearing report or a clearing-only report.
A customer holds 1 ABC Oct 60 Call contract. The market price of ABC is currently 66. ABC declares a 20% stock dividend., on the ex-date, the strike price:
is adjusted down to 50
When a company declares a stock dividend or a fractional stock split, the number of shares per contract is increased, and the strike price is reduced. So, 1 ABC Jan 60 Call where there is a 20% stock dividend is adjusted to 100 x 1.2 = 120 shares at $60/1.2 = $50 per share.
Decrementation means that upon an execution, an order is reduced by the amount of the execution. Example: 500-share order; 200 shares executed; decrementation to 300 shares now displayed.
FINRA Rule 6250
regulates how ADF trading centers must display and allow access to their quotes to the market at large
The regulation that addresses potential conflicts of interest when issuers purchase their own stock is
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 addresses fraud and misrepresentation in secondary market transactions. It also regulates the representatives and firms that engage in securities transactions. Issuers purchasing their own stock in secondary market transactions are subject to the provisions of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Regulation M restricted periods
- For smallest companies: restricted period begins 5 business days before pricing
- For medium sized companies: Begins 1 business day before pricing. These are companies that have an ADTV of at least $100,000 and a public float of at least $25 million
- Large companies (actively traded companies): No restricted period. Actively traded = ADTV of $1 million and a public float of at least $150 million
KG Securities is an OTC market maker that displays priced quotations in OTC equity securities in an inter-dealer quotation system on a regular basis for its proprietary account and its customer accounts. Which of the follow criteria is not relevant to determine if KG Securities must update the size of its published its quotes?
The customer’s limit price as compared to the NBBO of the quote across all inter-dealer quotation systems
When determining whether to update its quotes an OTC market maker does not consider the National Best Bid Offer (NBBO), but rather looks to the best bid and office on the specific quotation system where its quotes are posted. FINRA Rule 6460 requires OTC Market Makers that display priced quotations in an inter-dealer quotation system to immediately display the full size of any customer limit order held by the OTC Market Maker that (1) is priced equal to the bid or offer of the Market Maker; and (2) is priced equal to the BBO of the inter-dealer quotation system in which the OTC Market Maker is quoting; and (3) represents more than a de minimis change (10% of the size) in relation to the size associated with the OTC Market Maker’s bid or offer.
How are issuer-directed shares awarded, for purposes of the lock-up provisions?
Through directed share programs.
Any lock-up agreement on share transfers by officers/directors must apply to issuer-directed shares. These IPOs shares are awarded through directed share programs to people chosen by the issuer.
Under SEC Rule 15c2-11, a market maker seeking to initiate quotes is not required to file due diligence regarding the SEC in which of the following circumstances?
The stock in question had traded on an exchange on the previous day, though the market maker did not quote it.
Under Rule 15c2-11, market makers seeking to initiate quotes in an OTC equity must file Form 211 along with due diligence at least three days prior to resuming quotes. Due diligence can be satisfied with a prospectus, offering circular, 10k, or equivalent information. There are three exceptions, allowing a market maker to quote without submitting this documentation: unsolicited customer orders, securities that traded on an exchange on that day or the previous day, and piggybacking (i.e. the security satisfied a frequency of quotation test).
MPID for passive market making or stabilization
Must be primary MPID
All of the following statements about the Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988 are correct EXCEPT
It prohibits insiders from taking short swing profits
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 prohibits insiders profiting from short swing transactions (purchases and sales within a 6 month period).
FINRA 5% policy
mark up/commission should be fair and reasonable (not necessarily 5%)
applies to agency and principal trades
NMS & OTC equities
does not apply to investment advisory fees
Who publishes OTC threshold securities
Under Regulation M, the maximum restricted period for trading a subject security by a syndicate member that is NOT a market maker is:
5 days
During the cooling off period for “add-on” offerings, Regulation M places restrictions on syndicate members that are not market makers from trading that issuer’s securities. The idea is that the syndicate members will not attempt to bid up the price of the issuer’s outstanding shares, in order to be able to raise the POP of the additional issue. The rule states that:
- If the security is actively traded (average daily trading volume of $1,000,000 or more and public float of at least $150,000,000), there are no restrictions placed on market makers trading the issue prior to the distribution. The idea here is that this issue is too big for the price to be manipulated. This is called a “Tier 1” issue.
- If the security has an average daily trading volume of $100,000 and a public float of at least $25,000,000, the restricted period is the business day prior to the effective date. This is called a “Tier 2” issue.
Any other security not meeting these minimums is a “Tier 3” issue and is subject to a restricted period of 5 business days prior to the effective date.
On Monday March 12, a broker-dealer executes a stock short sale for a customer. However, the stock is not delivered by regular way settlement. The failed position is not closed until March 20. What is the duration of the restricted period during which the firm’s ability to sell short will be limited.
March 15-20
The restricted period begins on the day the fail-to-deliver must be closed, which is normally T+3 for stocks (the day after settlement). It continues until the failed position has been closed. March 15 is within the restricted period because the fail must be closed by the open of trading on that date or else the restriction begins.
Net transaction/net basis trade/net trade
A net transaction, also called a net basis trade, is a principal trade in which there is virtually no risk to the dealer. The term is defined by FINRA Rule 2124 as
“a transaction in which a market maker, after having received an order to buy an equity security, purchases the equity security at one price from a broker-dealer or
another customer and then sells to the customer at a different price.”
How to notify public with disclosure of information?
Press release, 8k (to release newsworthy information), social media, company website
When does the Manning Rule prohibit or restrict proprietary trading, while holding customer limit orders?
At all times the firm allows processing of limit orders
Members may limit the life of a customer limit order to normal market hours. If the firm allows processing of limit orders outside normal market hours the rule applies to these orders at all times.
For index options, the Large Trader threshold is based on
Fair market value only
For determining whether aggregate discretionary trading in index options exceeds the threshold, trading volume does not need to be calculated - only the fair market value of the options.
What are the penalties for insider trading and securities fraud exist for both civil and criminal violations?
Civil penalties may equal up to three times the profits made or losses avoided. Criminal penalties include a maximum $5 million fine and 20 years in prison. Both tippers who share inside information, and tippees who may act on it, can be held liable. The SEC encourages the reporting of potential insider trading violations and offers a bounty to informants.
Issuer W is a NYSE listed stock and has been halted by the NYSE. Broker-dealer P wishes to place a buy order for W on Nasdaq. Broker-dealer P
Must wait until W resumes trading on the NYSE
During a trading halt, new orders for a NYSE listed stock cannot be entered on Nasdaq until the security re-opens for trading on the NYSE (or the appropriate primary market for the security).
If a member holds interest in a joint account, detailed information about the account and its ownership must be provided to
Information that must be reported to FINRA includes names of all joint account participants, their interests, and the purpose of the account.
Introducing firm (firm selling short) must locate shares to sell Can't contact prime broker is not a valid excuse
Trades of NASDAQ securities executed on an unlinked ECN are reported by:
Most ECNs are now linked into the NASDAQ System and show their orders there, with resulting trades reported through the TRF (Trade Reporting Facility). Trades of NASDAQ securities executed by unlinked ECNs (an example is the Lava ECN) show their quotes in the ADF - the Alternate Display Facility - and their trades are reported through TRACS - the Trade Reporting and Comparison Service.
If a market is deemed to be “FAST” by 2 Floor Officials, entry of which of the following orders may be restricted?
I Market
II Market If Touched
III Stop Limit
IV Stop
If a market is deemed to be “Fast,” Floor Officials may restrict the entry of stop orders, stop-limit orders, and market-if-touched orders. During trading, if these orders happen to be “bunched” at a specific price, and a trade occurs at that price, then they are triggered, and a flood of new market orders to either buy or sell could enter the market, worsening the situation. This is why entry of these orders would be restricted until the market calms down.
A trader who executes transactions that involve no change in beneficial ownership is involved in
wash sales
Prohibited methods for creating a false appearance include: executing transactions that involve no change in beneficial ownership and entering orders with knowledge that offsetting orders will be made by others. These are often referred to as wash orders.
What are the risks required to be included in an Extended Hours Trading Risk Disclosure document?
Retail investors generally should be discouraged from extended-hours trading due to the higher risk and greater potential for unfavorable trade execution. The disclosure must cover six specific types of risk, but that securities may lose value is not a part of the extended hours risk document; though that may be disclosed in other brokerage documents.
XYZ common stock, an S&P 500 component, is currently trading 103-104 with a reference price of 100. At 2pm an order is entered to buy 300 shares at 108. Entry of this order will cause XYZ stock to enter a
limit state
When an order comes in that is aggressively priced outside the LULD band (i.e. bid above the upper end or offered below the lower band), Nasdaq will price slide the order to the band. In this case, the 108 bid would be priced down to 105, which is the upper end up the LULD range (100 + 5%). The stock would then enter a 15-second limit state.
Trades executed at the opening cross are reported with:
All trades executed at the Opening Cross are reported with a .T modifier, since the cross technically takes place just before the market opens at 9:30:00 AM ET. Note that .T is used to report a trade made outside of regular market hours, but that is being reported that day. The .O modifier stands for price override - indicating that the trade has been reported within the required 10 seconds, but the market has moved away from the reported trade price. The .N modifier stands for next day settlement, as opposed to the trade settling regular way (T + 2).
Company D is as an affiliate of a Large Trader that exercises investment discretion over trades in NMS securities. As a Securities Affiliate, how are the discretionary trades of Company D counted in terms of the Large Trader’s 13H trading volume?
Counted towards the Large Trader’s 13H trading volume
The term Securities Affiliate means an affiliate of a Large Trader that exercises investment discretion over NMS securities. These trades are included in the Large Trader’s trading volume.
Jim, an investor, calls his broker, ABC Securities, to execute a short sale. The trade then is executed by XYZ Securities and cleared through Clearing Inc. The responsibility for making sure the shorted stock can be located belongs to
ABC Securities.
In a short sale, it is the introducing (or receiving) broker-dealer’s obligation to obtain a locate. The executing and clearing firms are not responsible.
An OATS report includes all of the following EXCEPT:
aggregated orders
OATS stands for the Order Audit Trail System, and is FINRA’s electronic record of all orders entered for NYSE, NASDAQ, OTCBB and Pink Sheet issues. This data is used for matching the order data to the actual trade that results through the ACT system. Reports into OATS are made on an order-by-order basis - they cannot be aggregated. In contrast, trade reports through ACT can be aggregated. The OATS information must include, among other things, date and time of order receipt; the contra-party; order identifier; terms of the order; time in force; where the order was routed for execution; and execution price. OATS data is entered at the end of each day, and is matched to the ACT reports that were made throughout that trading day.
Not held order
Price/time is left open to the registered rep
NOT discretionary order
An order is received on the equity trading desk at 6 PM Tuesday. The OATS report detailing this order must be submitted by
8:00 a.m. Thursday
The OATS report must be submitted by 8 a.m. on the calendar day following the end of the OATS business day. The OATS business day runs from 4:00:01 p.m. on one market day and ends at 4:00:00 p.m. on the next market day.
In deciding whether to impose an extraordinary event trading/quote halt in an OTC equity, FINRA considers whether there has been what type of impact on the market for a security?
Material negative
One example of a material negative impact could be the sudden death of a CEO. In this case, FINRA would likely institute a halt.
Information collected pursuant to SEC Rule 15c2-11 must be filed with FINRA pursuant to FINRA Rule 6432
At least three business days prior to publishing or displaying a quote.
Form 211 must be filed with FINRA at least three business days prior to publishing or initiating a quotation.
Not held orders
Permit floor brokers to decide time/price at which to to execute a customer’s orders.
All orders given to floor brokers are not held orders unless otherwise specified
A journalist who worked for a business magazine learns about the confidential takeover of a company he is writing about while performing his work duties. As a result, he buys a large amount of stock in the company, but then learns that the takeover will not take place and subsequently sells the stock position and ultimately breaks even on the transactions. In this situation
the journalist may have committed an insider trading violation under the misappropriation theory
In this case the journalist is not an insider of the company targeted for takeover. However, under the misappropriation theory, employees have fiduciary responsibility toward, and cannot misuse, confidential information about other companies entrusted to them by their employer. In this case the journalist most likely violated the misappropriation theory.
Halt cross
What name is given to a Nasdaq process for determining the price at which trades will execute, when a security is re-opened?
A halt cross increases transparency by disseminating timely information to investors on imbalances and the resumption of trading, after halts.
A clearing broker is reviewing, on line, two trades entered by correspondent firms. One exceeds the single trade limit, while the second is a 200 share trade. Under NASDAQ rules, the clearing broker must approve or decline the trade within:
15 minutes
For trades which exceed the single trade limit (currently $1,000,000), the clearing broker has 15 minutes to accept or decline the transaction.
During what time of day may a Supplemental Order be executed?
Regular market hours
Supplemental Orders that have been designated as eligible for routing are executed between 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. (in the regular trading session). Supplemental orders are used to provide additional liquidity and receive the lowest execution priority.
Entering limit orders with the intention of moving the market to obtain a beneficial execution on the other side of the market
Broker-dealer E is a large trader that files disclosure information with the SEC. When will it file its Form 13H?
The 13H filing for broker dealers is annual. The Form 13H is due within 45 days after the calendar year end.
What is a pegged order
A type of limit order that automatically adjusts as the market moves
Trader G enters a Price-to-Comply sell order to sell 500 shares. The inside bid/offer is $49.82/$49.85. At what price will the price-to-comply sell order be displayed?
To avoid locking the market, sell Price-to-Comply orders are priced at the inside bid and displayed one tick higher than the inside bid. Since the inside bid is $49.82, one tick higher is $49.83. Buy Price-to-Comply orders are the opposite - priced at the inside ask and displayed one tick lower.
What must registered rep disclose when a penny stock trade is solicited?
- current quote
- compensation to be received by the rep and firm
NOT disclosed: number of market makers for the security
For fixed-income obligations, how do WI transactions trade?
Plus accrued interest.
WI fixed-income transactions trade plus accrued interest and with all due and past due coupons detached. Accrued interest is calculated on the expired portion of the current coupon at settlement.
A Qualified Block Positioner is a broker-dealer who executes orders with a current market value of
A Qualified Block Positioner is a broker-dealer who executes orders with a current market value of $200,000 or more in a single trade, or in several trades at approximately the same time
Existing quote pricing requirements for Market Makers
9.5% (so a set quote can “drift” up to 9.5% from inside market before it needs to be updated)
Patsy is a director of ABC Corp., a public company, and she holds 10,000 shares of its stock. The current stock price is $40. If she plans to sell 2,000 shares during the next three months, is she required to file a proposed notice of sale with the SEC?
Affiliates must file Form 144 with the SEC if a proposed sale of control stock exceeds either 5,000 shares or an aggregate dollar amount of $50,000 in any three-month period. Selling her 2,000 shares at the current stock price would create an aggregate sale of $80,000, which is over the limit.
Under SEC rules, issuers are prohibited from:
selling calls on their own stock
Under SEC and CBOE rules, issuers are prohibited from selling calls against their own stock.
The SEC might impose a trading halt in a company’s stock for each of the following reasons except
pending news about the company that can materially impact the stock price
The SEC can halt trading in a stock when the Commission is of the opinion that a suspension is required to protect investors and the public interest. This can arise if a company’s SEC filings are late, inaccurate, or incomplete, or if the SEC has concerns about a stock’s trading pattern, such as Questions about trading in the stock, such as trading by insiders, potential market manipulation, or of the shares to clear and settle properly. For pending news, the exchanges themselves (NYSE or Nasdaq) would issue the trading halt, not the SEC.
On a broker dealer’s restricted list, which is a list of securities that its employees cannot trade, will there be an explanation why the security was added to/removed from the list?
A broker-dealer’s watch list and restricted list should each include:
• the date and time the security was added to or deleted from the list;
• the name of a contact person who could answer questions about the addition or deletion.
What is an Accidental withdrawal?
Can it be excused?
How long to apply?
Market Maker takes itself out by accident
Can be excused (number of cases depend on number of names quoted)
Can get back in if apply within an hour
Painting the tape
Traders acting together to manipulate prices, often by creating artificial supply/demand
Could: inflate trading volume, manipulate price, or both
To what trades does NMS rule 606 apply
Includes only non-directed market orders and limit orders
Customers can request where their orders have been routed during the previous six months
Which of the following transactions is not subject to the securities industry’s fair-price standard?
Sales made by prospectus
A sale made by prospectus, at a stated public offering price, is not subject to the fair-price standard. It is subject to different rules.
A system that provides facilities for bringing together buyers and sellers of securities may be characterized as a (n)
Alternative trading system
This describes an alternative trading system. This is an entity that provides a market place for buyers and sellers of securities.
The 5-minute window between entry of quotes and the resumption of trading is shown by which trading halt code?
The best answer is T.3.
The trading halt indicators are:
T.1 - Trading is halted, news is pending
T.2 - Trading is halted, news is released
T.3 - Trading is halted, news is released, with 2 times showing; the time that quotes will resume, and the time that trading will resume, which is 5 minutes later. This is the “5-minute window.”
Which entity has the authority to reject orders routed to “away” trading centers, to mitigate risks associated with providing Nasdaq members with market access?
Nasdaq Execution Services
Nasdaq Execution Services (NES) is responsible for monitoring risks involved in market access. It can reject orders prior to routing or cancel orders that have been routed away.
NASDAQ system hours
4 am - 8 pm
If there is no National Best Bid/Offer on a stock, how is the market maker’s pricing obligation determined?
Based on the last reported sale
If there is no NBBO, the market maker’s pricing obligation is based on the last reported sale.
What is the universe of stocks that can become Threshold List securities?
Any that are required to file periodic reports with the SEC
The universe of potential Threshold List securities is very broad. It can include any equity that is required to file periodic SEC reports.
Reg M covered securities
Subject security
Reference security
So reg m applies to both convertible bond and the stock the bond can be converted into
On the basis of unexcused system outages, how long can a trading suspension last for an ADF Trading Center?
20 business days
A Trading Center can be suspended for 20 business days for issues with system outages. The suspension generally requires three unexcused outages within five business days.
Upon execution of a MMPO (Market Maker Peg Order), how is the order automatically renewed?
It’s not; The market maker must submit a new peg order.
A way for a market maker to refresh a quote at a price that is different (remember, reserve quote refreshes the quote at the same price) is with a “MMPO” - a Market Maker Peg Order. This is similar to a regular peg order, but is only to be used by market makers to maintain attributable quotes. The MMPO is a one-sided limit order that is priced based on a specified percentage variance from the NBBO. Once an MMPO is executed, there is no automatic renewal of the quote. If the size is decremented to less than 1 round lot, the MM can manually place another quote or can use reserve size to refresh the quote. Note that in this instance, NASDAQ does not automatically renew the quote - it is the MM’s obligation to do so.
When is there a loss with a debit call spread?
if both options expire
Rule 606 of Regulation NMS requires:
each broker-dealer to prepare quarterly reports on its routing of non-directed orders, including the 10 largest venues where orders were routed
Rule 606 requires member firms to prepare a quarterly report on the routing of their non-directed customer orders. The report, which is publicly available, details the percentage of customer orders that were “non-directed;” the identity of the 10 largest markets or market makers to whom non-directed orders were routed; and details the member firm’s relationship with that market maker (for example, many larger retail member firms own their own market maker subsidiaries to whom they route orders); and any arrangement for payment for order flow or profit-sharing.
Rule 605 of Regulation NMS requires market centers to make monthly electronic reports about the quality of execution in each stock traded, including how market orders of various sizes are executed relative to public quotes. The reports must also include information about effective spreads. In addition, market centers must provide reports on the extent to which they were able to “improve” execution prices for limit orders as compared to the public quote at that time. Do not confuse Rule 606 with Rule 605.
Primary peg
tracks same side of the market
can include offset
Basically matches NBBO (up to cap)
Opening Cross
Process by which trading begins
All of the following statements are true regarding securities that trade on the Pink OTC Markets EXCEPT
the issuing companies that are included have been verified as valid companies by the National Quotations Bureau.
Companies that are quoted in the Pink OTC Markets are not verified prior to inclusion and are considered very risky. Stocks on the Pink OTC Markets or OTCBB that are worth less than $5 are typically referred to as penny stocks. These stocks are traded infrequently and may have substantial liquidity risk. Quotes are available electronically through the National Quotations Bureau.
A market maker quoting an OTCBB stock at 1.75 bid must be firm on at least
100 shares Explanation: OTCBB quotes must be firm for a minimum number of shares depending on the price. The bid and ask side are evaluated independently to determine the minimum quote size. The minimum price and shares are as follows: 0.0001-0.0999: 10,000 shares 0.10-0.1999: 5,000 shares 0.20-0.5099: 2,500 shares 0.51-0.9999: 1,000 shares 1.00-174.99: 100 shares 175.00+: 1 share
Who has the ability to terminate a lock-up agreement before its scheduled end date?
The underwriter
Since lock-ups exist for the protection of underwriters, they can be terminated at any time at the discretion of the underwriter. Lock-up agreements prohibit company executives from selling shares for a period of time after a new issue, thus helping to maintain a stable share price.
A broker-dealer that is a market maker in XYZZ shares buys 5,000 shares of XYZZ subject to Rule 144 restrictions into its inventory as a bona-fide market maker. The shares have been registered by the transfer agent and are no longer subject to 144 restrictions. The market maker then sells the shares in 3 separate trades of 1,000, 1,500 and 2,500 shares each. The market maker is report this how?
required to report both the 5,000 share purchase and 3 separate sales
Rule 144 does not permit a market maker to buy “144” shares into its inventory unless the firm is a bona-fide market maker in the stock, which is the case here. The shares must be purchased at the prevailing market price and the purchase into inventory would be reported normally, since these shares are no longer restricted. When the shares are sold, in this case in 3 separate transactions, each sale reported separately.
Fails to delivery
Buy or borrow
Short fails: T+3 before open
Long fails (or fail by market maker): T+5 before open
Threshold securities: After 13 consecutive settlement days (i.e. on the 14th day)
Can settle with MOO
Lock-up period
How long company execs, etc. must wait before selling shares (used to reduce selling pressure and avoid negative perception of deal)
NASDAQ Trading Halt
Nasdaq Stock Watch Department can issue a halt
- Issuer must notify them before the release of information
Trading on primary exchange must resume before trading can resume elsewhere
- Any orders entered during a halt will be held by broker-dealer until quotation resumes
When might traders see wide spreads?
Outside normal hours and trading penny stocks
OTC registration
Rule 15c2-11
Unlike NMS, market maker applies to quote security
File form 211 with FINRA
Filing made 3 business days prior to entering priced quotes in OTC Pink or OTC BB
If trading is halted, have to refile
A qualified block positioner is…
… a broker-dealer that meets minimum net capital requirements and engages in buying or selling blocks of stock with a current market value of $200,000 or more.
At minimum, how often must a Large Trader make a disclosure filing with the SEC?
A 13H filing must be made via the EDGAR system at least annually within 45 days after the end of each full calendar year. Amended filings are required for any quarter in which key information changes.
The initial strike price of an option contract is determined by the:
market value of the underlying stock
The basic rule for setting of options strike prices at issuance is that the strike is based on the current market price of the stock. For example, if the strike price interval is $2.50 and a stock is trading at $18, at that moment, new contracts cannot be issued at $18, but they could be issued at, say, $17.50, $20.00, $22.50, etc. For each stock trading at $20 or less, strike prices can be issued up to 100% higher or lower; for stocks over $20, the range is +/- 50%. So if a stock is trading at, say, $50, options can be issued with strike prices ranging from $25 to $75.
A trader displays quotes briefly to manipulate prices, with no intent to actually execute at the quoted price. This is called
Most spoofing quotes are cancelled within seconds. The trader has no intent to execute the quotes, because their only purpose is to create an appearance of trading activity or interest.
After placing an order and having it executed, a customer wants to know from whom the broker-dealer received payment for order flow on the transaction and specifically how much was received. This information
can be obtained by the customer, either on the trade confirmation or by written request.
Trade confirmation must indicate whether the broker-dealer received payment for order flow on a transaction. The source and amount of payment can be obtained by customers on written request.
Can Firms reuse MPID for different Alternative Trading System?
Firms must have a unique MPID for each ATS they operate
A customer sells short 500 shares of Bertram Labs stock on Tuesday. However, the customer’s broker-dealer has trouble locating these shares for delivery by the settlement date. What is the deadline for closing out the short sale?
open of trading on Friday
Fails to deliver in a short sale must be closed out by the open of trading on the next business day after the failed settlement. The T+2 settlement date is Thursday and the next business day (T+3) is Friday. It is important to note that for T+2 settlement, a short must be closed out by the beginning of T+3.
FINRA 5% policy relevant factors
- type of security
- frequency of traded stock
- selling price of security
- dollar amount of transaction
- nature of broker/dealer’s business
- patterns of markups
- right to make a profit (for principal trades only)
Assuming information is received sufficiently in advance of the effective date of a rights registration, when is the ex-rights date?
The first business day after registration’s effective date.
The normal ex-rights day is the first business day after the registration’s effective date. If information is not received in advance of the registration, it is the first business day the UPC Committee deems practical.
ADF Trading Center
Either an ADF market participant or a registered reporting ADF ECN
How does an ADF Participant obtain FINRA’s approval to use a second MPID?
Submit a written request to FINRA
The first MPID assigned to a participant is the “primary.” To obtain a second MPID, the participant must request it in writing and obtain permission from FINRA Market Operations.
A customer sells 100 shares of a stock long on Monday, June 3. If the firm can’t deliver this stock by the T+2 settlement date, what is the required time for closing out the fail-to-deliver?
open of trading on Monday, June 10
If a fail result on a long sale, the firm must close the fail no later than the open of trading on the third consecutive settlement day following the settlement date. For stocks, this is usually T+5 or S+3.
Four conditions must be met to qualify for the safe harbor for issuer securities repurchases. They are
manner, timing, price and volume.
Under Rule 10b-18, failure to meet any one of the four conditions disqualifies the share repurchases from the safe harbor. Note, an issuer may buyback shares outside the safe harbor but will be subject to heightened regulatory scrutiny.
At minimum, how many separate disclosures of the broker-dealer’s compensation must be made in a penny stock transaction?
One written disclosure, delivered prior to the transaction, satisfies the requirement. The broker-dealer must retain records to verify that the compensation disclosure is met.
If a company is current in its SEC filings, how can it terminate quotes for its shares on the OTCBB?
Get all market makers to withdraw
A company quoted on the OTCBB cannot voluntarily terminate quotes, except by failing to file SEC reports. When the last market maker withdraws, quotes will be terminated.
Firm A enters into a written agreement, under which it will outsource to Company B its responsibilities for reporting order data to FINRA and maintaining required records. Company B is considered
A Reporting Agent
Reporting and record-keeping requirements may be outsourced by written agreement to a Reporting Agent. However, the member remains responsible for reporting and record-keeping requirements.
For purposes of the short-sale circuit-breaker, an uptick is defined as a displayed price
Above the best bid
An uptick means that the displayed quote price increases from the current best bid. The best bid is always the reference point, and the transaction price must be at least one increment (usually 1 cent) above it.
For listed stocks, when are quotes permitted with four decimal places?
When stocks are trading less than $1.00
The OCC does all of the following EXCEPT:
A standardize listed options contracts
B guarantee the performance of the writer of listed options contracts
C adjust listed options contracts for cash dividends
D issue listed options contracts when a report of an opening transaction is received
The best answer is C.
The OCC does not adjust listed equity options for normal cash dividends. It only adjusts contracts for 2:1 or 4:1 stock splits and for extraordinarily large cash dividends. For fractional stock splits, stock dividends and reverse stock splits, it does not adjust the contract - rather it adjusts the “deliverable” if there is an exercise. The OCC standardizes listed option contracts, issues listed options contracts and guarantees performance of contract writers upon exercise.
Which of the following is true regarding IPO share allocation reports?
Pre-effective and final pricing reports will not include the names of retail investors.
FINRA Rule 5131 requires the lead manager to provide the issuer with regular reports of indications of interest including the names of institutional investors and the number of shares indicated by each along with aggregate retail demand. After settlement, a final report with similar information must also be provided. Reports are submitted to the issuer’s pricing committee or, in the absence of one, to the board of directors.
Order Audit System
- Audit trail must provide an accurate, time-sequenced record of orders and transactions, beginning with receipt of order and further documenting the life of the order through execution or cancellation
Rule 15c2-11 requirements
Must show you know something about the security
- Current regulator filings
- Prospectus
- Offering circular
- Most recent 10-K
- Continued collection of 10-Q and 8-k
- If Market Maker can’t demonstrate due diligence, can’t quote security
Maximum allowed stabilization price when the market is closed
The prior closing price
All market-wide circuit breakers are based on…
…percentage changes from the previous day’s S&P 500 close.
Broker-dealer D receives a request from a customer to know the identity of venues to which the customer’s orders have been routed. The request must be answered by providing identities for which routed orders?
Both directed and non-directed
On request, a broker-dealer must disclose to a customer the identity of venues to which customer orders were routed in the six months before the request. This includes both directed and non-directed orders, along with transaction times.
Is An individual investor with a securities portfolio of $75 million an institutional investor?
Under Rule 144A, Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) are defined as:
-Insurance Companies
-Investment Companies
-Business Development Companies
-Investment Advisers
-Broker dealers owning and investing discretionary assets of at least $10 million
-Any other institution with discretionary assets of at least $100 million
Reason for and duration of trading halts
FINRA single stock suspension (OTC equity)
- Up to 10 days
- To protect investors (e.g. manipulation, inaccurate filings)
SEC single stock suspension (NMS stocks)
- Up to 10 days
- To protect investors (e.g. manipulation, inaccurate filings)
SEC suspension (market-wide)
- Up to 90 days
- Must notify the US president
Orders may be matched against Supplemental Orders at what price?
At the NBBO
An order may be matched against Supplemental Orders only at the NBBO, and only if order size is less than (or equal to) the aggregate size of the Supplemental Order interest available at that price.
Following an analysis of a retail client’s investments and objectives, a registered representative is preparing a few action items for the client to consider implementing in the next few months, in the interest of long-term planning goals articulated by the client. A couple of these potential investments would result in higher commission costs to the client, although other suitable, lower cost options may exist. According to Regulation Best Interest (BI),
the practice of recommending products that carry higher commissions than other suitable alternatives is not in the customer’s best interest.
According to Regulation Best Interest (BI), it is not acceptable to recommend a security or transaction that, although potentially suitable, entails higher commission costs to the client than other similarly appropriate investment alternatives. This practice was previously acceptable under the suitability rule, but not according to the heightened standards of Regulation BI.
One client of Investment Adviser Z writes a letter to another, upon Z’s recommendation. The letter simply states that the client has used the services of Z for five years. Is this an illegal testimonial?
Investment advisers are not allowed to solicit or recommend testimonials. A testimonial can be either an endorsement or a statement of a client’s experience (without an endorsement). The key point here is that it was recommended by the IA.
Company B was delinquent in making its last quarterly filing of its 10-Q report with the SEC. What would cause the company to become ineligible to have its securities quoted on the OTCBB?
Missing timely filing of the next two quarterly filings
Dealers are prohibited from quoting a security on the OTCBB if the issuer has been delinquent in its SEC filings three times in the past two years. This is the OTCBB’s “three-strike rule.” In this case, missing two more quarterly filings would trigger this prohibition.
A “multi-day event” for clearly erroneous trades begins on Monday and ends on Wednesday. If FINRA decides to cancel all transactions during the event, when must it declare the event?
By the start of trading on Thursday
A FINRA officer may cancel all transactions that occurred during the multi-day event by declaring such an event not later than the start of trading on the day following the last identified transaction.
What term is given to the illegal and manipulative practice of simultaneously entering both buy and sell orders of substantially the same type, size and price - to create an appearance of activity or interest?
Wash trade
Wash trades are considered illegal and manipulative under U.S. securities law and FINRA rules.
After voluntarily withdrawing as a market maker, which statements are TRUE regarding re-registration?
I A NASDAQ market maker must wait 1 business day
II A NASDAQ market maker must wait 20 business days
III A CQS market maker must wait 1 business day
IV A CQS market maker must wait 20 business days
II and III
If an excused withdrawal is NOT given, NASDAQ market makers that voluntarily withdraw their quotes cannot re-enter the market for 20 business days; while CQS market makers only have to wait 1 business day before they can re-enter quotes.
A trader is long an options contract that is nearing expiration which currently has no bid on the floor; and which is offered at $.05. Which closing transaction should be used?
Cabinet trade
A “cabinet” trade is a closing trade for a worthless contract at a premium of $.01 per share ($1 aggregate premium per contract). These are handled by Order Book Officials or Specialists/DMMs as an “accommodation” to give customers a closing trade confirmation. Since there is no bid on the floor for this option, the only way to effect a closing sale is through such a “cabinet trade.”
OTC Options
Created individually between 2 counterparties
Unlike exchange listed options, OTC options have counterparty risk
Which of the following orders can be accepted up to the 9:30 AM ET open of the NASDAQ Market?
A OIO order
B MOO order
C LOO order
D MOC order
The best answer is A.
Prior to market opening at 9:30 AM, all orders are accepted up to 9:28 AM without restriction. Between 9:28 AM and 9:30 AM, MOO (market on open) and LOO (limit on open) orders are not accepted. Only OIO (order imbalance only) orders are accepted so that NASDAQ can set an appropriate opening price based on the balance of buy and sell orders present in the market and perform the Opening Cross at 9:30 AM. The MOC (market on close) order is only used at the end of the trading day.
A broker-dealer buys from a customer a penny stock on a principal basis. It has not made interdealer purchases or sales of the same stock consistently. What must be disclosed?
The price at which it last purchased the stock from another dealer in a bona fide transaction
If the dealer has not consistently made interdealer sales in the same stock, it must disclose this fact, along with the price of its last purchase from another dealer in a bona fide transaction.
According to Regulation M, the restricted period for distributors of a common stock with an ADTV value of less than $100,000 and a public float of less than $25 million begins
5 business days before pricing
“Restricted period” as defined in Rule 100 of Regulation M states that securities with an ADTV value of $100,000 or more of an issuer whose common equity has a public float value of $25 million or more is subject to a 1 business day restricted period. Securities below this threshold are subject to a 5 day restricted period, and actively traded securities (ADTV value > $1,000,000 and public float value of $150 million or more) have no restricted period.
PPD Ltd. is an OTC Equity security. Broker-dealer X purchased 20,000 shares at 11:10 AM on October 14. BD X subsequently cancels the trade at 8:15 PM on October 15. Notice of this cancellation must be submitted
By 8:00 PM on October 16
When a trade is cancelled at or after 8:00 PM on any date after the date of the transaction, the cancellation notice must be submitted by 8:00 PM on the business day following the cancellation of the transaction.
Bid/offer outside limit band
adjusted to match limit band
“price slide”
Which of the following is not an exception to the Regulation NMS Order Protection Rule?
The trade-through execution was a regular way trade
An exception to the Regulation NMS Order Protection Rule would be where the trade-through execution was other than a regular way trade. The other items represent exceptions to this rule.
A broker-dealer sells 400 shares of stock for a customer on Thursday, October 9. If the shares aren’t delivered by the settlement date, the sale must be closed out by the open of trading on Tuesday, October 14. What type of sale is this?
a short sale
Remember that the close-out requirement is the open of business on T+5 for long sales of stock by anyone and also for short sales by market makers (in bona fide market-making activity). However, the close-out requirement is the open of business on T+3 for short sales of stock by anyone except a market maker engaged in bona fide market-making activity.
The Trade Reporting Facility for NASDAQ reports trades of which of the following securities?
I NASDAQ Global Market stocks
II NASDAQ Capital Market stocks
III Third Market trades of exchange listed stocks
IV Trades of exchange listed stocks effected on the floor of the exchange
I and II only
The Trade Reporting Facility for NASDAQ (NASDAQ TRF) reports trades of all NASDAQ issues. Trades of NYSE listed issues are reported through the NYSE TRF. This reports trades of NYSE-listed issues effected OTC (both Third Market and Fourth Market trades). Reports of trades of OTCBB and Pink Sheet issues are made to the ORF (OTC Reporting Facility).
How often must broker-dealers make a report on order routing?
The Rule 606 broker-dealer report on non-directed order routing is due quarterly.
At 10:45 am, a market maker agrees to execute a trade for 1,000 shares of an OTC stock at the close of normal market hours on that trading day, at a price equal to the last trade price. What should the trade report show as the time of the trade?
The trade time must be shown in military-style hours, minutes and seconds and (usually) milliseconds. This is the time when parties to the transaction have agreed to all essential terms, including the actual price. If the price is conditional, the time reported is when the price becomes known – the close of normal market hours (4:00 pm) in this case.
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 defines insiders as…
…officers, directors and owners of more than 10% of the outstanding stock of a corporation
Good ’til market close (GTMC) orders
are available for execution until 4:00
pm, ET. If the order is not executed on the continuous book during the day, it
will participate in the closing cross, after which any unexecuted portion will be
cancelled. If a GTMC order is entered after the closing cross, it will be treated as
a system hours IOC order.
Must a company with securities quoted on the OTCBB notify the SEC if it fails to file an annual or quarterly report on time?
Yes, within one days of the delinquency
OTCBB issuers who are delinquent in a filing must notify the SEC no later than one business day after the filing due date. The filing is made on Form 12b-25.
Is any order with a limit price a pegged order?
A Level 1 trading halt can occur until
3:25 p.m.
A Level 1 halt is triggered by a 7% decline in the S&P 500 before 3:25 p.m. There is no Level 1 circuit-breaker after 3:25.
Update and modernize equity trading
What percentage decline will trigger a Level 2 market-wide circuit breaker?
A Level 2 halt is triggered by a decline of 13% before 3:25. It halts all equity trading for 15 minutes. There can be only one Level 2 halt per trading day.
A customer executes a long sale of Rule 144 restricted stock. Due to the restrictions on public sale of this stock, the broker-dealer can’t deliver shares right away. What is the deadline for closing out the fail-to-deliver?
If a fail results in securities that have restrictions that prevent good delivery, such as Rule 144 restricted stock, the firm must close out the fail after the 35th consecutive calendar day following trade date.
Jim owns 200 shares of ABC in his personal account, and Jim and Jane own 200 shares of XYZ in their joint account. When Jim places an order to sell 100 shares of XYZ from his personal account
My Answer:
The order memorandum must be marked short
Jim does not own XYZ in his personal account; hence, a sale of XYZ from his personal account is considered a short sale and the order memorandum must be marked accordingly as a short sale.
A Nasdaq market maker executes a trade at 7:00am which it later believes to be clearly erroneous. By what time must it notify Nasdaq?
Nasdaq Rule 11890 requires market makers to notify Nasdaq of a clearly erroneous trade within 30 minutes of execution. The notification deadline applies equally during and outside normal market hours.
Large trader for exchange-listed equities and options
- Equal or exceed two million shares, or $20 million in fair market value during any calendar day, or
- Equal or exceed 20 million shares, or $200 million in fair market value over the course of any calendar month
When must underwrite notify issuer and public about expiration of lock-up period?
2 days before
An important change from OATS to the CAT system is in the reporting of customer account and identifying information. CATs will require
the customer’s account number, account type and date account opened.
The CAT system will log customer account data, which OATS does not require. This includes the account number, account type and date the account was opened.
Clearly erroneous trade event
An obvious mistake in a trade
- Notify NASDAQ with 30 minutes
- EVEN OUTSIDE normal hours
NASDAQ can void, amend or decline to act
- Cannot assign trades to another counterparty
Appeals can be filed within 30
- NASDAQ market operations review committee
What is a bear call spread?
The bear call spread is used when the investor thinks that the price of the underlying asset will go down moderately in the near term. Vertical bear call spreads can be implemented by buying a call option with a certain strike price and selling a call option of a lower strike price on the same stock that expires in the same month. The bear call spread option strategy is also known as the bear call credit spread because the investor receives more premium than what is paid to implement the strategy. The costlier option is the short call which makes the position bearish.
Cabinet transactions may be accepted for:
I Opening transactions for public customers
II Closing transactions for public customers
III Opening transactions for member accounts
IV Closing transactions for member accounts
II and IV only
Cabinet trades (“accommodation liquidations”) are used to provide a record to individuals who have worthless options positions that are soon to expire “out the money.” In a closing transaction, the Order Book Official will accept limit orders from holders and writers of “out the money” contracts to close the positions at a total premium of $1 per contract ($.01 per share). The OBO will match the orders as an accommodation, and report the executed trades to the firm that placed the order. The OBO may accept these trades from anyone, not just the public (which is the case with all other orders placed with OBOs). Thus, market makers and member firms may place cabinet trades with OBOs for their own accounts.
Regulation M was designed to prevent companies from using share repurchases to manipulate the price of securities
during a distribution
The purpose of the rule is to prevent companies from using share purchases to manipulate securities’ prices during a distribution.
Broker-dealer D receives a request from a customer to know the identity of venues to which the customer’s orders have been routed. The request must be answered by providing identities for which routed orders?
Both directed and non-directed
On request, a broker-dealer must disclose to a customer the identity of venues to which customer orders were routed in the six months before the request. This includes both directed and non-directed orders, along with transaction times.
Primary MPID requirement
firm and 2 sided quotes
A firm that has the responsibility to monitor securities for the purpose of preventing unauthorized issuance is a(n)…
registrar and transfer agent
The term “transfer agent” includes any person who registers the transfer of securities or exchanges or converts securities. The definition includes a “registrar,” the person who monitors securities to prevent unauthorized issuance.
A customer has bought 30,000 shares of stock and 40 bonds in her account at broker-dealer ABC. If she wants to move half her stocks and half her bonds to an account at broker-dealer DEF, which physical securities will need to be moved?
neither the stocks nor the bonds
Securities, such as stocks and bonds, are typically deposited with a clearing house. Usually, they do not physically move when they are sold or transferred between brokers.
Settlement of when issued contracts takes place:
on the date set by the Uniform Practice Committee
The settlement date for “when issued” contracts (where trading starts in a stock before the physical securities are printed and delivered) is a date set by the Uniform Practice Committee. (They usually set it 2 business days after the physical securities are delivered to the underwriter.)
a block size order means…
…an order for at least 10,000 shares or a market value of at least $200,000.
When systemizing orders (not electronically transmitted) so that COATS can capture a trade, these information items must be captured:
option symbol, expiration month and year, strike price, buy or sell, call or put, number of contracts, and identity of the Clearing Trading Permit Holder.
After a reverse stock split, what happens to all open orders?
They are cancelled
Accepting payment or incentive for market making
Not allowed! However, after rejecting a payment, the market maker can still make markets
NMS Rule 605
M&M Rule - Monthly Reports filed by Market Centers (i.e. exchanges) Disclosure of quality of execution: - Speed of execution - Execution relative to public quotes - Price improvements
A customer enters an order to buy 600 shares of stock at 2:46 p.m. Due to an error, the trade does not execute until almost an hour later, at 3:44 p.m. The trade report will indicate
the actual execution price along with a .P modifier.
A modifier of .P indicates a Prior Reference Price for a trade that occurred earlier. The report shows the actual execution price and includes the .P modifier to flag the late trade.
System hours immediate-or-cancel (SIOC) orders
can be executed anytime
from 4:00 am–8:00 pm but will be cancelled unless at least a portion of the order
is marketable upon order entry. Any portion that is not immediately marketable
will be cancelled
Order-splitting is prohibited if the primary purpose is to increase
monetary or in-kind payments.
FINRA prohibits order-splitting for the primary purpose of increasing monetary or in-kind payments, including credits, commissions, gratuities, rebates and fees.
A Nasdaq-listed put option trades no-bid for ten seconds before a trade is executed. What must happen to trigger an obvious error?
The option one strike price above must also trade no-bid
It takes at least two options of the same class quoted no bid to trigger the obvious error on this basis. For call options, the strike price below must be no bid. For put options, the strike price above must be no bid.
Trading halt codes
T.1 - Stock is halted
News pending
Halt time
T.2 - Stock remains halted
News release
Halt time
T.3 - Stock remains halted but preparing to reume
News has been widely disseminated
2 times displayed (e.g. quote @ 2:15 / trade @ 2:20)
A Post-Only order to buy 800 shares is entered at a price that would lock the exchange book. The inside bid/offer is $33.14/$33.16. It will be posted on the book at what price?
The Post-Only order is designed to promote displayed liquidity. Such orders that would lock the book are posted one tick away (toward the inside) from the best price on the opposite side of the market. In this case, the best offer on the opposite side of the market is $33.16, and one tick away (inside) is $33.15. Notice that this price does not lock the book. The purpose is to allow market participants to get their orders resting on the book and control how often then “take” versus “make” liquidity.
The NBBO for XYZZ stock listed in the Capital Market is .97 - .98. Which of the following orders CANNOT be accepted for XYZZ stock?
A Sell at 1.011
B Sell at .978
C Buy at .976
D Buy at .981
Sell at 1.011
Rule 612 of Regulation NMS prohibits sub-penny pricing for NMS (NYSE, NYSE-American and NASDAQ) stocks trading at $1.00 or more. Since this stock is trading at less than $1.00, orders for less than $1.00 can be placed in sub-penny increments. However, any order for $1.00 or more cannot be placed in sub-pennies. Thus, the order to sell at $1.011 is prohibited - an order to sell could only be accepted at, say, $1.01 or $1.02.
Penny Stock
OTC equity worth less than $5.00 per share
Non price factors for clearly erroneous
extreme volatility
market malfunction
Under Regulation M, market maker activities in a security which is subject to a potential acquisition may be limited for a period of time
beginning the day proxy materials are sent to shareholders
Under Regulation M, the restricted period for a merger begins the day proxy materials are sent to shareholders.
MPID used for reporting and execution
Same MPID for same trade (can’t use 1 for execution and one for reporting)
How to determine net long/short?
A broker-dealer must aggregate all its positions UNLESS:
Independent aggregation is approved, which requires
- written plan to identify each unit in the firm
- Each unit determines its own net position
- Traders are assigned to only one unit
- Traders from one unit do not coordinate with traders in another
For NASDAQ, orders are executed based on
Price priority
All-or-none orders
If a market maker holds a customer all or none buy order and receives a sell order that is not enough shares, the market maker WILL NOT execute the customer’s AON order
The same applies to options trading
What is a bullish spread?
The more valuable of the two options determines the market attitude of the spread. For calls the more valuable option is the one with the lower strike price; for puts the more valuable option is the one with the higher strike price. A bull spread means that either the long call or short put must be the dominant position (i.e. higher premium).
A security has been placed on Nasdaq’s Reg SHO Threshold List. To get off this list, for how many days must it avoid exceeding the specified level of fails?
Five consecutive
Once a security is on the Threshold List, it needs five consecutive days where the number of fails are below the specified limit to get off the threshold list. Put differently, it takes five consecutive days of fails above limit to get on the list, and five consecutive days below limit to get off.
Price a market maker is willing to sell for either itself or a customer
All of the following may trade for their own account on the floor of an options exchange EXCEPT a:
floor broker
On the Options Exchanges, floor brokers handle trades as agent only. They accept orders from the public for execution but do not trade for their own account. Market makers on the exchange floor make markets in option contracts and are buying and selling for their own account. Registered options traders and competitive options traders are individuals that trade on the floor for themselves to add liquidity to the market. They can take positions and carry them.
Short sale
borrow stock, sell, buy back (at hopefully lower price)
Under Regulation M, any security that is being sold in a distribution or into which the security can be converted, is known as a(n)…
Covered security
According to the definitions of Regulation M, a covered security is defined as any security that is the subject of a distribution, or any reference security. The subject security is the security being sold while the reference security is anything convertible into the subject security. Together, they are referred to as covered securities.
The NYSE TRF reports
completed trades of exchange listed issues effected OTC in the “Third Market.” Note that it does not show quotes.
What positions best describes a bear call spread?
Sell a call with a low strike price and buy a call with a higher strike price
A bear call spread is established with two positions: 1) selling a call with a low strike price and 2) buying a call with a higher strike price. It is also referred to as a credit call spread. The market view of this position is bearish and the investor desires the spread to narrow.
Which securities settle on a T+1 settlement cycle?
Government securities and options
Government securities and options require T+1 settlement - settlement on the next business day following the trade.
Limit Up Limit Down trading pause
5 minutes
quotes can be updated
new quotes can be added
An investor anticipates a decline in the broad market and expects profit potential based on the degree of the decline. This investor’s position is what?
Long index put
An investor that is bearish on the overall market benefits by buying index puts. There must be a substantial decline in the stock to profit, because the investor must recover the premium paid.
In determining if there is a violation of position limits or exercise limits, the Options Clearing Corporation will aggregate long calls with:
Short Puts
To determine if there is a violation of position or exercise limits, the Options Clearing Corporation aggregates contracts on the same issuer on the same side of the market. Thus, long calls are aggregated with short puts (both representing the “upside” of the market); while long puts are aggregated with short calls (both representing the “downside” of the market).
How to calculate large trader status with index options
Dollars Traded = Options Contracts × Multiplier × Market Price of Index Options
In what manner and how often must a broker-dealer inform customers that information on their recent order routing is available on request?
In writing, at least annually
Customers must be notified in writing at least annually of their ability to request information on recent routing of their orders.
A market maker seeking an excused withdrawal from Nasdaq for involuntary failure to maintain a clearing arrangement can expect the withdrawal to be granted for up to
…60 days
Excused withdrawal requests to Nasdaq MarketWatch for vacation or religious holiday are typically granted for five business days. Excused withdrawal requests for investment banking activities will vary in length. Excused withdrawal requests due to involuntary failure to maintain a clearing agreement are typically granted for 60 days. Excused withdrawal requests for a technical problem are typically granted for five days, but must be requested through Nasdaq Market Operations, not MarketWatch.
For purposes of the requirement to provide statistical data on order execution quality, the definition of a covered order excludes any order for which the customer requests
Special handling for execution
The definition of covered order includes market, limit and IOC orders, but not orders for which the customer requests special handling such as at the market open or close, with stop prices, AON or FOK.
What is adjusted in a stock split
Number and price of shares
In a 3:2 split, Number of shares = (current * 3) / 2
Price of shares = (current * 2) / 3
Registered rep M occasionally receives orders at his home. He then calls the orders into his main office an hour or so later. Must M maintain a synchronized clock in his home?
Only if his home is considered a regular place of business
RRs who work from home must meet OATS rules. However, if a personal home is not considered a regular place of business, orders are not officially received until they are taken or sent to an office. In some situations a home is considered an RR’s regular place of business. In other cases, it is not.
clearing house
where securities such a stocks and bonds are typically deposited
After 1 Limit Up Limit Down trading pause
Primary market decides:
- Resume
- Another halt
The Nasdaq halt cross process aims to reopen trading after a halt at a price that
reflects market supply and demand.
The process allows investors to enter orders and participate in price discovery during a halt. When executions resume, it seeks to maximize trading volume at a price reflecting market supply and demand.
In a multi-stock event, FINRA may exercise its authority to cancel trades as “clearly erroneous” when they are executed
at prices more than 10% below the Reference Price and involve between five and 19 stocks.
There are two types of multi-stock events. One involves 5 or more, but less than 20, stocks trading at 10% or more away from Reference Price. The other involves 20 or more securities trading at 30% or more away from Reference Price.
Who is eligible to participate in the Alternative Display Facility (ADF)?
FINRA members in good standing
All FINRA members in good standing are eligible to participate in ADF. Once approved, the member is called an ADF Market Participant or Registered Reporting ADF Market Maker.
Which of the following would violate O.C.C. position limits, assuming a 75,000 contract limit?
I Long 40,000 ABC Call Contracts/ Long 40,000 shares of ABC stock II Long 40,000 ABC Call Contracts/ Short 40,000 ABC Put Contracts III Long 40,000 ABC Put Contracts/ Short 40,000 shares of ABC stock IV Long 40,000 ABC Put Contracts/ Short 40,000 ABC Call Contracts
II and IV only
Position limits only apply to options contracts on each “side” of the market - they do not apply to stock positions on each side. Thus, 40,000 Long Calls (40,000 contracts on the upside) and 40,000 Short Puts (40,000 contracts on the upside) exceed the maximum 75,000 contract limit on 1 side. Similarly, 40,000 Long Puts (40,000 contracts on the downside) and 40,000 Short Calls (40,000 contracts on the downside) exceed the 75,000 contract limit on 1 side.
Locked-in trades may be determined in the ADF processing system through any of the following methods except
Trade Step-In
The three permissible ways to lock-in trades are Trade by Trade Match, Trade Acceptance and T+N Trade Processing.
A broker-dealer enters an order to buy shares of stock for its own account at about the same time a customer places a block order to sell the same stock. This is a front-running violation if
the broker-dealer had foreknowledge of the public order and used it for price advantage.
The two prerequisites for a front-running violation are foreknowledge of a block order and use of this knowledge for economic gain or price advantage. It also must involve foreknowledge of a block order (10,000 shares or more).
A member firm may assume a loss in a customer option account:
if the loss resulted from the member’s mistake
if approval of the Exchange is obtained in advance
Exchange rules prohibit a member from assuming a customer loss, unless the loss resulted from the member’s mistake; or the Exchange specifically allows such action to be taken by the member (not likely!).
Quotes for exchange listed issues show in
CQS - the Consolidated Quotations Service
Market maker E is quoting Issuer F, an OTC Equity Security, at .98 -1.02. MM E must be willing to trade
At least 1,000 shares at .98 and 100 shares at 1.02
As Issuer F is an OTC Equity security, it must maintain a quote size based upon the price of the security, covering both the bid and offer side of their quote accordingly.
Give up
Firm reports on behalf of another firm
All of the following information is included in an ACT last sale report EXCEPT:
A security symbol B name of member making report C execution price D time of execution
The best answer is B.
The information included in a trade report made to the TRF is:
- Security symbol;
- Number of shares (round lots only; odd lots are not reported for trade purposes);
- .Z if reported late during regular market hours; .U if reported late outside of regular market hours;
- Price of execution;
- Time of execution.
The name of the member making the report is not included.
Three sell limit orders are entered on NASDAQ, with a one-minute interval between each entry. One order is GTC and the other two are day orders. The limit prices are $13.19, $13.21 and $13.25. The first order to be executed will be
the order with a $13.19 limit price.
Nasdaq orders are executed on a price priority basis. This means the best-priced limit order (highest buy or lowest sell) is executed first, regardless of the time entered. If two orders have the same limit price, the first entered has priority. There is no distinction between day and GTC limit orders.
On what date must a shareholder be the registered owner of a share to receive a cash dividend?
Record date
When an issuer pays a dividend to its equity holders it determines who receives the dividend by reviewing the shareholder list as of the record date. Put differently, the record date is the date when an investor must own the stock to receive the dividend.
FINRA 5% policy calculations
based off inside market (not cost)
debt securities based off prevailing market price
* generally assumed to be the firms contemporaneous price
If an issuer is removed from the OTCBB for failure to file timely periodic reports and has lost all appeals, what is the path to reinstatement of quotes on the OTCBB?
Absent a successful appeal, removal from the OTCBB lasts one year at minimum. Then, the request to have quotes reinstated must be made through a market maker, who files FINRA Form 211 to receive a trading symbol.
Assuming that the Standard and Poor’s 500 Average closes at 2,720, the U.S. securities markets will close for the balance of the day if the average declines below:
The circuit breaker rule shuts the markets for 15 minutes if the S&P 500 Index drops by 7%, and shuts them again if it drops by 13% from the prior day’s closing value. After reopening, if the index drops by 20%, the markets are closed for the rest of the day. If the index is at 2,720, a 20% drop is 544 points. 2,720 - 544 = 2,176.
Discretionary order
Order with a displayed limit price and an undisplayed range that the customer will accept
Does not apply against market order
Does apply against limit orders
Becomes IOC and attempts to trade (low priority)
If a multi-day trading event continues for a week, which of the following transactions may not be cancelled by FINRA?
Settled trades
Settlement is final, and there is no clearly erroneous cancellation of trades that have already settled. Also, a multi-day event cannot affect shares resulting from an IPO.
FINRA Rule 6121
1 gives FINRA the
authority to impose a market-wide circuit breaker on all NMS stock trading off
the exchange (that is, FINRA can halt all OTC trading of NMS stocks):
◆ If other major securities markets (e.g., the exchanges) initiate marketwide trading halts in response to their rules or extraordinary market
conditions, or
◆ If directed to do so by the SEC
In reporting total short position to FINRA, how do firms determine their short position?
the firm’s proprietary short positions plus its customer’s short positions
On the short interest report, due on the 15th and last day of each month, broker-dealers must report gross firm and customer short positions.
Regulation T
Customers must pay for securities T+4 (settlement of T+2 plus another 2 days)
Limit up / Limit down frequency of calculation
Every 30 seconds, but only updated when it more than 1% away from the current reference price
For NMS Stocks, what is a Qualified Block positioner under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Trades block of stock with a current market value of $200,000 or more in a single trade or several transactions at approximately the same time to facilitate a sale or purchase by a customer
Form T
Used when trades cannot be submitted electronically
Non-financial risk management controls
- Regulatory risk management: address regulatory compliance
- Credit risk management - address extension of credit
A market maker executes a short sale for 500 shares of a stock. However, it can’t locate and deliver the stock. The stock isn’t restricted and isn’t a threshold security. When must it close out the short sale?
it depends on whether the sale was part of bona fide market-making activity
If the short sale was part of the market maker’s bona fide market-making activity, the fail must be closed out by the open of trading on T+5. However, if it was not part of bona fide market-making activity, it must be closed out by the open of trading on T+3.
For purposes of FINRA’s rule against front-running, information about a block transaction is made publicly available when
The entire block transaction has been completed and reported
FINRA rules clarify that the whole block must be traded and reported for the information to be publicly available. Trading based on material information before this is front-running.
On the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange, duties similar to those performed by the NYSE Specialist are handled by the:
Designated Primary Market Maker
The Specialist (now called the DMM - Designated Market Maker) on the NYSE floor performs 2 functions. He acts as market maker in a specific security, buying and selling for his own account. He also keeps the “book” of limit and stop orders that are away from the market for other brokers, and executes these orders for a commission. On the CBOE, the DPM (Designated Primary Market Maker) performs both functions. In addition, to add liquidity to the market, the CBOE also has other Market Makers in listed options that compete with each other and the DPM, but they do not maintain a book of orders. The CBOE also has OBOs - Order Book Officials - in listed options that maintain the book of public orders, but who do not make markets.
Under the Uniform Practice Code, the ex-date for stock dividends or stock splits which represent 25% or more of the value of the subject security is 1 business day:
after the Payable Date
The Uniform Practice Code sets ex-dates for corporate distributions. On the ex-date, the stock’s price is reduced for the value of the distribution. The most commonly known ex-date is that for cash dividends - set at 1 business day prior to record date for regular way trades. Anyone who buys prior to this date will settle on the record date or before and thus will get the dividend. Anyone who buys on ex-date or after will settle after the record date and will not get the dividend - hence the reduction.
The ex-date for stock dividends and stock splits is totally different. It is set at 1 business day after the payable date (which is typically about 2 weeks after the record date). What happens is that anyone who buys, settling during the window of time encompassing the day after the record date through the payable date, will not be on record to get the stock split, yet on the day after the payable date, the price is reduced for the distribution that they were not on record to receive! These buyers claim the extra shares that they are owed with a “due bill.” Anyone who settles after the payable date (the ex-date) will pay the reduced price, and a due bill is no longer required.
Exception to Reg M’s Rule 105
An exception to Regulation M’s Rule 105 (short sale rule) allows bona fide investors who meet certain conditions to short sell within the five-day restricted period and close their positions with newly offered shares. To use the exception, the latest a short sale trade can occur is 30 minutes prior to the close on the business day prior to the day of pricing.
A brief halt in trading a stock, pending release of important news, is considered to be which type of halt?
A common reason for trading halts is pending material news. These halts usually are brief, and they are considered “regulatory trading halts.”
A trade cancellation in a NASDAQ stock that occurs during the After-Market trading session:
must be reported to ACT/TRF by 8:00 PM that day
The NASDAQ rule on trade cancellations is:
Trades That Take Place During Regular Market Hours (9:30 AM - 4:00 PM ET):
- For trades canceled at or before 4:00 PM, the cancellation must be reported within 10 seconds;
- For trades canceled after 4:00 PM but before 8:00 PM, the member should use its best efforts to report no later than 8:00 PM that day (ACT Closing); otherwise the cancellation is to be reported to ACT by 8:00 PM the next day;
- For trades canceled after 8:00 PM ET, the cancellation is to be reported to ACT by 8:00 PM the next day.
Trades That Take Place Outside of Regular Hours (before 9:30 AM, but after 4:00 PM):
- For trades canceled before 8:00 PM (ACT closing), the cancellation must be reported by 8:00 PM that day;
- For trades canceled after 8:00 PM, the cancellation must be reported by 8:00 PM the next day.
This trade took place in the Aftermarket trading session (between 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM), so the cancellation must be reported by 8:00 PM that day.
What is the maximum number of times a short-sale circuit-breaker can be triggered in one covered security?
There is no limit
A new (or extended) circuit-breaker will be triggered on any day that the transaction price falls 10% from the prior day’s closing bid. There is no limit on the number of circuit-breakers that can trigger.
Orders involved in Opening cross
market hours orders, system hours orders, market-on-open, limit-on-open, imbalance-only
On the CBOE, the execution of contingency orders depends on the
last reported price of the underlying security, as reported on the primary exchange
Execution of all contingency orders depends on the last reported price of the underlying security, as reported on the primary exchange. In most cases, the primary exchange is the NYSE or Nasdaq.
The Manning Rule’s prohibition against trading proprietary orders ahead of held customer limit orders applies to
All equities
The Manning rule applies to all trading by FINRA members (for their own accounts) in all equities - including NMS stocks and OTC equities.
In connection with the sale of securities to the public, the parties to the deal enter into a lock-up agreement. Where, if at all, would this information be publicly disclosed?
Lock-ups must be disclosed in a public company’s S-1 registration filing or in an amended filing (S-1A).
Under SEC Rule 606 of Regulation NMS, customers must be notified in writing of their right to request order routing information:
Under SEC Rule 606 of Regulation NMS, customers must be notified, in writing, at least once per year, of their right to request information on how and where their orders were routed for execution. The information provided to a requesting customer must cover the prior 6 month’s trades.
Trade shredding
Order splitting that is not allowed if the purpose is to generate additional commission
Is priority affected when a System Order is modified by a partial cancellation of the share size?
Strangle or combination
Straddle (long or short) with options that have different strike prices (higher call strike and a lower put strike or vise versa).
A long or short combination has the same attitude as a long or short straddle
How is the trade confirmation marked for the sale of IPO shares, when the offering date and price have not yet been finalized?
WI stands for when, as and if issued. If there is enough interest in the new issue, the offering is finalized and the WI settlement date is then set.
Why are Market Makers required to have financial risk management controls
Purpose is to prevent clearly erroneous orders
- Duplicative orders
- Orders exceeding appropriate price or size parameters
Reg M Rule 102
Restrictions on issuers, selling security holders, and affiliated persons
You can’t drive up the price of the stock!!!
Another name for order-splitting is
Shredding an order means chopping it into multiple smaller orders for execution or trade reporting.
Green shoe clause
In an underwriting agreement, permits the underwriting investment bank to increase the size of the deal by up to 15% to meet investor demand
Ralph has placed an order to purchase 12,000 shares of an OTC issuer - XYZ Co. - with Broker-dealer M. The shares are trading at $10. This order
Need not be displayed unless the customer requests that the order be displayed
A block trade is defined as having at least 10,000 shares or a value of $200,000 or more for NMS stocks and for OTC equities it is defined as a trade of at least 10,000 shares and at least $100,000. A block size order is exempt from the FINRA Customer Limit Order Display Rule. These orders need not be displayed in the market maker quote unless the customer specifically that the order be displayed.
The NBBO on BRT, an S&P 500 stock, is 10.00 - 10.10. MDX is a market maker and has an existing bid on the stock. What is the lowest possible value for MDX’s bid?
The Defined Limit is the percentage that existing quotes can deviate from the current National Best Bid Offer (NBBO). If there is no NBBO, the pricing obligation references the last reported sale. Firms must adjust any quotes that that are more than the Defined Limit away from the NBBO. The Defined Limit is 9.5% if the stock is in the S&P 500 or Russell 1000 (a Tier 1 stock); 29.5% if it is another NMS stock with a price greater than $1.00 and 31.5% for all other stocks. Here, the NBB is $10.00, the stock is on the S&P 500, and the bid is already in the system, so the most it can be away from the NBB is the Defined Limit of 9.5%, or $9.05.
piggyback registration rights
Under piggyback registration rights, when an
issuer proposes to register its securities, the investor can require the issuer to include the investor’s securities in the prospectus, at the issuer’s expense. In this scenario, the underwriter would be selling the investor’s Rule 144A securities in addition to the issuer’s own securities. The QIB’s shares “piggyback” on the issuer’s registration statement.
Takes whatever the best price is on open
A European importer purchases goods from a U.S firm that requires payment in U.S. dollars in 6 months. The importer has purchased puts on the euro. What is the concern of the importer?
The dollar is rising in value
An importer that must pay for goods in U.S dollars is concerned about exchange rate of the foreign currency against the dollar. If puts are purchased on the foreign currency, the investor will be able to lock in a price at which to sell them, which will be valuable if the currency falls in the future.
Broker-dealer U is a passive market maker in Issuer W. It may effect net purchases of
30% of its average daily trading volume
A passive market maker may purchase 30% of its average daily trading volume each day that it is participating as a passive market maker
For a limit order, all of the following must be entered into OATS, except
Market price at the time the order is placed
A limit order must be designated as such in the system and include the limit price and time limit (expiration) when the order is in force. The market price, at the time the order is placed, is not required.
ATS regulations
- Must publicly disseminate quotes for any stock in which they account for more than 5% of trading volume on a regular basis
- Must have written standards for granting access
- Firms that wish to advertise trading volumes in an ATS can only advertise up to the number of shares reported to a trade reporting facility
- Advertising shares not backed up by reported volumes is a violation
The OTCBB requires any priced quote to be firm, up to the minimum quotation size, for which types of securities?
Domestic equities
A priced bid/offer entered for a domestic equity security must be firm up to the minimum quote size.
Entering orders to entice other participants to join on the same side of the market at a price they would not ordinarily trade at and then trading against those orders
Underwriter Obligations for New Issues
Notification of Indications of Interest (IOI) and allocations
- Pre-settlement:
- Institutional investors’ IOI and share allocation
- Aggregate retail demand
- Post Settlement
- Allocations to each institutional investor
- Total shares sold to retail
CBOE position limits rule
govern how many options contracts an investor may control
1) delta hedging
2) firm facilitation
3) market making
What must a qualified block positioner do, to determine that a block can’t be bought or sold from others on equivalent or better terms?
Exercise reasonable due diligence
A block positioner must exercise reasonable due diligence in trading blocks at a competitive price.
Passive market maker A is bidding 25 for Issuer Y. The highest independent bid is 25, but that bid is reduced to 24.50. PMM A can continue to maintain its bid of 25
Until it purchases 200 shares, then it must reduce its bid
When the highest independent bid drops below the bid of the passive market maker, the passive market maker may purchase up to two times the minimum quote size (100 shares X 2), then must reduce its bid.
What would cause the minimum quote size for a security on an OTC interdealer quote system to increase from 100 shares to 1,000?
The price declines below $1
The relationship between minimum quote size and security price is inverse. If the price drops below $1.00, the minimum quote size increases from 100 to 1,000 shares.
Inside Market
Best bid/ask
A Nasdaq listed option trades for $17.30 at a time when the last sale price is $16.00 and the theoretical price is $17.00 Under the Nasdaq obvious error rule, what will be the final price of the trade?
Under the Nasdaq obvious error rule, Nasdaq will adjust a trade if it is a more than a defined amount away from the theoretical price. For options with a theoretical price between $10.01 and $20.00, the band is $0.80. Since this trade occurs inside the band, it is not an error, therefore the price will not be adjusted.
How to register as ADF market participant
Apply to FINRA by submitting 2 documents
* Certification Record (certifies ability to comply with Reg NMS)
* Participant agreement to submit quotes and trades to ADF. (Submit 6 months before expecting to participate in ADF)
Receive certification of good standing from FINRA
Comply with net capital requirements and other financial responsibilities
Submit an ADF deposit of $250,000 in five equal installments into escrow. ($500,000 for accelerated migration to the ADF)
Limit State
- Trading continues
- If the limit state quote is executed/cancelled within 15 seconds, we exit limit state
- If we do not exist limit state, 5-minute trading pause
Basically: if there’s a big move and no liquidity, we pause. If there is liquidity, it’s okay.
Market Maker A wishes to begin quoting the stock of ABC Co. on the OTCBB. Who has responsibility for notifying FINRA when and where the issuer will file periodic reports with the SEC?
The market maker
Market makers must file FINRA Form 211 to initiate or resume quotes in OTC equity securities. Part 4 of the form covers the issuer’s SEC filings, including the filing cycle and reports filed for the current fiscal year.
System hours day (SDAY)
orders are available for execution from 4:00 am–8:00 pm on the day the order is entered.
Position limits exceptions
Knopman Note: The CBOE’s position limits rule governs how many options contracts an investor may control. Exceptions to the standard position limits are available for 1) delta hedging, 2) firm facilitation,
or 3) market-making. Note: No exception exists for position limits based on dividends.
It is more important to know the exemptions’ names—and what is not an exemption—than their application or use.
A broker dealer’s restricted list, which is a list of securities that its employees cannot trade, will generally include all of the following EXCEPT
An explanation of why the security was added to or deleted from the list
A broker-dealer’s watch list and restricted list should each include:
◆ The date and time the security was added to or deleted from the list, and
◆ The name of a contact person who can answer questions about the addition or deletion
Under SEC Rule 10b-18, all of the following statements regarding an issuer purchasing its own securities are true EXCEPT:
A purchases cannot affect the opening or closing of the security
B daily purchases cannot exceed 25% of the daily trading volume
C purchases outside the normal flow are permitted
D purchases on any single day can be made through no more than 2 market makers
The best answer is D.
Under SEC Rule 10b-18, if an issuer wishes to buy its stock in the open market, it cannot do so in a manner that will influence the stock’s price. All transactions on a given day must be executed through only 1 market maker (not 2). It cannot buy the stock at the market open or within 1/2 hour of the close; and can pay no more than the highest current independent bid or the last sale price, whichever is higher. Its daily purchases cannot exceed 25% of daily trading volume in the issue, however purchases outside the normal order flow are permitted - such as block purchases (block order handling procedures have safeguards in them so that the order will not unduly influence the market price of the issue).
From date of publication of an OTC quote, for issuer due diligence purposes, how old may an income statement be to meet the test of “reasonably current?”
Not more than six months
Income and retained earnings statements are reasonably current if they are not more than six months old, from publication of the quote. For balance sheets, it is not more than 16 months old.
Some trades are excluded from LULD price bands if they meet two tests. One is that they are excepted or exempted from the SEC’s trade-through rule. The other is that they
do not update the last sale price.
Trades can be excluded from LULD price bands if they: 1) do not update the last sale price; and 2) are excepted or exempted.
NASDAQ normal market hours
9:30 am - 4 pm, Market maker must supply 2 sided quote during this time
Warrant quotes on NASDAQ
Must be firm
Who has the responsibility for determining when a penny stock disclosure must be given to a customer?
The broker-dealer
It is each broker-dealer’s responsibility to determine if a stock is a penny stock and deliver any and all required disclosures.
Which broker-dealer relationships must a Large Trader disclose to the SEC?
All at which an account is held
The Large Trader must disclose on Form 13H all broker-dealers at which either the firm or its Securities Affiliates has an account, whether or not there has been active trading in the account.
For private placements, what document must an OTC market maker review and believe to be accurate and reliable?
Offering circular or PPM
The offering circular or private placement memorandum (PPM) is the private placement equivalent of a prospectus.
Any potential price improvement on NASDAQ goes to
taker of liquidity
e.g. NBBO is 75.47-75.50 and customer enters order to sell at 75.46, customer gets price improvement (i.e. sale is at 75.46, so they get $0.01 price improvement)
During a Level 1 or Level 2 circuit breaker halt, for how many minutes are quotes halted?
Quoting is permitted only in the last five minutes of a Level 1 or 2 halt. In the first 10 minutes, quotes are not shown. The actual trading halt lasts for 15 minutes.
A block size order according to FINRA rules is an order for
10,000 shares with a market value of at least $100,000
A block size order according to FINRA regulations is one for at least 10,000 shares with a market value of at least $100,000. This definition applies to OTC equities. Under Reg NMS, a block trade is defined differently - an order for 10,000 shares or at least $200,000 in value.
At 3:30 p.m. the S&P 500 drops 8%. By 3:35 p.m. it has recovered to a 5% drop. Then, at 3:45 p.m. it is back to 8% down. Which of the following is true regarding the circuit breakers that will result from this trading activity?
Trading was not halted
Under the circuit breaker rules, a Level 1 halt for 15 minutes will occur when the S&P 500 is down 7%, a Level 2 halt for 15 minutes will occur when the S&P is down 13%, and a Level 3 halt, resulting in a market closure for the rest of the day, will occur at a 20% decline. Each level can only occur once per day. Also, after 3:25 p.m. the Level 1 and Level 2 halts cannot occur.
ATS (alternative trading system)
Marketplace that matches buyers and sellers
Order and quote collection system
similar to exchanges
Electronic communication network (ECN)
Dark pool
An affiliate wishes to sell control stock on Nasdaq. There are 1 million shares of the same class of stock outstanding and the average weekly trading volume in the four preceding weeks was 20,000 shares. What is the maximum amount of stock he/she can sell during a three-month period?
The limit on control stock sales in a three-month period is the greater of 1% of outstanding shares or average weekly trading volume over the prior four weeks. In this case, it is the greater of 10,000 shares (outstanding) or 20,000 shares (volume). However, if the stock were traded on OTC Bulletin Board or Pink, only outstanding shares (not volume) would be considered and the limit would be 10,000 shares.
The OCC does all of the following EXCEPT:
A maintain an orderly trading market in options
B issue options contracts
C assign options exercise notices
D guarantee viability of options contracts
The best answer is A.
The Options Clearing Corporation is the issuer and guarantor of listed options contracts. The OCC keeps the record of all long and short positions and changes that occur in these positions due to trading or exercise. When the OCC receives an exercise notice, it picks a writer to be assigned the contract on a random basis. Trading of the contracts occurs on exchanges - there is no trading at the OCC!
A company’s share repurchases of its own securities must be reported on periodic reports for each
A company must disclose on its 10-Q or 10-K its share repurchase transactions on a monthly basis.
A broker-dealer has received an order from a retail customer for a non-U.S. traded security. Broker-dealer policies regarding these securities
Must stipulate that the firm will use reasonable diligence to obtain the most favorable terms available for the customer.
Although a security may not trade in the U.S., broker-dealers still have obligations to seek best execution for customer orders involving any foreign security. This premise must be stipulated in specific written policies and procedures maintained by the firm.
Once a Nasdaq Market Maker voluntarily terminates registration for a Nasdaq-listed security, for how long is the firm barred from re-registering that security?
20 business days
A withdrawal is considered a termination of that particular security. After a withdrawal, the Market Maker is barred from re-registering as a market maker in that same security for 20 business days for Nasdaq-listed securities.
All of the following are defined as “insiders” under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 EXCEPT:
Corporate officers and directors
Holders of 10% or more of the equity securities of that company who are employees of that company
Holders of 10% or more of the equity securities of that company who are not employees of that company
Holders of 10% or more of the senior securities of the company who are not employees of that company
The best answer is D.
The Securities Exchange Act defines an “insider” as an officer, director or holder of 10% of the equity securities of that company. In addition, under Rule 10b-5, the courts have expanded the definition of an insider to anyone who receives material non-public information in a fiduciary capacity and uses that information to trade for profit. Holders of 10% of the senior securities (preferred stock or bonds) of a company are not defined as insiders since interest rate movements affect the prices of these securities. They are not directly affected by news about the company in the same manner that common stock is.
Permitted quotes for NASDAQ
Rule 144A
Permits Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) to purchase unregistered securities)
NOTE: Rule 144A is different from Rule 144!!
The NBBO for a stock is $47.25-$47.30. The two sides of this quote are shown by one exchange. A Nasdaq market maker then enters a buy order on the same exchange with a limit price of $47.31. This order is permitted by Nasdaq only if
the exchange showing the crossed quote is experiencing a system malfunction.
A Nasdaq market maker is permitted to enter a quote that would lock or cross the market only if the exchange showing the quote is experiencing a system malfunction. In this case, the locked quote is $47.31-$47.30. It is crossed because the bid is above the ask price
Rule 15c2-11 Piggybacking
If there’s already a market maker, you don’t need to do the due diligence
Quotations must have been posted 12 of the last 30 days, and can’t have quote interruptions over 4 days
Ineligible: Not quoted (need to file)
Eligible: Being quoted but doesn’t satisfy frequency test above
Active: Being quoted and satisfied frequency test (form 211 not required)
Once you’re in, good to go (even if original MM quits)
Where is the place of delivery for ex-clearing regular-way trades?
Office of the purchaser
For securities transactions settled ex-clearing (i.e. with physical delivery), regular-way trades are delivered at the office of the purchaser on a T+3 basis.
Type of spread for options
Based on Contract feature
- If the strike prices are different but the expiration months are the same, the spread is vertical or price spread
- if the strike prices are the same, but the expiration months are different, the spread is horizontal or calendar spead
- If both the strike prices and the expiration months are different, the spread is diagonal spread
What is the name of an exempted trade that allows a trading center to correct a trade so that a displayed price can be offered to customers when trades are reported at prices inferior to the display?
Print protection trade
A print protection trade is exempt from the Reg NMS Rule 611(a) trade-through rules, and allows broker-dealers to execute orders that were not executed because they are not at the top-of-book (“TOB”) in the market in which they are displayed but are priced superior to TOB orders executed in other markets.
Once the CBOE closing bell is rung on the Friday prior to expiration:
I All trading ceases in options contracts listed on the Exchange
II Closing rotations are employed once a closing price in the primary market is established
III Cabinet trades that remain open must be matched and reported
I and II
Once the closing bell is rung on the Friday prior to expiration, trading stops, including cabinet trades. The only remaining activity is a closing rotation performed for 10 minutes or so, in each series that is expiring. This allows for an orderly closing of any remaining “in the money” contracts, based upon the reported closing price on the principal Exchange for that stock.
An affiliate must file notice with the SEC on Form 144 if he/she wishes to…
…sell 5,000 shares or $50,000 in aggregate in any three-month period. In addition, the sale must take place within three months of filing the Form.
Information in an NMS Rule 606 report
Top 10 venues to which broker dealer routes customer orders
Any other venue to which the firm routes at least 5% of non-directed customer orders
Any order flow arrangement with the venue
When must a customer who trades outside normal market hours be given an Extended Hours Trading Risk Disclosure Statement?
Before a customer executes the first trade in extended hours
The disclosure must be provided before a customer executes the first trade in extended hours. Extended hours trading is any trading outside of normal market hours (9:30 am - 4:00 pm)
tie-in agreement
The practice of making allotments to customers only if such customers agree to make some comparable purchase in the open market after the issue is initially sold is known as a tie-in and is prohibited. Such transactions are considered manipulative and could artificially influence the market for the offered security.
Exercise settlement of index options is based on the:
value of the underlying index at the moment of exercise versus the strike price of the index option
If an index option is exercised, exercise settlement is based on the closing index value that day versus the strike price of the option. This creates a bit of a “problem” because if the contract is exercised during the trading day, the closing index value is not yet known. A much better way to capture a profit on the contract is to close it at the current market premium. However, exercise is permitted as part of the basic contract!
A passive market maker may bid for a covered security
At a price that matches the highest independent bid at the time of the transaction
A passive market maker may not bid for or purchase a covered security at a price that exceeds the highest independent bid for the covered security at the time of the transaction. There must be an independent bid in the market for a passive market maker to be able to enter a bid.
Carolyn does freelance work for a private tech company that expects to IPO in two years. As a reward for service, she is given 200 shares of restricted stock. Until the IPO, the company will not file financial reports with the SEC. How long must she hold the restricted stock before it can be sold?
until the IPO
Restricted stock must be held a certain period before it can be sold. The holding period is six months for securities issued by companies subject to reporting requirements of the SEC and at least one year for issuers that are not subject to reporting. However, there must be adequate current information about the issuer before a sale can be made. Securities of a private company that does not file financial reports are not eligible to be sold.
The system that allows order entry firms to contract with a market maker for order entry and maintenance in the NASDAQ Market Center is:
ACES - Advanced Computerized Execution System is a voluntary execution service to which order entry firms can subscribe. The service lets an order entry firm choose a specific market maker, to whom that firm routes its limit orders (and market orders) for execution. The market maker places these orders in NASDAQ for execution and maintains the limit orders until they can be filled. The benefit to the order entry firm is that it does not have to deal with the “problem” of limit order maintenance and will get payment for order flow; the benefit to the market maker is that it has an internalized book of orders against which it can trade as the market moves. The ADF is the Alternate Display Facility, where ECNs that choose not to link into NASDAQ post their quotes. OATS is the Order Audit Trail System for electronic order entry. ACT is the Automated Confirmation of Transactions Service for trade reporting and comparison.
Marketable limit order
limit order than can be filled given current market
will be filled
How much risk does an investor with the following position have?
Short ABC Jan 73 call; Short ABC Jan 73 put
In a short straddle, the investor has unlimited risk due to a naked short call position – if the stock rises the investor is forced to purchase the stock in the open market and deliver it at the strike price.
SEC filing requirements for OTCBB
Must be current
10-K, 10-Q, 8-K, etc.
Under NASDAQ rules, if the inside market for ABCD Dec 25 Puts is below $2, an obvious error has occurred if the execution price is higher or lower than the best bid or offer by:
$.25 or more
An obvious error has occurred if the execution price of an options transaction is higher or lower than the “theoretical price” by an amount equal to at least:
Theoretical Price Amount Below $2 $.25 $2 - $5 $.40 Over $5 - $10 $.50 Over $10 - $20 $.80 Over $20 - $50 $1.00 Over $50 - $100 $1.50 Over $100 $2.00
Print protection trade example
The best bid on Trading Center A is 39.80, with the second best bid at 39.75. The best bid on Trading Center B is 39.70. Under the print protection exception, an order to sell at 39.70 could be executed against the two bids on Trading Center A (39.80 and 39.75), which is offering superior prices to the protected 39.70 bid on Trading Center B—this bid can be ignored since it is not competitive with Trading Center A.
A credit calendar spread has
different expiration months, and a net credit premium. A credit spread means the short option must have a higher premium – this will always be the option with the later expiration due to the additional time value.
In addition to the bid/ask quote, the penny stock quote disclosure must show
the number of shares to which the quote applies.
The broker-dealer must disclose the number of shares represented by the bid/offer quote.
Supplemental MPIDs are often used to report:
dark pool and OTC trades
FINRA considers the issuance of multiple MPIDs to the same firm to be a privilege, not a right. Supplemental MPIDs are often used to report dark pool and OTC trades.
When can the short-sale circuit-breaker rules take effect on a covered security?
normal market hours
The circuit-breaker can only be triggered during normal market hours, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. If the trade price doesn’t drop by 10% as compared to the previous day’s close during normal market hours it won’t trigger a circuit breaker.
Broker-dealer P is a Large Trader that files disclosure information with the SEC. If its organization chart changes on February 15, it must submit an Amended Filing no later than
Promptly after March 31, 2015
A 13H Amended Filing must be filed promptly following the end of the calendar quarter in which any of the information contained in a Form 13H filing becomes inaccurate for any reason. A large trader must file an “Amended Filing” when, for example, it changes its name, business address, organization type (e.g., the large trader partnership reincorporates as a limited liability company), or regulatory status (e.g., a hedge fund registers under the Investment Company Act), or when its organizational chart changes. Here, the change occurred in the first quarter, and an amended filing is due promptly after the end of the first quarter (March 31).
OTCBB quote sizes
Higher price, few number of shares to quote
Minimum quote size might be different based on bid/ask, if bid/ask are at different levels
Are Market centers reports required by Regulation NMS categorized by order modifier?
Market center reports required by Regulation NMS must be categorized by security, order type, and order size. The modifier is not relevant.
Rule 605 of Regulation NMS requires:
each market center to prepare monthly electronic reports about its quality of executions and effective spreads
Rule 605 of Regulation NMS requires market centers to make monthly electronic reports about the quality of execution in each stock traded, including how market orders of various sizes are executed relative to public quotes. The reports must also include information about effective spreads. In addition, market centers must provide reports on the extent to which they were able to “improve” execution prices for limit orders as compared to the public quote at that time. Do not confuse Rule 605 with Rule 606.
Trade-by-trade match
Both parties to the trade submit transaction data, and the system performs an online match.
NASDAQ tiers
Global select market
global market
capital market
A quotation that is not an automated quotation is considered…
…a manual quote.
Sales of which of the following need not comply with industry rules on borrowing and locating?
Stock futures
Stock futures do not need to be borrowed or located before selling short.
Excused withdrawals for Quotation for 5 days
Religious holidays
Vacation (for small firms with 3 terminals or less)
Equipment failure
An investor that establishes a credit call spread benefits if which of the following occur?
The difference in premiums narrows
A credit spread is profitable if the difference in premiums narrows, and both options expire worthless. If the spread does narrow, the investor will keep some of the net premium, thereby profiting.
What makes a quote or order marketable, for purpose of complying with FINRA’s requirement against inactive quoting by a Registered Reporting ADF ECN?
It is accessed by another center or participant
The test is whether the quote or order is accessed (traded against) by another trading center or market participant. At least one quote or order on both sides of the market must be marketable within a 30-day period.
In regard to publication of OTC quotes, all documents a market maker is required to provide about an issuer on request must be submitted to an interdealer quote system…
…at least three business days before the quote is published or resumed
The materials - such as the prospectus, offering circular, or SEC filings - must be submitted to the interdealer system at least three business days before an OTC quote is published or resumed. Interdealer systems include OTCBB and OTC Link.
Exceptions to the Trade-Through Rule
Transactions that do not settle regular way
◆ Transactions at the open, close, or re-opening (e.g., after a trading halt)
◆ Transactions executed while the market is locked or crossed
◆ Intermarket sweep orders
◆ Stopped orders—a stopped order, sometimes called a stop stock transaction, is an order where a broker-dealer offers a customer aBspecific price for a transaction, along with the opportunity for the
customer to find a better price elsewhere. The execution must be at a superior price to any protected quote in order to qualify for an exemption from the Trade-Through Rule. This is a different order from a
traditional stop order, which will be discussed later.
◆ A transaction executed at a price not based on the currently quoted price for the security at the time of execution
◆ Under the one-second exception, transactions executed where the exchange that was traded-through had shown an inferior price until one second prior to execution. This is sometimes referred to as a flickering
quote. In short, if the trader did not have time to see the better price and executed at an inferior price, that is an exception.
◆ Trades for nonconvertible preferred stock, securities that trade like debt instruments and are therefore not subject to the Trade-Through Rule
◆ A qualified contingent trade, which consists of two or more component
orders in which at least one compnent order is in an NMS stock, all components are effected with a price contingency, and the execution of one component is contingent on all other components. Examples of
contingency trades include:
• A trade involving an NMS stock and a derivative of the stock (e.g., an option)
• Trades involving two stocks in a proposed merger
• Fully hedged trades
• Spread trades in derivative securities
◆ An error correction trade, which occurs when a trading center discovers an error and modifies the order, or executes a new order, at a price consistent with the parties’ original understanding of how the
order should have been handled. For example, if the trade was executed at the wrong price, in the wrong stock, or for the wrong amount, the firm might execute an error correction trade.
◆ A print protection trade, which allows a trading center to correct a trade so that a displayed price can be offered to customers when trades are subsequently reported at prices inferior to the display
Under the Nasdaq rule for designated percentages for market maker quotes, for how many minutes per day, in total, do the pricing obligation percentages change for Tier 1 securities?
The regular pricing obligation percentage is 8%. But it changes to 20% during the first 15 minutes and the last 25 minutes of each trading day = 40 minutes in total per day.
If a syndicate is underwriting a secondary offering of XYZZ common stock, the trading restrictions of Rule 101 of Regulation M would apply to which of the following?
I XYZZ common stock
II XYZZ convertible bonds
III XYZZ warrants to purchase common stock
I only
The trading restrictions of Rule 101 apply to “covered securities.” These include the subject security (the security being underwritten) and any reference securities. A reference security is one into which the subject security may be converted. Rule 101 does not restrict trading in derivative securities, which includes convertibles, options and warrants (because an SEC study found that trading of these did not have much impact on the market price of the subject security). If a syndicate is underwriting XYZZ common stock, then trading in XYZZ convertible bonds and XYZZ warrants would not be restricted. On the other hand, if the syndicate were underwriting XYZZ convertible bonds, then XYZZ common stock would be a reference security that is subject to the trading restrictions.
Trade confirmation required information
- Security
- Price
- Action (buy/sell)
- Trade and settlement date
- Capacity of firm (agent or principal)
- Mark up/mark down or commission
- Availability of transaction time (upon request)
- If payment was received for order flow
When will CAT replace COATS?
once the consolidated audit trail (CAT) is fully operational and reaches an error rate below a certain threshold, COATS will be retired.
When a market maker files a Form 211 under 15c2-11 the firm is preparing to
Enter quotes on an OTC stock
Rule 15c2-11 and FINRA Rule 6432 requires OTC market makers and broker-dealers to perform due diligence on any issuer’s securities prior to publishing quotes in an OTC security. These certifications require that a member firm review the issuer’s financial and disclosure documents and believe these documents to be accurate and reliable
Fractional shares on NASDAQ
Not allowed!
An investor sells 20 put options on Canadian dollars at a strike price of .80. The premium is $100 per contract. What is the maximum gain and loss on this position?
Gain: $2,000. Loss: $158,000.
The maximum gain when an investor writes an option is the premium received, which is 20 contracts X $100 per contract = $2,000. The maximum loss is if the Canadian dollar goes to zero, in which case loss is .80 X 10,000 contract size X 20 contracts = $160,000, less the premium collected of $2,000 = $158,000.
Under Rule 144, which TWO of the following statements are TRUE regarding control stock purchased in the open market:
I Control stock must be held fully paid for 6 months prior to sale
II Control stock is not subject to any holding period requirement prior to sale
III Control stock sales are subject to volume restrictions
IV Control stock sales are not subject to volume restrictions
II and III
Rule 144 requires that sellers of restricted stock and control stock in the open market must give public notice of the intended sale, and the sales are subject to volume restrictions. Control stock is registered stock owned by an officer or director of the company. This stock can be sold without any minimum holding period. Restricted stock is unregistered stock, typically acquired in a private placement. Given that the company has gone public, the owner of restricted stock can sell after holding the position, fully paid for 6 months.
What are the exceptions to the requirement to immediately publish a customer limit order for an OTC equity?
The three main exceptions to this requirement are all or none (AON) orders, odd-lot orders, and block-size orders. Another exception is when the customer requests that the order not be displayed.
For Direct Participation Programs, market makers are allowed to update quotes on the OTCBB how often?
Twice per day
DPP priced quotes on the OTCBB are non-firm, and they may only be updated twice per day - once between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. and once between noon and 12:30 p.m. EST.
A securities issuer has a public float value of $200 million and average daily trading volume (ADTV) of $800,000 per day. Is it an actively traded security, for purposes of the timing requirement of the issuer share repurchase safe harbor?
No, because it fails the ADTV requirement
A small issuer has either a public float below $150 million or ADTV of less than $1 million. A large company must meet both requirements.
Who is required to review and sign the filing required before a member firm initiates or resumes quotes in a non-exchange-listed security?
A principal of the firm
Prior to entering quotations on a non-exchange listed equity (an OTC security) a Form 211 must be reviewed and signed by a principal of the member firm.
FINRA Rules 6183 and 6625
Exemption from trade reporting
FINRA Rules 6183 and 6625 provide an exemption from trade reporting by the ATS if all the following criteria are satisfied:
- Trades are between ATS subscribers that are FINRA members.
- The ATS demonstrates that:
a. The member subscribers are fully disclosed to one another at all times.
b. The system does not permit automatic execution, and a member subscriber takes affirmative steps beyond the submission of an order to agree to a trade with another member subscriber.
c. The trade does not pass through any ATS account, and the ATS does not in any way hold itself out to be a party to the trade.
d. The ATS does not exchange shares or funds on behalf of the member subscribers or take either side of the trade for clearing or settlement purposes. - The ATS and the member subscribers agree in writing that the ATS trades shall be reported by the member subscribers and that the ATS is not a party to the transaction.
- The ATS agrees to provide monthly data relating to the volume of trades, by security, executed by member subscribers. If the ATS fails to report such data, its exemption from reporting trades may be revoked.
Note that this rule only grants an exemption from trade reporting by the actual ATS. The member subscribers trading as counterparties are still subject to transaction reporting. Furthermore, the responsibility for reporting the transaction rests with the executing party.
A debit spread has a
net premium debit – that is, the higher premium of the 2 options is on the buy side. For calls the more valuable option is the one with the lower strike price; for puts the more valuable option is the one with the higher strike price.
Position trading
Position trading is another term for a firm making a market in securities and trading for its own account to make a profit.
How many shares are available for execution for an order of 378
378, but only 300 (3 round lots) are displayed
NMS Rule 606
Quarterly reports filed by broker-dealers
- Order routing
- Payment for order flow
ABC Securities, a broker-dealer, wishes to continue trading through an exchange after a self-help alert has been raised against the exchange. In this case, the main impact of the alert will be that
trades can be made through the exchange’s protected quotes.
Trading can continue on an exchange (or through a broker-dealer) after it is targeted with a self-help alert. The main difference is that quotes may not be totally accurate and up-to-date, due to technical problems. Therefore, trades can be made through the exchange’s protected quotes.
Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding passive market makers under Rule 103?
I Passive bids can be no higher than the highest current independent bid
II Passive bids reflecting customer limit orders may be higher than the highest current independent bid
III Passive bids must be identified as such on NASDAQ
IV Passive market makers are subject to daily volume restrictions
All of the statements are true regarding Rule 103 restrictions on passive market makers. Rule 103: Syndicate members who are market makers in that security may either seek an excused withdrawal from making a market in that security - that is, get permission of FINRA to stop making a market during this period; or may elect to operate as a “passive” market maker. A passive market maker may bid for that security at no higher than the highest current independent bid. Thus, the firm cannot push the price up in the market. If it elects to operate as a passive market maker, any bids are identified as “PSMM” - as in passive market maker. Note that under Rule 103, unsolicited customer orders to buy may be accepted at any price. In addition, passive market makers are limited as to the amount of “net purchases” of that security (orders from all sources) that can be made on any day during the restricted period. The limit is 30% of that market maker’s average daily trading volume over the preceding month. Once this limit is reached for the day, it must obtain an excused withdrawal from making a market from FINRA.
Why would a fifth character be added to a market maker’s identifier for a security quoted on the OTCBB?
To designate the geography of the trading location
If a market maker operates from more than one trading location, a fifth character is added to the identifier as a geographic indicator, to show where the quote originated.
How can orders be received?
- Unsolicited (client initiates)
- Solicited (securities professional suggests/recommends the transaction and client approves)
- Discretionary (Securities professional is authorized to place trades on the client’s behalf)
If a covered stock declines in price by 10% for two trading days in a row, for how many trading days will the short-sale circuit-breaker be in effect?
Once in effect, the circuit-breaker remains in effect for the rest of that day and the next day. If it is triggered again by a 10% decline the following day, it’s the same as triggering a new circuit-breaker.
An IPO lock-up period is designed to prevent the company share price from being depressed because of
early sales by insiders.
A lock-up agreement prevents a flood of insider shares hitting the market right after an IPO, depressing the share price.
Which of the following transactions in association with the sale of a new issue of securities is prohibited?
Underwriting group members making allotments to their customers only if such customers agree to make some comparable purchase in the open market after the issue is initially sold
A tie-in arrangement involves underwriting group members making allotments to their customers only if such customers agree to make additional purchases in the open market at a subsequent time. This practice is prohibited because it is manipulative and could artificially influence the market for the offered security.
During the restricted period of a distribution, a passive market maker may make a daily purchase of
The greater of 30% of its ADTV or 200 shares
On each day of the restricted period, a passive market maker may make net purchases of 30% of its ADTV or 200 shares, whichever is greater. For example, a market maker’s average daily trading volume in a covered security is 20,000 shares. Therefore, the market maker’s net purchases as a passive market maker may not exceed the greater of 6,000 shares or 200 shares.
When FINRA grants a trade reporting exemption to an ATS, which FINRA member is responsible for reporting the trade?
The executing party
Where FINA grants a trade reporting exemption to an ATS, trades are reported by the member that is the executing party.
“Inactive status” for large traders
Large traders must identify themselves via Form 13H
Inactive status is available for large traders who did not cross the large trader threshold at any time during the previous full calendar year. Once inactive, need not file form 13H unless and until its transactions are equal to or greater than the threshold level
locking/crossing orders on NASDAQ
Not allowed (they’ll be executed instead)
A failing company becomes delisted by Nasdaq and goes to the OTCBB. What must it do, at minimum, to remain eligible for quotes on the OTCBB?
File timely periodic reports with the SEC
The SEC believes that the investing public needs adequate disclosure about companies that trade in public markets, such as the OTCBB. Timely periodic filings (10K, 10Q, etc.) are one way that issuers can meet this requirement.
What transactions are not subject to ACT reporting?
Primary market transactions
- Follow-on offerings
- Private placements
Trades reported automatically
- On exchanges
- 99% of trades!
FINRA Rules 6183 and 6625 provide an exemption from trade reporting by the ATS if all the following criteria are satisfied
- Trades are between ATS subscribers that are FINRA members.
- The ATS demonstrates that:
a. The member subscribers are fully disclosed to one another at all times.
b. The system does not permit automatic execution, and a member subscriber takes affirmative steps beyond the submission of an order to agree to a trade with another member subscriber.
c. The trade does not pass through any ATS account, and the ATS does not in any way hold itself out to be a party to the trade.
d. The ATS does not exchange shares or funds on behalf of the member subscribers or take either side of the trade for clearing or settlement purposes. - The ATS and the member subscribers agree in writing that the ATS trades shall be reported by the member subscribers and that the ATS is not a party to the transaction.
- The ATS agrees to provide monthly data relating to the volume of trades, by security, executed by member subscribers. If the ATS fails to report such data, its exemption from reporting trades may be revoked.
An NMS security is best defined as one for which
Transaction reports are collected, processed, and disseminated utilizing a trade reporting plan
An NMS security is a security for which transaction reports are collected, processed, and made available pursuant to a transaction reporting plan.
Block trade
Trade with $200,000 in a single transaction
How to handle reporting Out of system transactions
must be handled yourself
submitted through ACT
Position limits
Position limits restrict the number of contracts a single entity or investor group may own on each side of the market. For the purpose of position limits, the sides
of the market are bullish positions (long calls or short puts) and bearish positions (long puts or short calls). The rules prohibit any member from entering a trade
that would cause an account, including a customer’s account or the firm’s own proprietary trading account, to exceed the position limit as set by the exchange
where the option trades or by FINRA. Any orders that would result in the position limit being exceeded must be rejected.
transmitting firm
A firm contracted by an OATS reporting firm to submit OATS reports
Original firm is still the responsible firm
How to calculate large trader status with non-index options
To calculate options trading for large trader threshold purposes, the options transactions are converted into a share count and dollar value of the underlying shares. To determine the value of shares traded, each options contract is generally assumed to be equal to 100 shares of its underlying security.
Shares Traded = Options Contracts Traded × Option Multiplier (typically 100)
Dollars Traded = Options Contracts Traded × Option Multiplier × Price of Underlying Equity
the ORF (Over The Counter Reporting Facility) reports
completed trades of OTCBB and Pink Sheet issues.
Foreign currency options contract size
Japanese yen, sinze is 1,000,000
Bear call is established by
- selling a call with a low strike price and
- buying a call with a higher strike price
aka credit call spread
bearish position
Under Rule 10b-18, for how many minutes at the close of trading may a small issuer not repurchase its own shares, to qualify for the safe harbor?
For small issuers, repurchases may not occur within the last 30 minutes. If this “timing” test is failed, the safe harbor is lost.
When a dealer buys shares from a customer in a principal trade, with a mark-down, the customer’s price will be
Below the prevailing market price
The dealer’s mark-down is added to the execution price to arrive at the reported trade price. For example, a customer sells 100 shares of ABC to broker dealer B at $10.00 inclusive of a $0.15 markdown. The trade report would indicate a price of $10.15.
Rules 101 and 102 of Regulation M address notification requirements for offering participants. The rules specify that…
offering participants are required to make notification to FINRA for distributions of both listed and unlisted securities, and such notice is required whether or not a restricted period applies. The notice must include the basis for the determination of the length of the restricted period which, depending on the liquidity of the issuer’s stock, could begin 5 business days or 1 business day before pricing of a new issue.
A registered representative is bearish on ABC stock and buys 10 ABC Jul 60 Put contracts. The representative then contacts each of his largest customers to explain his bearish sentiment and recommend that they buy put options on ABC. Which statement is TRUE?
There is no rules violation based upon the actions of the representative
This is a potential insider trading violation
This is a potential front running violation
This is a potential free riding violation
The best answer is C.
The registered representative has positioned his personal account prior to recommending the same strategy to his customers. If the customers take the recommended action, it could give the registered representative a nice profit in his personal account. This is a front running violation.
Qualified block positioner
A market maker (can make block trades)
Key points for stock splits
Value of options contract remains the same
- E.g., the value of an options contract is $500. After a 5:4 split, the options value is still $500
- For odd stock split, the contract size will be adjusted. For 3:2 split, number of shares per contract increases 3/2 (150 shares per contract) and the strike price is adjusted down by 2/3. Premium DOES NOT CHANGE
For a dividend relating to American Depository Receipts (ADRs), the ex-date is
as designated by the UPC Committee.
For stock dividends or splits relating to ADRs and foreign securities, the ex- date is designated by FINRA’s UPC Committee.
Market makers must clear and settle transactions on OTCBB-quoted securities through…
…A registered clearing agency
For OTCBB-quoted securities, market maker must clear and settle transactions through a registered clearing agency that uses continuous net settlement.
System hours GTC orders
are available for execution from 4:00 am–8:00 pm
every day for one year, or until the order is cancelled
ABC Broker-Dealer executes a stock short sale for a customer and then fails to deliver the securities sold short in a timely fashion. Assuming no exception applies, what penalty or restriction does ABC face for this failure?
restriction on shorting the same security until the failed position is closed out
If a firm has a fail-to-deliver position in a stock and does not close it out in timely fashion, the firm may not transact any short sales in the failed security, either for its own account or customers, unless an exception applies. The restriction is lifted when the failed position is closed out.
Price the market maker is will to pay for either itself or a customer
FINRA can take which types of disciplinary action against market makers?
Firm-wide or on a security-by-security basis
FINRA can take disciplinary action against market makers on either a firm-wide basis or on a security-by-security basis. To send a warning, FINRA may place restrictions on quoting or trading specific securities.
OATS business day:
4:00:01 PM to 4:00:00 pm next day
Under Rule 104 of Regulation M, stabilizing bids:
I are only permitted if an independent market exists
II must be identified as such on NASDAQ
III if commenced, must be discontinued after 30 days
I and II
Stabilizing bids can only be entered by 1 market maker (the syndicate manager), if an independent market exists for the issuer - thus, there must be at least 1 other market maker in the issue that is not involved in the distribution besides the manager. Each stabilizing bid is 1-sided and is identified as such (either SYND or PBID). There is no fixed time limit on how long stabilization can continue. The syndicate manager can start stabilizing and stop stabilizing at any time, but stabilization must stop when the syndicate is disbanded.
Manning rule exceptions
- Notification requirement
* Clear written notification at account opening OR verbal disclosure trade-by-trade - Permitted instances
* Institutional accounts OR large retail orders (10,000 shares AND $100,000 value)
nonconvertible preferred stock
securities that trade like debt instruments and are therefore not subject to the Trade-Through Rule
The FQCS was established by FINRA to deal with member complaints regarding:
backing away
The Firm Quote Compliance System (FQCS) was created to investigate complaints regarding “backing away.” FINRA requests, but does not require, that members contact FQCS within 5 minutes of an alleged violation.
What is a credit spread?
A credit spread has a net premium credit – that is, the higher premium of the 2 options is on the sell side. For calls the more valuable option is the one with the lower strike price; for puts the more valuable option is the one with the higher strike price.
For a broker-dealer, a pattern of unexcused late securities transactions reports is considered to be repeated tardiness, except in the case of reasonable justification or exceptional circumstances. All of the following are legitimate reasons for late reporting EXCEPT
heavy order flow
If a broker dealer is repeatedly late in filing transaction reports with FINRA, the only way to justify it is to show reasonable justification or exceptional circumstances. System failures and extreme volatility in a security or the market as a whole are all considered exceptional circumstances. Heavy order flow would generally not be an excused reason for late reports.
Company A is an issuer of stock traded on the OTCBB. The company must be current in its SEC filings, subject to a grace period of how many days?
The regular filing grace period for OTCBB companies is 30 days. It extends to 60 days for insurance companies.
One characteristic of a “regulatory trading halt” is that
the halt impacts all markets for a security.
A regulatory trading halt attempts to create a level playing field for investors in all markets where a security trades.
Midpoint peg
will always be undisplayed
NASDAQ Level 2 Service
Used by institutional/day trader, but not interactive
When can you re-register after an Unexcused voluntary withdrawal
Cannot re-register for 20 days
collared orders
cancelled if execution would occur at $0.25 or 5% (whichever is greater) away from the inside market
During normal market operations, Nasdaq converts customer market orders into collared orders. A collared order refers to any unpriced order entered into the system. To protect customers from extreme price volatility, the order (or any portion thereof) is cancelled if it would be executed more than $0.25 or 5% away from the inside market at the time the order reaches the system, whichever is greater.
In fast-moving markets, however, the price at which a market order will execute may deviate significantly from the last-traded price or real-time quote, and many exchanges restrict customers’ ability to place true market orders—instead customers will use collared orders.
Under Rule 144A, Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) are defined as:
- Insurance Companies
- Investment Companies
- Business Development Companies
- Investment Advisers
- Broker dealers owning and investing discretionary assets of at least $10 million
- Any other institution with discretionary assets of at least $100 million
ABC stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange. If a dividend is declared by the ABC Board of Directors, the NYSE must be notified no later than
10 business days prior to the record date
The exchange must be notified 10 business days before the record date when a dividend is to be paid.
Under Regulation NMS Rule 606, upon a customer’s request, a firm must provide order routing information from the previous
six months.
Rule 606 requires broker dealers to disclose to clients where they have routed their orders during the previous six months.
Coordination of price movements among market makers is a practice called
Coordinating quote movements gives participating market makers an unfair advantage over their own customers, who are not privy to the coordination.
Order receipt time is not required on
trade confirmation
It is recorded for OATS reporting though
Market Maker C is a participant of a registered clearing agency and has a newly created fail to deliver from a short sale on its books. The position must be closed out
By the start of trading on the settlement day following the settlement date
According to SEC Regulation SHO, Rule 204, fails to deliver arising from short sales must be closed out no later than the beginning of trading hours on the settlement day following the settlement date.
Unless specified by a customer, a market-not held order must be entered as a:
Day order
Market-Not Held orders give the representative discretion over price and time of execution. For retail customers, these must be “Day” orders and must be filled that day, unless the customer specifies otherwise.
Regulation Best Interest (BI) provides that a customer relationship summary (Form CRS) be provided to prospective and existing retail clients
prior to a recommendation for a particular investment product or strategy.
Regulation BI requires that a customer relationship summary (Form CRS) be provided to a prospective and existing retail customer prior to any recommendations being made. The purpose of this summary is to give clients the opportunity to compare products and services across multiple service providers. To that end, this summary must comply with various requirements as proscribed by SEC rules, to promote ease of comparison of products and services.
When can a broker dealer not part of the IPO execute customer orders?
On the effective date after the market opens
Market making firms can register and immediately begin quoting an IPO after its opening IPO cross
If a company has not repurchased any shares under Rule 10b-18 in the preceding three months, what is the maximum amount of shares it can repurchase if it is involved in a merger?
Companies in a merger cannot repurchase shares under 10b-18, unless there is a merger exclusion exception. Because there is no indication of any merger exclusion exception, the firm cannot repurchase shares under the 10b-18 safe harbor.
In a principal cross, a non-market maker buys 500 shares of XYZZ from a customer at 36.12 net, and simultaneously sells the 500 shares to another customer at 36.38 net. Each trade includes a mark-down or mark-up of 13 cents. These trades are reported to the Trade Reporting Facility for NASDAQ as:
500 shares at 36.25
In a principal cross, a non-market maker buys from a customer less a mark-down; and then sells that security to another customer plus a mark-up. In cross transactions, either agency or principal, the trade is only reported once from the sell side. The stock was sold at 36.38, inclusive of a .13 mark-up, so the reported price is 36.25, since trade report prices exclude commissions, mark-ups or mark-downs.
Price-to-comply order
Designed not to lock or cross the market
Put on NASDAQ as non-displayed at the locking price
NASDAQ then displays the order at the most aggressive price allowed under Reg NMS – one trading increment away from the locking price
In order for a security to be eligible for the delisting exemption given under SEC Rule 15c2-11, which of the following statements are TRUE?
I The security’s removal from NASDAQ was due to its failure to meet listing standards
II The security must have been quoted continuously on NASDAQ during the 30 calendar days preceding the delisting
III The issuer must be current in its SEC filings
IV The issuer must not be subject to any bankruptcy proceeding
Exemptions to the requirement to file Form 211 to make a market in an OTCBB security are provided if:
- an existing market maker in an OTCBB issue has met the “continuous quote rule” - that is, if it has quoted the stock in 12 business days out of the preceding 30 calendar days, with no more than 4 consecutive business days without a quote. Thus, there is a “proven” market for the stock (so noted by the word “active” showing on the OTCBB screen for that stock), so any new potential market makers can begin to quote immediately without filing Form 211. This is called the “piggybacking exemption.”
- a firm is entering quotes in response to an unsolicited customer order (not dealer orders). Once the order is filled, the quote must be pulled.
- the issue has been delisted from NASDAQ due to failure to meet maintenance standards, where the firm was a registered market maker in the issue and the security was continuously quoted for the preceding 30 calendar days. As long as the market maker’s registration in the issue is effective by the close of business on the trading day following the delisting announcement, Form 211 is not required to be filed.
Please note that these exemptions are contingent on the issuer being current in its SEC filings; and the issuer not being subject to any bankruptcy proceeding.
In which case is an Investment Adviser allowed to advertise her gross investment performance - before subtracting fees and expenses?
If net investment performance is equally prominent
If an adviser shows gross performance, then his/her net performance (after all fees and expenses) must also be shown in an equally prominent manner. It’s generally best to show only net performance.
SEC Rule 10b-18 provides various safe harbors regarding stock buybacks by the issuer. Purchases may be made
Within the first ten minutes but not at the opening of trading
Purchases under this Rule may not be the opening trade nor during the last ten minutes of trading for actively traded securities, and during the last thirty minutes for all other securities.
Are underwriters required to notify FINRA both before
and after engaging in a penalty bid or syndicate covering transaction?
Yes. A member imposing a penalty bid or syndicate covering transaction in an OTC equity security (e.g., an IPO) must provide FINRA with:
• Advance written notice of the penalty bid or syndicate covering transaction, and
• Written confirmation of the penalty bid or syndicate covering transaction, within one business day of completion of such activity, including identification of the security, the total number of shares, and the dates of such activity
Expressed as a percentage, mark-ups usually are lower for which types of securities transactions?
Large transaction size, high price per share
The size of the trade and the security price are factors that should be considered in a fair-price policy. Percentage mark-ups should be lower for large transaction sizes and higher-priced securities.
Is CUSIP required for for Order ticket (order memorandum)
Trader X engages in a riskless principal transaction to offset a sale of 10,000 shares to a customer. Is the principal transaction included in the calculation of the Large Trader thresholds?
No, because it does not involve discretion
The SEC says that a riskless principal transaction “lacks the requisite degree of investment discretion to characterize it as a Large Trader activity.” It’s important to note, however, that other principal trades may be discretionary and count towards the trader’s threshold.
All of the following are among the minimum requirements for initial Nasdaq listing EXCEPT
Minimum bid price of $1.00 per share
To list with Nasdaq a firm must have an initial bid price of at least $4.00 per share. It must also have a minimum of three market makers and at least 400 round lot shareholders. Firms must also pay initial and ongoing listing fees.
Ways to locate
- Definitive borrowing arrangement
- Available securities list (must be updated every 24 hours)
short exempt cases
- Executed at a price above the current national best bid at the time of submission, or
- Effected by a long owner who intends to deliver the security as soon as all restrictions on delivery have been removed
- Made by a market maker for customer odd-lot orders (less than 100
shares) - Considered an arbitrage or hedging trade of domestic or foreign securities (including depositary receipts)
- Connected with an over-allotment in a syndication of a new issue (IPO or follow-on)
- Made by a broker-dealer on a riskless principal basis
- Considered a volume weighted average price (VWAP) transaction
OATS reports are required for what equities
Both listed and unlisted
NOT required for IPOs or non-convertible bonds
Which of the following is not a valid reason for a market maker to request an excused withdrawal?
Under staffed trading desk
An understaffed trading desk is not an acceptable reason to request an excused withdrawal, as the market maker can take steps to prevent this from occurring.
Prior to initiating or resuming a quotation of an OTC Equity security, a broker-dealer must
Comply with the information requirements of SEC Rule 15c2-11
SEC Rule 15c2-11 requires broker-dealers to collect certain information about an issuer of a non-exchange listed security and make a filing with FINRA at least 3 business days prior to publication of a quote
A trade reporting exemption will only be given to an ATS when trades are made
Between ATS subscribers that are both FINRA members
Four conditions must be met for an ATS trade reporting exemption. One is that trades are between ATS subscribers that are both FINRA members.
A T.3 indicator over Workstation II displays the time:
market makers can begin quoting the stock
market makers can begin trading the stock
The trading halt modifiers are as follows:
T.1: Trading is halted, news is pending;
T.2: Trading is halted, news is released;
T.3: Trading is halted, news has been released; and 2 times are shown.
These are the time when quotes will start being displayed; and the time when trading will resume (5 minutes later).
When a trade is executed at a price inferior to the best possible price for the security
Specifically with protected quote
Backing away
Violation for Market Makers Exceptions: - Changing your quote * In process of updating quote - Executing your quote * In process of making a trade
Display size for quotes
As the result of a regulatory audit, FINRA is requiring that Market Maker A withdraw its quotes from Nasdaq. Market MMA notifies NASDAQ of its intention to withdraw its quotes in all those securities it makes a market in. MMA will be permitted to abstain from market making
For up to 60 days
A market maker may withdraw its quote from NASDAQ on an excused basis for legal or regulatory reasons for up to 60 days.
A customer enters an order to buy 10 XYZ Jan 50 Calls @ $4. A trade occurs at that price, but the customer’s order is not executed. This would occur because there were:
I buy limit orders at the same price for other customers ahead of this order
II buy limit orders at the same price for other member firms ahead of this order
III spread orders that required the purchase of the same option ahead of this order
IV buy limit orders at the same price for market makers ahead of this order
I and III only
Prior to executing orders for the firm account at the same, or better prices, any existing customer orders at those prices must be filled. The firm is prohibited from “front running” customer orders. Market makers on the CBOE floor are permitted to trade for their own accounts at prices that do not compete with existing customer orders - otherwise the customer orders have priority. Since customer limit orders are filled on a “first in, first out” basis, an existing customer limit order might not be filled if there were orders ahead of this customer order. Because of the “spread priority rule” which gives preference to filling spread and straddle orders on the trading floor, an existing customer buy limit order might not be filled because one “leg” of the spread or straddle position was filled at the same price and took priority.
Alternative Display Facility
FIRNA’s Alternative Display Facility is a quotation and trade reporting facility. Like NASDAQ, but ADF does not provide order routing or execution.
A syndicate covering transaction is a bid made by the underwriting syndicate to reduce what type of position involved in an offering?
Covering transactions help the syndicate cover any short positions created in connection with an offering (e.g. oversold new issues). In a syndicate covering transaction, the underwriter purchases shares in the open market to deliver on an oversold new issue.
Does an order ticket have the CUSIP number?
Which entity may declare a regulatory trading halt?
The exchanges
The exchanges declare regulatory halts. These are typically short halts designed to allow prompt and full dissemination of the news to the marketplace at large. Non-regulatory halts to remedy imbalances may be declared by specific exchanges, or by FINRA in the OTC market.
In a transaction between two FINRA members, which one must report the trade?
Executing party
In a transaction between members, the executing party must report the trade. If both parties satisfy the definition of executing party, the sell-side reports the transaction.
Round lot
Rule 144
Rule 144 allows securities that are unregistered, or otherwise restricted from resale, to be sold. It defines both restricted and control securities, and provides direction on how to have a restrictive legend removed so that securities can be resold.
- Control stock is subject to a volume restriction: this amount can be calculated and then sold once every 90 days
- Control stock is not subject to a 6-month holding period
- Restricted stock is subject to a 6-month holding period but not a volume restriction
Under Rule 104 of Regulation M, which of the following information must be provided to NASDAQ when requesting entry of a 1-sided stabilizing bid?
I Effective date of the offering
II Copy of the cover page of the prospectus
III Whether the bid will be a penalty bid
Prior to placing a stabilizing bid on NASDAQ, the syndicate manager must submit a request to NASDAQ for the entry of a 1-sided bid identified as a stabilizing bid. The manager must confirm the request in writing by the end of the day on which the stabilizing bid is entered. The information provided to NASDAQ includes:
- Effective date of the offering;
- Whether the bid is a penalty bid or penalty free; and
- A copy of the cover of the prospectus used in connection with the offering.
What is the Designated Percentage?
The maximum percentage that all new quotes may be away from the NBBO.
The Designated Percentage is the maximum percentage that all new quotes can be away from the current National Best Bid Offer (NBBO). If there is no NBBO, the pricing obligation references the last reported sale. Firms are not permitted to enter new quotes outside the designated percentage. For example, if the Designated Percentage is 8%, and the NBBO is 10.00-10.01, all new bids must be entered within 8% of the best bid (from $9.20 and upwards) and all new asks must be within 8% of 10.01 (from $10.81 and lower).
What disclosure is required to be given to customers in regard to a penny stock quote?
Inside bid/ask
Broker-dealers are required to disclose to customers the inside bid/ask quote for a penny stock, when one exists.
Trade reporting modifier .Z
Normal market hours trade that is reported late
In a dual agency transaction for 200 shares at $60 per share, with a commission of $15 to the selling broker and $14 to the buying broker, what commission is included in the last sale trade report?
Neither commission is reported in a dual agency transaction - only the number of shares traded and the price.
All of the following are similarities between a short call and a credit call spread EXCEPT
Both have unlimited risk
Spreads have both limited gains and limited risk. Spread positions never have unlimited risk or unlimited profit. Like short calls, credit call spreads are bearish.
To establish reasonable grounds for believing a security sold short is available to borrow, a broker-dealer may rely on an Easy to Borrow list, provided it is
Not more than 24 hours old
The basic requirement for reliance on any Easy to Borrow list is that it not be more than 24 hours old. In other words, it must be reviewed and updated by the broker dealer every trading day.
suitability statement for penny stock trades
client must sign before each trade until they become established
The synchronization of business clocks by a broker-dealer must be effected against a time source designated by
Synchronization of business clocks must be against a time source designated by FINRA
Where must an IPO security first open?
On the primary exchange
Exception: After the distribution of shares, a stock can trade OTC until midnight the day prior to the IPO
Supplemental order
non-displayed limit orders, purpose is to add liquidity to the market
can only be executed at the NBBO
can be entered from 4 am to 4pm, but can only execute from 9:30 am to 4pm
Receives lower priority to all other orders
The benchmark indicator offered by NASDAQ is called:
The NASDAQ VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price) is a service offered by NASDAQ that allows traders to benchmark their trades in a specified NASDAQ security against the VWAP calculated continuously through the trading day. It is determined by dividing the total dollar value of all trades by total trading volume.
The smallest pricing increment that can be used in quoting any NMS stock is
The smallest pricing increment is one-hundredth of a cent, $0.0001. It may only be used on bids or offers priced less than $1.00 per share. Otherwise, the minimum increment is a penny per share.
Regulation M Rule 103
Passive Market maker Can do a single trade over the limit and then withdraw from the market for the day
Display size cannot exceed the number of shares remaining until the next purchase limitation
- but minimum quote size remains 1 round lot
Can handle customer orders
Dominant position in a spread
The position with a higher premium
Indicates the spread is bullish or bearish and is used to find the break-even point
An investor owns 1 June 60 call that is trading for 4. After a 2 for 1 split the investor will have which of the following?
2 June 30 calls
Following a 2 for 1 split, adjustments are made to the number of contracts and the strike price. The number of contracts is adjusted proportionately upward, and the strike price per share is adjusted proportionately downward. The aggregate value (contracts x strike price) is the same, before and after the split: 1 X 60 = 60; 2 X 30 = 60.
If an OATS Reportable Order Event (ROE) is rejected by the system, how long do members usually have to repair the rejection?
Five business days
Firms have five business days from the date when rejections are made available on the system to repair the rejection.
National Market System
Time of entry
When the firm transmits the order or instruction for execution
What should be the starting point for determining mark-up or mark-downs in principal trades?
Prevailing market price
Prevailing market price should be the starting point unless the dealer has not been involved in any contemporaneous transactions in the same securities.
At 3:30pm the S&P 500 trades down to a 14% decline from yesterday’s close. Which of the following is true under the circuit breaker rules?
Trading will continue.
Circuit breakers are based on declines in the S&P 500 from the previous day’s close. A 7% decline (Level 1) will halt trading in all equity securities for 15 minutes. A 13% decline (Level 2) will halt trading in all equity securities for 15 minutes. Level 1 and 2 circuit breakers can happen once per day each. A 20% decline (Level 3) will halt all equity trading for the rest of the day. After 3:25pm the Level 1 and 2 circuit breakers are not in effect.
If an ADF Trading Center is unable to submit automated quotes or respond to orders, it must immediately withdraw its quotes and
promptly contact ADF Operations
Before withdrawing quotations in a security, ADF Trading Centers must contact ADF Operations to obtain excused withdrawal status. If the Center cannot submit automated quotes or respond to orders, it must immediately withdraw quotes and promptly contact ADF Operations.
SEC Rule 10b-18 requires that issuers repurchase no more than…
…25% of the stock’s average daily trading volume (ADTV) over the previous four weeks if they wish to remain within the SEC’s guidelines of the safe harbor.
The safe harbor allows the issuer to repurchase shares in a manner that the SEC generally does not consider manipulative to the company’s stock price.
A “flip” is defined as an initial sale by the IPO participant or purchaser within
30 days of the offering date.
The flip period is measured from offering date - regardless when the purchaser was allocated or paid for the shares.
Penalty bid
Type of stabilization where an underwriter loses the selling concession when an investor flips shares
Underwriter must return their fee to syndicate manager
For a distribution worth 25% or more of the value of the subject security, the ex-distribution date is
the first business day after payable date.
For cash dividends or stock dividends worth 25% or more of the value of the subject security, the ex-date is the first business day after the payable date.
Investment Adviser D sends his clients a list of “My Top 5 Stock Picks of the Past Year.” This is not allowed, unless the adviser also
Includes a list of all recommendations made during the past 12 months
In advertisements, advisers may not refer to any specific profitable recommendations they have made, unless they also show a list of all recommendations made within the past 12 months. If they don’t, it is considered cherry-picking, which is prohibited.
For purposes of net transactions, an “institution” is defined as a bank, S&L, insurance company, registered investment company or other customer with total assets of at least
$50 million.
The threshold for defining an institutional customer is $50 million of total assets.
To what trades does NMS rule 605 apply?
Only reflects market orders and limit orders that were received & executed during normal market hours
The NBBO on ABC, an S&P 500 stock, is 10.00 - 11.00. MDS is a market maker and wants to enter a new offer on the stock at 9:35 a.m. What is the highest offer MDS could enter?
The Designated Percentage is the percentage that all new quotes must be away from the current National Best Bid Offer (NBBO). If there is no NBBO, the pricing obligation references the last reported sale. The Designated Percentage is 8% if the stock is in the S&P 500 or Russell 1000 (a Tier 1 stock); 28% if it is an NMS stock with a price greater than $1.00 and 30% for all other stocks. The percentage on Tier 1 stocks, however, increases during the market open period (9:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.) and market close period (3:35 p.m. - 4 p.m.) to 20%. Here, the NBO is $11.00, the stock is on the S&P 500, and the bid is being entered in the market open period, so the Designated Percentage is 20% above $11.00, or $13.20.
What is NOT required for Order confirmation
- Time of order receipt
- source and nature of order flow (but must be available upon request)
Block positioner minimum net capital requirement and minimum block size
For block positioners, the minimum net capital requirement is $1.0 million and the minimum block size is $200,000 or more.
Order execution priority
1) price
2) displayed orders
3) non-displayed orders / reserve portion of quotes
4) discretionary range of discretionary orders
5) supplemental orders
How many shares a displayed for order of 378
300 shares (3 round lots)
Transactions in ADF-eligible securities generally must be reported to the ADF, unless they are executed
On an exchange
Transactions executed otherwise than on an exchange generally must be reported to the ADF.
How long does it take to add a name to NASDAQ
Usually 1 day, after applying you have 5 days to start
Transmitting firm
Firm contracted to submit required OATS reports
A trade is executed at 6:05:47pm. When is the last sale trade report due, to avoid being late?
The execution is reported at 6:05:57 p.m. Since this is between 4 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., it must be reported within 10 seconds or it is late. It also needs a modifier to designate a trade outside normal market hours.
Stop order
used to protect an existing position
becomes a market order when there is a trade at or through the stop price
Opening price
established by opening cross
NASDAQ listing requirement
$4 bid price ($1 for continued listing)
3 market makers (2 for continued listing)
Financial requirements vary by tier
No required seasoning period
When does a customer get source and nature of payment for order flow?
Only upon written request
If a shorted stock remains on the Threshold List for 13 consecutive days and a broker-dealer has an open fail in it, how must it be closed-out?
By buying and delivering securities of like kind and quantity
Regulation SHO does not require that exactly the same securities be purchased to close out a fail. Rather, it requires securities of like kind and quantity to be delivered.
What term identifies a principal transaction in which a market maker receives an order to buy stock from a customer at one price and fills the order by buying the same stock from another dealer at a lower price?
Net transaction
A net transaction is a principal trade in which a dealer earns a profit with virtually no risk.
FINRA’s extraordinary event halts in trading and quotations for OTC equities normally last for how long?
10 days
FINRA exercises its authority to halt trading and quotes only in very limited circumstances. Halts normally last 10 days, but they may be longer if FINRA believes it is necessary for investor protection.
The SEC’s anti-flipping rule prohibits members from recouping a concession for selling IPO shares unless
the managing underwriter has assessed a penalty bid on the entire syndicate.
A concession cannot be recouped from one syndicate member unless it works the same, in formal fashion, for all members.
What types of securities trade on a “when, as and if issued” (WI) basis?
Primary market
Newly issued primary market securities, both equity IPOs and debt issues, often trade on a WI basis. For equities, this means the IPO offering date and price have not yet been finalized.
Which two of the following describe the market attitude of the writer of a straddle?
I. Bearish on the price of the underlying asset
II. Neutral on the price of the underlying asset
III. Neutral on the volatility of the underlying asset
IV. Bearish the volatility of the underlying asset
II and IV
A short straddle is a market neutral strategy because the writer will profit only if there is little price movement in the underlying stock. The writer is bearish on volatility because price movement is not desired.
Which of the following may not be used as a factor in determining a fair price when a broker dealer is trading in an agency capacity?
The right of the firm to make a profit
Other pricing factors, beyond the 5% policy, should be considered, including the security price and availability and dollar size of the transaction. The broker-dealer’s profitability or profit targets may not be used as a pricing factor when trading in an agency capacity.
A company’s stock splits 3-for-2. If it was trading at a price of $30 before the split, approximately what will its share price be after the split?
Stock splits don’t alter the total value that shareholders have, only the price per share. A 3-for-2 split creates three shares for every two held before. Three shares after the split must be worth about the same as two shares before the split (two shares at $30 each = $60). Each of the three shares must be worth $20 after the split.
Textbook Reference:
If an ADF Trading Center chooses to open at the earliest possible time during a trading day, when must it begin making firm two-sided quotes?
ADF Trading Centers may choose to be open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. EST. If they choose to open voluntarily in pre-market or after-market hours, they must maintain a Two-Sided Obligation and firm quotes during all such hours.
Registered Reporting ADF market makers
Registered Reporting ADF Market Makers apply to quote specific designated securities on ADF.
Supplemental MPID
Must be firm (not necessary to be 2 sided)
Why? Different desks, different systems, etc.
Under the Penny Stock Rule, an established customer:
I must be given a suitability statement
II need not be given a suitability statement
III is exempt from the disclosure rules
IV is not exempt from the disclosure rules
II and IV
Established customers are exempt from the suitability determination requirements of the “Penny Stock Rule,” but they are still subject to the disclosure rules. Rule 15g-2 requires that broker-dealers provide customers that wish to purchase penny stocks (whether they are established customers or not) with a standard “Risk Disclosure Document.” This document describes the customer’s right to know:
- the current Bid and Ask quote in that security;
- the compensation earned by the salesperson and the broker-dealer in the transaction; and
- that account statements must be sent monthly, within 10 days of month end, detailing the issuer’s name, number of shares, and estimated market value.
XYZ common stock, in S&P 500 component, is currently trading 103-104 with a reference price of 100. The market quickly moves to 104-106 with the reference price still at 100. Entry of the new orders at 104 and 106 will cause XYZ stock to enter a
Straddle state, during which trading can continue.
Under limit-up limit-down, an S&P 500 stock will enter a 15-second limit state when there is an offer at the LOWER end up the band (5% below the reference price) or a bid at the UPPER end of the band (5% above the reference price). If the limit state quote persists for 15 seconds, trading will be halted for five minutes. If the limit state quote is executed or cancelled the security will exit the limit state and trading will continue uninterrupted. If the bid and offer are on either side of the limit up or limit down range, the security is said to be in a straddle state. Here, for example, the security is in a straddle state because the inside market is 104 x 106 (where the 106 offer is outside the 5% band from the 100 reference price.) In a straddle state the exchange will closely monitor trading to see if a halt is necessary.
Time of execution must be noted for
Order ticket
Trade confirmation may include it but not required
Trade modifiers during normal market hours
None (unless late then .Z)
When must OATS reports be submitted to FINRA?
By 8:00 a.m. on the calendar day following the OATS business day
OATS reports must be submitted to FINRA by 8:00 a.m. on the calendar day following the OATS business day. The 10-second rule is a trade reporting rule. The 30-second rule relates to the limit order display rule. The 8:15 a.m. timeframe relates to timely reporting of trades executed when the trade reporting facilities are closed.
Broker-dealer E must publish reports detailing its routing of non-directed customer orders
Every quarter
This order routing report must be made publicly available on a quarterly basis.
Riskless principal trades are/are not permitted for NMS stocks, OTC equities?
Are permitted, including penny stocks
Permitted quotes for OTC Pink
Firm (for priced quote) 2-sided 1-sided Unpriced indications (must be identified) Subject quotes (must be identified)
Broker-dealer T is planning to initiate a quotation for Backdisk Inc., a non-exchange listed security. To comply with the information requirements of SEC Rule 15c2-11, which of the following items of information is not necessary?
The exact name of the issuer and the addresses of each of its locations.
SEC Rule 15c2-11 requires broker-dealers to comply with information requirements about a non-exchange listed security, prior to the initiation or resumption of a quotation for that security. The exact name of the issuer is required, but only the address of its principal executive office only (its home address), not all locations.
Ben owns 1,500 shares of Issuer R. These are restricted shares which were purchased in a private placement. Ben has placed a sell order for all shares with his RR Nancy. According to Regulation SHO, when must Nancy’s firm borrow or purchase like kind securities to close the position if Ben does not deliver his shares?
After 35 days from the trade date
If Ben does not deliver these shares within 35 days from the trade date, the broker-dealer must borrow securities, or close out the position by purchasing securities of like kind and quantity.
How do OATS and the CAT system differ in regard to reporting proprietary orders by market makers?
The CAT system requires reporting proprietary orders, but OATS does not.
Proprietary orders by market makers are not required to be reported by OATS. They must be reported under the CAT system.
Broker-dealer T will participate in an offering of Janus Inc., a Nasdaq security. BD T will be able to act as a passive market maker during the offering
If the underwriting will be a firm commitment
Passive market making is not permitted for any security if a stabilizing bid is in effect, or during an at-the-market or best efforts offering.
Manipulation by traders coordinating prices or the bid-ask spread
Goes beyond negotiating trade prices (which is allowed)
After notification by Nasdaq of an obvious error trade in listed options, how many minutes do the counterparties have to work out an arrangement?
10 minutes
The parties have 10 minutes after notification by Nasdaq. At that point, Nasdaq’s adjustment process is triggered to adjust obvious error buy trades up from Theoretical Value or obvious error sell trades down from Theoretical Value.
The initial penny stock quote disclosure must be delivered to a customer
orally or in writing, before the transaction
The initial quote disclosure must be provided orally or in writing before the transaction (Rule 15g-3). A quote disclosure also must be provided in writing with the confirmation. The risk disclosure document must be delivered at least two business days before the transaction (Rule 15g-2).
Broker-dealers must report on a quarterly basis the identities of venues to which non-directed orders were routed, if they equal or exceed what percent of total non-directed orders routed?
The Rule 606 broker dealer quarterly routing report must identity the 10 venues with the largest number of total non-directed orders routed. In all cases, however, any venue to which 5% or more of total non-directed orders were routed must be identified.
Member firm X executes a trade at 1:45 p.m. and promptly reports it. X then takes action to cancel the trade on its books at 2:12. It informs the contra party that the trade is being cancelled three minutes later, at 2:15. The parties agree to cancel the trade at 2:17. What is the deadline for reporting the cancellation?
2:12 + 10 seconds
The deadline is based on the first of three events to occur: cancellation on the reporting member’s books, notification of the contra party, and agreement of the parties to cancel. If the trade was executed the same day and the cancellation occurred during normal market hours, the deadline is 10 seconds later.
How are trade cancellations reported?
Attitude of investors establishing debit call spreads
moderately bullish, because they limit potential upside but make the position less costly
Give up price above the strike price of the short call
Which of the following firms is a market maker, by definition?
A specialist permitted to act as a dealer
The law defines market-maker in three ways, one of which is “any specialist permitted to act as a dealer.” The term specialist generally applies to market makers on the NYSE.
An investor receives a penny stock disclosure by mail at noon on Friday. What is the first day the transaction can occur in the next week?
A penny stock transaction cannot be executed less than two business days after the disclosure document has been received by the customer.
Circuit break level 1 halt
7% decline in S&P 500
- From 9:30am to 3:25 pm
- 15 minute halt
- Quotes permitted in last five minutes of halt
- Can only happen once per day
If a market maker displays a quote of
32.10 x 32.15
How many lots is the market maker offering on either side?
1 round lot
How may an investor acknowledge receiving a penny stock disclosure?
By manually signing and dating the document
To confirm receipt of the penny stock disclosure document, the customer must manually sign and date the document itself - not a receipt for a package containing the document.
Offer wanted, bid wanted
A trade in an OTC stock occurs on Saturday, June 9. By what date and time must the trade be reported?
by Monday at 8:15 am
Trades executed on non-business days, such as weekends and holidays, must be reported on an “as/of” basis by 8:15 am the next business day following execution. FINRA facilities are not open on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays to accept trade reports.
Regulation NMS Rule 605 is concerned with
Statistical information of market centers concerning their order executions.
Rule 605 of Regulation NMS is concerned with the collection and publication of monthly statistical information by market centers that is used to understand order execution behavior.
When are foreign OTC equities transactions reported in US?
Trades executed on a domestic facility: report in US Trades executed on an overseas facility: Do not report in US ADR swap (exchange ADR for actual shares): Must be reported in US
Under SEC Rule 15c2-11, what is the deadline for filing Form 211?
Three days prior to the entry of any priced quote in the security
Under SEC Rule 15c2-11, a market maker must file Form 211 at least three days prior to entering a priced quote in an OTC equity security.
For purposes of Market Center Rule 605 reports, disclosure is required regarding
order execution quality, categorized by individual security, order size and order type.
There are five order types: 1) market, 2) marketable limit, 3) inside-the-quote limit, 4) at-the-quote limit and 5) near-the-quote limit.
Order execution reports must be made for all five types.
Error correction trade
occurs when a trading center discovers an error and modifies the order, or executes a new order, at a price consistent with the parties’ original understanding of how the order should have been handled. For example, if the trade was executed at the wrong price, in the wrong stock, or for the wrong amount, the firm might execute an error correction trade.
Options price reporting authority
collects, consolidates, and disseminates options market data (last sale and quotes) from options exchanges
OPRA is a trade reporting facility for options like TRF
XYZ Broker-Dealer executes a short sale of stock for a customer and then fails to deliver the security in timely fashion or close out the fail. Which of the following situations is an exception that will allow XYZ to avoid restrictions on future short sales?
XYZ has entered a definitive borrowing agreement to obtain the security
There are two exceptions to the restriction on equity short sale fails-to-deliver followed by a failure to close out the fail. One is available if the short sale is entered after the security has been borrowed. The other applies if the broker-dealer has entered into a definite borrowing arrangement to obtain the security.
How much time does a short-seller usually have to deliver shares of stock sold short, measured from the day of the transaction?
Two days
The short-seller usually has the two-day settlement period (T+2) to locate and deliver equity shares sold short. The broker dealer, however, must have reasonable grounds to believe that the security could be borrowed so it could be delivered on the date delivery is due.
If a broker-dealer assists a customer with a short sale of a restricted security, how long does the broker dealer have to close out an open short by delivering the securities?
35 days from trade date
In a short-sale of restricted shares, the broker dealer has until the start of regular trading on the 35th calendar day following trade date to close out a fail position by purchasing securities of like kind or quantity.
At a time when a protected bid is higher than a protected offer in an NMS stock, a market maker enters into a bid at the same price as the protected bid. Is this prohibited as a locking or crossing quote?
No, because it is an exception to the general rule against locking or crossing quotes
There are three exceptions to the general rule against locking/crossing quotes: 1) market failure or malfunction; 2) routing of an intermarket sweep against the full displayed size; and 3) quote entered at a time when a protected bid is higher than a protected offer. In this example, the third exception is met.
A NASDAQ listed issuer places an order to buy its common stock within 1/2 hour of the close of the market. Which statement is TRUE regarding the handling of this order?
This order can be accepted with no further action necessary
This order cannot be accepted
This order can only be accepted with the permission of FINRA
This order can only be accepted if the issuer is informed that this transaction may be viewed as “manipulative”
The best answer is D.
Rule 10b-18 sets ground rules for issuers or affiliated persons who wish to buy their shares in the open market. If an issuer aggressively buys its stock in the market, or bids for its stock, it can manipulate the market price upwards. Bids and purchases that are made in compliance with Rule 10b-18 will not be considered manipulative activities under Rule 10b-5 (“catch-all” fraud rule). Rule 10b-18 purchases, as they are known:
- Must be effected through 1 broker/dealer on any given day;
- Cannot be the opening transaction;
- Cannot be executed within 10 minutes of market close if the security is “actively traded” as designated by Rule 101 of Regulation M, otherwise, the purchase cannot be executed within 30 minutes of market close;
- Must be effected at prices no higher than the current highest independent bid for that security or last reported sale price (whichever is higher);
- Cannot exceed 25% of the trading volume in the security that day (except for block purchases handled outside the normal flow of orders).
In essence, the rule says that if an issuer buys in its stock during market “quiet” hours; does not bid up the price of the stock; and does not buy too aggressively; then it will not be considered to be manipulating the price of its own securities. Generally, corporations buy back shares and either retire them (increasing reported Earnings Per Share) or use them to fund pension and stock option plans.
Regulation M Rule 103
Maximum bid for a passive market maker is the highest independent bid, which is the highest bid by a market maker that is not also an underwriter
Under CBOE rules, all of the following procedures are required to prevent and detect insider trading by registered representatives EXCEPT:
A All associated persons must be advised in writing of the prohibition against misuse of material, non-public information
B Associated persons must sign attestations affirming their awareness of, and agreement to abide by, insider trading prohibitions
C Brokerage accounts of associated persons must be reviewed periodically to detect possible misuse of material non-public information
D Monthly reports of trading by associated persons must be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
The best answer is D.
Member firms are obligated, under CBOE rules, to maintain procedures to prevent and detect insider trading violations. An annual report must be made to the exchange detailing these procedures. These procedures must include a written statement given to all registered persons detailing the insider trading prohibitions. This must be signed by each associated person, attesting to the fact that he or she is aware of the rules, and has not violated the rules. Under the rules, member firms are required to periodically review the account activity of associated persons to detect any possible insider trading violations. There is no requirement to report trading activity of associated persons to the SEC.
FINRA Rule 6250 requires
For each security in which the trading center displays a bid or an offer, the ADF must:
- Provide other ADF trading centers direct electronic access
- Provide registered broker-dealers that are not ADF trading centers direct electronic access (so firms can automatically execute against their quotes) and allow for indirect electronic access
• Direct electronic access means the ability to deliver an order for execution directly (electronically) against an individual ADF trading center’s best bid or offer.
• Indirect electronic access means the ability to route an order through another FINRA member firm for execution against the ADF trading center’s best bid or offer.
◆ Provide similar access to its quotations in NMS stocks at a similar cost as those provided by exchanges
◆ Automatically update its quotations and immediately (electronically) respond to orders for execution
◆ Ensure that it does not impose unfairly discriminatory terms that prevent or inhibit any person, through a registered broker-dealer, from obtaining efficient access to its quotations
◆ Provide at least 14 calendar days’ advance written notice to FINRA Market Operations before denying any registered broker-dealer direct electronic access
When marking a ticket as long or short…
Must be net long
qualified contingent trade
consists of two or more component orders in which at least one component order is in an NMS stock, all
components are effected with a price contingency, and the execution of one component is contingent on all other components. Examples of contingency trades include:
• A trade involving an NMS stock and a derivative of the stock (e.g., an option)
• Trades involving two stocks in a proposed merger
• Fully hedged trades
• Spread trades in derivative securities
When a dealer buys shares from a customer in a principal trade, with a mark-down, the customer’s price will be
Below the prevailing market price
The dealer’s mark-down is added to the execution price to arrive at the reported trade price. For example, a customer sells 100 shares of ABC to broker dealer B at $10.00 inclusive of a $0.15 markdown. The trade report would indicate a price of $10.15.
If a broker-dealer has made an arrangement to be paid for order flow by a venue to which it routes orders, this must be publicly disclosed in its Rule 606 quarterly report for
Venues identified in the quarter report on order routing
For venues identified in the firm’s Rule 606 quarterly report on order routing, a broker dealer must discuss material aspects of relationships with each identified venue, including any payments for order flow. The quarterly report must identify, at minimum, the top ten venues for non-directed order flow.
To determine whether a recommended transaction is suitable for an institutional account, must a broker-dealer’s obligation include receiving a negative consent letter from the institutional customer?
A FINRA member may fulfill its customer-specific suitability obligation for an institutional account if the firm has a reasonable basis to believe that the client is capable of independently evaluating investment risks, and the customer affirmatively indicates that it is exercising independent judgment in evaluating the firm’s recommendations.
Zoe wishes to buy 100 shares of XYZ when it is trading at $42.00 per share. The broker dealer holding her account executes the trade at that price and takes a profit through a $1.10 mark-up. What price will be reported to the reporting facility?
When reporting principal transactions, any mark-up, mark-down, or commission is not included in the trade report.
Exceptions to market maker quote update display rule
- customer requests do not display
- order size is less than 10% of the market maker’s current quote size (de minimis)
- odd-lot orders
- block size orders (10,000 shares or $200,000 value)
- For OTC, block is 10,000 shares and $100,000
- Firm can choose to display only a portion of the block
- all or none orders
How do market makers continue trading when a quote becomes locked or crossed?
By submitting orders manually
When quotes become locked due to automatic order quotes/executions on unlinked electronic trading platforms market makers are permitted to submit quotes manually.
What does the Continuous Net Settlement program relate to?
Automated book-entry accounting and settlement
Continuous net settlement (CNS) allows members to automatically and continuously clear and settle transactions through a registered clearing agent.
After 2 Limit Up Limit Down trading pause
Other markets can resume trading
Which of the following statements regarding the Regulation M stabilization rules is not accurate?
An underwriter cannot initiate stabilization when the primary market is closed.
An underwriter can never stabilize above the public offering price. Additionally, only one underwriter can stabilize at a time and there is no time limit to how long an underwriter can stabilize for. An underwriter can initiate stabilization when the market is closed, in which case the maximum stabilization bid is the prior closing price of the security.
For purposes of penny stock disclosures, a broker-dealer can’t qualify for the disclosure exemption if it has earned more than the maximum threshold of total compensation from penny stocks in how many months over the last 12?
For purpose of this test, the broker-dealer is given one “free” month in every 12. If it fails the test in two consecutive months, it can’t qualify for the blanket exemption in next 11 months. The maximum commission that can be earned from penny stock transactions in the other 11 months is 5% of total revenues.
Bona fide quotes
Real/actual (aka firm) quotes, market maker must be willing and able to execute
Call options in a partial tender
Included as part of an investor’s long position
If an investor exercises call options, those shares can be tendered, even if the tender closes that night
FINRA can impose a market-wide circuit breaker in response to extraordinary market conditions or
if it is so directed by the SEC.
FINRA’s ability to impose the circuit-breaker is limited to two situations: extraordinary market conditions or a directive from the SEC. It is the SEC that has authority to suspend trading in a stock when it is of the opinion that a suspension is required to protect investors and the public interest.
For purposes of the rule on display of customer limit orders, is an OTC equity order of 10,500 shares, with a market value of $90,000, considered to be of block size?
No, because the market value is too low
The thresholds for OTC block size are at least 10,000 shares and also a market value of $100,000 or more. In this case, the share volume test is met, but not the market value threshold.
The trustee for an ERISA retirement plan wishes to trade listed options in her plan’s investment account. To do so, she should
make sure options trading is permitted by her plan’s Investment Policy Statement.
ERISA retirement plans are permitted to trade options if the activity is permitted under the investment criteria of the plan, typically contained in an Investment Policy Statement.
FINRA defines a “clearly erroneous trade” in an equity security as one where there is an obvious error in the:
I security being traded
II size of the transaction
III price of the transaction
I, II or III
The obvious error that denotes a clearly erroneous trade in an equity security is typically an incorrect execution price, but it can also be caused by an error in the trade size or a trade in the wrong security.
Brian calls his registered rep and asks for the NBBO on shares of EDD common stock. The rep indicates it is $25.64-$25.69 12x4. Brian places a directed order to sell 500 shares on Nasdaq. Following the transaction, the trade report will be sent to
Trades that occur on the Nasdaq System must be reported to the Nasdaq/FINRA Trade Reporting Facility (TRF).
Front running
Front running block transactions (generally 10,000+ shares) is prohibited by FINRA rule 5270
- No-knowledge (i.e. information barriers) of the pending block trade
- Transactions to fill customer orders
- Transactions to correct bona fide errors
- Transactions to offset odd-lot orders
- Transactions in compliance with the marketplace rules of national securities exchanges
A retail customer has placed an unsolicited order with your firm to purchase 5,000 shares of ABC on a “net” basis. Prior to executing this order, the firm
Must obtain prior written consent from the customer.
When effecting “net” trades with retail customers, a broker-dealer is required to obtain, for each such individual trade, a written consent from the customer prior to the execution of such trade. Because the trade was unsolicited, the firm need not undertake a suitability analysis.
During a Level 1 market-wide circuit breaker on NMS stocks, what will happen to trading in OTC equities?
FINRA will halt all trading for 15 minutes
A Level 1 market-wide circuit-breaker will trigger the same 15-minute halt in trading of OTC equities by FINRA.
There is no inside bid-ask quote for Issuer Q, a penny stock. When doing a trade in Q a market maker should disclose
The market maker’s bid-ask
When there is no inside bid-ask for a penny stock, a market maker must disclose its own bid-ask quote, provided the MM has done three trades in that penny stock in the previous five days.
If one party to a transaction is a market maker, what happens?
That party always handles reporting
FINRA Rule 5320 / the Manning Rule
, prohibits a FINRA member firm from placing the firm’s trading interest ahead of a client’s in both NMS stocks and OTC equity securities. The Manning Rule is also referred as the Limit Order Protection Rule.
The rule goes beyond limit order display. It requires that a firm not only display a customer’s order, but also execute the customer’s order in a particular manner.
Specifically, Manning prohibits a member from trading for its own account at a price that is equal to or better than an unexecuted customer limit order in that
security, unless the member immediately thereafter executes the customer limit order at the same or better price for at least the same number of shares. For the
purposes of Manning (FINRA Rule 5320), immediately is interpreted as within 60 seconds.
How does NASDAQ display odd lots?
Round down to round lot
A cabinet transaction (accommodation liquidation) in an options series effected on the AMEX or CBOE:
I is permitted on any trading day
II is permitted only on the Third Friday of the expiration month
III must be reported within 10 seconds of execution
IV must be reported following the close of the business day
I and IV
Cabinet transactions, also called accommodation liquidations, permit a customer to close a worthless option contract at an aggregate premium of $1.00 per contract ($.01 per share). Orders for these transactions are kept in a “cabinet” on the AMEX or CBOE floor and are executed by the Specialist or OBO (Order Book Official) daily. Such trades are not reported within 10 seconds of execution - rather, they are reported at the end of each business day.
Market maker T is permitted to trade ahead of a customer limit order
If information barriers are implemented
A market maker may trade ahead of a customer limit order under certain specific conditions. One of these is where the firm has implemented effective information barriers to prevent one trading desk from obtaining knowledge of customer orders on a different trading desk.
What is the general time requirement for transmitting OATS reports to FINRA?
No later than 8 a.m. on the calendar day following an OATS Business Day
Member firms are not required to transmit OATS data in real-time or as soon as possible. As long as FINRA receives the information by 8 a.m. EST on the next calendar day, after an OATS Business Day, it will not be marked late.
Under Regulation SHO, what determines whether the price of a covered security has decreased by 10% or more from the covered security’s closing price as of the end of regular trading hours on the prior day?
the lowest reported trade
To determine if the price of a covered security has declined by 10% or more from its prior day’s closing price - triggering the short sale price restrictions - the covered security’s price is based on trades reported during regular trading hours. The system will not trigger based on quotes (bids or offers).
Market Maker updates quotes when:
When a customer’s quote improves the market maker’s price
when it affects the MM’s size if the price is at the inside market
A NASDAQ market maker, in order to be able to use the reserve size feature in the NASDAQ Market Center, must display a size of at least:
Market makers must display at least 1 round lot to use the reserve size feature of the NASDAQ Market Center.
After a formal SEC trading suspension ends, when may broker-dealers begin to publish quotes or solicit investor orders for an OTC stock?
After filing Form 211
Form 211 represents that the market maker or broker-dealer has met all requirements for offering quotes on an OTC stock under the 34 Act.
ABC stock is currently quoted 18.75-.90 with a last sale of 18.82. To repurchase shares under the Rule 10b-18 safe harbor, ABC could bid
$18.82 or lower.
Rule 10b-18 provides a safe harbor for issuers repurchasing their own stock. Under the rule, the maximum an issuer can bid is the greater of the highest current bid or last sale price.
ABC Securities, a broker-dealer, executes an OTC trade for 800 shares of an NMS stock that normally trades on Nasdaq. If the trade takes place at 7:45 pm, how and when must ABC report the trade?
within 10 seconds of execution on FINRA TRF
FINRA’s Trade Reporting Facility (TRF) reports transactions in exchange-listed securities that occur off the exchange. The TRF’s hours of operation are 8:00 am to 8:00 pm EST, and all trades during these hours must be reported within 10 seconds.
The due diligence that a market maker or broker-dealer must perform before they first publish OTC quotes focuses on documenting facts about
the issuer
The idea is that any professional who provides OTC quotes should have done due diligence about the issuer and its business. This prevents market makers and broker-dealers from providing OTC quotes and then claiming they were not aware of the flimsy or failing nature of the issuer’s business.
The NBBO on BRT, an S&P 500 stock, is 20.00 - 20.10. MDX is a market maker and has an existing offer on the stock. What is the highest possible value for MDX’s offer?
The Defined Limit is the percentage that existing quotes can deviate from the current National Best Bid Offer (NBBO). If there is no NBBO, the pricing obligation references the last reported sale. Firms must adjust any quotes that that are more than the Defined Limit away from the NBBO. The Defined Limit is 9.5% if the stock is in the S&P 500 or Russell 1000 (a Tier 1 stock); 29.5% if it is an NMS stock with a price greater than $1.00 and 31.5% for all other stocks. Here, the NBO is $20.10, the stock is on the S&P 500, and the offer is already in the system, so the most it can be away from the NBO is the Defined Limit of 9.5%, or $22.0095 (rounded to $22.00).
Passive Market Maker (Regulation M Rule 103)
Can bid on security at price no higher than the best independent bid, but you can follow the leader up
- On price drop, it can maintain its bid until it purchases equal 2 times the minimum quote size
net purchases must not exceed greater of:
30% of the stock’s ADTV
RR Zach receives a call at 10 AM from customer Jim to buy 250 shares of Issuer J. Zach sends the order to the order room at 11 AM. The order room routes the order to an ECN at 12 PM, and the ECN executes the order at 1 PM. According to OATS, when was the order received?
10 AM
For OATS purposes, Jim’s order was received at 10. Each of the specified events in this question would trigger a separate OATS report.
When may a market maker resume quoting during a Level 1 halt?
After the halt has lasted 10 minutes
Quoting is permitted only in the last five minutes of a 15-minute Level 1 halt. So, quoting can begin after the halt has lasted 10 minutes.
For Tier 1 securities what is the percentage difference between the Defined Limit and the Designated Percentage triggers?
During most of the trading day, the Designated Percentage is 8% and the Defined Limit is 9.5%. So, the difference is 1.5%. The designated percentage applies to new quotes being entered by market makers whereas the Defined Limit is the amount by which the quote can drift away from the inside market before it must be refreshed.
A trade in an OTC Equity Security was executed at 12 PM and was subsequently cancelled at 3 PM the same day. The cancellation must be reported
Within 10 seconds
Trades in OTC equity securities executed between 9:30 AM and 4 PM and then cancelled at or before 4 PM on the same day must be reported as cancelled trades within 10 seconds of the cancellation.
Information in OATS report
Order identifier
Broker dealer MPID
Date and time order was received from customer
Date and time of order entry
If order was received from customer or member
Method of order receipt
Account type
Involuntary termination
Market maker is booted for breaking a rule
What securities would not be listed on the OTCBB?
Senior subordinated notes, or any corporate bond security, are typically listed on a highly regulated, electronic bond trading platform exchange such as the NYSE Bonds Trading Platform. OTCBB securities include foreign equity issues, warrants, ADRs, and DPPs.
Ex-clearing trade
Trade cleared not through a central clearing house
Regulation Best Interest (BI) requires broker-dealers to apply a heightened standard of conduct in each of the following areas except
recommending a small business pursue a targeted investment strategy based on a recently completed customer survey distributed to all firm clients.
Regulation Best Interest (BI) requires all broker-dealers to adhere to a higher standard of care when dealing with their retail clients. Reg BI specifically indicates that firms’ must exercise a heightened standard of conduct when making recommendation to their retail customers in the areas of specific transactions, investment strategies, and types of accounts that may be opened at a broker-dealer. Regulation BI does not apply to recommendations to institutional customers, such as a small business or pension fund. The suitability rule remains applicable to these parties.
Which Nasdaq event occurs at 3:55 p.m. daily?
Dissemination of the Net Order Imbalance Indicator
At 3:55 p.m., Nasdaq begins the closing auction process, with dissemination of data on order imbalances through the Net Order Imbalance Indicator, along with an indicative closing price. The NOII is updated every second from 3:55 to 4:00 p.m. Note that this is a recent rule change by Nasdaq and update to the textbook as this process used to begin at 3:50 p.m and the NOII used to be updated every five seconds.
Market Maker G receives a customer limit order to buy 5,000 shares of an OTC equity priced at $30 per share. Is this considered block size?
No, because it meets the dollar amount threshold only
Remember that the criteria for an OTC block size are at least 10,000 shares and a market value of $100,000 or more. Both tests must be met. In this case, only the dollar threshold is met (5,000 shares at $30 per share is a market value of $150,000). Therefore, it does not qualify for the block size exception, and the customer limit order must be published immediately. For NMS stocks, a block size is defined as 10,000 shares or $200,000 in market value.
Under SRO rules, order tickets must be time stamped:
at time of execution
Order tickets must be stamped at time of order entry, at time of order execution, and at time of order cancellation, if canceled.
Issuer U is doing an IPO. Market maker T can purchase or sell U in the secondary market
After the shares open for trading on their primary exchange
A market maker can buy or sell the shares in the secondary market after the first trade occurs on the primary listing exchange for the security.
What must client sign when a penny stock trade is solicited?
penny stock risk disclosure document prior to their firm penny stock trade
A market maker quoting an OTC equity .12-.25 must have a minimum bid and ask size of
5,000 x 2,500 Explanation: OTCBB quotes must be firm for a minimum number of shares depending on the price. The bid and ask side are evaluated independently to determine the minimum quote size. The minimum price and shares are as follows: 0.0001-0.0999: 10,000 shares 0.10-0.1999: 5,000 shares 0.20-0.5099: 2,500 shares 0.51-0.9999: 1,000 shares 1.00-174.99: 100 shares 175.00+: 1 share
To which entity does the book-running lead manager submit indications of interest and final allocation of shares to institutions?
Issuer’s pricing committee
Reporting requirements are imposed on the book-running lead manager during an IPO and after the IPO settlement date. The reports must be provided to the issuer’s pricing committee or Board of Directors.
For LULD purposes, a new Reference Price will be calculated when a new Reference Price falls above or below the last-calculated price by at least
Reference Prices are continuously updated throughout the trading day. A Reference Price is updated only if a new calculation deviates from the last Reference Price by at least 1%.
A customer sells 100 shares of a stock long on Monday, June 3. If the firm can’t deliver this stock by the T+2 settlement date, what is the required time for closing out the fail-to-deliver?
open of trading on Monday, June 10
If a fail result on a long sale, the firm must close the fail no later than the open of trading on the third consecutive settlement day following the settlement date. For stocks, this is usually T+5 or S+3.
For transactions in penny stocks on an agency basis, the broker-dealer must disclose
the best independent interdealer bid/offer prices.
The disclosure must include the best independent interdealer bid/offer prices obtained through reasonable due diligence. Under the rules governing penny stocks this is defined as contacting at least three market makers to obtain current quotes.
How often must market makers and broker-dealers update the information contained in a mandatory review of the issuer, for their OTC quotes?
At least annually
For issuers in which OTC quotes are provided, the market maker or broker-dealer must conduct reviews upon initiation or resumption of quotes and update them at least annually.
If the National Best Bid price breaks through the lower LULD band, what state exists?
If either end of a LULD band is broken by the NBBO, a straddle state exists. Nasdaq will monitor trading conditions during a straddle state, but would not automatically halt trading. Note that a limit state would occur if the best offer were to equal the lower band.
How long does it take to add a name to NASDAQ
Usually 1 day, after applying you have 5 days to start
A customer disputes a trade based on the time of its execution. To prove when the trade was actually executed, the rep can always refer to
the order ticket.
The order ticket must include the time of execution. The trade confirmation may contain the time, but it is not required.
Discretionary orders entered into the NASDAQ Market Center:
I must be attributable
II can be non-attributable
III cannot be pegged
IV may be pegged
Discretionary orders entered into NASDAQ can be non-attributable (MPID = NSDQ) which means that the quote is anonymous; and can also be pegged to the NBBO.
NASDAQ Level 1 Service
Cheapest service; shows the inside market
For an OTC equity, the Reference Price used to determine clearly erroneous trades is generally the
prevailing market price just prior to the trade.
The Reference Price for OTC equities is the prevailing market price just prior to the time of a trade. This is different than for listed equities, where it is the consolidated last sale price.
Is this position bullish or bearish?
Long 1 Jan 60 put; Short 1 Jan 62 put
The more valuable of the two options determines the market attitude of the spread. For calls the more valuable option is the one with the lower strike price; for puts the more valuable option is the one with the higher strike price. A bull spread means that either the long call or short put is the dominant position. A bear spread means that either the short call or long put is the dominant position (i.e. higher premium).
When can a market maker buy/sell a stock in an IPO
After the first trade on the primary exchange.
Once a new security is priced, the underwriters will sell the new issue at the public offering price (POP)
The initial transaction after the IPO (typically the next morning) will occur on NASDAQ or NYSE at the market price, which will not necessarily be the IPO price
How many market makers, at minimum, are required for a security to be quoted on the OTCBB?
Just one market maker is needed for a security to be on the OTCBB.
Two trading books are brought together at 4 p.m. to produce the Nasdaq closing cross. They are the
Continuous and closing order books
The continuous book runs throughout the trading day. The closing book indicates orders marked to fill at the close, such as market-on-close (MOC) and limit-on-close (LOC). The orders on these two books are brought together to produce the Nasdaq Closing Cross.
Best execution rule
Factors to consider:
- Character of market (price, volatility, liquidity)
- Size and type of transaction
- Number of markets checked
- Accessibility of the quotation
- Terms and conditions of the order
- Number of shares executed in a market is NOT a relevant factor
What are CBOE floor brokers? From whom can they accept trades?
Individuals on the exchange floor who accept and execute orders from register broker-dealers and trading permit holders
They cannot accept orders from any other source
A Chinese Wall must be maintained by a broker-dealer between investment banking and which of the following departments?
I Research
II Trading
III Retail Sales
IV Mergers and Acquisitions
I, II and III
Chinese Walls to stop information flow must be maintained between:
- Investment Banking and Trading;
- Investment Banking and Research; and
- Investment Banking and Sales (Retail and Institutional).
The intent is to stop the flow of information on upcoming underwritings, mergers or takeover deals being done by the underwriting department to others that might trade on the information for a profit before the public knows about the upcoming deal. Regarding the Chinese Wall required between investment banking and research, the intent is to make sure that research is truly independent and not influenced by the investment bankers at that firm that might demand a “favorable” research report on an issuer so that they can curry favor with that issuer to get future underwriting business. The M & A department and the underwriting department are usually one and the same at investment banking firms. There are no barriers required between these two groups.
Every OTCBB quote must include an appropriate telephone number for
The market maker’s trading desk
Every OTCBB quote entry must include the appropriate telephone number for the firm’s trading desk.
Under the CAT system, what time does the trading day end and reports due respectively?
Trading day ends at 4:15 p.m. ET and reports are due by 8 a.m. the next morning
The OATS trading day ends (and the next day begins) at 4 p.m. ET and reports are due by 8 a.m. the next morning. Under the CAT system, reports are still due at 8 am. the next morning but the trading day ends and begins at 4:15 p.m. ET.
A firm is a distribution participant in an OTC equity security that is subject to a restricted period under Regulation M. Is the firm required to withdraw its quotations in the offered security?
Yes, firms must withdraw quotations securities subject to a restricted period.
FINRA rules require that distribution participants withdraw their quotations in the offered security in any quotation medium (e.g., the OTCBB or Pink Sheets) during the applicable restricted period
A member firm, which is a market maker in ABCD, has numerous accounts for which it acts as an investment adviser. Under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, all transactions with these accounts in ABCD stock must be effected on what basis?
must be effected on an agency basis
Market makers must act in an agency capacity when buying a security in which they make a market from, or selling a security in which they make a market to, a managed account. This is a requirement of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, since the investment adviser’s interests should be aligned with those of the accounts that it manages. That is, if the adviser recommends that the customer buy a security, then the adviser should be buying that security, not selling it to that customer. Or, if the adviser recommends that the customer sell a security, then the adviser should be selling that security, not buying it from that customer.
OATS does not apply to:
Direct participation programs
Restricted stock
IPO allocations
Non-convertible bonds
The Rule 10b-18 Merger Exclusion
Under the merger exclusion of Rule 10b-18, separate rules govern share repurchases while a merger is pending, for both the acquiring and target companies.
The safe harbor generally is not available for share repurchases from the date a merger or acquisition is announced until the earlier of:
◆ The date the transaction closes, or
◆ The date shareholders vote on the transaction
The SEC created this exclusion to reduce the potential for market manipulation during a merger or an acquisition. However, there are two exceptions to
the merger exclusion—i.e., situations in which the acquiring or target company may repurchase shares during this designated period. The safe harbor is available during the merger period for all-cash transactions with no valuation period. For
this purpose, no valuation period means any period in which the market price of a security is not a factor in determining the consideration paid to shareholders.
Under this exception, companies can repurchase shares in volumes that do not exceed the lesser of:
1. 25% of the four-week ADTV, or
2. The company’s daily average share repurchases under Rule 10b-18 for the preceding three months
Non-attirbutable quotes
Anonymous quotes
Order protection exceptions
- Self-help alert
- Non-regular way trades
- Opening/closing
- Price not based on current quote (e.g. VWAP)
- Flickering quote (within 1 second of a price changing)
- Price that cause the trade just went up
- Stop-stock trade
- Second leg of a riskless principal trade
- ISO (intermarket sweep order)
NOTE: Benchmark trades are not relevant (it’s for a small cap stock pilot program)
For penny stock disclosure purposes, what defines a contingent compensation arrangement?
Compensation is determined and paid after the transaction
Compensation is determined following the transaction, based on aggregate sales volume or other contingencies.
Under Regulation M, Nasdaq may grant excused withdrawal status to distribution participants if it is given written notice no later than
ne business day prior to the first full trading session of the restricted period.
The distribution manager and each participating market maker must provide written notice to Nasdaq MarketWatch one day prior to the restricted period. The distribution manager’s notice must include a completed Underwriting Activity Report.
At 3:50 PM ET on expiration date, a customer wishes to close out a long position on an “out-the-money” options contract. To do this, the registered representative should:
enter a cabinet trade
The customer wants to “close out” the position, meaning enter a closing trade. The contract stops trading at 4:00 PM ET, so a closing trade can be entered. Because the contract is “out the money,” it can be closed in a cabinet trade for an aggregate $1 premium for the contract as an accommodation. Cabinet trades (“accommodation liquidations”) are used to provide a record to individuals who have worthless options positions that are soon to expire “out the money.” In a closing transaction, the Order Book Official will accept limit orders from holders and writers of “out the money” contracts to close the positions at a total premium of $1 per contract ($.01 per share). The OBO will match the orders as an accommodation, and report the executed trades to the firm that placed the order. Filing a CEA (Contrary Exercise Advice) is not appropriate, since the customer does not want to exercise the contract.
Which of the following trades in a listed equity would FINRA most likely define as clearly erroneous?
A trade at 4:30pm at $3.75 for a stock with a reference price of $5.00.
For listed equity securities with a reference price (i.e. the consolidated last sale immediately prior to the execution) up to $25.00, clearly erroneous is 10% away. For stocks between $25.00 - $50.00, clearly erroneous is 5% away. For stocks in excess of $50.00, the threshold is 3%. Also, the percentage thresholds double outside normal market hours, to 20%, 10% and 6%, respectively.
Under the Trade Acceptance method of processing, what happens if the contra party declines the trade?
It will remain in the System, but will not be subject to the automatic lock-in process.
If the contra party reviews a Trade Acceptance report and declines the trade, the report will remain in the System, but will not be subject to the automatic lock-in process.
Broker-Dealer reports of lost or stolen U.S. Government securities must be filed with:
Securities Information Center
Reports of any lost security (it makes no difference if it is a U.S. Government issue) must be made to the SIC - Securities Information Center - and to the transfer agent. If the security is believed to be stolen, the FBI must be notified as well.
An investor is short an XYZ Apr 36 call when XYZ is trading at 25. To establish a bull spread the investor would
uy an XYZ Apr 25 call
The bull call spread strategy is used when the investor thinks that the price of the underlying asset will go up moderately in the near term. Bull call spreads can be implemented by buying an at-the-money call option while simultaneously writing an out-of-the-money call option of the same underlying security and the same expiration month with a higher strike price. A call spread will be bullish when the long call has the lower strike price.
If an order is for a security on which price information is limited or quotes are unavailable, what constitutes best execution due diligence?
Document methods for determining the best inter-dealer market
It is the member’s responsibility to have policies and procedures for documenting methods and determining the best inter-dealer market.
Pegged orders types
Primary peg
Market peg
Midpoint peg
FINRA member firms are permitted to trade ahead of retail customer orders
FINRA member firms are permitted to trade ahead of retail customer orders
Under the Nasdaq rule on firm quotes, what is the highest percentage that may be used for the pricing obligation of a Tier 1 security, during the last 25 minutes of the trading day?
During the last 25 minutes of the trading day, the pricing obligation percentage for Tier 1 securities increases from 8% to 20%. The Designated Percentages are only different at market open and close for Tier 1 securities, not others. This percentage refers to the maximum deviation allowed from the NBBO when entering quotes.
What may a member do to have its dark pool transaction data included in FINRA’s published volume?
Affirmatively opt-in
A member’s dark pool transaction data will not be included in published volume unless the member affirmatively opts-in.
Opening/closing cross orders can or cannot be AON?
Cannot be all or none
An order that is placed above the current market that allows a client to sell at the market if the market price rises to a specific level is a:
sell limit order
The orders that are placed above the current market are “OSLOBS” – Open Sell Limits and Open Buy Stops. The only way to sell at a price that is higher than the current market is with a sell limit order. Note that a sell limit order specifies a minimum price (the limit). The sell order will be filled if the market moves up to the limit price or higher.
For OTC market makers, excused withdrawals related to systematic equipment problems usually are granted for
up to five business days.
Systematic equipment problems include defects in the market maker’s software or hardware, and connectivity problems. The standard excused withdrawal is for up to five business days, during which time the market maker is expected to remedy such problems.
On the CBOE, what is another name for a one-cancels-the-other (OCO) order?
Stipulation order
An OCO or stipulation order consists of two or more orders treated as a unit. If one order is executed, all other orders as part of that unit are cancelled.
A trade is executed at 6:45:23 pm via a quote accessed on the ADF. To avoid being late, when is the last sale trade report due?
The next business day by 8:15:00
The execution is reported at 6:45:23 p.m. Since this is after 6:30 EST the ADF reporting facility is closed, and the trade must be reported the following business day by 8:15 a.m.
An OATS report furnished by a broker-dealer is not required to include
Identification of an order as related to a Basket Trade
There are numerous items that must be included in an OATS report, including the identification of an order as related to a Program Trade or an Index Arbitrage Trade, not a Basket Trade.
When is an Order ticket completed
prior to execution
also call order memorandum
A market maker subscribes to the services of ALPHA, an unlinked (ineligible) ECN. The market maker, while quoting ABCD at 64.34 - 64.50, receives a customer order to buy 600 ABCD at 64.40. The market maker immediately delivers the order to ALPHA in order to update its quote. Which statement is TRUE?
A The market maker is in compliance with the Limit Order Display Rule
B The market maker is required to update its NASDAQ quote
C The market maker is required to update its NASDAQ quote and withdraw its quote from ALPHA
D The market maker is required to withdraw its quote from ALPHA
The best answer is B.
Since ALPHA is not a “linked” ECN, also called an ineligible ECN, only subscribers to its service can see its quotes. Thus, the better priced order sent to ALPHA is not visible anywhere else. In this case, it is the responsibility of the market maker placing the order with the ECN to update its NASDAQ quote to reflect this order. On the other hand, if the ECN were linked (also called an eligible ECN), which means that it is displaying its orders on NASDAQ, it would be updating its quote on NASDAQ to reflect the order - and then the market maker would not have to do this.
Regulation M
Prevent manipulation of a securities offering and prohibit trading activities that could artificially influence the market for a new issue
Has 2 halves: 1/2 applies to market maker, 1/2 applies to underwriter
The FINRA 5% Policy applies to which of the following transactions?
I A member purchases an over-the-counter stock to fill a customer buy order
II A member buys mutual fund shares to fill a customer order
III A member sells a customer 100 shares of a new issue of common stock
IV A member performs a riskless transaction in the same stock between two different customers
I and IV
The FINRA 5% Policy applies to over-the-counter and exchange transactions in the secondary market (with the exception of municipal securities trades, which are covered under a separate MSRB rule). It does not apply to new issue offerings that require a prospectus. Remember that every mutual fund share is technically a “newly issued” share sold with a prospectus.
For purposes of short-sale regulation, what is an aggregation unit?
A group of traders within a single firm with similar objectives or strategies
An aggregation unit is a group of traders within a single firm with similar objectives or strategies and that can separately determine their unit’s net long or short position when marking order tickets without considering the positions of the entire firm. For example, a prop trading desk may make up one aggregation unit. Individual traders may be assigned to just one aggregation unit at a time.
Can options be purchased on margin?
For how long does OATS maintain an open Good-til-Cancelled (GTC) order?
OATS maintains open GTC orders for two years and then the order is removed from the active file. If the firm wishes to keep the order in the system, a duplicate New Order Report must be submitted. Note, this is longer than the one year time-frame that a GTC is available for execution.
If a Market Maker quotes OTC equity receives a 10-day SEC suspension, they must:
Refile Form 211 to resume quotations
What is usually the motive of an underwriter who “spins” shares of a hot IPO?
Obtain investment banking business
Spinning usually has a “quid pro quo” motive. An officer or director of a public company receives IPO shares and in return steers investment banking business to the underwriter. This is a prohibited practice
If a broker dealer grants its clients and customers market access when must the broker dealer’s risk management personnel receive post-trade execution reports that result from market access customers?
A broker-dealer must provide appropriate surveillance personnel with immediate post-trade execution reports that result from market access
To get on the threshold securities list, a stock must have a high number of short-sale failures to deliver, for how many consecutive settlement days?
Threshold securities are equities with aggregate fail to deliver positions of 10,000 shares or more and equal to at least 0.5% of the issuer’s total shares outstanding for five consecutive settlement days.
Executing party
party that receives the order for handling or is presented an order against its quote and does not re-route the order, thus executing the transaction
DEFAULT: the seller if there’s any uncertainty
Marking the close
Violation that occurs if trades are placed with the intent to artificially affect the closing price
Exception to Regulation M Rule 105
Short sale rule
Allows bona fide investors who meet criteria to short sell within the 5-day restricted period and close their positions with newly offered shares.
Criteria: the latest a short sale trade can occur is 30 minutes prior to the close on the business day prior to the day of pricing.
Listed stock options for a given expiration month stop trading on the Chicago Board Options Exchange at:
4:00 PM Eastern Time on the third Friday of that month
Listed stock options for a given expiration month stop trading at 4:00 PM Eastern Time on the third Friday of that month. (Also note that index options, in contrast, trade until 4:15 PM Eastern Time.)
An investor writes an XYZ Jan 70 call for 5 when XYZ is trading for 68. To establish a bear spread, the investor could
Buy an XYZ Jan 76 call
A bear spread is an option spread strategy used when an investor is expecting the price of the underlying security to fall. A call bear spread is established for a net credit, which means the investor receives more premium (selling calls is bearish).
A company declares a dividend payable in either cash or securities, at the shareholder’s option. What adjustment must be made in the price of open orders?
Reduction by the value of cash or securities, whichever is greater
In this case, it is the shareholder’s option to take either cash or securities. Presumably, the shareholder will elect the option with the greater value. So, the open order price is adjusted by the greater amount.
Threshold security limit
List of securities with significant outstanding fails
Prepared/disseminated by the SRO that maintains primary listing for the security
- FINRA publishes OTC threshold securities
- NASDAQ/NYSE publish their own
Some trades are excluded from LULD price bands if they meet two tests. One is that they are excepted or exempted from the SEC’s trade-through rule. The other is that they
do not update the last sale price.
Trades can be excluded from LULD price bands if they: 1) do not update the last sale price; and 2) are excepted or exempted.
A broker-dealer can qualify for an exemption from penny stock disclosures by qualifying in through two tests, these are:
market maker and revenue.
A disclosure exemption is available for firms that meet two tests: those that are not market makers and that have minimal revenue (<5%) derived from penny stock transaction. If the broker-dealer qualifies because it is 1) not a market maker, and 2) 5% or less of its securities transaction revenues are derived from penny stocks than it is exempt from making the penny stock disclosures.
Market peg
tracks opposite side of the market (i.e. crosses the spread)
can include offset
Under which circumstance is a broker-dealer least likely to be considered a clearing firm?
When it accepts orders but routes them another firm for execution
A clearing or “carrying” firm handles orders to trade securities and maintains custody of those securities and other assets (e.g. cash). Because clearing firms have custody they must segregate customer funds from their own and maintain higher levels of net capital.
What pricing reports include the names of institutional investors for IPO share allocation reports?
Both pre-effective and final pricing reports will include the names of institutional investors.
Does ADF provide Order routing or execution?
No, firms using the ADF must have their own electronic trading or execution systems to effect transactions
Trading through
A trade through occurs when an order is executed at an inferior price to the contemporaneous quote available on another exchange or platform.
Can FINRA membership be terminated when a market maker registers with Nasdaq?
Only if the firm is registered with at least one other SRO
Nasdaq rules require members to belong to at least one other self-regulatory organization, in addition to Nasdaq.
Firm P is a Registered Reporting ADF ECN. To maintain ADF certification, it must post at least one marketable quote or order through the ADF on each side of the market at least
Once every 30 calendar days
A quote or order will be presumed marketable if it is accessed by another trading center or market participant. Marketable quotes must be posted on each side of the market at least once every 30 calendar days.
For purposes of identifying a clearly erroneous trade in an OTC equity security, the reference price is calculated as the
the prevailing market price just prior to the time of the trade.
The Reference Price for OTC equity securities is generally the prevailing market price just prior to the time of the trade; for exchange-listed securities it is the consolidated last sale immediately prior to the execution.
Do trade confirmations indicate if the broker dealer received payment for order flow for the transaction?
Yes, they must indicate if the broker dealer received payment for order flow for the transaction
If a trade in an ADF-eligible security occurs after market hours, must the last sale report be made the following business day?
Only if the trade is after 6:30 p.m. EST
The last sale report for trades in ADF-eligible securities executed after 6:30 p.m. must be reported the following business day (T+1) by 8:15 a.m. EST. Trades that occur after market hours but prior to 6:30 p.m. must be reported within 10 seconds of execution.
If a FINRA officer wishes to declare a transaction clearly erroneous because it occurred during a trading halt in its primary market, when must action be taken?
Within 30 minutes of detection
In general, this action must be taken within 30 minutes of its detection. In no case may action be taken later than the start of normal market hours on the next trading day.
Protected quote
Any quote in an automated system (eg exchange) that is the best bid/offer in the system
A former affiliate of an issuer may sell their shares under Rule 144 after meeting which of the following conditions?
Generally, corporate insiders are limited in the amount of securities they can sell over any 90 day period. However, if the individual has not been an insider for a period of at least 3 months and the shares have been held for at least one year, they can be freely sold. This is an exception to the rule.
Subscribers to the OTCBB can access the inside market for a stock as long as there are at least:
2 market makers displaying 2-sided quotes
An inside market is deemed to exist if there are at least 2 market makers posting firm 2-sided quotes - thus, the OTCBB only shows an inside market when this condition exists (it always exists for NASDAQ, since to be NASDAQ listed there must be 3 market makers in the issue).
Under Nasdaq’s rule on obvious options errors, what benchmark is used to determine if a trade is defined as an obvious error?
Theoretical price
Nasdaq’s rule for clearly erroneous trades in equity securities will lead to the cancellation of a trade if it is outside a certain range from the stock’s last sale price. Nasdaq obvious error rule for options will result in a trade being adjusted to a designated amount away from its theoretical value, if the price of the trade is a certain range from that value.
Market makers seeking an excused withdrawal for religious holidays or vacation must submit the request at least one business day in advance.
Must the Market maker supply the names it seems to with draw from?
If the request is based on vacation, it must also include the names the firm is seeking to withdraw from. For religious reasons there is no such requirement.
In which case may securities transactions be settled ex-clearing?
If both parties agree to the transaction
Transactions may be settled ex-clearing if both parties agree. Ex-clearing is a manual trade comparison process that does not use electronic clearinghouse services.
Under what circumstances can a sell order not be marked “short exempt?”
The trade is effected by a market maker to offset a customer round lot order
A sell order may be marked “short exempt” if the trade is effected by a market maker to offset a customer odd lot order, not a round lot order.
describes a trade directly between two parties where the clearing occurs directly between the two parties using a manual process, rather than utilizing electronic central clearinghouse services, such as DTCC.
Which one of the following is not a Reportable Order Event (ROE) that must be reported to OATS?
Order solicitation
For OATS purposes, the life cycle of an order begins with order receipt. It then includes routing, execution and cancellation. Order solicitation is not an OATS-reportable event.
Joe Schmo recently acquired unregistered stock of a company as compensation for consulting services. Four months later, Joe queries his registered representative as to how he can subsequently sell the shares in the market. The rep could accurately reply that Joe can
sell the shares to a Qualified Institutional Buyer (QIB) under Rule 144A.
Because Joe holds unregistered stock he cannot sell it to the general public, instead he must register the shares or sell them through an exempt transaction. Rule 144 permits the sale of unregistered stock of an existing public company after a six-month holding period. In this case, the shares have only been held for four months, making them ineligible for sale under Rule 144. Rule 144A allows the sale of unregistered securities to Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) with no holding period. A QIB is generally defined as an institutional investor with $100mm in assets. As such, the rep could accurately advise Joe to sell the shares via Rule 144A.
Excused withdrawal as a NASDAQ market maker may be granted for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
pending news
The best answer is D.
Excused withdrawal as a NASDAQ market maker is permitted, with FINRA permission, for the following reasons:
Sudden illness;
- Religious holidays;
- Failure to maintain a clearing agreement;
- Being in possession of material non-public information on the subject security;
- Jury duty;
- Equipment malfunction;
- Scheduled vacation; or
- The requirements of Rule 103 under Regulation M that restrict existing market makers from maintaining quotes during the 20-day cooling off period for secondary offerings of securities in which they make a market.
Pending news, a sudden influx of orders, or sudden price changes, are not valid reasons for seeking an excused withdrawal
In a private right of action, which of the following facts must the plaintiff be prepared to present and prove, if he/she is to prevail?
Specific statements alleged to have been fraudulent
A fraud is perpetrated through communication of specific words or statements - orally or in writing. The plaintiff must show where and how statements were made and why they were fraudulent or deceitful.
FINRA Rules 6183 and 6625 provide an exemption from trade reporting by the ATS if all the following criteria are satisfied:
- Trades are between ATS subscribers that are FINRA members.
- The ATS demonstrates that:
a. The member subscribers are fully disclosed to one another at all times.
b. The system does not permit automatic execution, and a member subscriber takes affirmative steps beyond the submission of an order to agree to a trade with another member subscriber.
c. The trade does not pass through any ATS account, and the ATS does not in any way hold itself out to be a party to the trade.
d. The ATS does not exchange shares or funds on behalf of the member subscribers or take either side of the trade for clearing or settlement purposes. - The ATS and the member subscribers agree in writing that the ATS trades shall be reported by the member subscribers and that the ATS is not a party to the transaction.
- The ATS agrees to provide monthly data relating to the volume of trades, by security, executed by member subscribers. If the ATS fails to report such data, its exemption from reporting trades may be revoked.
Broker-dealer C receives and executes an order on its trading desk. For OATS reporting purposes, must C record the identification of the customer for whom the order was placed?
The OATS identification requirements cover RRs who receive and execute orders, and also departments that originate orders transmitted manually to another department. Customer identification is not required.
Trade modifiers from 8 pm to midnight
.T + “as/of” (by 8:15 next day)
.U + “as/of”
How to take advantage of weaking foreign economy?
Buy puts
Regulation M Rule 105
A new issue cannot be used to cover a short position established in the five business day period preceding the determination of the offer price
In other words: you can either sell short or participate in a new offering
exception: bona fide purchasers who have purchased enough shares to offset shares sold short by no later than 30 minutes prior to close on business day before pricing
Which trade reports are included in the Nasdaq Official Closing Price (NOCP)?
Those submitted within 2 seconds of the market close
The closing cross sets the Nasdaq Official Closing Price (NOCP) for Nasdaq-listed securities. Only trade reports submitted within two seconds of the market close are included in NOCP.
A registered representative has 20 customer accounts. If the RR places a single order to sell 10,000 shares of a stock, and allocates the order among all 20 clients, how many New Order Reports should be sent to OATS?
It depends on whether the RR has trading discretion
This is called a bunched order. If the RR has discretion, a single OATS report for all 20 clients may be sent. If there is no discretion, each client’s trade is considered a separate order for OATS purposes.
A member engages in a riskless principal transaction by buying and selling the same security. This is then reported to the ADF as one transaction in the same manner as
An agency transaction, excluding commissions
Both legs of a riskless principal transaction are reported as one transaction, in the same manner as an agency transaction excluding mark-up, mark-down, commissions or fees.
A qualified institutional buyer (QIB) participates in a Rule 144A offering and is given piggyback rights. What is the advantage of these rights to the QIB?
ability to sell the shares acquired later in the public market
Piggyback registration rights are often used in connection with pre-IPO Rule 144A offerings, sold only to QIBs. The QIB buys stock that can only be sold immediately to other QIBs. However, when the issuer goes public, the shares purchased by the QIB will be registered and then can be sold by the QIB to the public. The advantage, in a word, is eventual liquidity.
OATS clock synchronization requirements
All business clocks used for OATS reporting must be synchronized every business day prior to open
Any time source within one second of the NIST standard can be used
Options trade confirmations include which of the following information?
I Opening or Closing transaction
II Exercise Price
III Whether the trade was effected on an agency or principal basis
IV Whether or not the trade was discretionary
It is not noted on the trade confirmation that a trade was “discretionary” - however this is noted on the order ticket for the trade. The confirmation will include; opening or closing transaction; exercise price per share (but not aggregate exercise price of the contract); and whether the trade was effected on an agency or principal basis (among many other disclosed items).
If a company buys back its own shares in both block and non-block purchases, on the same day what is the maximum number of shares it can buy without losing the safe harbor?
25% of ADTV
If a company buys back even one non-block share on the same day as a block purchase, the 25% ADTV limit applies. In this case, there is no special provision for the block purchase. Assuming the issuer only does a buyback via a block purchase on that particular day, it can disregard the 25% limit for one block purchase per week.
All of the following would be defined as affiliates EXCEPT
a large shareholder who owns 7% of a company’s voting stock
Affiliates, also called corporate insiders, are defined as officers, directors, or 10% shareholders of an issuer. The spouse of a corporate insider is also considered a corporate insider. Ownership of 7% of a company’s stock would not cause the shareholder to be defined as an affiliate or insider.
Which markets require only one market maker for a stock to begin trading?
Pink OTC markets and OTCBB
A company’s stock may be included in either the OTCBB or Pink OTC Markets as long as there is one market maker that is willing to quote the stock. Nasdaq stocks must have a minimum of three market makers for initial listing.
The retention period for an options trade blotter is:
6 years
Unlike the majority of records related to options that must be kept for 3 years, certain records must be kept for 6 years. These include daily transaction records (the “blotters”) and customer account statements.
Is Agency/principal basis required for Order ticket (order memorandum)?
When resolving a NASDAQ halt cross, what is indicated by the Current Reference Price?
Price at which the maximum number of shares can paired.
Nasdaq measures and declares an imbalance based on its Net Order Imbalance Indicator (NOII). It shows the Current Reference Price as the price at which the maximum number of shares can be paired.
When a penny stock disclosure is required, it must be delivered to the client
at least two business days before the transaction.
The two-day prior delivery requirement creates a kind of “cooling off” period, during which the client can consider whether the transaction makes sense.
contingency orders
Options traders can enter orders that are dependent on the price of the underlying equity security. These are called contingency orders. They are so named because their execution is contingent on the last reported price of the underlying security on the primary exchange (e.g., NYSE). Stop orders, stop limit orders, market-iftouched orders, and market-on-close orders are examples of contingency orders.
In a secondary market transaction in an unlisted Direct Participation Program (DPP), what time of execution is reported?
When the parties agreed to essential terms
Secondary market transactions in DPPs must be reported to FINRA. The time of execution is when the parties agreed to all essential terms, including price and number of units traded.
When a market maker receives a customer order and routes it to an ECN, and where the order is not at the NBBO…
…the ECN should update its quote to reflect the order and the liquidity it provides.
Following an IPO, at what point can a security trade away from an exchange?
Only after the stock has traded on an exchange
Under FINRA rules, a new issue can trade away from an exchange once there has been an initial transaction on the exchange.
If a broker-dealer sells an OTC penny stock to a retail client, in which case might this trade qualify for a specific-transaction exemption for disclosure purposes?
If it is client-initiated
For most OTC penny stocks, the only transaction-specific exemption occurs when the trade is client-initiated (i.e. unsolicited). In such case the broker need not make all the required disclosures in Rule 15g-3 such as the current quote and compensation to the rep and the firm.
The anti-spinning rule applies to officers and directors of which types of companies?
Public and large private
A “covered” non-public (private) company meets any one of three tests of size. Thus, it is a larger private company. The spinning rule covers public companies and large private companies.
NASDAQ Level 3 Service
Service level used by Market Makers; level is interactive
record date
Determines which shareholders will receive dividends
Best describes the OTC Bulletin Board?
A non-exchange equity quotation facility
The OTC Bulletin Board, along with Pink OTC Markets, is a non-exchange, non-Nasdaq, equity quotation facility. Priced quotes on the OTCBB are required to be firm for equities. The third market is for exchange listed securities only.
Textbook Reference:
VWAP trade
Average of a number of smaller executions
Trade modifier: .W
Report the time of execution when the VWAP is priced
On Monday, January 2nd, ABC Inc. declares a $0.10 dividend payable on Monday, Jan 16 to all shareholders of record as of Thursday, Jan 12. When will be the ex-dividend date for cash settled trades in the security?
January 13
Cash settled trades settle on the same day. Therefore, an investor could buy stock on the record date and still settle in time to receive the dividend. Therefore, the ex-dividend date for a cash settled trade will be the business day after the record date.
When is the first day that exercise is permitted for an equity option purchased in a cash settlement?
Trade date
This is a hard question! If an option contract is purchased in a cash settlement, then the transaction settles that day, rather than the next business day. In this case, the Options Clearing Corporation permits exercise on the same day as trade date.
Suitability for Register Rep
Recommendations based on financial situation
- Examine customer profile
Special rules for institutional customers
- They can make independent evaluation of risk and independent investment decisions
The reference to “NSDQ” on the Nasdaq screen indicates
A non-attributable quote
‘NSDQ” is the MPID for a Nasdaq market maker seeking to place an anonymous, or non-attributable quote into the NASDAQ system.
Downbid rule
When security is down 10% from prior day’s close
Want to reduce selling pressure when it’s already down
- Cannot be sold short at price equal to or below best bid
* Can be sold short if price is above best bid at time of order display
- Applies that day and next trading day
An issuer has ADTV of 600,000 shares, measured over the last four full calendar weeks. What is the maximum number of shares it can buy back per day, and stay within the volume requirement of the issuer share repurchase safe harbor?
The issuer may not repurchase per day more than 25% of the ADTV based on four full calendar weeks preceding the week in which each share repurchase is made. 25% of 600,000 is 150,000 shares per day.
Corrections to trade information entered into the Trade Reporting Facility (TRF) for NASDAQ must be made:
Corrections to trade information reported to the Trade Reporting Facility (TRF), using the “was/is” function, must be made before the system closes that day at 8:00 PM.
Broker-dealer B does a trade with its customer Helen in an ADF security. The report of this trade is made by
In trades between broker-dealers and customers in ADF securities, the trade report is submitted to the ADF by the broker-dealer.
During a Level 3 circuit breaker halt, for how many minutes are quotes allowed?
Quoting is not permitted at any time during a Level 3 halt.
John has purchased 5,000 shares of Issuer X. The confirmation that John will receive will not disclose
John has purchased 5,000 shares of Issuer X. The confirmation that John will receive will not disclose
An Investment Adviser is required to promptly disclose to clients which legal or regulatory events?
Those that are material to evaluating the advisor’s integrity
Advisers are required to promptly disclose to clients any legal or disciplinary events that may be material to evaluating the adviser’s integrity or ability to meet client commitments. The standard is broad - not confined to any specific type of disciplinary or legal action.
What is the best way for an interested party obtain information on an ATS dark pool’s total trading volume?
By consulting the member’s web site
Interested parties must consult members’ web sites to obtain ATS dark pool total volume. FINRA Rule 6160 allows ATSs to disseminate their daily trading volumes to the public. Any reporting member firm that chooses to publish daily trading volume for transactions in its ATS must base such volume solely on transactions reported by the ATS dark pool to the TRF.
the MOST significant difference between Pink Sheets and OTCBB securities is that
Pink Sheets securities are not always registered with the SEC
Pink Sheets securities are not always registered with the SEC; OTCBB securities must be registered with the SEC and file current financial information. Both the Pink Sheets and OTCBB include only equity securities and are negotiated, not auction, markets.
Opening cross timeline
4 am
- Trading and order entry begins
- all orders permitted
- Cancellation allowed until 9:27:59
9: 28 am - 9:30 am - LOO/MOO no longer allowed, modified, or cancelled
- IO orders allowed
- Normal market hours orders treated as IO
- Imbalance indicator updated every five seconds
9: 30 am - NASDAQ Official Opening Price disseminated
OTC Pink reputation
Historically, not good
Now better, provides financials/material information
Provides warning if no information available
Trade acceptance
The executing party enters its version of the trade
data into the ADF system. The contraparty then reviews the trade report and accepts or declines the trade. An acceptance results in a locked-in trade; a declined trade report will be carried over at the end of trade-date processing and will remain in the system but will not be subject to the automatic lock-in process.
Facilitation Cross
When a floor broker holds a customer order and a contra-side order, the broker can cross the 2 orders only after checking the market for a better price and allowing other market participants to execute the trade on the same price and terms
Most common for options
Quote stuffing
Algorithmic traders entering and then quickly withdrawing large orders to create confusion and take advantage of trading opportunities
A manager wishes to enter a stabilizing bid. The POP of the issue is $20.00. The last reported trade in the issue was at $19.90 and the current bid-ask quote is $19.80 - $19.85. The highest price at which the manager may stabilize is:
Prior to market opening, the manager may enter a stabilizing bid at or below the POP (Public Offering Price) - never above. Once the market is open, if the manager now wishes to enter a stabilizing bid, the rule changes. The bid cannot be entered any higher than the last reported trade, as long as the current ask price is equal to, or higher than, the last reported trade. If these conditions cannot be met, then the stabilizing bid cannot be entered at any price higher than the current independent bid.
In this example, the last reported trade is at $19.90 and the current ask is at $19.85, so it does not meet both of the conditions required for the stabilizing bid to be entered at the price of the last reported trade. Then the rule requires that the stabilizing bid be placed no higher than the highest current independent bid - which is $19.80.
Know-your-customer violation
Emailing all your clients the same recommendation!
KYC requires:
- Focus on whether there is a reasonable basis to believe that the recommended transaction or investment strategy is appropriate for the customer
- KYC focuses on knowing the essential facts concerning each customer account (e.g. identity, background, investment history, source of investable funds)
Backing away
Market maker fails to uphold bona fide quotes
Broker-dealer D receives a request from a customer to know the identity of venues to which the customer’s orders have been routed. The request must be answered by providing identities for which routed orders?
Both directed and non-directed
On request, a broker-dealer must disclose to a customer the identity of venues to which customer orders were routed in the six months before the request. This includes both directed and non-directed orders, along with transaction times.
To whom are IPO share allocation reports provided?
Reports are provided to the issuer but not to FINRA.
FINRA Rule 5131 requires the lead manager to provide the issuer with regular reports of indications of interest including the names of institutional investors and the number of shares indicated by each along with aggregate retail demand. After settlement, a final report with similar information must also be provided. Reports are submitted to the issuer’s pricing committee or, in the absence of one, to the board of directors.
Circuit breaker halt
Decline in S&P 500 that leads to a halt in all NMS Stock
The NASDAQ “Trade or Move” process has been replaced by:
Opening Cross
The NASDAQ Opening Cross sets the opening price for NASDAQ issues. It replaced the prior “Trade or Move” message process which last for 10 minutes prior to market close and often resulted in crossed or locked quotes.
Established customer for penny stock trades
3 penny stock trades with a firm on 3 separate days OR they have had an account for at least one year
What does the term locked-in mean in context of a trade?
Participants are bound to honor and settle the trade
Participants have an obligation to honor locked-in trades and their terms on the scheduled settlement date.
Regulation NMS Rule 605 requires market centers to publish standardized information regarding their order execution activity on frequently?
On a monthly basis
Market centers must provide statistical order execution data in a monthly report that must be publicly accessible.
Excused withdrawals for Quotation for 60 days
Involuntary termination of a clearing agreement (time to work it out with the clearing firm)
If you have non-public information, for example, working with a client doing a follow-on offering
Which of the following best describes who performs due diligence on issuer’s securities prior to publishing quotes:
The exchange does due diligence on listed securities prior to quotations, market makers complete due diligence on unlisted securities prior to their being quoted by a market maker
Securities listed on an exchange, such as Nasdaq, must meet listing criteria set forth and are subject to diligence by the exchange itself. For listed securities, the market makers themselves are not required to diligence the issuer. For unlisted securities, on the other hand, the market maker seeking to enter quotes must conduct due diligence on the issuer under 15c2-11.
Non-exchange, equity quotation facilities
OTC minimum price increments
$1.00+: $0.01 (like NMS)
Less than $1.00: $0.0001 (like NMS)
Less than $0.0001: $0.000001 (Not allowed for NMS)
Under Regulation M, if there is no independent market for a subject security, which statements are TRUE?
I Stabilization is permitted
II Stabilization is not permitted
III Passive market making is permitted
IV Passive market making is not permitted
II and IV
Regulation M consists of Rules 101 - 105, and covers trading by market participants during the “20-day cooling off period” in securities where a registered secondary offering is taking place; as well as stabilization in the after market. Rule 103 states that if a market maker in a security that is subject to a secondary offering joins an underwriting group for an “add-on” offering of that issuer’s securities, then the market maker must either stop making a market or act as a passive market maker. Rule 104 covers stabilization of the security in the aftermarket. Both of these rules require that to either act as a passive market maker or to place a stabilizing bid, an independent market must exist. That means that there must be one other market maker posting quotes who is not involved in the distribution of securities.
Trade reporting modifier .W
for stop-stock order (when guaranteeing price for a short period of time) Include: Price Execution time Stop-stock time
Note: if stopped out for less than 10 seconds, .W modifier is not required at all
defines what a long sale is:
- own the security
- Instructed conversion
- Instructed exercise of options, rights, or warrants
- unsettled trades
- long futures and receive notice of physical delivery
Unless you fall into one of these “buckets”, it’s a short sale
Other “exemptions”
- Broker Dealer acquires a block and establishes short position as arbitrage
- Arbitrage = exception on the test
- Example: buy 500k stocks, sells call options over 600k, Broker Deal can mark sale order ticket as long
- Broker Dealer is unwinding index arbitrage involving a long basket and NYSE is down less than 2%
Consolidated Options Audit Trail system
Similar to FINRA’s OATS, but for options
Provides accurate, time-sequenced record of orders, quotations, and transactions in the options marketplace
As a fiduciary to clients, an Investment Adviser owes them an undivided
Investment Advisers must honor the duty of providing clients undivided loyalty - i.e., not putting the interests of one’s self or others ahead of the client’s.
ADF Trading Centers must report to FINRA detailed information on each order received from another broker-dealer via electronic access. What is the reporting deadline?
6:30 p.m. on the day of the order
Order details must be reported to FINRA no later than 6:30 p.m. EST on the day of receipt of the order. Other information must be reported on request from FINRA.
Which of the following quotes for an OTCBB security is permitted?
Bid $0.65 on 1,500 shares Explanation: OTCBB quotes must be firm for a minimum number of shares depending on the price. The bid and ask side are evaluated independently to determine the minimum quote size. The minimum price and shares are as follows: 0.0001-0.0999: 10,000 shares 0.10-0.1999: 5,000 shares 0.20-0.5099: 2,500 shares 0.51-0.9999: 1,000 shares 1.00-174.99: 100 shares 175.00+: 1 share
de minimis
no more than 10% of the market maker’s displayed quote size
An investor who puts on a straddle position
Is expecting significant changes in the market price of the underlying security in the near term
An investor who purchases a straddle is buying a put option and a call option on the same security. This type of strategy would be beneficial when there are significant changes in the market price of the underlying security.
Stabilization above the IPO price is allowed when?
A block positioner must meet a minimum net capital requirement of
A qualified block positioner is a broker-dealer that engages in buying or selling blocks of stock and meets a $1 million minimum net capital requirement.
The trading pattern that creates a layering violation consists of
limit orders, so as to move the market and obtain beneficial execution on the other side of the market.
Layering means entering limit orders to move the market and obtain a beneficial execution on the other side.
All of the following are true statements about MMPOs (Market Maker Peg Orders) EXCEPT:
the order assures that the market maker maintains a fair and orderly market
the order is a one-sided limit order that is attributable
the order is pegged to the movement of the NBBO
once the order is filled, NASDAQ does not automatically renew the quote
All of the following are true statements about MMPOs (Market Maker Peg Orders) EXCEPT:
the order assures that the market maker maintains a fair and orderly market
the order is a one-sided limit order that is attributable
the order is pegged to the movement of the NBBO
once the order is filled, NASDAQ does not automatically renew the quote
Regulation M Rule 104
Allows stabilization bids
Can stabilize no higher than the best current bid
Only one underwriter can stabilize
- Can purchase unlimited stocks, and can remain outstanding indefinitely
SEC must be notified each day stabilization is in effect
Limit up / Limit down
- For individual stocks
- Address extraordinary market volatillity in US equity markets
- If an NMS stock deviates by 5% from its five-minute moving average, and stays there for 15 seconds, trading is paused for 5 minutes
- Might be more than 5% for less liquid stocks and near open/close of trading
- If it opens much higher, don’t care
indicates that the trading is halted pending a news announcement
Transaction on NASDAQ are…
Locked in, in terms of reporting
The system handles reporting for you
Channel Securities is a FINRA member OTC market maker that publishes quotes on OTC equities in its alternative trading system. The current quote on ABC is $2.50 - $2.80. What fees, if any, may Channel impose to access its published quotes on ABC?
The access fee may not exceed is $0.003 per share
FINRA Rule 6450 provides that if a published quotation is priced equal to or greater than $1.00, the access fee cap is $0.003 per share. For published quotations priced under $1.00, the access fee cap for OTC Equity Securities is the lesser of: (i) 0.3% of the published quotation price on a per share basis, or (ii) 30% of the minimum pricing increment under Rule 6434 relevant to the display of the quotation on a per-share basis.
Broker-dealer M uses a method to lock-in a trade in the ADF system. When the contra party reviews and accepts the trade, a locked-in trade results. This method is called
Trade Acceptance
The trade acceptance method provides the executing party enters the trade data into the ADF system; the contra party then reviews the trade report and accepts or declines the trade. An acceptance results in a locked-in trade; a declined trade will be carried over at the end of trade date processing and will remain in the System, but will not be subject to the automatic lock-in process.
Which reporting facility is used for trade reporting in OTC equity and restricted securities?
Members must use the OTC Reporting Facility for trade reporting in OTC and restricted equities.
Which of the following is true regarding equity trading circuit breaker rules?
Circuit breaker rules are uniform for all equity securities.
Circuit breakers are based on declines in the S&P 500 from the previous day’s close. A 7% decline (Level 1) will halt trading in all equity securities for 15 minutes. A 13% decline (Level 2) will halt trading in all equity securities for 15 minutes. Level 1 and 2 circuit breakers can happen once per day each. A 20% decline (Level 3) will halt all equity trading for the rest of the day. After 3:25pm the Level 1 and 2 circuit breakers are not in effect.
The NBBO on ABC, an S&P 500 stock, is 10.00 - 10.10. MDS is a market maker and wants to enter a new bid on the stock at 3:55 p.m. What is the lowest bid MDS could enter?
The Designated Percentage is the percentage that all new quotes must be away from the current National Best Bid Offer (NBBO). If there is no NBBO, the pricing obligation references the last reported sale. The Designated Percentage is 8% if the stock is in the S&P 500 or Russell 1000 (a Tier 1 stock); 28% if it is an NMS stock with a price greater than $1.00 and 30% for all other stocks. The percentage on Tier 1 stocks, however, increases during the market open period (9:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.) and market close period (3:35 p.m. - 4 p.m.) to 20%. Here, the NBB is $10.00, the stock is on the S&P 500, and the bid is being entered in the market close period, so the Designated Percentage is 20% below $10.00, or $8.00
A customer buys 300 shares of a stock on Tuesday at 9 p.m. What special notation does the order receive when it is reported the next day?
A trade report is marked as/of when the trade occurred earlier than the current day (e.g., yesterday) or when reporting the reversal of a trade from a previous day.
The Manning Rule prohibits members from
roprietary trading ahead of held customer limit orders
The rule prohibits members from placing proprietary trades (for their own accounts) ahead of held customer limit orders.
Trading halts in OTC Equity Securities may be imposed by FINRA for
Up to 10 days
FINRA may impose a trading halt in an OTC Equity Security for up to 10 days. This would be done to protect investors and ensure a fair and orderly marketplace in extraordinary circumstances
Under the rules of SEC 10b-18 an issuer with an average trading volume less than $1 million per day or a public float value below $150 million is not advised to repurchase its own securities
within 30 minutes of the end of the trading day
An issuer with an average trading volume of less than $1 million per day or a public float value below $150 million is not covered under the safe harbor within the last 30 minutes of trading. Companies with higher average daily trading volume or public float value are within the safe harbor up until the last 10 minutes of trading.
To ensure best execution of a trade, which market must a FINRA member use for execution?
The best
The market test of best execution is very subjective, requiring only that the member determine the best market for each customer order.
Who adds a name?
Market Maker adds a new name
Company E had its stock listed on the OTCBB. But six months ago, the company was found in violation of the three-strike rule and removed from the OTCBB. If the company now misses another filing deadline, how long must it wait from that point for reinstatement of quotes, at minimum?
One year
Once a company is removed, it must wait at least a year for reinstatement. If it misses any periodic filing deadline during the removal period, the one-year waiting clock resets.
How to take advantage of strong foreign economy?
Buy calls in that currency
Must a public company disclose its share buybacks even if it does not intend to qualify for the safe harbor?
Yes, disclosure must be made in a public filing, whether the buyback is within the safe harbor or not
Disclosures must be included in quarterly public SEC reports for any quarter in which any share repurchases have occurred, whether or not the company intends to qualify for the safe harbor under Rule 10b-18.
Reserve feature
iceberg quote
allow market maker to have additional interest behind displayed size
has lower priority
MUST display 1 round lot
Order splitting
Allowed for valid reasons (such as faster execution)
The Market Maker on the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange can trade with who?
I Other Market Makers
II Floor Brokers
III Order Book Officials
Market makers on the CBOE floor do not deal with the public. They trade with other market makers, floor brokers, and order book officials.
Which of the following is NOT required to be on an order ticket to purchase a security at a limit price?
Whether the trade was solicited or unsolicited
If the customer does not wish the order to be adjusted on ex date for a cash dividend, the marking “DNR”
Whether the firm acted in an agency or principal capacity in the transaction
The name or account number of the customer
The best answer is C.
An order ticket to buy must include customer name or account number; whether the trade was solicited or unsolicited; and if the customer does not want the order price reduced on ex date for a cash dividend, the marking “DNR” - Do Not Reduce. Once the trade is executed, the confirmation must include whether the firm acted as an agent or principal in the transaction. This information is not on the order ticket, since at the time the order is placed, the details of how it will be executed are unknown.
ACME Securities receives a market order from a customer to buy 50,000 shares of DEFF, a NASDAQ stock in which it makes a market. ACME buys 40,000 shares from ADAP Securities at $50.00 per share and confirms the sale of 50,000 shares to the customer at $50.25 net, with the 10,000 share portion of the order filled out of ACME’s inventory account. The trade should be reported to the Trade Reporting Facility for NASDAQ by:
ADAP Securities - 40,000 shares sold at $50; ACME Securities - 10,000 shares sold at $50
In a riskless principal transaction, the executing member reports the transaction that took the position into or out of its inventory account. In the 40,000 share trade, ADAP securities is the executing member and files the tape report of the sale of the shares to ACME. In addition, ACME sold these 40,000 shares plus an additional 10,000 shares to the customer. There is no report of the 40,000 share sale to the customer - otherwise there would be a double counting. However, the remaining 10,000 shares that ACME sold to the customer at $50 must be reported as a tape report (the mark-up of $.25 is excluded from tape report).
The “.C” modifier is used to report
a trade that will settle for cash, instead of settling regular way.
Regulation NMS requires which of the following for market participants that wish to trade NMS securities?
I Market participants are prohibited from entering quotes that will lock or cross the market
II Market participants must be able to access each other’s quotes and trade against them within 1-second
III Market venues are prohibited from charging access fees
IV Market venues can require users to execute trades on that venue’s proprietary system
I and II only
Regulation NMS requires a “level playing field” for trading of NMS securities (NYSE, AMEX (NYSE-American) and NASDAQ issues). Each member must use a trading system that is NMS compliant, but cannot be forced to use a particular trading system. The system must be able to access quotes and trade NMS securities at the best price posted by any market (exchange, NASDAQ or ATS). Regulation NMS does not ban access fees, but it does limit them to $.003 per share. Finally, quotes that will lock or cross a market cannot be entered into a trading system for an NMS security.
If a market maker places several bid and ask quotes in the NASDAQ System, and does not want these orders executed against each other, then the orders must be noted with which modifier?
AIQ, which stands for “Anti-Internalization Qualifier.” Orders to buy and sell at different price levels placed in the Opening Cross and the Regular Market Session by a single market maker can be noted with the “AIQ” modifier - so that the System will not match and fill these orders against each other.
The FINRA 5% Policy applies to all of the following EXCEPT:
A Trades of NYSE listed stocks occurring in the Third Market B OTC agency trades of NASDAQ securities C OTC principal transactions in Pink Sheet issues D Mutual fund purchases effected OTC
The best answer is D.
The 5% Policy applies to both OTC principal transactions (where a mark-up or mark-down is earned) and to OTC and exchange agency trades (where a commission is earned). The policy does not apply to new issues which require a prospectus. Therefore, it does not apply to mutual fund purchases since these are prospectus offerings.
Under the 5% Policy, if there is no “inside market” for a security, contemporaneous cost is the basis for computing the mark-up percentage. This is the:
price paid to other dealers for that security at the time of the trade
If there is no bona fide evidence as to the market price of the stock (e.g., an inside market), this implies that the firm is the sole market maker in the issue. In that instance, the basis for the computation of the mark-up percentage is contemporaneous cost, defined as the price paid to other dealers at or about the time that the security was sold to the customer.
Your firm deals primarily in exchange listed and NASDAQ stocks, but 15% of its revenue comes from penny stock trades. An established customer at the firm that has never traded penny stocks wishes to make this type of investment. If the “RR” recommends a penny stock to this customer:
I a detailed suitability determination must be completed and signed by the customer prior to purchase
II a risk disclosure document must be provided to the customer
III the current Bid and Ask and compensation earned by the broker must be disclosed on request
IV account statements must be sent to the customer monthly
The “established customer exemption” to the penny stock rule provides that a detailed suitability determination does not have to be prepared and signed by the customer in a recommended transaction of a penny stock for a customer that has already had an account at the firm for at least 1 year. However, if penny stock transactions exceed 5% of the firm’s revenue (which is the case here), a risk disclosure document must be provided to the customer; the current Bid and Ask and compensation earned by the broker must be disclosed on request; and account statements must be sent to the customer monthly (instead of quarterly).
All of the following are responsibilities of NASDAQ’s MarketWatch department EXCEPT:
Monitoring NASDAQ securities for unusual price and volume activity
Monitoring NASDAQ market makers for timeliness and quality of trade executions
Making decisions on reports of clearly erroneous trades
Assessing corporate news announcements for potential market impact and implementing a trading halt, if needed
The best answer is B.
NASDAQ MarketWatch is similar to the NYSE StockWatch department - both monitor securities price movements and trading volumes in their respective markets to detect potential “insider trading” and “front running” abuses. In addition, MarketWatch has responsibility for receipt of material corporate news announcements to assess whether a trading halt is needed; and receives reports of clearly erroneous trades from members and resolves them. The FINRA Market Regulation Department is responsible for monitoring market makers for rule compliance.
A customer order to sell can be marked “Long” in all of the following situations EXCEPT:
the securities are held in street name by the broker-dealer
the securities are held in a customer safe deposit box and the customer will deliver on settlement
the securities are held registered in the name of the customer in book entry form by DTCC
the securities were previously purchased by that customer at the same broker- dealer that received the customer sell order
The best answer is D.
A sell order can only be marked “long” if the representative determines the location of the securities and that they can be delivered by settlement. The location of street name securities held by the broker-dealer is known, and because these are held at the firm, they can be delivered by settlement. Customer securities held in the customer’s safe deposit box are in a known location, and Choice B states that the customer will deliver by settlement, so the sell order is marked “long.” Securities held at Depository Trust Corp. in book entry form have no physical certificates. As long as they are recorded as owned by the customer at DTCC, then the sell order can be marked “long.” In Choice D, we have no clue as to the location of the securities, so this sell order must be marked “short.”
An order to sell placed below the current market that becomes a market order once the market hits, or falls through, the designated price, is a:
Sell stop order
The orders placed below the current market are “OBLOSS” - Open Buy Limits and Open Sell Stops. The only order to sell placed below the current market is a “Sell Stop” order. If the market falls to, or through the stop price, the order is triggered and becomes a market order to sell. It is used to stop a loss on a long position in a falling market.
The NASDAQ ACES System permits:
order entry firms to automatically place their orders for NASDAQ issues in a market maker’s internal trading system
ACES stands for “Advanced Computerized Execution System.” It allows NASDAQ Order Entry firms to contract with NASDAQ Market Makers to place their limit orders onto the market maker’s order entry system for inclusion into the NASDAQ Market Center or to be placed on the market maker’s internal limit order book (for OTCBB issues). Thus, the market maker performs limit order maintenance for the order entry firm, and reports completed trades to the order entry firm. The ACT (Automated Confirmation of Transaction) system performs automated trade matching for trades of all OTC equity issues and then either reports each trade via the TRF (for NASDAQ and 3rd Market trades) or through ACT itself (for OTCBB and Pink Sheet trades). The NASDAQ Market Center allows for automated order entry, quotation and execution for NASDAQ issues.
Which of the following events would require a report under SEC Rule 17f-1 within 1 business day of discovery?
The receipt of certificates found to be counterfeit
Reports of stolen securities or receipt of counterfeit securities must be made to SIC (Securities Information Center) within 1 business day of discovery. Securities discovered to be missing as a result of a routine securities count do not have to be reported until 10 days elapse without finding the securities. Reports of securities that are lost (no criminal activity suspected) are not required to be made until 2 business days after discovery. There is no requirement to report the receipt of bearer bonds that are missing coupons.
All of the following information is found on a trade confirm for a NASDAQ security sent to a customer EXCEPT:
whether the broker-dealer is a market maker in that security
the amount of mark-up or mark-down charged on a principal transaction effected at a net price in that security
in a principal transaction effected at a net price in that security, the broker-dealer’s MPID
the name, address and phone number of the broker-dealer that generated the confirmation
The best answer is C.
Customer trade confirmations for principal transactions in NASDAQ stocks show a net price, but must also disclose the fact that the firm is a market maker in the stock; and must disclose the amount of mark-up or mark-down taken in the transaction. In addition, the name, address and phone number of the broker-dealer must be on the confirm (otherwise, how would the customer know where the confirm came from and who to contact is there is a problem?) There is no requirement for the market maker’s NASDAQ I.D. to be on the confirm, since this information has no usefulness to the customer.
A customer owns 1 ABC Jul 30 Call. ABC goes ex dividend $1.00. As of the morning of the ex-date, the contract will cover:
100 shares at 30
Listed option contracts are not adjusted for cash dividends. They are adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends.
Under the provisions of Regulation M, a syndicate member in an “add-on” offering that is not a market maker is subject to a restricted period of 1 day prior to the effective date for an issuer that has a(n):
I average daily trading volume of at least $100,000
II average daily trading volume of at least $1,000,000
III public float of at least $25,000,000
IV public float of at least $150,000,000
I and III
Regulation M covers limitations on market participants during the “20-day cooling off” period for registered offerings. The intent is to make sure that there is no manipulation of the price upwards, since the final Public Offering Price is not set until just prior to the effective date, at the very end of the cooling off period. Rule 101 covers syndicate members in a secondary share offering who are not market makers in the issue. They can be subject to a “restricted period” where they are prohibited from purchasing, making a bid for, or inducing the purchase of, the underwritten security. The rule states that:
- if the security is actively traded (average daily trading volume (ADTV) of $1,000,000 or more and public float of at least $150,000,000), there are no restrictions placed on market makers trading the issue prior to the distribution. The idea here is that this issue is too big for the price to be manipulated;
- if the security has an ADTV of $100,000 and a public float of at least $25,000,000, the restricted period is the business day prior to the effective date;
- any other security not meeting these minimums is subject to a restricted period of 5 business days prior to the effective date.
A foreign stock traded here in the U.S. as an ADR has been halted from trading by NASDAQ, but it is still trading in the foreign market. A member firm that receives a market order to buy that stock:
cannot execute the order
Since trading has been halted in the U.S., the trading halt applies to all U.S. market participants. The fact that the issue is still trading in the foreign market is irrelevant.
Dutch auctions of securities are filled at the:
lowest price received that completes the sale of the issue
In a Dutch Auction, priced bids are taken for specified amounts of the security being auctioned. The bids are arranged from highest to lowest, and the bid that completes the sale at the lowest price is given to all winning bidders in the auction.
A market maker on the CBOE is inundated with a flood of orders because of a major news announcement about the issuer in which he makes a market. The market maker cannot keep up with the order flow and declares a “FAST” market. This action is:
prohibited because the market maker does not have the authority to declare a “FAST” market
A market maker cannot declare a “FAST” market - it can only be declared with the approval of 2 Floor Officials. If an options market is “FAST,” meaning that trading is exceptionally heavy, the Exchange rules provide for the following measures to help execute all of those orders. The exchange may shift trading in that class of contracts to alternate posts, increasing the number of locations at which trading may occur. The exchange may allow other Order Book Officials and their clerks to execute transactions in that class of contracts, increasing the number of personnel trading that class of contracts. If trading becomes disorderly, the Exchange may impose trading rotations in that class of contracts.
Broker-dealers which have payment for order flow arrangements with market makers must disclose these arrangements in which of the following SEC reports?
A Form 211 B Rule 605 C Form BD D Rule 606
The best answer is D.
SEC Rule 606 of Regulation NMS requires broker-dealers to do the following:
- The fact that the firm received a payment for order flow must be disclosed on the customer trade confirmation.
- The firm, on request of the customer, must disclose the identity of the market to which the customer’s orders were routed for execution in the preceding 6 months along with the time of execution. (These are known as “non-directed” orders, since the customer did not tell the broker the specific market where the order was to be executed, so the member firm could route the order to wherever it wanted.)
- The firm must notify customers, in writing, at least annually, of the availability of this information.
In addition, the rule requires member firms to prepare a quarterly report that is publicly available that details the:
- Percentage of customer orders that were “non-directed;”
- Identity of the 10 largest markets or market makers, to whom non-directed orders were routed and any other venue that received 5% or more of the firm’s orders; and
- Member firm’s relationship with that market maker (for example, many larger retail member firms own their own market maker subsidiaries to whom they route orders);
- Arrangement, if any, for payment for order flow or profit-sharing.
Because of this rule, member firms cannot have “hidden” arrangements with market makers to favor them in return for “payment for order flow” - everything is out in the open and is fully disclosed. Thus, customers can make informed decisions about how retail member firms are routing and executing their orders.
Under the “best execution” rule, the factors that are considered include the:
I character of the market for the security
II size and type of transaction
III price and volatility of the security
IV number of markets checked
The “Best Execution” rule requires that a member firm use reasonable diligence to ascertain the best market for the security being traded, taking into consideration:
- The character of the market for the security, including price, volatility, relative liquidity and pressure on available communications;
- The size and type of transaction;
- The number of markets checked;
- Accessibility of the quotation; and
- The terms and conditions of the order which result in the transaction, as communicated to the member and persons associated with the member.
OATS reports are required to be submitted by all of the following FINRA member firms EXCEPT those that:
solely effect agency trades for the account of other FINRA member firms
act in either an agency or principal capacity when executing customer transactions
are order entry firms that solely execute customer orders on an agency basis
are bona-fide market makers that solely trade for the firm’s market making account
The best answer is D.
OATS (Order Audit Trail System) reports are only required for firms that execute orders for customers - it makes no difference if those customers are individuals, institutions or other broker-dealers. The system was created to electronically track each order from “cradle to grave” and thus, to minimize mismatched trades, trading execution errors and trading reporting errors (which were relatively high under the old paper based system). Note, however, the member firm market making account is excluded from the requirement to submit OATS reports.
SEC Rule 10b-5-1:
gives officers of publicly held companies a safe harbor from being charged with an insider trading violation if they establish a pre-arranged trading plan for that issuer’s securities
SEC Rule 10b5-1 allows officers of publicly held companies (statutory insiders) to establish “pre-arranged trading plans” that set future transaction dates and amounts of that issuer’s securities; or that specify algorithms that establish the transaction dates and amounts. As long as the officer does not deviate from the plan, the officer is given a “safe harbor” from being accused of insider trading based on those trades.
Which of the following trade information is NOT required to be entered via keyboard when reporting a trade in an OTCBB stock to ACT?
A MPID B Security Symbol C Execution Price D Execution Size
The best answer is A.
Under ACT/TRF rules, the stock symbol, execution price and execution size must all be entered. For NASDAQ System transactions, this information was all captured electronically and is reported directly to the TRF. However, remember that ACT is used to report completed trades in OTCBB and Pink Sheet transactions as well where the trade is negotiated over the phone (these are reported by the ORF). For OTCBB and Pink Sheet trades, the stock symbol, execution price, execution size and execution time would be entered. There is no need to enter the MPID (Market Participant ID) since this is already coded into the workstation that is used to report the trade.
Which of the following will result in a “locked-in” trade?
A market order placed for a NASDAQ issue quoted in the NASDAQ Market Center
A market order placed for an OTC equity issue quoted in the OTCBB
A market order placed for an OTC equity issue quoted in the Pink Sheets
All of the above
The best answer is A.
A “locked-in” trade is one in which all of the terms and conditions of the trade are accepted by buyer and seller. Once the trade is executed, last-sale reporting to NASDAQ and reporting to the clearance corporation (NSCC) are done electronically. Market Center trades of NASDAQ stocks are “locked-in” - the NASDAQ Market Center is both an automated quotation and execution system. Anyone who enters a quote or order into the System agrees to accept automated executions. The OTCBB and Pink Sheets are quotation mediums only. There is no automated trading; rather, trades are still negotiated over-the-phone or on-line and thus, are not locked-in.
The Securities Information Center (SIC) is a database for reports of securities that are
lost, stolen, or discovered to be counterfeit. Receipt of a bearer bond that is missing coupons is not reported to SIC.
Under ACT/TRF rules, a blockbuster trade that has been reported to a clearing broker for review:
is subject to a 15 minute hold, after which, if there is no response from the clearing firm, then the clearing firm is obligated to accept the trade
ACT/TRF rules set a “Single Trade Limit” of up to $1,000,000. Any trades of $1,000,000 or greater are so-called “blockbuster trades” that are sent to the clearing broker for review before the clearing broker is obligated to accept the trade. When a correspondent broker negotiates a trade that equals or exceeds the limit, the clearing firm is alerted and has 15 minutes to review the trade and either accept it or decline it (as opposed to the regular ACT/TRF time limit of 20 minutes to accept or decline completed trades). If the clearing broker does not make an affirmative acceptance or declination within 15 minutes, then the clearing firm is obligated to accept the trade.
Which of the following would be considered to be a manipulative practice?
Executing transactions for the purpose of inducing customers to purchase a security
Refusing to honor customer instructions regarding the handling of that customer’s account
Executing transactions to buy for the member firm’s trading account while holding customer orders to buy at the same price
Refusing to trade a security for a customer at the quoted price
The best answer is A.
Executing trades for the purpose of inducing customers to either buy or sell is a manipulation. The other choices offered are illegal or unethical, but they are not a market manipulation. Refusing to honor customer instructions (Choice B), front running a customer order (Choice C), and backing away from a firm quote (Choice D), are all prohibited but they are not actions that manipulate the market.
A market maker is currently quoting ABCD stock at $15.00 - $15.10 (10 x 20). An institutional customer places an order to sell 8,000 shares of ABCD at $15.05, but requests that the market maker not display the order. Which statement is TRUE?
The market maker must display the order because the result would be a narrower bid-ask spread
The market maker is obligated to display any order placed by a customer under SEC rules
The market maker is not obligated to display the order since the customer requested that it not do so
The market maker is not obligated to display customer limit orders under SEC rules
The best answer is C.
The Limit Order Display Rule requires that market makers display customer limit orders if the result would improve the market maker’s bid-ask quote; and/or if it would increase the display size by 10% or more. An exception to the display rule is granted if the customer requests that the order NOT be displayed (however, the market maker should document the customer’s request not to display the order).
How does a floor broker handle an options order from a market maker?
The floor broker must indicate the identity of the market maker to the trading crowd
Under CBOE rules, the floor broker acts as an agent for his or her customers, finding the best market price by contacting other floor brokers, the OBO and market makers in that option. A floor broker can take an order from a market maker to be filled - but the floor broker must announce, by open outcry, the identity of the market maker for whom the order is being filled.
Under SEC Rules, a market maker is NOT required to reflect the size of a customer order in its quote if the price is the same as the:
market maker’s current quote and the customer order is 10% or less of the market maker’s display size
market maker’s current quote and the customer order is 10% or more of the market maker’s display size
inside market and the customer order is 10% or less of the market maker’s display size
inside market and the customer order is 10% or more of the market maker’s display size
The best answer is C.
An exemption to the limit order display rule is given to “de minimis” size orders that are at the inside market. If the display size is 10% of the market maker’s current quote (which must be at the inside) or less, then the increased size is not required to be displayed. Note that this exemption only applies to customer orders that are at the inside market.
In response to a corporate distribution, which statement is TRUE about quotes in the NASDAQ Market Center?
A All quotes are unaffected B All quotes are purged C Only the bid side of the quote is adjusted for the distribution D Both the bid and ask side of the quote are adjusted for the distribution
The best answer is B.
When there is a corporate distribution (cash dividend, stock dividend or stock split), all quotes of market makers are purged from the System and new quotes must be entered (most firms do this programmatically). Do not confuse this with limit orders that are present in the system. Buy limit orders are reduced for cash dividends; all orders are adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends; and all orders are canceled for reverse stock splits.
The minimum time period for which customer options complaints must be retained under CBOE rules is:
3 Years
Copies of customer complaints about options must be retained by the member firm under CBOE rules is 3 years. Note, in contrast, that the FINRA retention requirement for customer complaints is 4 years.
A report of a trade made to the TRF shows the modifier “.S6.” This means that the trade:
will settle in 6 business days
If a trade is reported to the TRF with the modifier .S followed by a number, this means that settlement is delayed beyond the regular way date, with the number designating the number of days until the trade will settle.
A customer places an order to sell 100 XYZ at 38 Stop Limit. This means that the order:
is elected at 38 or lower and can be executed at 38 or higher
Sell stop orders are placed below the current market and are triggered as the market drops. An order to sell at 38 stop limit is elected if the market drops to $38 or lower; then the order becomes a limit order to sell at $38 - meaning sell for at least $38 per share ($38 or higher).
A NASDAQ market maker can use which features to disguise its trading interest?
II Reserve Size
II and IV
In the NASDAQ System, any “non-attributable” order is placed at that price under the MPID “NSDQ” - which keeps the identity of the firm hidden. The Reserve Size feature allows the market maker to maintain a hidden “back-up” quote at the same price level that is only revealed if the market maker’s quote is decremented to “0.” This hides the true quote size of that market maker. AIQ stands for Anti-Internalization Qualifier - and when appended to an order, ensures that the order will not be matched in the System to another order from that same market maker. MMPO stands for Market Maker Peg Order - which allows a market maker to peg a limit order to the NBBO. MMPOs must be attributable, so they cannot be used disguise a market maker’s trading interest.
A “prime broker” would provide all of the following services EXCEPT:
Providing AML procedures to ensure compliance with SRO rules
Financing of securities positions taken
Providing stock loans to clients that wish to take short positions
Maintaining custody of securities positions taken
The best answer is A.
Prime brokerage is a service offered by the large trading firms mainly to hedge fund clients. The hedge fund might use Goldman Sachs as its “prime broker.” Goldman agrees that the hedge fund can route its trades to any executing broker that it wishes (they don’t all go through Goldman); but Goldman, as the prime broker, settles all the trades, maintains custody of the positions and provides financing for the positions.
The hedge fund wishes to spread its trades across many executing brokers to disguise its trading strategies, and also as a “quid pro quo” for market information that it obtains from these executing firms (who earn the commissions on these trades, known as “directed brokerage”). Also, a large part of prime brokerage is stock lending to hedge funds that wish to sell short (this is a big hedge fund strategy) and the prime broker handles this. The prime broker does not provide AML (Anti-Money Laundering) services to the member firms for which it clears. Each member firm is responsible for its own AML program.
A floor broker on the Chicago Board Options Exchange announces, by public outcry, that he is “crossing.” This means that:
The floor trader held an order to buy and sell the same option; was unable to execute the trade in the trading crowd; and therefore, executed the orders against each other by crossing them
If a floor broker on the CBOE holds an order to buy and another order to sell the same option contract, he must first attempt to trade each order independently on the floor with another trader, Order Book Official or Market Maker. If he cannot execute the trades because their Offer is too high; or their Bid is too low; then he must Offer to sell at the minimum trading increment below that lowest offer; and offer to buy at the minimum trading increment above the highest bid. If there are no takers, he may cross the orders himself at one of these “in-between” prices, and must, by public outcry, announce that he is “crossing,” with the size and price of the trade. (Note: If you find this hard to understand, just consider yourself to be normal.)
When a Limit State exists, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
a 5-minute Trading Pause will ensue if the market does not exit the Limit State within 15 seconds
a new reference price will be calculated during the Limit State
trade executions may occur between the price bands
orders to buy and sell outside the price bands will be accepted
The best answer is B.
The Limit Up Limit Down rule is designed to stop extraordinary market volatility. The rule establishes upper and lower price bands that are calculated continuously throughout the day for each stock. For more actively traded securities with a price greater than $3, the variation percentage is 5% (“Tier 1” securities). For less actively traded securities with a price greater than $3, the band is 10% (”Tier 2” securities). If the National Best Offer equals the Lower Price Band (so offered prices are falling rapidly) or the National Best Bid equals the Upper Price Band (so bid prices are rising rapidly), then a “so-called” Limit State exists. During the Limit State, trade executions only occur between the price bands, but orders can be taken at prices either within or outside the price bands. If the security remains in the Limit State for 15 seconds, then the security enters a 5-Minute Trading Pause. Once the Trading Pause is completed, the security re-opens for trading with an auction in its Primary Listing Exchange - and this auction price should, hopefully, be reflective of the current market price.
A priced quote shown in which of the following is considered to be “subject?”
The best answer is B.
Priced quotes in NASDAQ, the ADF and the OTCBB are firm, since the quotes are real time. Quotes in the Pink Sheets are not regulated by FINRA and thus are not considered to be real time, so all prices shown are subject to negotiation.
An opening rotation on the floor of the CBOE starts:
prior to the opening of trading of the underlying security
The CBOE uses an opening rotation to open trading in each options series. At the market opening (9:30 AM ET), all options series do not start trading. Rather, trading rotates through each series individually, with all executable orders filled for that series before moving on to the next series, and so on. Once the rotation has been completed covering all options series, then at 9:45 AM, all options series begin trading simultaneously.
Which statements are TRUE regarding a firm’s purchase and sales (trade) blotter?
I It must reflect all pending orders and executed orders II It must reflect only executed orders III It must be retained for 3 years IV It must be retained for 6 years A I and III B I and IV C II and III D II and IV
The best answer is D.
The Purchase and Sales Blotter only reflects completed trades. It does not reflect orders that are pending. It is one of the 3 primary blotters that must be retained for 6 years. The other two primary blotters are the Cash Receipts and Disbursements Blotter and the Securities Receive and Deliver Blotter.
The character “C” next to an MPID in the NASDAQ System indicates that the market participant is:
an electronic communications network
The character “C” next to an MPID in the NASDAQ System indicates that the market participant posting the quote or order is an Electronic Communications Network (ECN). Do not confuse this with the trade report modifier “C” which stands for a cash settlement (as opposed to a regular way settlement).
Which statement about the ACES Pass Through System is FALSE?
Participation in ACES Pass Through is required for all NASDAQ Market Makers
Participation in ACES Pass Through is voluntary for all NASDAQ Order Entry Firms
ACES transaction costs are paid for by the receiving Market Maker
ACES Pass Through is available only for NASDAQ listed issues
The best answer is A.
ACES is a voluntary system available to NASDAQ Order Entry Firms. It allows these firms to contract with a NASDAQ Market Maker to route their orders into the NASDAQ System and to perform limit order maintenance. Participation is not required - it is voluntary. All costs are borne by the market maker, not by the order entry firm. The market maker is happy to perform this service, because it gives the market maker an “internalized” book of orders against which it can trade (and thus, earn a spread).
OATS reports must be filed at the end of each day for:
I NASDAQ Global Market Trades
II NASDAQ Capital Market Trades
III OTC Trades of Exchange Listed Stocks
IV OTC Trades of OTCBB Listed Stocks
Daily OATS (Order Audit Trail System) reports for matching against the actual trade report are required for executed transactions in all domestic equity trades (with very limited exceptions). This includes trades of NYSE, NYSE-American, NASDAQ, OTCBB and Pink Sheet issues and 3rd Market (OTC) trades of exchange listed issues.
When XYZ is trading at $10, a customer enters a limit order to buy 100 shares at $10. The trade is executed and reported by the broker to the client that it was filled at $10. When the customer gets the confirmation, it shows the trade occurring at $10.57. The firm should:
give the customer the trade at the correct price of $10 and book the $10.57 trade into the branch error account
In this example, the trade was executed at $10. This is the price that the customer specified in the buy order and this is the price that the customer pays. If the shares really were purchased at $10.57, then the trade is taken to the branch error account.
The NASDAQ Market Center accepts which of the following orders?
I Market Orders
II Marketable Limit Orders
III Limit Orders
IV Stop Orders
The NASDAQ Market Center currently accepts market, limit, and marketable limit orders. It does not accept stop orders.
Reports of Third Market trades in listed securities are:
reported to TRF
Since the Third Market is OTC trading of exchange listed issues, these trades do not occur on the exchange floor. OTC trades of exchange listed stocks (Third and Fourth Market) are reported by the NYSE TRF. The NASDAQ TRF reports trades of NASDAQ issues, while the ORF reports trades of OTCBB and Pink Sheet issues. Reports of trades of listed securities that occur on the trading floor are made to the Consolidated Tape by the exchange itself.
A “No/Was” entry into ACT/TRF:
I corrects a clearly erroneous trade
II corrects previously reported erroneous trade information
III can be made no later than “T”
IV can be made no later than “T + 1”
II and III
A “No/Was” modifier entered into ACT/TRF can only be done that day, before the closing of ACT/TRF at 8:00 PM ET. It is used to correct an error in information previously reported to ACT/TRF.
Trading in a stock has been halted pending an important news announcement. A customer wishes to place a limit order to sell short listed options during this trading halt. Which statement is TRUE?
The customer order cannot be accepted until trading resumes
The customer order cannot be accepted because it is a short sale
The customer order can be accepted by the member firm but the customer should be notified that trading is currently halted
The customer order can be accepted by the member firm and executed through a foreign exchange
The best answer is C.
There is nothing prohibiting a member firm from accepting an order for a security that is subject to a trading halt. The order will be executable when trading resumes. However, the customer should be notified that there is a trading halt and that the order cannot be filled currently. If there is a trading halt, that means that there is no trading in that security anywhere in the U.S.
All of the following types of orders are used to compute the Order Imbalance Indicator during the Closing Cross EXCEPT:
A Market On Close B Imbalance Only C Limit On Close D Sell Short Exempt
The best answer is D.
The orders accepted for the Closing Cross are Market On Close (MOC); Limit On Close (LOC); and Imbalance Only (IO). The imbalance is the number of shares to buy or sell MOC or LOC that cannot be matched with other MOC, LOC or IO orders at a particular price at that moment. This is reported every second at 3:55 PM ET, in an effort to attract other matching orders into the marketplace. Note that MOC, IOC and IO orders to sell can either be long or short.
If 2 Floor Officials agree, trading in a specific options contract can be halted for a maximum of:
2 business days
The CBOE will halt trading in a specific option contract if two Floor Officials agree that trading should be halted. The length of the halt can be no more than 2 business days.
Exercise limits on the CBOE are applied over a time period of:
5 business days
The CBOE places limits on the number of options contracts that can be exercised, with the numerical limit tied to the trading volume of the underlying stock. The limits are applied over a 5 business day time window.
A floor broker would be permitted to initiate which one of the following transactions?
A Bona-fide arbitrage transaction B Principal transaction in a security admitted to trading C Transaction for an account in which the floor broker has an interest D Discretionary transaction
The best answer is A.
Rule 11a-1 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 states that it is unlawful for any floor member of an exchange to initiate, directly or indirectly, any transaction for any account in which the member has an interest or where the member exercises investment discretion. This means that a floor broker must always put the client’s interest first. Floor brokers are prohibited from exploiting their time and place advantage to their own benefit through proprietary or discretionary trading (this is the SEC’s wording). Thus, a floor broker cannot initiate a trade as a principal (this is proprietary trading); cannot initiate a trade for an account in which he or she has an interest; and cannot initiate discretionary transactions. These prohibitions do not apply to specialists on the exchange floor; to odd lot transactions; to stabilizing transactions; and to bona-fide arbitrage transactions.
The last date and time to exercise an expiring equity option contract is:
5:30 PM ET on the last day of trading
The exercise cut-off for expiring equity options is 5:30 PM ET; 4:30 PM CT; on the expiration date (which is the 3rd Friday of the month).
A Step-Out indicator in a trade reported through the TRF for NASDAQ reflects a:
position transfer
A “Step-Out” indicator in ACT/TRF allows a member to step-out, or allocate, all or part of a trade to other brokers. It is a transfer of an existing position.
A customer holds 1 ABC Oct 60 Call contract. The market price of ABC is currently 62. ABC declares a 2:1 stock split. On the ex date, the holder will have:
On the ex-date for whole share splits, the number of contracts is increased and the strike price is reduced. This is 1 ABC Jan 60 Call. If the stock splits 2:1, on the ex date the contract becomes 2 ABC Jan 30 Calls, each with a multiplier of 100.
The effective spread is the:
difference between the inside bid-ask midpoint and the actual trade price multiplied by 2
The “effective spread” compares the midpoint of the current inside bid and ask to the actual price of execution and then multiplies it by 2. For example, if the inside market is 16.00 - 16.40, the midpoint is 16.20. If a market order to buy is executed at 16.30, the difference from the 16.20 midpoint is .10 x 2 = .20 effective spread. Thus, the effective spread is tighter than the displayed spread, indicating that orders are getting price improvement when they are filled.
For a reverse stock split of a company’s stock, which statement is TRUE regarding orders for that issue in the NASDAQ Market Center?
A All orders are adjusted B Only orders below the market are adjusted C Only orders above the market are adjusted D All orders are canceled
The best answer is D.
The rules for adjustment of orders for corporate distributions are:
- Cash Dividend: Only orders below the market are reduced (buy limits on NASDAQ);
- Stock Dividend or Stock Split: All orders are adjusted proportionately (price reduced and number of shares increased);
- Reverse Stock Split: All orders are canceled and new orders must be re-entered.
(Reverse stock splits are rare events, so the market centers do not want to spend the programming dollars necessary to deal with them!)
Buy stop orders can be used to:
I protect a profit on short positions
II limit loss on short positions
III acquire stock if a resistance level is broken
IV acquire stock if a support level is broken
Buy stop orders are placed above the current market and are triggered when the market rises. In a rising market, short sellers lose money. To limit the loss, a buy stop is placed to buy in the stock if the market rises to the stop price. Profits on short positions are lost if the market begins to rise from a low point. To protect the profit, a buy stop order is placed higher than the current market. If the market rises, the stock will be bought in and the profit is protected. Resistance levels are higher than the current market. The theory is that if the market breaks the resistance level, the price will rise rapidly. To buy at a price higher than the current market, a buy stop order is used. Buy limit orders are placed below the current market and are triggered as the market falls. Support levels are lower than the current market. To buy stock below a support level, a buy limit order would be used.
A trading halt is identified with “T.3” showing a time when quotes will resume, and a time when trading will resume. This is called the:
5 minute window
The trading halt indicators are:
T.1: Trading is halted, news is pending;
T.2: Trading is halted, news is released;
T.3: Trading is halted, news is released, with 2 times showing; the time that quotes will resume, and the time that trading will resume, which is 5 minutes later. This is the “5 minute window.”
During the hours of 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM ET, tape reports are required within 10 seconds for each of the following OTCBB quoted issues EXCEPT:
A Regulation D issues B ADRs C Foreign stocks D Closed-end funds
The best answer is A.
Trades that occur in OTC equity issues between 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM ET must be reported to the tape within 10 seconds of execution. This is true for NASDAQ, OTCBB, Pink Sheet, foreign equity, and DPP issues. Trades of private placements, (with the exception of 144A issues), are not reported to the tape.
Also, if a trade in a foreign stock is done in an overseas market, if it is reported in that foreign market, there is no requirement to report it in the U.S. But, if it is NOT reported in the foreign market, it must be reported to ACT under the regular reporting rules.
The last time to trade an equity option that is about to expire is:
3:00 PM Central Time; 4:00 Eastern Time, on the expiration date
The last time to trade equity options just prior to expiration is 4:00 PM Eastern Time on the third Friday of the expiration month. Any contracts not closed by trading or that are not exercised expire at 11:59 PM ET that night.
Which statements are true as they relate to piggyback registration rights?
I. If an investor owns shares with Piggyback registration rights, the investor can register their shares as part of a public offering, but will be responsible for paying all of the expenses related to the registration of these shares.
II. If an investor owns shares with Piggyback registration rights, those shares can be registered as part of a public offering. The issuer will be responsible for paying all of the expenses related to the registration of these shares.
III. Shares that were bought in a private placement and have never been registered are candidates for piggyback registration rights. Since these shares will be part of the IPO they will be considered Primary Shares.
IV. Shares that were bought in a private placement and have never been registered are candidates for piggyback registration rights. Since these shares will be part of the IPO they will be considered Secondary Shares.
II and IV
Since these shares being registered with piggyback rights belong to previous owners, this would be a secondary offering. Because of this if the firm is also issuing new shares this would turn into a split offering. The issuing firm would be responsible to pay all expenses related to the registration of these shares.
An affiliate must file a notice of a proposed sale under Rule 144 with the SEC under which of the following scenarios?
I. The sale involves more than 5,000 shares in any three-month period
II.The sale involves an unaccredited investor
III. The sale takes place six months after the original allocation of shares
IV. The aggregate dollar amount is greater than $50,000 in any three-month period
I and IV
An affiliate must file notice with the SEC on Form 144 if he/she wishes to sell 5,000 shares or $50,000 in aggregate in any three-month period. In addition, the sale must take place within three months of filing the Form.
An investor is short an XYZ Jul 45 call for 3. To establish a bearish vertical spread the investor would
Buy an XYZ Jul 53 call for 1
The bear call spread is used when the investor thinks that the price of the underlying asset will go down moderately in the near term. Vertical bear call spreads can be implemented by buying a call option with a certain strike price and selling a call option of a lower strike price on the same stock that expires in the same month. The bear call spread option strategy is also known as the bear call credit spread because the investor receives more premium than what is paid to implement the strategy. The costlier option is the short call which makes the position bearish.
Jones Financial handles a variety of services for hedge funds and other institutional investors including settlement, securities lending, margin and position consolidation. The minimum net capital Jones Financial must maintain
is at least $1.5 million.
Jones Financial is an example of a prime broker, a firm that performs a suite of services for hedge funds and other institutions. Prime brokers must maintain minimum net capita of at least $1.5 million.
The ACT/TRF system:
intakes entries of completed trades for reporting, matching and clearance
The ACT system is where the details of completed trades are entered by market participants (the NASDAQ Market Center does ACT reporting automatically via the TRF). The system reports the trade to the tape; to the contra-party to the trade for matching; and to the clearing corporation FQCS - the Firm Quote Compliance System - is used to file reports of backing away violations. ACES is the system that allows NASDAQ Order Entry firms to “pass through” their limit orders to NASDAQ Market Makers for order entry and maintenance. The NASDAQ Market Center (aka the System) is the automated quotations and execution system for trades of NASDAQ issues.
A FINRA member can execute a net basis transaction for a retail customer:
only if written consent is obtained from the customer
FINRA has written an interpretation regarding “net transactions” with customers. Essentially, a “net” transaction is a riskless principal transaction where a member firm that is a market maker, after receiving a:
- buy order from a customer, buys the security at one price from another broker-dealer and then sells it to the customer at a different (higher) price; or
- sell order from a customer, sells the security at one price to another broker-dealer and then buys it from the customer at a different (lower) price.
(In these instances, the market maker is not filling the order out of its inventory, which is what a market maker is normally expected to do.)
To execute such an order for a non-institutional customer, the member firm must get the customer’s written consent prior to executing each “net” transaction, which evidences the customer’s understanding of the terms and conditions of the order.
To execute such an order for an institutional customer, the member firm can either get order-by-order written or oral consent, or can use a negative consent letter (a letter to the institutional customer that explains that transactions may be effected on a “net” basis if the customer does not object).
This rule basically “encourages” market makers to act as principal in their transactions, otherwise they must get customer permission to fill the customer order.
A market maker wishing to correct a report made to the TRF (Trade Reporting Facility for NASDAQ) must do so:
by 8:00 PM on trade date
Corrections to trade information reported to the TRF, using the “was/is” function, must be made before the system closes that day at 8:00 PM (ACT closing time).
After reviewing a clearly erroneous stock trade, NASDAQ MarketWatch makes a written determination as to whether the decision is to nullify the trade or adjust the terms of the trade. Regarding this written determination, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
the buy side of the trade can appeal to the Market Operations Review Committee
the sell side of the trade can appeal to the Market Operations Review Committee
if an appeal is made to the Market Operations Review Committee, their decision is final and binding
any appeal that is made to the Market Operations Review Committee must be submitted within 1 hour of receiving the written determination
The best answer is D.
If either the buy side or sell side of a stock trade believes that a NASDAQ trade was clearly erroneous and does not agree with the determination made by MarketWatch, either one can make an appeal to the Market Operations Review Committee. Any appeal must be made within 30 minutes of the trade; and all decisions of the Committee are binding and final.
A sell order for 1,000 shares of ABCD at $50 is transmitted electronically by BD1 to the ECCO ECN, where it is filled against a buy order for 1,000 shares of ABCD placed by BD2. The tape report of the transaction must be made by:
The executing member in the transaction is the ECN, since it maintained the electronic order that was accessed for execution. Under the trade reporting rules, the executing member reports to the tape. Note that, in addition, the ECN is obligated to file a “non-tape” report for any BDs involved in the trade that were not included in the tape report. The transaction would be reported as:
- Tape Report: ECN 1,000 shares at $50 as a cross;
- Non-Tape Report #1: ECN buys from BD1;
- Non-Tape Report #2: ECN sells to BD2.
A passive bid, under SEC Rule 103, can be higher than the highest current independent bid:
if the bid reflects a customer limit order
Under Rule 103 of Regulation M, passive bids can be no higher than the highest current independent bid for that stock UNLESS the bid reflects a customer limit order.
If there is no inside market, the best indication of the prevailing market price for mark-up purposes is the:
price at which the firm last bought as principal
In the absence of other bona-fide evidence, the member’s contemporaneous cost (price at which the firm last bought as principal) is the best indication of the prevailing market price.
A market maker executes an inter-dealer trade for same day settlement. The reporting modifier used to describe this trade in the Trade Reporting Facility (TRF) is:
A .B
C .C
D .N
The best answer is C.
The modifier for reporting same day trades is .C - as in cash settlement. The modifier .SNN is used for extended settlement (seller’s option settlement); and .N is used for next day settlement. The modifier .B is obsolete. It was used for aggregated (bunched) trade reports that are no longer permitted.
A market maker, quoting ABCD at 53.45 - 53.60, is holding an undisplayed customer order to sell 100 shares at 53.58. To avoid a Manning obligation, the market maker, as principal, could sell stock at:
A 53.57
B 53.58
C 53.59
D 53.60
The best answer is A.
The market maker is holding an undisplayed customer limit order to sell at 53.58. The market maker can sell for its own account at 53.57, without being obligated to fill the customer order. If it were to sell for its own account at 53.58 or higher, it triggers a Manning obligation to fill the customer order.
An “at the market offering” of securities:
I is sold at the current market price at the time of the transaction
II is sold at the fixed price disclosed in the prospectus
III can be stabilized
IV cannot be stabilized
I and IV
An “at the market” offering is an additional issue where there is no price in the prospectus. Once the registration is effective, the additional shares are sold at the current market price. These offerings cannot be stabilized. Stabilization is only permitted for fixed price offerings.
A CQS market maker, in order to fill a customer’s market order, buys 500 shares of XYZ at 56 from an NYSE Specialist/Designated Market Maker firm and immediately sells the shares to the customer at $56.50. Which statement is TRUE regarding the trade reporting of this transaction?
The NYSE Specialist/Designated Market Maker reports 500 shares at $56 to the Consolidated Tape
The CQS market maker reports 500 shares at $56 to ACT
Both the NYSE Specialist/Designated Market Maker and the CQS market maker report the trade at $56
Neither the NYSE Specialist/Designated Market Maker nor the CQS market maker report the trade at $56
The best answer is A.
In trades between an Exchange Specialist/DMM (Designated Market Maker), the Specialist on the exchange floor always reports (to the NYSE TRF). If the transaction were a trade in a listed stock between two Third Market Makers, then the executing party would report to the NYSE TRF. An interesting note, however, is that if the Third Market Maker is buying for its inventory, and then turns around and sells that stock to a customer, then it would have to make a report of that trade to ACT. Then there would be 2 trade reports - one by the Specialist/DMM and one by the market maker!
NASDAQ will delist a stock if its price falls below
$1 for at least 30 consecutive days
To be listed on NASDAQ, the minimum share price is $4. If the price falls below $1 for 30 consecutive days, NASDAQ will delist the issue. Then it winds up in the OTCBB or Pink Sheets.
Under SEC Rule 103 of Regulation M, passive market making is allowed for:
I Fixed price offerings
II At-the-market offerings
III Firm commitment offerings
IV Best efforts offerings
I and III only
Passive market making, under Rule 103 of Regulation M, is only allowed for fixed price offerings being underwritten on a firm commitment basis. An “at the market” offering is an additional issue where there is no set price in the prospectus. Once registration is effective, the issue is sold at whatever price the market will bear. Passive market making is not permitted in such offerings; nor is it permitted for best efforts underwritings.
Member BD1 has the reporting obligation under the trade reporting rules and has executed a give-up agreement with member BD2, whereby BD2 reports on behalf of BD1. BD2 fails to report the trade within 10 seconds of execution, as required under the trade reporting rule. Which statement is TRUE?
Only BD1 can be charged by FINRA with a late trade reporting violation
Only BD2 can be charged by FINRA with a late trade reporting violation
Both BD1 and BD2 can be charged by FINRA with a late trade reporting violation
Neither BD1 nor BD2 can be charged by FINRA with a late trade reporting violation
The best answer is C.
A member firm may allow another member to report and lock-in trades on its behalf as long as both parties have executed a give-up clearing agreement. This is a standard form that FINRA has written and it must be filed with FINRA. Give-up agreements may only be used where the member that is being “given up,” or on whose behalf the report is being submitted, is a true executing party to the trade. In addition, the member being “given up” must have its own valid MPID for the reporting member to use when it is reporting the trade. FINRA states that in a give-up clearing agreement, both the member with the reporting obligation and the member submitting the trade to FINRA are responsible for ensuring that the trade is reported in compliance with all applicable rules. Because of this, BD2 must have supervisory procedures in place to ensure that BD1 is reporting as required.
Form 144 is not required to be filed:
I for trades of 500 shares or less
II for trades of 5,000 shares or less
III worth $50,000 or less
IV worth $100,000 or less
II and III
A “de minimis” exemption from filing Form 144 is given to sales in any calendar quarter of no more than 5,000 shares, worth no more than $50,000.
All of the following are trading halt indicators EXCEPT:
A .C
B .D
C T.2
D H.10
The best answer is A.
MarketWatch monitors the status of any trading halt and advises market makers as to what is happening. During this period, the NASDAQ screen is “blacked out” for that stock with the word “HALT,” along with a modifier that gives the reason for the halt. The modifiers are:
Trading is halted, news is pending;
Trading is halted, news is released;
Trading is halted, news has been released and 2 times are shown. These are the: time when quotes will start being displayed; and the time when trading will resume (5 minutes later - called the “5 minute window”);
Extraordinary Market Activity caused by misuse or malfunction of the system;
Trading halted pending receipt of additional information requested by NASDAQ;
Trading halted for non-compliance with NASDAQ listing requirements;
Trading halted for failure of issuer to be current in its SEC filings;
Trading halted due to SEC suspension order;
Halt - Regulatory concern;
.D: Stock has been deleted from NASDAQ.
.C is a trade modifier that designates a Cash settlement.
A covered security under Rule 101 of Regulation M can be subject to a restricted period of:
1 day or 5 days
Rule 101 of Regulation M places restrictions on syndicate members who are not market makers in that stock during the 20-day cooling off period. They are subject to a restricted period for secondary offerings of either 1 business day or 5 business days prior to the effective date, where they are prohibited from purchasing, making a bid for, or inducing the purchase of, the underwritten security.
The rule states that:
- If the security is actively traded (average daily trading volume of $1,000,000 or more and public float of at least $150,000,000), there are no restrictions placed on syndicate members who are not market makers trading the issue prior to the distribution. The idea here is that this issue is too big for the price to be manipulated. This is called a “Tier 1” issue.
- If the security has an average daily trading volume of $100,000 and a public float of at least $25,000,000 the restricted period is the business day prior to the effective date. This is called a “Tier 2” issue.
Any other security not meeting these minimums is a “Tier 3” issue, subject to a restricted period of 5 business days prior to the effective date.
Which of the following statements are TRUE?
I An exercise of a listed option for a NASDAQ stock must be reported to the TRF for tape reporting purposes
II An exercise of a listed option for a NASDAQ stock is not reported to the TRF for tape reporting purposes
III An exercise of an OTC option for a NASDAQ stock must be reported to the TRF for tape reporting purposes
IV An exercise of an OTC option for a NASDAQ stock is not reported to the TRF for tape reporting purposes
II and III
For tape reporting purposes, exercise of an OTC option must be reported to TRF. In contrast, exercise of a listed option is not reported (since exercise of listed options is cleared through the OCC - Options Clearing Corporation - it handles any required reporting of the exercise).
Pink OTC Quotes operates:
I from 6:00 AM ET
II from 9:30 AM ET
III to 4:00 PM ET
IV to 5:00 PM ET
I and IV
Pink OTC Markets distributes quotes for non-NASDAQ OTC stocks. It is open from 6:00 AM ET - 5:00 PM ET.
To be given a safe harbor under Rule 10b-18, an issuer must limit its daily purchases of its securities in the open market to:
25% of ADTV
Under SEC Rule 10b-18, if an issuer wishes to buy its stock in the open market, it cannot do so in a manner that will influence the stock’s price. All transactions on a given day must be executed through only 1 market maker. It cannot buy the stock at the market open or within 1/2 hour of market close; and can pay no more than the highest current independent bid or the last sale price, whichever is higher. Its daily purchases cannot exceed 25% of daily trading volume in the issue, however purchases outside the normal order flow are permitted - such as block purchases (block order handling procedures have safeguards in them so that the order will not unduly influence the market price of the issue).
An institutional customer places an order to buy 10,000 ABCD at 15.00 GTC with a FINRA member firm that is a market maker in the issue. Which statement is TRUE regarding the handling of the order if the member firm wishes to trade alongside the order?
The member firm is prohibited from trading alongside the order
The member firm can only trade alongside of the order if it buys ABCD for its own account at any price higher than 15.00
The member firm can only trade alongside the order if, it immediately thereafter, fills the customer order in its entirety and at the same or better price, at which it traded for its own account
The member firm can only trade alongside the order if it. immediately thereafter, fills the customer order up to the size and at the same or better price at which it traded for its own account
The best answer is D.
The limit order protection rule requires member firms to “protect” customer orders from the member firm “front running” or “trading ahead of” the order. Thus, when the member firm is holding a customer limit order to buy at 15.00 for a customer, it cannot buy for its own account at 15.00 or lower prior to executing the customer order. However, the member firm is permitted to “trade alongside” the customer if it gets the customer’s permission to do so. This means that the firm will buy the security in equal amounts for both the customer account and its proprietary account. Thus, if it buys 8,000 shares of the stock at $15, 4,000 shares are purchased for the firm’s account and 4,000 shares are purchased for the customer, leaving an open order for the customer for 6,000 shares at $15 (or better). In this case, the member is not considered to be “front running” - rather, both the member firm order and the customer order are being filled at the same price “contemporaneously.”
Under Rule 103 of Regulation M, a passive market maker is prohibited from continuing to make a market in that issue if, during the restricted period, a passive market maker buys more than:
30% of the average daily trading volume in that issue
Under Rule 103 of Regulation M, syndicate members who are market makers in that security may either seek an excused withdrawal from making a market in that security - that is, get permission of FINRA to stop making a market during this period; or may elect to operate as a “passive” market maker - that is, they may bid for that security at no higher than the highest current independent bid. Thus, they cannot push the price up in the market. In addition, passive market makers are limited as to the amount of “net purchases” of that security (orders from all sources) that can be made on any day during the restricted period. The limit is 30% of that market maker’s average daily trading volume over the preceding month. Once this limit is reached for the day, it must obtain an excused withdrawal from making a market from FINRA.
All of the following statements are true about an institutional investor that wishes to sell restricted stock under the provisions of Rule 144 EXCEPT:
a notice of sale must be filed with the SEC at, or prior to, placement of the sell order
the seller must have held the stock fully paid, at risk, for 6 months
the broker effecting the trade cannot buy the security into its inventory account unless it is a bona-fide market maker in that issue
the broker effecting the trade is permitted to solicit orders to buy the issue from institutional market participants
The best answer is D.
Rule 144 sales of restricted stock require that a notice be filed with the SEC, at, or prior to, placement of the sell order. To sell under the rule, the seller must have held the stock fully paid, at risk, for 6 months. The broker handling the trade must sell the stock into the market at the prevailing market price - it cannot solicit orders to buy the shares (which would pump up the price - a prohibited manipulation). The broker is prohibited from buying the shares into its inventory account (where it could buy the shares at a higher than market price - another prohibited manipulation) unless it is a bona-fide market maker in the issue. To be a bona-fide market maker, the firm must have made a market in 12 business days out of the preceding 30 calendar days, with no more than 4 consecutive days elapsing without posting a quote.
OTCBB operates:
between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM
OTCBB is open the same hours as ACT - 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM. In contrast, the NASDAQ Market Center is open from 4:00 AM - 8:00 PM ET.
Which statement is TRUE regarding pegged orders?
Pegged orders may not contain a limit price
Pegged orders must be placed as Market Day
A market peg order to buy tracks the inside bid
A primary peg order to sell tracks the inside bid
The best answer is B.
Peg orders can only be placed as Day orders during regular Market hours (9:30 AM - 4:00 PM ET). Thus, they are placed as “Market Day” orders. A peg order can be placed with a “cap” which sets a limit price on the order if the NBBO moves to, or through, that price. A market peg order is also called a reverse peg order. It tracks the opposite side of the market - so a market peg order to buy tracks the inside ask, not the inside bid. A primary peg order tracks the same side of the market, so a primary peg order to sell will track the inside ask, not the inside bid.
Under SEC rules, all of the following information must be on a customer confirmation EXCEPT:
whether the firm acted as agent or principal in the transaction
whether the firm is a market maker in the subject security
the mark-up or mark-down in principal transactions in NASDAQ securities
whether the transaction was solicited or unsolicited
The best answer is D.
SEC Rule 10b-10 requires that the following information be on customer confirmations:
Customer name and address;
Firm name, address and telephone number;
Name of security purchased;
Size of trade and Price of trade;
Trade date and Settlement date;
If the trade is an agency trade, the commission must be disclosed. In addition, the time of the trade and the name of the contra-party to the trade must be made available to the customer on request;
If the trade is a principal transaction, the mark-up is not disclosed except for principal transactions in NASDAQ stocks - note that a mark-up is defined as the difference between the reported transaction price and the price to the customer;
If the market maker effecting the trade paid a fee to the introducing broker, this must be disclosed - this is known as “payment for order flow;”
If the firm is a market maker in the security, this must be disclosed;
If a control relationship exists between the member firm and the issuer of the security, this must be disclosed.
Whether the trade was solicited or unsolicited is not required on the confirmation; however it is required on order ticket copies.
A member executes a stock trade at 9:45 AM and receives a trade execution report that it believes is clearly erroneous. The error must be reported to NASDAQ MarketWatch no later than:
10:30 AM that day
Should a member want to have a stock trade nullified or adjusted, the member must notify NASDAQ and provide the relevant details according to the following, based on time of trade:
Prior to Market Opening: Within 30 Minutes
Between 9:30 - 9:59 AM: By 10:30 AM
At 10:00 AM or Later: Within 30 Minutes
Since this trade took place at 9:45 AM, the report is required no later than 10:30 AM that day.
Under the pre-alert rules of ACT, a clearing broker is notified once a correspondent firm’s daily purchases and sales exceed:
70% of its gross dollar threshold
The pre-alert rules of ACT require that the clearing broker is notified when a correspondent’s daily purchases and sales equal or exceed 70% of the gross dollar threshold.
The inside market for WXYZ is 27.38 - 27.50 (15 x 25). A market maker in the stock, quoting .25 - .50 (10 x 10) receives a customer order to buy 400 shares at 27.31. Under SEC rules, the market maker:
must update its quote to .31 - .50 (4 x 10)
It makes no difference if the market maker’s current quote is away from the inside market - if a limit order is received that is better priced than the market maker’s current quote, it must be displayed. The market maker is currently quoting 27.25 - 27.50 (10 x 10). The receipt of the customer limit order to buy 400 shares at 27.31 requires the market maker to update its quote to: 27.31 - 27.50 (4 x 10).
All of the following orders can be placed in the NASDAQ Market Center EXCEPT:
A market order B limit order C marketable limit order D not held order
The best answer is D.
The NASDAQ Market Center (aka the System) is the quotation and trading system for all NASDAQ issues - both Global Market and Capital Market. It currently accepts market orders, marketable limit orders and limit orders. Unlike the NYSE’s Super Display Book system that takes stop orders, the NASDAQ System will not. However, a NASDAQ market maker can take a stop order and place it on its internal system for execution if the market moves to, or through, the stop price. The System cannot accept orders that require human judgment for execution such as a market-not held order (where a trader uses his or her best judgment to decide when to execute to get the best price).
A U.S. broker-dealer executes a trade through its internal crossing system of a foreign stock that is listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE). If the trade is not reported to the LSE, it must be reported:
I to the TRF
II to the ORF
III denominated in British Pounds
IV denominated in U.S. Dollars
II and IV
If a U.S, broker-dealer does a trade of a foreign equity security, it must be reported somewhere. If the trade is reported in the foreign market, then there is no reporting requirement in the U.S. If the trade is not reported in the foreign market, then it must be reported here. If the security is listed on a national securities exchange (NYSE, NYSE-American (AMEX) or NASDAQ), then the trade would be reported to the TRF. If the security is OTC (this security is considered to be OTC because it is not listed in the U.S. on a national securities exchange), then the trade must be reported here to the ORF under the regular reporting rules.
For IPOs that qualify for a NASDAQ listing, the Display Only Period is:
10 minutes
FINRA requires that, once the books are “closed” on an IPO of a NASDAQ issue, and therefore, trading can begin in the secondary market, that market makers must post quotes for the issue for 10 minutes before they can begin to execute trades. This is referred to as the “Display Only Period.” Trading during this 10-minute time window is a violation. During this time window, NASDAQ shows an indicative clearing price every second, based on the balance of buy and sell orders. No executions occur until NASDAQ releases the IPO for trading. When it does so, it effects an “IPO Cross” to match and fill accumulated buy and sell orders at the “NOOP” - the NASDAQ Official Opening Price. Then the issue starts to trade normally.
Which order is subject to SEC Rule 611 (the trade-through rule)?
A ISO order B Benchmark order C Stopped order D Institutional Block Order
The best answer is D.
Rule 611 requires the marketable orders in NMS stocks be executed within 1 second at the best price or routed to another market that is posting the best price. The permitted exceptions to the rules are:
- ISO - Intermarket Sweep Orders: An institution can place an “ISO” - “Intermarket Sweep Order.” Such an order will electronically “sweep” the exchange’s limit order book. An ISO is a limit order sent to a particular exchange when another market center is posting better quotes. The recipient exchange is alerted by the “ISO” that the trader will also be sending the ISO to the other exchanges in an attempt to access their better-priced orders. That way, the first exchange does not have to re-route the order to the “better priced” market and can attempt a fill, subject to “best execution” requirements. This forces the markets to compete with each other.
- VWAP or Benchmark trades: An institution can place a trade based on an “average price” or “closing price.” Also known as “VWAPs” - Volume Weighted Average Price transactions, the rule calls these “benchmark” trades.
- Stopped Orders: An institution can place a “stopped” order - this is a block trade (a block is 10,000 shares or more or a trade of $200,000 or more under Regulation NMS) that either sets a guaranteed minimum price to sell; or a maximum price to buy. Thus, the broker-dealer handling the block might take a loss in the block (an “underwater stop”). To complete the block trade, the price is likely to be inferior to the NBBO. Thus, a trade-through will have occurred. The SEC will permit this (but only for block trades with a stop price). This type of order is similar to a specialist “stopping stock” on an exchange - that is, there is a minimum or maximum guaranteed price, which is not necessarily the NBBO.
There is no exception for an institutional block order that is not stopped.
Also note that the rule contains exemptions due to equipment malfunctions or “flickering quotes” (rapidly changing quotes), and for trades that occur at a single price after the market reopens from a trading halt.
A market maker in ACBD stock buys 1,000 shares of the stock, paying a retail customer 10 Net. The tape shows this as 2 prints:
1,000 ABCD @ 10.10
1,000 ABCD @ 10.25
This is an example of a(n);
principal transaction
The market maker bought the stock from the customer at $10 Net. Because this is reported to the tape as a trade at $10.10, the dealer took a mark-down of $.10, so the dealer acted as a principal in the transaction, buying the stock from the customer into its inventory. The second trade report is a bit of a “red herring” because it really has nothing to do with the question. The second trade report shows the dealer selling the stock to another customer at a price of $10.25. We do not know how much the dealer marked-up the price to this customer. Note that this is not an agency trade, because there is no commission charged. Also note that it is not a “riskless principal” transaction, because there is no mention of the member firm holding both a buy order and a sell order in the same security, which the market maker could “cross” on a riskless basis.
Under FINRA rules, if a member wants a clearly erroneous stock trade adjusted or nullified, and the trade occurred prior to opening, the member must notify NASDAQ MarketWatch:
within 30 minutes of execution
Should a member want to have a stock trade nullified or adjusted, the member must notify NASDAQ MarketWatch and provide the relevant details according to the following, based on time of trade:
Prior to Market Opening: Within 30 Minutes
Between 9:30 - 9:59 AM: By 10:30 AM
At 10:00 AM or Later: Within 30 Minutes
Which statements are TRUE about the FINRA 5% Policy?
I The policy applies to prospectus offerings of new issues
II The policy applies to trades of listed securities effected OTC
III A mark-up of less than 5% is given a safe harbor from being considered a violation
IV A mark-up of exactly 5% applied to transactions can be a violation of the rule
II and IV
The FINRA 5% Policy applies to all OTC and exchange transactions. It does not apply to new issues sold with a prospectus, nor does it apply to transactions in municipal securities (which are covered under a separate MSRB rule). It states that commissions and mark-ups must be fair and reasonable, with 5% being a guide, not a rule. Thus, applying a standard 5% mark-up to each transaction can be unreasonable; and charging less than 5% to each transaction might be too much!
All of the following actions on the part of a NASDAQ Market Maker would be cause for suspension EXCEPT the Market Maker:
fails to enter quotes for 5 business days
fails to enter 2-sided quotes
enters quotes that lock or cross the market
voluntary terminates its registration by withdrawing its 2-sided quote
The best answer is D.
A NASDAQ Market Maker may voluntarily terminate its registration by withdrawing its 2-sided quote. If it does so, it cannot re-enter a quote in that stock for 20 business days. Note, in contrast, that all of the other actions will cause NASDAQ to suspend that MM’s registration in that stock and the firm cannot resume making a market until it shows NASDAQ why the suspension should be lifted.
A customer places a market order to sell 1,000 shares of XPPD at the market. The trade is executed and reported by the member firm to the customer by e-mail at $31.88. The firm subsequently discovers that there was a clerical error and the trade actually was executed at $31.33. Which statement is TRUE?
Because the customer received the report of the sale at the price of $31.88, this is binding on the firm
This is an error in confirmation and the customer should be sent a corrected confirm showing the sale price of $31.33
This is an error in execution and the trade should be taken out of the customer account and placed in the firm’s error account
The customer has the option of deciding to accept the lower sale price of $31.33 or can request that the firm break the trade
The best answer is B.
This is an error in confirmation, not in execution (the customer placed a market order to sell). The customer will get the actual price of the trade - an error in confirmation is not binding on the firm. The proper procedure is to correct the price and reconfirm. Note, however, that if this were an execution error, then the firm would have to make “good” on it.
In which circumstance MUST a Form 211 be filed with FINRA in order for a market maker to post a quote for the issue in the OTCBB?
An unsolicited customer order is received to buy the issue
The issue has been continuously quoted in the OTCBB for the last 2 months by 2 market makers
The issue was recently delisted from the AMEX (NYSE-American)
To give a 1-sided bid for a non-reporting OTC issue
The best answer is C.
SEC Rule 15c2-11 requires that if a market maker wishes to post a quote for an OTC issue (Pink Sheet or OTCBB), a Form 211 must be filed by that market maker with FINRA 3 business days in advance of posting the quote. The Form 211 is basically an affidavit that the market maker has obtained a copy of the company’s latest financial filings with the SEC and performed due diligence on them.
Exemptions to this requirement are provided if:
- An existing market maker in an OTCBB issue has met the “continuous quote rule” - that is, if it has quoted the stock in 12 business days out of the preceding 30 calendar days, with no more than 4 consecutive business days without a quote. Thus, there is a “proven” market for the stock (so noted by the word “active” showing on the OTCBB screen for that stock), so any new potential market makers can begin to quote immediately without filing Form 211. This is called the “piggybacking exemption.” Choice B falls under this exemption.
- A firm is entering quotes in response to an unsolicited customer order (not dealer orders). Choice A falls under this exemption.
- The issue has been delisted from NASDAQ due to failure to meet maintenance standards, where the firm was a registered market maker in the issue and the security was continuously quoted for the preceding 30 calendar days. As long as the market maker’s registration in the issue is effective by the close of business on the trading day following the delisting announcement, Form 211 is not required to be filed. Note that Choice C does NOT fall under this exemption because the issue was delisted from the AMEX (NYSE-MKT) and not NASDAQ. If an issue is delisted from the NYSE or NYSE-MKT, the previous market maker was a Specialist/DMM, not a NASDAQ market maker already registered with, and known to, FINRA.
Choice D is a company that cannot be quoted in the OTCBB. Only companies that are reporting to the SEC can be quoted in the OTCBB, so a Form 211 filing would be rejected by FINRA. Such a company could only be quoted in the Pink Sheets (Pink OTC Markets).
In order to effect a penny stock transaction for a customer, all of the following must be given to the customer EXCEPT:
the current bid-ask quote for that security
the average daily trading volume for that security
the compensation to be earned by the broker-dealer in the transaction
the compensation to be earned by the registered representative in the transaction
The best answer is B.
Under the “Penny Stock” rules (Rules 15g-1 through 15g-6), when effecting a transaction for a customer in a non-exchange listed, non-NASDAQ stock under $5, the customer must be given the current bid-ask quote for the issue; and must be given the compensation amounts to be earned by the registered representative and brokerage firm. This is intended to stop sleazy penny stock boiler rooms from overcharging customers or from taking excessive spreads. There is no requirement to disclose average daily trading volume in the issue to the customer.
Required information to be recorded on order tickets is set by the:
This one is a little vague. Both the SEC and the SROs (CBOE, FINRA, etc.) set the requirements for what must be recorded on order tickets. However, the SEC sets forth its requirements under Rule 17a-3. Exchanges must meet these minimums and then can add additional information as needed.
The ADF (Alternative Display Facility) provides for all of the following EXCEPT:
A trade reporting B trade execution C trade comparison D quote processing
The best answer is B.
The ADF was initially set up to display quotes for NASDAQ stocks posted on ECNs that were not linked into an exchange or NASDAQ display book. Unlike NYSE Display Book or the NASDAQ Market Center, which provide for automated locked-in trade execution, the ADF has no such ability. The ADF processes and displays quotes, mainly from institutions, for NYSE, NYSE-American and NASDAQ stocks. It does not have an order routing and matching capability - these linkages must be established by ADF participants on their own. Once a trade in a security quoted in the ADF is executed, it must be reported via the TRACS system that accompanies the ADF.
In order to receive a cash dividend from a corporation, an equity call option must be:
exercised prior to the ex date
Exercise settlement of options is 2 business days after trade date. To receive a cash dividend, the purchaser must be on the shareholder list as of the evening of the Record Date. To be an owner of record, the stock purchase must settle no later than the Record Date. Since regular way trade settlement for stocks is 2 business days after trade date, the stock must be purchased 2 business days prior to the Record Date. The ex-date (the first date that any purchaser will not show on record to get the dividend) is 1 business day prior to the Record Date. Therefore, in order to receive the cash dividend, the call must be exercised prior to the ex date.
Under which circumstances can a market venue fill an order that “trades through” another market’s better priced quote?
I The order is an ISO
II The order is a VWAP
III The order is an IO
IV The order is an MQ
I and II only
The best answer is A.
The “trade through” rule (Regulation NMS Rule 611) requires that a market center that gets a marketable order fill it in 1 second at the best price displayed in all markets; otherwise, it must send the order to the better-priced market to be filled. Exceptions to the rule are permitted for:
- ISO - Intermarket Sweep Orders. In such orders, whoever places the order breaks it up into pieces that are sent simultaneously to different markets to sweep each market’s order book. For ISO orders, the responsibility for getting the best price is placed on the firm that enters the order - not on the market that receives each piece of the order.
- VWAP - Volume Weighted Average Price Orders. In such orders, the institution placing the order specifies a “TIF” - Time in Force - over which the volume weighted average price of the security is to be calculated. Then, the order is filled right after market close at the VWAP. It is the problem of the market maker accepting the VWAP order to position its inventory account so it can fill the order right after market close.
- Stopped Orders. A block order ($200,000 minimum amount) where a block positioner has guaranteed a fill price that may be different than the “best” price in the market at that moment. This is permitted because of the large size.
All other orders that are “executable” are subject to the rule, including IO (Imbalance Only) orders and Minimum Quantity (MQ) orders.
If the NBBO is currently $10.01 to $10.04, the TRUE price of a midpoint peg order to buy is:
A “midpoint peg order” is placed at the midpoint of the NBBO. Since the Best Bid is $10.01 and the Best Offer is $10.04, the “true” midpoint is $10.025. However, remember that Regulation NMS Rule 612 does not allow sub-penny quotes for NMS stocks, so this buy order must be rounded down from $10.025 to $10.02 for display in the NASDAQ Market Center (if it were a sell order, it would have been rounded up to $10.03).
Which order is NOT required to be included in the monthly reports required by SEC Rule 605 of Regulation NMS?
A Market Orders B Marketable Limit Orders C Limit Orders D Not Held Orders
The best answer is D.
SEC Rule 605 of Regulation NMS requires exchanges to prepare monthly reports of statistical information concerning their order executions, covering execution speed, price, including any price improvement and bid-ask spreads. This information is available to the public. The types of orders “covered” by this rule are market orders and limit orders (including marketable limit orders). In addition, “IOC” - Immediate or Cancel orders are covered by the rule (since they allow for partial execution if the full amount of the order cannot be filled). However, other special instruction orders are excluded from the rule because either they can take longer periods of time to fill and would distort the “speed of execution” statistics that are compiled; or they might never be filled. The excluded orders include All or None (AON) orders; At the Open and At the Close orders; Stop orders; and Not Held orders.
All of the following must be recorded on an order ticket EXCEPT:
A time of order entry B time of order execution C time of order cancellation D time of order confirmation
The best answer is D.
The time stamps required on an order ticket are time of order entry; time of order execution; and time of order cancellation, if the order is canceled. There is no requirement for time of order confirmation on the order ticket.
Rule 203 of Regulation SHO requires that the locate requirement for customer short sales be performed prior to order:
This one splits hairs but it is the actual wording of the “locate” requirement. Rule 203 states that: “a broker or dealer may not ACCEPT a short sale order in an equity security from another person or effect a short sale in an equity security for its own account, unless the broker or dealer has borrowed the security or entered in a bona-fide arrangement to borrow the security.”
A corporation’s transfer agent does all of the following EXCEPT:
maintain a record of all registered stockholders
cancel share certificates for sellers of the shares
issue new share certificates to buyers of the shares
reimburse stockholders for any transfer fees charged
The best answer is D.
Transfer agent fees are typically paid by the corporation that retains the transfer agent. Note, however, that fees are often charged to customers to replace lost or damaged certificates. The transfer agent cancels old shares when they are sold, issues new shares when a purchase it made, keeps the current shareholder list, sends mailings to shareholders (corporate reports, proxies) and also acts as paying agent, sending dividends to shareholders of record.
A clearly erroneous trade in an option listed on the CBOE must be reported within:
15 minutes
The CBOE rule for resolution of “clearly erroneous trades” requires that the trade be reported to a Trading Official within 15 minutes of execution. The Trading Official must review the circumstances of the trade and make a determination within 60 minutes. If either party disagrees with the determination, an appeal can be made to the Obvious Error Panel within 30 minutes. The Obvious Error Panel reviews the complaint and makes a final determination by the end of that trading day. Also note that the NASDAQ rule for reporting clearly erroneous trades is quite different.
A 25% stock dividend is paid. The option strike price will be adjusted on the:
Ex Date
Stock prices are adjusted on the “ex” date for cash dividends and stock dividends. The ex-date for a cash dividend is 1 business day prior to the Record Date. The ex date for a stock dividend is the business day following the Payable Date. Regarding options contracts, on the ex-date for stock dividends, the strike price is reduced and the number of shares per contract is increased.
Under Rule 201 of Regulation SHO, the requirement that any short sale be made on an “up bid” will be imposed:
I if a stock drops by 5%
II if a stock drops by 10%
III for the balance of that trading day
IV for the balance of that trading day and the entire next trading day
II and IV
Do not confuse Regulation SHO Rule 201 with the single stock circuit breaker rule. Under Regulation SHO, if a stock falls by 10% or more in a trading day, it can only be sold short on an up-bid for the remainder of that day and the entire next day. Under the single stock circuit breaker rule, if any single stock rises or falls by 10% or more within a 5-minute window of time in its primary market, the exchange will stop trading of that stock for 5 minutes; and the CBOE will stop trading of related options as well.
Under the rules of the Opening Cross, limit orders placed after 9:28 AM are:
treated as Imbalance Only (IO) orders
Under the Opening Cross rules, any limit orders placed after 9:28 AM are treated as IO orders for Opening Cross. If not fully executed in the cross, the orders are returned to the entering party.
An individual buys a security for himself and then sells that security, with the intent of showing trading activity in the stock. This is an example of:
a wash trade
If an individual buys a stock; sells it; buys it; sells it; etc., these are “wash trades” that are intended to give the appearance of trading activity because the trades are reported to the tape. However, these trade reports are bogus because there is no ownership change. Painting the tape is similar, but here a group of investors form a trading pool, trading a stock among themselves, either at successively higher or lower prices to manipulate the market. They give the illusion that the price of the stock is moving rapidly up (or down), since the tape is “painted” with these trades. This lures in real investors to buy into the illusory rising market (at which point the pool sells its pre-established long position to them at higher prices); or scares real investors into panic selling in this illusory falling market (at which point, the pool buys back its pre-established short position at lower prices).
Under SEC Rule 3b-8, all of the following statements are true regarding qualified block positioners EXCEPT they must:
be registered under Section 15 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
be registered with NASDAQ as a market maker in each security that they trade
maintain minimum net capital of $1,000,000
be willing to buy from customers, or sell to customers, minimum block sizes of $200,000 or more
The best answer is B.
Rule 3b-8 states that a qualified block positioner is a “firm that engages in the activity of purchasing long or selling short, from time to time, to or from a customer (that is not another member firm), a block of stock with a market value of $200,000 or more in a single transaction from a single source to facilitate a sale or purchase by such customer.”
In essence, a qualified block positioner is a firm that is not a registered market maker in that issue, but it is permitted to take the opposite side of large customer trades. To do so, the rule requires that the “block positioner” determine that the block could not be traded at better terms with someone else; and that the “block positioner” liquidates the position comprising the block as rapidly as possible commensurate with the circumstances.
Under SEC rules, qualified block positioners must register with the SEC as broker-dealers under the Exchange Act of 1934 and must maintain minimum net capital (liquid net worth) of $1,000,000 (note that this is the maximum net capital requirement for any market maker).
A customer is long 1 ABC Jan 110 Call. The company declares and pays a 10% stock dividend. As of the ex-date for the dividend, the customer will have:
1 ABC Jan 100 Call
On the ex-date for fractional splits and stock dividends, the number of shares per contract is increased and the strike price is reduced. 1 ABC Jan 110 Call, where there is a 10% stock dividend, becomes 1 ABC Jan 100 Call covering 110 shares.
During Regular Market Hours, FINRA can nullify a trade in Capital Market stock that took place at $40 if the difference in price between this trade and the following trade exceeds:
FINRA is concerned about excessive market volatility. To dampen this, FINRA’s rule on “clearly erroneous trades” states that it will nullify any trade that takes place in an NMS stock (NYSE, AMEX or NASDAQ) at too great a variance from the preceding trade. The rule states that:
Reference Price Normal Market Hours
Permitted % Variance
From Preceding Trade
Up to $25 10%
Over $25 to $50 5%
Over $50 3%
This stock last traded at $40 during regular market hours. If the next trade is more than 5% higher or lower, the trade would be nullified. 5% of $40 = $2. If the next trade is either lower than $38 or higher than $42, it would be nullified. Also note that the permitted variance for trades occurring outside normal market hours (when trading is thinner) is 2 times these percentages. Finally, note that there is a different schedule for OTCBB and Pink Sheet issues.
The NBBO for a NASDAQ Global Market Stock is currently $31.20 - $31.25. A primary pegged order to buy with a cap price of $31.22 would be priced at:
A “primary peg” order is tied to the side of the market for which it is placed. A primary peg order to buy is tied to the movement of the inside bid; a primary peg order to sell is tied to the movement of the inside ask. This order to buy will be placed at the inside bid of $31.20. The “cap” on the order limits how much the order can move as the inside market moves. If the inside bid moves to the “cap” price of $31.22, the order becomes a limit order to buy at $31.22.
Quotes disseminated by market makers under the SEC “Firm Quote Rule” - Rule 602 of Regulation NMS - cover all of the following securities EXCEPT:
Trades of OTCBB issues effected by registered market makers
Third market trades of exchange listed issues
Trades of NASDAQ Global Market issues effected by registered market makers
Trades of NASDAQ Capital Market issues effected by registered market makers
The best answer is A.
The SEC Firm Quote Rule requires that only firm 2-sided quotes can be posted in active trading markets. Backing away from a quote is prohibited. The rule applies to market maker quotes for exchange listed and NASDAQ issues. It applies to market makers on the floor of the exchange and to Third Market makers that trade exchange listed issues OTC. It applies to quotes by market makers for all NASDAQ issues (both Global Market and Capital Market). Note, however, that the rule does not apply to quotes for OTCBB or Pink Sheet issues. These can be quite illiquid and quotes need not be firm.
Information barriers are required between specified departments in a broker-dealer as a defense against:
A trading ahead B front running C marking the close D trading away
The best answer is A. Information barriers (Chinese Walls) are required in brokerage firms to stop the flow of inside information that traders could use. They are required between trading and research and trading and investment banking. In addition, they are required between investment banking and research, as a result of the research analyst scandal of 2000, where investment banking used research analysts as “shills” for their investment banking deals. The trading ahead prohibition applies to trading ahead of research reports that are yet to be published. Front running is the prohibited practice of using information obtained from the receipt of a large customer order that might have a market impact to trade for the firm’s account in advance of placing that customer order. Marking the close is a market manipulation to either raise or lower the closing price of a stock by placing either buy (or sell) orders just prior to the close. Trading away is the prohibited practice of trading outside of one’s clearing firm.
The auction options market requires that:
I buyers enter competitive bids
II buyers enter non-competitive bids
III sellers enter competitive offers
IV sellers enter non-competitive offers
I and III
In an auction market such as a physical trading floor, the buyers compete with each other, with the high bidders winning; and the sellers compete with each other, with the low offers winning. Thus, buyers are posting competitive bids and sellers are posting competitive offers.
Which transaction MUST be reported to the TRF for regulatory purposes only?
The purchase of stock in an Initial Public Offering
The purchase of stock resulting from the exercise of a listed option contract
The purchase of a 144A issue quoted in PORTAL
The purchase of unregistered shares of a private placement by an accredited investor
The best answer is C.
FINRA requires that trades of 144A issues (private placement securities in minimum $500,000 amounts that are traded between QIBs - Qualified Institutional Buyers) be reported to the TRF for regulatory purposes only. This means that the information is collected so FINRA can see what is happening in the market, but is not actually reported over a tape. There is no reporting at all for the purchasers of IPOs (since the purchase was not a “trade” in the secondary market between a buyer and seller - rather it was a sale at a negotiated price between the issuer and the purchaser); there is no reporting of sales that occur through the exercise of listed options because these contracts are recorded by the OCC (Options Clearing Corporation) and any reporting is their responsibility. Note, however, that FINRA does require the reporting of exercises of unlisted OTC options.
A clearly erroneous trade in an equity security listed on NASDAQ must be reported within:
30 minutes
Should a member want to have an equity trade cleared through ACT (Automated Confirmation of Trade system) nullified or adjusted based on an obvious error in number of shares or price, the member must notify NASDAQ MarketWatch and provide the relevant details within 30 minutes of execution. The member filing the complaint must provide NASDAQ MarketWatch with the relevant details of the trade, including the name of the contra-broker and the executing NASDAQ system. In turn, NASDAQ will notify the contra-broker, giving it 30 minutes to provide details on its record of the trade. After review of all information, NASDAQ makes a written determination and communicates its decision to both parties - either nullifying the trade, adjusting the trade, or declining to act - that is, confirming 1 side’s view of the trade.
Note that these time frames are different than the CBOE’s rules for reporting obvious errors that occur in options trades.
A supplemental MPID may NOT be used by a NASDAQ Market Maker to:
A engage in risk arbitrage B execute trades as a prime broker C engage in passive market making D execute trades for its proprietary trading account
The best answer is C.
In addition to its primary MPID, a market maker may have up to 10 additional MPIDs to be able to track trading for reasons other than conventional market making. These include using a separate MPID for the firm’s proprietary trading desk, for its prime brokerage trades, for its arbitrage and risk arbitrage trading desks, and when the firm provides sponsored access to institutional clients. However, NASDAQ requires that a market maker MUST use its primary MPID when engaged in passive market making or when entering a stabilizing bid.
OPRA has the authority to do all of the following EXCEPT:
A publish consolidated options quotes B report options trades to a consolidated tape C aggregate options trading volumes D break clearly erroneous options trades
The best answer is D.
OPRA stands for Options Price Reporting Authority. Its members are all of the options markets. OPRA publishes consolidated bid and ask quotes for options, reports last sale information and reports trading volume. It has nothing to do with the process for resolving clearly erroneous trades.
ALPHA, an eligible ECN, is alone at the inside market for WXYZ and is quoting the stock at:
$27.50 - $27.60
10 x 12
A market maker in WXYZ receives a customer limit order to buy 200 shares at $27.50. If the market maker immediately sends the order to ALPHA, which statement is TRUE?
A The market maker must adjust its bid B The market maker must adjust its bid and size C The ECN must adjust its bid D The ECN must adjust its size
The best answer is D.
Under Regulation NMS Rule 604 (the Limit Order Display Rule), if a market maker places a better-priced quote into an “eligible” ECN, it does not have to update its own quote, because the ECN is obligated to update the quote and send it to NASDAQ for public dissemination. The ECN has a displayed bid of $27.50 with a size of 1,000 shares. The entry of the customer buy order for 200 shares at $27.50 increases the ECN’s display size to 1,200 shares.
Under Rule 602 of Regulation NMS, a market maker is not required to honor a stated quote under all of the following circumstances EXCEPT if:
prior to the presentation of the order, the firm has entered a revised quote in NASDAQ
at the time of order receipt, the firm has just effected a trade and immediately enters a revised quote in NASDAQ
at the time of order receipt, the firm is in the process of effecting a trade and on completion, immediately enters a revised quote into NASDAQ
prior to order presentation, the firm reaches 70% of its daily internally-set purchase limit for that security
The best answer is D.
If, at the time of order receipt, the firm has just effected a trade in that security; or if the firm is in the process of effecting a trade in that security; it is permitted to immediately enter a revised quote and does not have to honor the previous “stated quote” in NASDAQ. The firm’s internal policy of placing a daily purchase limit does not relieve the firm of the obligation to honor its stated quote for that security. While the firm cannot take itself out of the NASDAQ System during regular market hours (without being subject to a 20-day lock out from quoting that stock), it can revise its quote to take it far away from the current NBBO, thereby insuring (unless there is a dramatic market price movement) that the quote will not be electronically accessed.
A NASDAQ market maker is quoting ABCD stock as follows:
$15.00 $15.25
300 800
The market maker receives an order to buy 1,000 shares of ABCD at $15.25. Which statement is TRUE about filling this order? The market maker is:
obligated to fill the entire 1,000 share order at $15.25 and then must move its quote price up
only obligated to fill 100 shares of the order at $15.25 and can maintain the same ask quote
only obligated to fill 300 shares of the order at $15.25 and can maintain the same ask quote
only obligated to fill 800 shares of the order at $15.25 and then must increase its quote price
The best answer is D.
SEC Rule 602 of Regulation NMS prohibits backing away from firm quotes. If a market maker is posting a quote on NASDAQ (which must be firm), the market maker is obligated to trade the display size shown at that price (which is 800 shares at $15.25). If the market maker receives a larger size order, which is the case here, it has either of 2 choices. In this example, the market maker received an order to buy 1,000 shares. The market maker can either fill the entire 1,000 share order at $15.25 and has no obligation to move its quote; or it can fill 800 shares at $15.25 and must worsen its quote by at least 1 trading increment ($.01). This is known as the “Trade or Fade” rule - which requires a market maker to worsen its quote if it can’t handle the entire size of an order. On the other hand, if the market maker fills the entire order size, it is under no obligation to worsen its quote.
Peg orders:
I are accepted during market hours only
II are accepted during system hours only
III must be entered as Day orders
IV can be entered either as Day orders or GTC orders
I and III
NASDAQ restricts the entry of “peg” orders to Market Hours only (9:30 AM - 4:00 PM) and only permits the orders to be entered as “Day” orders. Thus, any unfilled peg orders cancel out at the end of each day and new peg orders must be entered for the next day.
Which orders CANNOT be entered into the NASDAQ Market Center?
I and III
NASDAQ rules prohibit the entry of AON - All Or None - orders and MAQ - Minimum Acceptable Quantity - orders.
With an All Or None order, if the order is not filled in one shot, then subsequent attempts are permitted. Instead, NASDAQ permits the placement of an IOC - Immediate or Cancel - order. It requires that as much of the order be filled as possible in one attempt, with any unfilled balance canceled.
An MAQ order, when routed to a market maker, gives that market maker discretion as to whether to fill for the entire quantity or to reject the order. Instead, NASDAQ permits the placement of “MQ” - Minimum Quantity - orders. As long as the market maker’s displayed size is sufficient to fill the entire order, it would be filled. Otherwise, it is canceled.
Why would an investor trade OTC in the “upstairs market” as opposed to trading on the floor of an exchange?
Better handling of a large investment
The “upstairs market” is typically used by institutions for large size orders, where sending the order to the floor of an exchange would be disruptive to the normal order flow and could result in an inferior execution (meaning a bad price). One could argue that price protection is also a valid answer, but prices can move away as a large order is being filled in any market. Finally, there is no difference in margin requirements if a purchase is done OTC in the upstairs market or on an exchange.
Which of the following orders MUST be reported to OATS?
I A market maker in WXYZ enters an order to buy 1,000 shares for its market making account
II A non-market maker in WXYZ enters a customer order to buy WXYZ convertible bonds
III A syndicate member enters an order to buy shares in a registered secondary distribution of WXYZ stock
IV A member firm enters an order to buy WXYZ stock for its proprietary trading account
II and IV
OATS (Order Audit Trail System) reports are required for all domestic equity issues. There are 2 major exceptions to the requirement for automated order entry. First, market makers are not required to enter OATS reports for trades effected in their market making accounts. Second, purchases of prospectus offerings (either a registered primary distribution or a registered secondary distribution) are not reported, since these are transactions between the issuer and the purchaser and are not trades in the secondary market.
The modifier PBID next to a one-sided quote indicates that the syndicate manager is:
I stabilizing the issue
II placing a penalty bid
III acting as a passive bidder
IV placing a pre-effective bid
I and II only
Stabilizing bids are used in connection with new issue prospectus offerings. The manager “stabilizes” the price of the issue to stop the price from falling too steeply in the aftermarket once the issue starts trading. The stabilizing bid sets a floor on the market price. Stabilizing bids are permitted in NASDAQ with prior notice. They are the only 1-sided quotes permitted in the system. They show with either the modifier “SYND” or “PBID.” The modifier “SYND” shows that the manager of the syndicate is bidding for the issue in the market. The modifier “PBID” stands for “penalty bid.” This is clause in a syndicate agreement designed to stop syndicate members from selling the issue to speculators who would “dump” the issue on the manager at the stabilizing bid if the price does not rise in the aftermarket. If a syndicate member’s customers do so (hit the stabilizing bid), that syndicate member is penalized by the manager and earns nothing on the sale. Thus, syndicate members are encouraged to sell to long term investors who will not dump the issue on the manager if the price does not immediately rise in the aftermarket.
A trade in a security quoted in the ADF occurs at 6:15 PM. The trade must be reported to TRACS by:
6:15:10 PM that day
TRACS (Trade Reporting and Compliance Service) reports trades of securities quotes in the ADF. Unlike ACT, which is open from 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM. TRACS is open from 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM. Any trade that takes place during TRACS operating hours must be reported within 10 seconds. For trades that take place after 6:30 PM, the trade must be reported within 15 minutes of TRACS opening the next day.
A member firm joins a syndicate underwriting an add-on offering of WXYZ common stock, a Tier III security subject to a 5-day restriction. If a trader at the firm inadvertently placed a bid during the restricted period and purchased the stock, the firm can avoid sanctions as long as the amount purchased totals less than:
2% of ADTV
Rule 101 of Regulation M places restrictions on syndicate members participating in an “add on” offering during the 20-day cooling off period. If the stock is inactively traded, the syndicate member is prohibited from placing orders to buy that stock for the 5 day window of time prior to the effective date. This restriction does not apply to the following:
- Odd lot transactions;
- Exercise of options, warrants, or rights;
- Unsolicited transactions;
- Basket transactions (purchases of 20 or more stocks, where the covered security does not comprise more than 5% of the basket value); and
- De minimis transactions (purchases of the covered security during the restricted period of less than 2% of the security’s ADTV - Average Daily Trading Volume).
All of the following are violations of the FINRA Conduct Rules EXCEPT:
guaranteeing a customer account against loss
selling a customer an exempt security with a written agreement to buy back that security at a fixed price
making blanket recommendations of low price speculative stocks to customers
selling dividends to customers by inducing customers to buy stocks just prior to the ex-date
The best answer is B.
Choice B defines a repurchase agreement, which is permitted. Prohibited activities are guaranteeing a customer account against loss; making blanket recommendations of low price speculative stocks; and selling dividends to customers.
A customer places an order to buy 100 shares of ABC stock at $50 per share when the market price of the stock is at $60. The member firm fills the order at $58. By the time when the error is discovered the next day, the stock is trading at $48. Which statement is TRUE?
The customer must be offered the $48 price per share
The customer must be offered the $50 price per share
The customer must be offered the $58 price per share
The customer must be offered the $60 price per share
The best answer is A.
This is an error in execution, and the firm is obligated to execute the order properly. The customer placed an order to buy at $50 per share, meaning $50 or lower. Since the stock is trading at $48 when the error is discovered, the customer must be offered this price.
All of the following orders would be included in an SEC Rule 605 report EXCEPT:
A limit orders B marketable limit orders C immediate or cancel limit orders D fill or kill limit orders
The best answer is D.
SEC Rule 605 of Regulation NMS requires that market centers prepare, and make available to the public, monthly standardized reports summarizing their order executions. Included in the report is data on:
- Effective spreads;
- How market orders of various sizes were executed relative to the public quote;
- Speed of execution;
- Fill rates; and
- Price improvement or disimprovement.
Only market and limit order executions (including marketable limit orders and IOC - Immediate or Cancel - limit orders) are included in the reports (an IOC order is one that is filled in part or in full in one attempt, with any unfilled portion canceled). Fill or kill orders (fill it all in one attempt or the entire order is canceled) are no longer accepted by any exchange. Special handling orders such as market-not held and average price orders are also excluded. Reports are only compiled for each stock exchange and NASDAQ (but not for the options exchanges, which differs from the options exchanges’ inclusion in Rule 606). Also note that OTCBB and Pink Sheet security executions are excluded from these reports.
Records relating to a firm’s compliance with SEC Rule 15c3-5 must be retained for a minimum of:
3 years
SEC Rule 15c3-5 is designed to eliminate “unfiltered” market access. It requires member firms that offer customers “direct access” using that B/D’s MPID to first put these trades through “pre-trade risk checks.” All records relating to compliance with the rule must be retained for 3 years.
Quotes for all of the following securities are shown on CQS EXCEPT:
A Common stock B Rights C Warrants D Options
The best answer is D.
The Consolidated Quotations Service (CQS) provides bid and ask quotes for NYSE and NYSE-American listed securities. It gives quotes for common stock, preferred stock, rights and warrants. All of these are securities created by issuers. CQS does not provide quotes for listed options, which are securities created between a buyer and seller.
A market maker receives a customer limit order to buy that is better priced than its bid. The firm immediately places the order into an eligible or qualifying ECN. Which two statements are TRUE?
I The market maker must update its NASDAQ quote
II The market maker is not required to update its NASDAQ quote
III The market maker is responsible for protecting the order
IV The ECN is responsible for protecting the order
II and III
An Eligible or Qualifying ECN is one that displays orders placed with it on NASDAQ. Therefore, a market maker placing an order with an Eligible ECN does not have to update its quote, since the ECN will do that automatically. Under SEC rules, the member firm receiving the order must protect it. It does not matter where the order is sent for execution.
All of the following are functions of Depository Trust Corporation EXCEPT:
A custody and safekeeping of securities B underwriting of securities C dematerialization of securities via DRS D removal of restrictions on private placement securities where the issuer has gone public
The best answer is B.
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation maintains custody of virtually all equity and debt securities issued in the U.S. It also owns the NSCC - National Securities Clearing Corporation - which clears most equity and debt trades that occur in the U.S. DTCC does not clear options trades - this is done by the OCC. It also has nothing to do with underwritings, which are conducted OTC by an underwriter for an issuer. DTC is in the process of “dematerializing” physical stock certificates, replacing them with “book entry” records through DRS - the Direct Registration System. Finally, DRS accepts stock certificates that have “restriction legends” on them, which is typical when stock is sold in a private placement. The privately-placed shares cannot be resold in the market until they are registered. If the company goes public, these shares can be sold in the public market and the restriction legend is removed under the provisions of SEC Rule 144.
All of the following are functions of Depository Trust Corporation EXCEPT:
A custody and safekeeping of securities B underwriting of securities C dematerialization of securities via DRS D removal of restrictions on private placement securities where the issuer has gone public
The best answer is B.
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation maintains custody of virtually all equity and debt securities issued in the U.S. It also owns the NSCC - National Securities Clearing Corporation - which clears most equity and debt trades that occur in the U.S. DTCC does not clear options trades - this is done by the OCC. It also has nothing to do with underwritings, which are conducted OTC by an underwriter for an issuer. DTC is in the process of “dematerializing” physical stock certificates, replacing them with “book entry” records through DRS - the Direct Registration System. Finally, DRS accepts stock certificates that have “restriction legends” on them, which is typical when stock is sold in a private placement. The privately-placed shares cannot be resold in the market until they are registered. If the company goes public, these shares can be sold in the public market and the restriction legend is removed under the provisions of SEC Rule 144.
Under SEC Rule 13h-1, the value of an option bought or sold is based on the:
A aggregate exercise price of the contract B aggregate premium of the contract C aggregate market value of the underlying stock D all of the above
The best answer is C.
SEC Rule 13h-1 requires large traders to report to the SEC, and trades of options are counted when determining if a report is required. Regarding options, the volume and value of options bought or sold is reported, based on the value of the underlying securities. For example, assume that 10 ABC Jan 20 Calls @ $3 are purchased when the market price of the stock is $22. The value to be reported is: 10 contracts x 100 shares per contract x $22 per share = $22,000.
Under NASDAQ rules, short interest reports must be filed by the:
2nd business day after the reporting settlement date
NASDAQ requires the reporting of outstanding short positions maintained at member firms as of the 15th and last business day of each month. NASDAQ aggregates the information and reports it as the outstanding short interest. The report must be filed by the member on the 2nd business day after the reporting settlement date.
Under FINRA Rule 4560, firms must maintain a record of both customer and firm short positions and file a short interest report twice per month. The report must
detail all short positions that have settled as of the 15th and last trading day of each month. For member firms that engage a clearing or prime broker, it must be determined whether the firm itself or its clearing firm will make the short interest reports for the firm’s short positions. The first report is due within two business days of the 15th of the month, and the second is due within two business days of the last trading day of the month.
When will a limit state exist under the Limit Up Limit Down (LULD) rule?
I National Best Offer equals the Lower Price Band
II National Best Offer equals the Upper Price Band
III National Best Bid equals the Lower Price Band
IV National Best Bid equals the Upper Price Band
I and IV
The Limit Up Limit Down rule is designed to stop extraordinary market volatility. The rule establishes upper and lower price bands that are calculated continuously throughout the day for each stock. For more actively traded securities with a price greater than $3, the variation percentage is 5% (“Tier 1” securities). For less actively traded securities with a price greater than $3, the band is 10% (“Tier 2” securities). If the National Best Offer equals the Lower Price Band (so offered prices are falling rapidly) or the National Best Bid equals the Upper Price Band (so bid prices are rising rapidly), then a “so-called” Limit State exists. If the security remains in the Limit State for 15 seconds, then the security enters a 5-Minute Trading Pause. Once the Trading Pause is completed, the security re-opens for trading with an auction in its Primary Listing Exchange - and this auction price should, hopefully, be reflective of the current market price.
A member firm buys stock from a market maker and instructs the market maker to deliver the securities to another member for clearance and settlement purposes. This is an example of a:
give up (clearing) agreement
In this situation, a member firm is “giving up” the name of its clearing broker to the market maker from which it is buying securities. In essence, the member firm has hired another firm to settle and clear all transactions on its behalf. This is a “give-up” clearing agreement. A prime brokerage account is one where a customer, generally an institution, selects one broker (the prime broker) to provide custody and financing of securities purchased, and other brokers (executing brokers) to buy and sell on behalf of the customer. Unlike a prime brokerage account which involves a customer, a give-up clearing arrangement is between two members.
A customer is long 1 ABC Jan 60 Call contract. The stock splits 3:2. As of the ex date, the adjusted contract will be:
1 ABC Jan 40 Call covering 150 shares
Regarding options contracts, on the ex-date for stock dividends and fractional stock splits, the strike price is reduced and the number of shares per contract is increased. For a 3:2 stock split, 1 ABC Jan 60 Call becomes 1 ABC Jan 40 Call now covering 150 shares.
A registered representative with a wealthy clientele has many clients that are officers of publicly held companies. The registered representative receives an order from the executive vice-president of ADAP Corp. to sell 4% of the outstanding shares. Prior to placing this order, the registered representative may, in his or her personal account:
buy ADAP common stock
Front running a customer order that is likely to have a market impact is a prohibited practice. This officer is selling 4% of the outstanding shares, which is likely to depress the price of the stock. Prior to placing the order, the representative cannot personally take a position in that stock to profit from the likely market decline - thus, the representative cannot sell that stock short, cannot buy put options on the stock, and cannot sell call options on the stock. There is no reason why the representative cannot buy that stock for his or her personal account - since this is profitable if the stock rises, and will result in a loss if the stock falls.
A firm acting as a passive market maker under Rule 103 of Regulation M, fills a customer order to sell at its best bid, putting the firm over its daily net purchase limit. The firm then executes a customer buy order in an amount equal to the customer sell order that put the firm over the limit. The firm may remain as a passive market maker in the stock as long as both trades are reported within:
30 seconds of each other
Under Regulation M, Rule 103, if a passive market maker sells stock in an account equal to, or greater than, the purchase which put it at, or over, the net daily purchase limit, and reports both trades within 30 seconds of each other, the firm may remain as a passive market maker. (Note, this 30 second rule has nothing to do with the trade reporting rule.)
All of the following transactions are EXEMPT from the trade through rule (Rule 611) EXCEPT:
A benchmark trades (VWAPs) B intermarket sweep orders (ISOs) C stopped stock transactions D minimum quantity transactions
The best answer is D.
Rule 611 requires that marketable orders in NMS securities (NYSE, AMEX (NYSE-American) and NASDAQ) be executed within 1 second of execution at the best price or be routed to the better-priced market for execution. Exempted from the rule are “Benchmark” orders, which are VWAP orders. These are filled after the market close at the volume weighted average price, so the rule does not apply. The rule also does not apply to ISOs - Intermarket Sweep Orders. ISOs place the responsibility to get the best price on the firm placing the order - such orders are sent to multiple markets to sweep their books. The rule does not apply to “stopped orders” which guarantee a minimum price to sell or maximum price to buy for a block trade (at least 10,000 shares or $200,000). There is no exemption from the rule for minimum quantity orders.
A clearing prime broker does all of the following for an institutional customer EXCEPT:
A execute all trades B settle all trades C maintain custody of all positions D provide financing for all positions
The best answer is A.
In a prime brokerage agreement, often used by hedge funds, the prime broker agrees that it will allow the hedge fund to use other executing brokers. In return for using other executing brokers and sending these firms commissions, the hedge fund gets research and market information as a “quid pro quo.” All of these trades are then settled by the prime broker, who also maintains custody of the positions and provides the hedge fund with financing (margin loans) on the positions.
Under SEC Rule 606 of Regulation NMS, broker-dealers must make publicly available, quarterly reports on their order routing with regard to:
I Exchange listed equities
II Global Market equities
III Capital Market equities
IV Exchange listed equity options
The best answer is D.
SEC Rule 606 of Regulation NMS requires broker-dealers to do the following:
- The fact that the firm received a payment for order flow must be disclosed on the customer trade confirmation;
- The firm, on request of the customer, must disclose the identity of the market to which the customer’s orders were routed for execution in the preceding 6 months along with the time of execution. (These are known as “non-directed” orders, since the customer did not tell the broker the specific market where the order was to be executed, so the member firm could route the order to wherever it wanted.);
- The firm must notify customers, in writing, at least annually, of the availability of this information.
In addition, the rule requires member firms to prepare a quarterly report that is publicly available that details the:
- Percentage of customer orders that were “non-directed;”
- Identity of the 10 largest markets or market makers, to whom non-directed orders were routed and any other venue that received 5% or more of the firm’s orders;
- Member firm’s relationship with that market maker (for example, many larger retail member firms own their own market maker subsidiaries to whom they route orders); and
- Arrangement, if any, for payment for order flow or profit-sharing.
Because of this rule, member firms cannot have “hidden” arrangements with market makers to favor them in return for “payment for order flow” - everything is out in the open and is fully disclosed. Thus, customers can make informed decisions about how retail member firms are routing and executing their orders.
Note that Rule 606 does not apply to “directed orders” where the customer specified the market venue to which the order was sent. The rule applies to “non-directed” orders for exchange listed stocks and exchange listed options and NASDAQ securities. It does not apply to executions of trades of OTCBB or Pink Sheet stocks.
If a person is convicted of insider trading:
I the amount of any profit achieved or loss avoided must be paid
II three times the amount of any profit achieved or loss avoided must be paid
III payments are made to the Department of Treasury
IV payments are made to the Securities and Exchange Commission
II and III
Fines assessed for insider trading convictions are paid to the Department of Treasury. The fines are not paid to the SEC. If they were, then the SEC might be tempted to “go crazy” prosecuting insider trading cases to pump up its operating budget (raises for everyone!). The amount to be paid is 3 times (treble damages) the profit achieved or loss avoided.
Transactions in OTCBB stocks are subject to:
I Best execution rule
II Limit order protection rule
III Regulation SHO “locate” requirements for short sales
The Limit Order Protection Rule applies to NASDAQ and OTCBB issues (note, however, that the limit order display rule only applies to NASDAQ issues and NOT to OTCBB issues). In contrast, Regulation SHO applies to all equity issues - exchange listed, NASDAQ listed, OTCBB and Pink Sheet. Finally, all orders are subject to the “best execution” rules - that is, the dealer must seek out the best market for executing the customer order, and execute at the best price under prevailing market conditions.
Due to the imposition of the circuit breaker rules, trading is halted in all markets for the remainder of the day. Under NYSE rules, market on close orders pending at the time trading is halted must be:
Under the circuit breaker rule, if the market drops by a cumulative 20% in a trading day, the market will be closed for the balance of the day. When the circuit breaker is triggered, trading in NMS (NYSE, NYSE-American and NASDAQ) securities must stop in all U.S. markets. Any market on close orders cannot be executed since there is no trading, and must be canceled.
A customer places a market order with her broker-dealer to buy 1,000 shares of ABCD stock - a NASDAQ Global Market security. The NBBO at the time of order entry is: $10.50 - $11.00. The trade is sent to Market Venue “A,” which is currently quoting the stock at: $10.25 - $11.25. The order is filled by Market Venue “A” at $11.25.
Which statement is TRUE?
Market Venue “A” has not violated any rules
Market Venue “A” has committed a violation called “selling away”
Market Venue “A” has committed a violation called “trade shredding”
Market Venue “A” committed a violation called a “trade through”
The best answer is D.
This customer placed a market order to buy the stock. The best offer at that moment is $11.00, yet the order was filled by Market Venue “A” at its offer of $11.25. This is a violation known as a “trade through” because Market Venue “A” is required by Regulation NMS to either match the best price of the other market ($11.00) or route the order to the other “better-priced” market for execution within 1 second. “Selling away” is the violation that occurs if a representative sells a customer a security that is being offered by another firm (the security is not being offered by the representative’s firm). The representative is “selling away” from his or her firm. “Trade shredding” is the illegal practice of breaking up a large single trade into a bunch of smaller trades in order to increase “payment for order flow” received when that firm routes the orders to a “preferenced” executing broker with whom the firm has a “payment for order flow” agreement.
OATS reports are submitted by:
both the buy and sell side of the transaction
Unlike trade reports, where generally the executing party reports the trade, OATS (Order Audit Trail System) reports are made by both the buyer and the seller. Remember, OATS reports detail order information, and orders are entered by both buyers and sellers.
The Consolidated Quotations Service:
provides quotes for Exchange Listed securities
CQS - the Consolidated Quotations Service - gives bid and ask quotes with size for all market makers in exchange listed securities. These quotes are sourced from exchange specialists and OTC Third Market Makers. Only equity securities, including rights and warrants are quoted. Options on listed securities are not quoted on CQS. Debt securities, both convertible and non-convertible, are not quoted either. The actual reports of trades of listed securities are reported to the Consolidated Network “A” Tape for trades of NYSE listed issues; and Network “B” Tape for AMEX-listed issues.
Trades in foreign OTC equity securities executed between Midnight and 8:00 AM are:
reported by 8:15 AM that day
An example of a foreign OTC security is Nestle (think chocolate). Nestle does not want to bother with complying with U.S. reporting requirements, so its shares cannot be listed on the NYSE, NYSE-American or NASDAQ. Nestle shares are quoted in the Pink Sheets, however. If a trade takes place in the U.S. in Nestle stock, it must be reported to the ORF (Over-The-Counter Reporting Facility) under the normal reporting rules. Since this trade took place after ACT has closed (it closed at 8:00 PM), it must be reported within 15 minutes of the next ACT opening. ACT opens at 8:00 AM that day, so the trade must be reported no later than 8:15 AM that day.
A convertible bond order entered by a retail account could be considered to be institutional for purposes of the Limit Order Protection Rule if the order is for:
100 bonds or more
A member is permitted to negotiate special terms for the handling of limit orders that are considered to be “institutional.” Any customer order for 10,000 shares or more, with a value of $100,000 or more, is defined as “institutional.” Regarding bond trades, only the dollar value is considered - so a trade of 100 bonds or more ($100,000 face value or more) is “institutional.”
An order entered into NASDAQ as “Market Hours IOC TIF”:
I must be executed between 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM
II must be executed between 4:00 AM and 8:00 PM
III must be filled in its entirety or the order is canceled
IV can be filled in part or in full, and any unfilled portion of the order is canceled
I and IV
Orders entered into the NASDAQ Market Center are entered either as:
Market Day: An order to be executed during the regular trading hours of 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM ET
System Day: An order to be executed during the system operating hours of 4:00 AM - 8:00 PM ET, which includes both the Premarket and Aftermarket trading sessions.
The term “Market Hours” means that the order is to be placed with a “TIF” - (Time in Force) of Market Day. IOC means “Immediate or Cancel” - either fill the order in full or in part, and any unfilled portion is canceled.
When placing a syndicate stabilizing bid, what MPID must be used?
When a market maker uses multiple IDs, any stabilizing bid must use that market maker’s Primary ID, or P-MPID. A stabilizing bid can also have the identifier that it is a penalty bid (PBID) or a regular stabilizing bid (SYND). The NSDQ MPID is used to place an anonymous quote.
A manager wishes to enter a stabilizing bid. The POP of the issue is $20.00. The last reported trade in the issue was at $19.90 and the current bid-ask quote is $19.91 - $19.95. The highest price at which the manager may stabilize is:
Prior to market opening, the manager may enter a stabilizing bid at or below the POP (Public Offering Price) - never above. Once the market is open, if the manager now wishes to enter a stabilizing bid, the rule changes. The bid cannot be entered any higher than the last reported trade, as long as the current ask price is equal to, or higher than, the last reported trade. If these conditions cannot be met, then the stabilizing bid cannot be entered at any price higher than the current independent bid.
In this example, the last reported trade is at $19.90 and the current ask is at $19.95, so it meets both of the conditions required for the stabilizing bid to be entered at the price of the last reported trade.
When the NBBO for WXYZ is $10.00 - $10.20, a customer order is executed at $10.15. Under Regulation NMS, rule 600, the “effective spread” is:
10 cents
The “effective spread” compares the midpoint of the current inside bid and ask to the actual price of execution and then multiplies it by 2. For example, if the inside market is 10.00 - 10.20, the midpoint is 10.10. If a market order to buy is executed at 10.15, the difference from the 10.10 midpoint is .05 x 2 = .10 effective spread. Thus, the effective spread is tighter than the displayed spread, indicating that orders are getting price improvement when they are filled.
During the restricted period, a passive market maker makes a purchase which puts the firm over the 30% threshold. Under Rule 103, the market maker can continue without seeking an excused withdrawal as long as it makes an offsetting sale:
I within 60 seconds
II within 90 seconds
III reports both transactions within 30 seconds of each other
IV reports both transactions within 60 seconds of each other
I and III
Rule 103 of Regulation M limits a market maker that is part of a syndicate in an “add-on” offering from making a market in the subject security during the “20-day cooling off” period. Either the firm must seek an excused withdrawal as a market maker; or it must act as a passive market maker. A passive market maker cannot buy more than 30% of the ADTV - average daily trading volume - of that issue each day. However, if the market maker makes an offsetting sale (bringing its purchases to 30% or less of ADTV) and reports both transactions within 30 seconds of each other, the firm can remain as a passive market maker in the subject security. (Also note that the 30 second report in this rule has no connection to the regular trade reporting rule.)
Transactions in Direct Participation Programs (DPPs) are reported:
I to the TRF
II to the ORF
III within 10 seconds of execution
IV by 8:00 PM that day
II and III
Trades that occur in OTC equity issues between 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM ET must be reported to the tape within 10 seconds of execution. This is true for NASDAQ, OTCBB, Pink Sheet, foreign equity, and DPP issues. Trades of private placements, (with the exception of 144A issues), are not reported to the tape.
During the restricted period required by Rule 101, a passive market maker displays a bid higher than the highest current independent bid. This action is:
permitted if the bid represents a customer limit order
Passive market makers cannot bid higher than the highest current independent bid in the issue (meaning they cannot push the price of the issue up), with an exception granted for bids that represent customer limit orders.
A non-clearing market maker in a Global Market stock inadvertently fails to maintain a clearing agreement and is removed from the ACT/TRF system and NASDAQ by FINRA. The market maker can re-enter ACT/TRF and NASDAQ:
once the clearing agreement is re-established
If the failure to maintain a clearing agreement is inadvertent (that is unintentional), the market maker can re-enter NASDAQ and ACT as soon as the clearing agreement is re-established.
All of the following are violations of the FINRA Conduct Rules EXCEPT:
selling a customer an exempt security with a written agreement to buy back that security at a fixed price
Choice B defines a repurchase agreement, which is permitted. Prohibited activities are guaranteeing a customer account against loss; making blanket recommendations of low price speculative stocks; and selling dividends to customers.
Under Rule 17a-3, all of the following are records required to be kept by broker-dealers EXCEPT:
records of all activity in customer accounts
records of all dealer quotations made in the course of trading
records of original entry for cash receipts and disbursements
record of original entry for all purchases and sales, whether for a customer or the dealer’s account
The best answer is B.
There is no requirement to keep a record of all quotes given in the course of trading. Required records include all activity in customer accounts; cash receipts and disbursements blotter; and a purchases and sales blotter, among others.
In an active, competitive market, a market maker is quoting ABCD at 13.25 - 13.62 (10 x 10). The inside market for the stock is currently 13.37 - 13.62. The last sale in the stock was reported at 13.50. If the market maker were to buy 100 shares from a customer at 13.12, the amount of the mark-down is:
25 cents
In an active competitive market, the prevailing market to be used for mark-up or mark-down computations is the inside market. The high bid at the time of sale was 13.37. Since the market maker bought the stock from the customer at a net price of 13.12, the mark-down is 13.37 - 13.12 = 25 cents.
Under SEC Rule 101 of Regulation M, which of the following would be considered a “covered security” subject to trading restrictions?
I Subject security
II Derivative security
III Reference security
I and III only
A covered security under Rule 101 of Regulation M is a security subject to trading restrictions in anticipation of an add-on offering of securities. The subject security refers to the security being underwritten and is therefore included under the rule. A reference security, which is also included under the rule, is any security into which the subject security can be converted. Derivative securities, such as convertible bonds, call options, and warrants, are not included under Rule 101 and therefore, are not subject to any trading restrictions. The reason why trading of derivative securities is not restricted is that the SEC feels that their trading has no market impact on the price of the subject security.
Which of the following orders for ABCD stock can be accepted in the NASDAQ System when ABCD is trading at $10.50?
I Buy 100 shares of ABCD @ $10.00 II Sell 100 shares of ABCD @ $10.00 Short III Buy 100 shares of ABCD @ $11.00 IV Sell 100 shares of ABCD @ $11.00 Short
I and IV
The market price is currently $10.50 per share.
Orders that are lower than the current market (Buy Limits) will be placed in NASDAQ and filled if the market drops. Thus, the order to Buy 100 shares of ABCD @ $10 will go onto the book of orders. An order to Buy 100 shares of ABCD @ $11 will be immediately filled at $10.50 since this is an order to buy at $11 or better (buying lower is better).
Orders that are higher than the current market (Sell Limits) will be placed in NASDAQ and filled if the market rises. Thus, the order to Sell 100 shares of ABCD @ $11 will go onto the book of orders. It makes no difference if the order is a long or short sale. An order to Sell 100 shares of ABCD @ $10 will be immediately filled at $10.50 since this is an order to sell at $10.50 or higher (selling higher is better). Again, it makes no difference if the order is a long or short sale.
Quotes found in the ADF are primarily bids and offers from:
The “ADF” - Alternate Display Facility - was established under an SEC rule in 2002 as a place for ECNs that did not wish to display their quotes in NASDAQ, since they view this as their main competition.
In connection with a secondary offering of securities, distribution participants or affiliated purchasers are permitted to do all of the following during the restricted period specified by Regulation M EXCEPT:
execute unsolicited customer purchase orders for the covered security
effect odd lot transactions in the covered security
purchase the covered security from other broker-dealers at regular market prices
exercise an option, right or warrant for the covered security
The best answer is C.
Regulation M is an SEC body of rules to stop manipulation of a stock’s price during the cooling-off period by “distribution participants” (meaning syndicate members) for an add-on distribution (secondary distribution). The rule is divided into restrictions on syndicate members who are not market makers in the security; and syndicate members who are market makers in the security. The intent is to stop these firms from driving the price of the issue up in the market during the cooling off period, allowing the syndicate to set a higher POP.
For syndicate members that are not market makers, if the stock is actively traded, there are minimal restrictions. If the stock is inactively traded, that syndicate member will be restricted from buying that security (or a “reference” security - which a security that the covered security can be converted into) for up to 5 business days prior to the effective date. The syndicate members are also prohibited from issuing favorable research reports on that issuer during the restricted period.
For syndicate members that are market markets, they have a choice during the cooling off period. The choice is either to resign as a market maker until the effective date or to act as a “passive market maker” - which means that the firm cannot be the one pushing the price higher in the market - it can only follow other market makers that are bidding the price higher.
Exceptions to the restrictions are granted to:
- Odd lot trades (since these are usually accommodation orders and their small size will not impact the stock’s price);
- Unsolicited customer orders to buy that are not effected through another broker-dealer (since the stock is trading in the market, these unsolicited customer orders can be filled, but solicitation of customer orders to buy is prohibited);
- Exercises of options, warrants, rights or conversion privileges (since these do not go through the market, they do not affect the market price); and
- Publication of research or recommendations that complies with Rule 138 or Rule 139 (when underwriting common stock, Rule 138 allows the recommendation of non-convertible senior securities of that issuer, but not the convertibles; Rule 139 permits firms that have a regular publication that has always included that stock as “recommended,” to continue publishing that recommendation as long as the recommendation is no more favorable).
Remember that the intent of Regulation M is to stop that syndicate members from pushing up the stock price during the cooling off period. Therefore, during the restricted period, syndicate members would be prohibited from purchasing that stock directly from another broker-dealer. Doing so would put buying pressure in the market and would tend to raise that issue’s price!
A market maker must act as agent only when selling a stock to which of the following accounts held by that firm?
A Employee account B Fiduciary account C Managed account D Custodian account
The best answer is C.
The Investment Advisors Act of 1940 requires that broker-dealers that execute transactions for managed accounts that they hold, must execute them on an agency basis. The firm can only effect these transactions on a principal basis if it:
- discloses, prior to the completion of the transaction, that the adviser is acting in the capacity of a broker-dealer; and
- obtains consent of the client for the transaction.
When does an options opening rotation begin?
Each day, at the opening of the CBOE
Each day, after the underlying security starts trading in its primary market
When 2 Floor Officials declare that the market is “FAST”
On the opening of the CBOE on the third Friday of each month
The best answer is B.
Choice A seems pretty good until you get to Choice B, which is better. An opening rotation is used to open trading for each listed option contract each day, but there cannot be an opening rotation until the stock opens for trading in its primary market. Otherwise, there is no way to price the contracts!
A customer is long 1 ABC call option in her account. ABC Corporation announces that it is spinning off XYZ Corporation to its shareholders. For every 100 shares of ABC stock owned, the shareholder will get 100 shares of XYZ stock. If the customer exercises the ABC call after the ex-date, the customer will receive:
100 shares of ABC stock and 100 shares of XYZ stock
The best answer is B.
This customer bought the ABC call before the ex date. That is the key point. When the customer bought the 1 ABC Call, the price per share reflected the inherent value of the XYZ stock that was being spun off. If the customer exercises, either before or after the ex date (this makes no difference to the answer), the customer is entitled to get both 100 shares of ABC and 100 shares of XYZ.
Note that if the customer bought the call on or after the ex date, the customer would only be entitled to get 100 shares of ABC stock. Of course, the market price of ABC stock (and hence, the strike price of any newly issued option) will reflect the fact that XYZ’s value is no longer embedded in the ABC stock price, so any new contracts issued on or after the ex date will have lower strike prices.
Under Regulation M, Tier 1 securities are those with a minimum:
I daily trading volume of $100,000
II daily trading volume of $1,000,000
III market float of $25,000,000
IV market float of $150,000,000
II and IV
Rule 101 of Regulation M covers syndicate members who are not market makers in that stock that are in an underwriting group for an “add on” stock offering. The intent is to make sure that they do not try and manipulate the price of the security upwards prior to the effective date, so that a higher POP could be set. They are subject to a restricted period for secondary offerings, of either 1 business day or 5 business days prior to the effective date, where they are prohibited from purchasing, making a bid for, or inducing the purchase of, the underwritten security. If the security is very actively traded, there is no restricted period. Note that they can accept unsolicited orders to buy the security. The rule states that:
- Tier 1 Issue - if the security is actively traded (average daily trading volume of $1,000,000 or more and public float of at least $150,000,000), there are no restrictions placed on market makers trading the issue prior to the distribution. The idea here is that this issue is too big for the price to be manipulated. This is called a “Tier 1” issue.
- Tier 2 Issue - if the security has an average daily trading volume of $100,000 and a public float of at least $25,000,000 the restricted period is the business day prior to the effective date. This is called a “Tier 2” issue.
- Tier 3 Issue - any other security not meeting these minimums is a “Tier 3” issue and is subject to a restricted period of 5 business days prior to the effective date.
FINRA requires member firms to report short positions in NASDAQ securities in both customer and proprietary accounts:
The best answer is C.
FINRA requires its members to report outstanding short positions in NASDAQ securities 2 times monthly - on the 15th of the month and the last business day of the month. This information is compiled and distributed to the news media. For example, the Wall Street Journal reports the outstanding short interest for both NYSE and NASDAQ issues. Also note that FINRA uses the term bi-monthly in its rule. For those of you who are word geeks, bi-monthly has 2 alternate meanings. It can mean 2 times a month or its can mean every other month. Because of this ambiguity, dictionaries say to avoid its use - but FINRA likes it (and they use it to mean twice a month)!
A customer places an order with a market maker to buy 500 shares of WXYZ at 10.75 gross, MQ, which includes an agreed upon mark-up of 50 cents. Which TWO of the following statements are TRUE?
I The order is protected at the gross price
II The order is protected at the net price
III The order is subject to a partial fill
IV The order can only be filled in its entirety
II and IV
Under the Limit Order Protection Rule, orders are protected at a price exclusive of commissions, mark-ups or mark-downs. The gross price of 10.75 included an agreed upon mark-up of .50, therefore the net price at which the order must be protected is 10.25. Since this order is placed “MQ” - minimum quantity, it must be filled in its entirety; a partial fill is not permitted. In addition, an MQ order must be placed as IOC - Immediate Or Cancel.
All of the following information regarding an order that is received or executed by a Reporting Member firm’s trading department must be maintained under OATS rules EXCEPT:
identification of the registered person that received the order from the customer
identification of the registered person that executed the order
when an order is originated by the member in its market making department, an identification that the market making department originated the order
when an order is originated by the member and transmitted manually to the trading department, an identification of the department that originated the order
The best answer is C. Under OATS (Order Audit Trail System) rules, every member firm must record for each order received or executed at its trading department:
an identification of the registered person who received the order directly from the customer (most firms do this with a rep I.D.#);
an identification of the registered person who executes the order; and
when an order is originated by the member and transmitted manually to another department, an identification of the department that originated the order.
Remember that, in addition, OATS reports have all of the details of the specifics of the order. Because OATS captures all of this information, front running of orders can be readily detected. The only orders that are not required to be entered into OATS are those executed by the firm’s market making desk in the normal course of market making activity.
A member firm is permitted to negotiate special terms and conditions for which of the following limit orders?
I Buy 3,000 shares of WXYZ at 23.50; an order entered by a registered investment adviser
II Buy 3,000 shares of WXYZ at 23.50; an order entered by a retail customer
III Buy 10,000 shares of WXYZ at 23.50; an order entered by a retail customer
IV Buy 3,000 shares of WXYZ at 23.50; an order entered by a registered investment company
Limit orders for registered investment companies and registered investment advisers, regardless of size, are institutional orders - thus Choices I and IV are institutional orders. A member is permitted to negotiate special terms with institutions for handling their limit orders. In addition, any customer order for 10,000 shares or more, with a value of $100,000 or more is defined as “institutional” (Choice III).
Which statements are TRUE regarding Rule 144 holding period requirements?
I There is no holding period requirement for shares of control stock purchased in the open market
II There is no holding period requirement for shares of restricted stock acquired through private placement
III There is a 6-month holding period requirement for shares of control stock purchased in the open market
IV There is a 6-month holding period requirement for shares of restricted stock acquired through private placement
I and IV
Rule 144 requires that sellers of restricted stock and control stock in the open market must give public notice of the intended sale, and the sales are subject to volume restrictions. Control stock is registered stock owned by an officer or director of the company. This stock can be sold without any minimum holding period. Restricted stock is unregistered stock, typically acquired in a private placement. Given that the company has gone public, the owner of restricted stock can sell after holding the position, fully paid for 6 months.
A customer wishes to place a VWAP order for 10,000 shares of ABCD stock. During the TIF specified in the order, the following trades take place in ABCD stock:
Volume Price 10,000 12.00 1,000 12.40 10,000 12.20 1,000 12.80
At what price will the order be filled?
This is a Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) order, which will be filled at the end of the day at the VWAP over the time period specified in the order (Time In Force). The VWAP is computed as follows:
Volume x Price = Total 10,000 12.00 120,000 1,000 12.40 12,400 10,000 12.20 122,000 1,000 12.80 12,800 22,000 267,200 / 22,000 shares = $12.15 per share
Account name or designation must be recorded on an order ticket when?
prior to order execution
FINRA rules require that the customer name or account number be recorded on an order ticket prior to order execution. Note that Choice A - order entry - is a pretty good choice, but it is not the exact wording of the rule.
Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding passive market makers under Rule 103?
I A passive bid can be higher than the highest current independent bid if it reflects a customer limit order
II Passive bids must be identified as such in NASDAQ Level II
III Passive market makers are not subject to daily volume restrictions
I and II only
Regulation M consists of Rules 101-105, and covers trading by market participants during the “20-day cooling off period” in securities where a registered secondary offering is taking place; as well as stabilization in the after market. Rule 103 states that if a market maker in a security that is subject to a secondary offering joins an underwriting group for an “add-on” offering of that issuer’s securities, then the market maker must either stop making a market or act as a passive market maker. Passive market makers cannot bid for the issue any higher than the highest current independent bid, unless the bid reflects a customer limit order. Passive bids are identified with the modifier “PSMM” - so they are identified as passive bids in the NASDAQ System. A passive market maker cannot buy more than 30% of the ADTV - average daily trading volume - of that issue each day - so there are daily volume restrictions on purchases.
In a dominated and controlled market, the prevailing market price for mark-up purposes is (are):
member cost
In a dominated and controlled market, the prevailing market price for both mark-up and mark-down purposes is dealer cost (actually contemporaneous cost, to be precise). Under FINRA rules, it is inappropriate to use quotations, since they can be far away from actual transaction prices. In a dominated and controlled market, last sale by another market maker is not used, since another market maker is not establishing the true market price - the dominant, controlling market maker is doing that.
OATS reports are required for orders for NASDAQ securities received:
I telephonically
II at a branch location
III at the firm’s web site
IV by e-mail
OATS stands for “Order Audit Trail System.” It electronically captures order information for NYSE, NYSE-American, NASDAQ, OTCBB and Pink Sheet securities (no more paper order tickets). OATS reports are required no matter how the order was received - telephonically; in person at a branch office; via e-mail or the Internet; via the firm’s web site; or via instant messaging.
Which of the following open orders on the Specialist’s (DMM’s) book as of the close of trading would be adjusted if the “ex” date were tomorrow?
I Buy 100 ABC @ 50 Day
II Buy 100 ABC @ 60 Stop GTC
III Buy 100 ABC @ 50 GTC
IV Sell 100 ABC @ 60 GTC
III only
Only orders that are placed lower than the current market are adjusted on ex-date by the Specialist (DMM - Designated Market Maker). These are Open Buy Limit and Open Sell Stop orders (OBLOSS). Choice I is a Buy Limit order placed for the day. If it is not executed this day, it is canceled and does not remain open on the books of the Specialist/DMM. Choice II is an Open Buy Stop order. This is placed above the current market and is not adjusted. Choice III is an Open Buy Limit order and would be adjusted. Choice IV is an Open Sell Limit order, which is placed above the market and would not be adjusted.
A statutory insider of a company is subject to Rule 144 when:
I registered shares of that company’s stock are purchased
II registered shares of that company’s stock are sold
III unregistered shares of that company’s stock are purchased
IV unregistered shares of that company’s stock are sold
II and IV only
Rule 144 only applies to sales, not to purchases. An “insider” that buys registered shares of that company has acquired “control” stock under the rule. Rule 144 not only covers public sales of “restricted” private placement shares but also covers sales of control stock by officers and directors. The only difference is that there is no minimum 6-month holding period for control shares as there is for restricted stock.
Under Rule 145, a registration statement must be filed with the SEC if a corporation wishes to declare a:
When a company divests of a subsidiary, it spins it off to the existing shareholders as a separate stock offering. This requires a registration statement filing with the SEC, since a new corporate entity is created.
Which statements are TRUE regarding ex-dates?
I The ex-date for cash distributions is set at 1 business day prior to record date
II The ex-date for cash distributions is set at the day after the payable date
III The ex-date for non-cash distributions is set at 1 business day prior to record date
IV The ex-date for non-cash distributions is set at the day after the payable date
I and IV
The ex-date for cash distributions is set at 1 business day prior to record date. Anyone who buys a stock in a regular way trade (2 business day settlement) will now settle after the record date, and will not be entitled to the cash dividend. On this date, as of the market opening, the stock’s price is reduced for the dividend, since any buyers will not receive the distribution.
The ex-date for non-cash distributions such as rights, stock dividends or stock splits is totally different. It is set at the day after the payable date, which is typically a few weeks after the record date. This means that anyone who buys and settles after the record date will not be on the shareholder list to get the distribution. Since the price is not adjusted until the day after the payable date (about 2 weeks later), anyone who buys where the trade settles after the record date, but before the ex-date (day after payable date) will pay the higher unadjusted price, but will not be on the record books to receive the stock dividend or split. When the price is adjusted on the ex-date, each share held by this person will be reduced in price. If this person did not get the extra shares, he or she would be very unhappy. To claim the extra shares, these securities trade with a “due bill” for the extra shares, for trades that settle after record date until the ex-date. Also note that this is difficult, so if you find this confusing, consider yourself to be normal!
In an inactive competitive market, the prevailing price for mark-up purposes is:
contemporaneous sales to other dealers
In inactive, competitive markets, the prevailing market price to be used for mark-up or mark-down computation purposes is contemporaneous sales to other dealers (for mark-ups); and contemporaneous purchases from other dealers (for mark-downs).
A member firm’s suitability obligation when making recommendations to institutional investors is based upon the institution’s ability to:
evaluate investment risk independently and make independent investment decisions
When dealing with institutional customers, to satisfy the member’s obligation to determine suitability of recommendations, the member firm must be able to make a judgment as to the institution’s capability to evaluate investment risk independently; and its ability to make independent investment decisions.
Which of the following is a manipulative practice?
Placing successive orders to buy the same stock at $50, $55, $60, $65 and $70
Placing successive orders to buy a stock and then sell that stock repetitively on the same day
Placing orders to buy stock for the firm’s proprietary trading account while holding customer orders to buy that security
Placing orders to short a stock for the firm’s proprietary trading account while holding a customer order to buy that security
The best answer is A.
Choice A is the manipulative practice of “painting the tape” - placing a sequence of trades at successively higher or lower prices to make it appear that the price of the security is moving either rapidly up or down. The idea (which is illegal, of course) is to attract other investors to continue “trading the trend” either pushing the price ever higher or ever lower. Choice B is “pattern day trading” and is perfectly legal. Choice C is “front running” of a customer order - which is illegal since the firm must act in the best interests of the customer. This is an unethical practice, but it is not manipulation. Choice D is a perfectly legal trade - there is no prohibition on a member firm selling (either long or short) a stock while holding a customer order to buy that stock.
Which is NOT considered to be a good delivery for an 800-share purchase of stock?
A One 800-share certificate B Eight 100-share certificates C Ten 80-share certificates D Thirty two 25-share certificates
The best answer is C.
To be a good delivery, stock certificates must be delivered in multiplies of 100 on one certificate or in certificates of less than 100, where the certificates can be added exactly to 100 share units. Choice C does not meet this requirement. Individual 80 share certificates cannot be added into 100 share units. 25 share certificates are good (Four 25 share certificates = 100), as are eight-100 share certificates or one-800 share certificate.
An equity trader receives an order to sell short 10,000 shares of ABCD stock, which the trader sends to the firm’s London office for execution since the U.S. equities markets are not yet open. Which statement is TRUE?
The transaction is not subject to the provisions of Regulation SHO because the Regulation’s provisions only apply during regular market hours
The transaction is not subject to the provisions of Regulation SHO because the Regulation’s provisions only apply to transactions effected in the U.S.
The transaction is subject to the provisions of Regulation SHO but is not subject to the Regulation’ documentation requirements
The transaction is subject to Regulation SHO and is subject to the Regulation’s documentation requirements
The best answer is D.
Regulation SHO applies to any person that effects a short sale in equity securities “using the means or instrumentalities of interstate commerce.” It applies this to mean that if the trade is agreed to in the United States, even if the trade is effected on a non-U.S. market, then the provisions of Regulation SHO apply. Under Regulation SHO, if a broker-dealer is effecting a short sale for a customer, it must document that the securities can be borrowed and delivered by settlement.
An officer of a publicly held company provides material non-public information to a neighbor, who immediately buys puts on the subject company. Which statement is TRUE?
The officer violated the insider trading rules
The neighbor violated the insider trading rules
Both the officer and the neighbor violated the insider trading rules
Neither the officer nor the neighbor violated the insider trading rules
The best answer is C.
The insider trading rules place liability on both the “tipper” and the “tippee,” if the inside information was used to trade. Thus, the officer of the company that gave the tip; in addition to the neighbor who traded on it; are liable. Note that the actual stock of the issuer does not have to be traded for a violation to occur. Trading of equivalent or derivative securities based on inside information is a violation as well.
Which order is NOT reported to OATS?
Customer telephone order for a NASDAQ listed stock
Customer order entered via a member firm’s web site for an NYSE listed stock
Customer order received in a branch office for a CBOE listed option contract
Member firm order for its proprietary account for an AMEX (NYSE-American) listed stock
The best answer is C.
OATS stands for “Order Audit Trail System.” It electronically captures order information for NYSE, NYSE-American, NASDAQ, OTCBB and Pink Sheet securities (no more paper order tickets). The “idea” is to give FINRA an electronic order trail of each order from entry to execution to trade reporting and comparison. OATS reports are not required for options orders sent to the CBOE. Also. while OATS reports are required for orders entered for a member firm’s proprietary trading account, they are not required for orders entered for a member firm’s market making account.
A trade that took place at 3:42:15 PM is canceled at 5:10:30 PM by the member. The cancellation:
must be reported to ACT by
8:00:00 PM that day.
The NASDAQ rule on cancellations of trades that take place during regular market hours (9:30 AM - 4:00 PM ET) are:
For trades canceled at or before 4:00 PM, the cancellation must be reported within 10 seconds;
For trades canceled after 4:00 PM but before 8:00 PM, the member should use its best efforts to report no later than 8:00 PM that day (ACT Closing); otherwise the cancellation is to be reported to ACT by 8:00 PM the next day;
For trades canceled after 8:00 PM ET, the cancellation is to be reported to ACT by 8:00 PM the next day.
Since this trade was canceled at 5:10:30 PM, it must be reported by 8:00 PM that day.
The Public Offering Price for an IPO is set at $21 per share. The manager of the syndicate closes the books and tells NASDAQ to start trading. The first quote in the market is placed by an independent market maker at 18 Bid - 19 Ask. The manager wishes to place a stabilizing bid. Which statement is TRUE under the provisions of Regulation M?
The manager cannot place a stabilizing bid once there is an independent bid-ask in the market
The manager can place a stabilizing bid that is no higher than $18 per share
The manager can place a stabilizing bid that is no higher than $19 per share
The manager can place a stabilizing bid that is no higher than $21 per share
The best answer is B.
Stabilizing bids can never be placed higher than the POP. If an independent market exists, then the bid may be required to be less than the POP. The rules on this are:
- The bid cannot be entered any higher than the last reported trade, as long as the current ask price is equal to, or higher than, the last reported trade.
- If these conditions cannot be met, then the stabilizing bid cannot be entered at any price higher than the current independent bid.
Since we are not given any information about the last reported trade in this question, the rule defaults to the current independent bid of $18, so this is the highest stabilizing bid.
A “threshold list” security is one that:
has a history of settlement failures over 5 settlement days
The threshold list is defined under Regulation SHO. It is a list of “hard to borrow” securities that have fails to deliver for 5 consecutive days of 10,000 shares or more; or that have fails to deliver that represent 1/2% or more of outstanding shares. If a security on the threshold list is sold short and there is a fail to deliver on settlement, Regulation SHO mandates “buy-in” in 13 consecutive settlement days.
During an SEC investigation of a broker-dealer, trading information requests would be submitted via the:
In the year 2000, the SEC adopted Rule 17a-25, which required broker-dealers to submit electronically to the SEC, information on customer and firm trading. The intent was to give the SEC information about rapidly evolving trading strategies used primarily by institutional and professional traders. Prior to this, information requests were submitted manually to the SEC on blue sheets, so the new electronic system was named “EBS” - Electronic Blue Sheets. The TRF is the Trade Reporting Facility for reports of trades in NASDAQ and listed issues that take place OTC. The ADF is the Alternate Display Facility, for the display of quotes from unlinked ECNs. The ORF is the OTC Reporting Facility for reports of trades of OTCBB, Pink Sheet and other non-NASDAQ OTC issues.
The inside market for ABCD, a Capital Market stock, is 16.37 - 16.75. A market maker, quoting .37 - .87, sells 500 shares to a retail customer at 17.25. In an active competitive market, the mark-up percentage is calculated as:
In an active competitive market, the basis for computing mark-up or mark-down percentages is the inside market. The lowest ask at the time of sale was $16.75. The stock was priced to the customer at $17.25, a $.50 mark-up. The mark-up percentage is $.50 / $16.75 = 2.99%.
Under SEC Rule 606 of Regulation NMS, broker-dealers are required to compile statistical information on routing of customer non-directed orders to market venues, and make this information available to customers:
SEC Rule 606 of Regulation NMS requires broker-dealers to compile and report statistical information on their order routing procedures for all customer trades every quarter. Do not confuse this with another part of the rule that requires that broker-dealers give to their customers an annual notice that the customer can, on request, get detailed information on the routing of that customer’s orders over the prior 6 months.
MIOC orders are accepted when?
accepted in the NASDAQ Market Center starting at 4:00:00 AM
MIOC is a Market hours Immediate Or Cancel order - so it cannot be executed before 9:30 AM nor after 4:00 PM. Such orders can be entered when the System opens at 4:00 AM, but will be held until 9:30 AM, at which point execution will be attempted.
Determinations made by NASDAQ upon review of a complaint about a clearly erroneous stock trade may be appealed to the:
Market Operations Review Committee
Any decisions reached by NASDAQ MarketWatch regarding a clearly erroneous stock trade can be appealed to “MORC” - the Market Operations Review Committee. The appeal must be made within 30 minutes of receipt of NASDAQ’s decision.
Which of the following transactions must be reported to the Trade Reporting Facility for NASDAQ for last sale reporting purposes?
The exercise of a listed call option on a NASDAQ 100 stock
The purchase of shares at the public offering price in a registered offering
The purchase of a NASDAQ listed convertible bond
The purchase of shares in a private placement
The best answer is C.
Not reported to the TRF for tape report purposes are:
- Odd lots;
- Trades where the buyer and seller have negotiated a price that is unrelated to the current market price (e.g., to enable the seller to make a gift and value the securities for gift tax purposes);
- Trades resulting from exercise of listed options (however, exercise of OTC options must be reported);
Private placements of unregistered shares of companies (Regulation D is the federal private placement exemption) listed on NASDAQ (note, however, that trades of 144A issues - blocks of private placements that can be traded between Qualified Institutional Buyers - must be reported); - Initial sales of IPOs at the Public Offering Price (only trades in the secondary market following the closing of the books on the deal are reported); and
- Trades reported through other exchange or NASDAQ systems.
NASDAQ-listed convertible bond trades are reported to the tape. Remember that NASDAQ lists convertible bonds (an equity equivalent); it does not list straight non-convertible debt.
A market maker in ABCD receives a customer order to sell 4,000 shares of ABCD. The customer, who has a $5,000,000 portfolio, has asked the firm to work the order, wanting to get out at an average price no lower than $27.80 per share. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
The order is a limit order subject to protection under Manning II
The order is not a limit order, but is subject to protection under Manning II because an average price was specified
The order is a limit order that is not subject to protection under Manning II since it is considered to be “institutional”
The order is not a limit order and is not subject to protection under Manning II
The best answer is D.
A working order is the same as a “not held” order - that is, the firm is “not held” to an execution price or time. These orders give the trader discretion to choose the best execution price and timing and are not protected.
The current NBBO for ACBD stock is $16.05 - $16.10, 20 x 100. A member firm receives an institutional order to buy 5,000 shares at $16.10. The member firm would be permitted to:
I Prior to entering the customer order, buy 5,000 ABCD shares for its own account at $16.09
II Prior to entering the customer order, buy 5,000 ABCD shares for its own account at $16.11
III With customer approval, trade alongside the customer and buy 5,000 shares for the firm’s account at $16.10 at the same time as 5,000 shares are bought for the customer at $16.10
IV Without customer approval, trade alongside the customer and buy 5,000 shares for the firm’s account at $16.10 at the same time as 5,000 shares are bought for the customer at $16.10
II and III
The firm is holding a customer order to buy at $16.10, so it cannot buy the stock for its own account at $16.09 prior to executing that order. It could, however, buy the stock at $16.11 for its own account prior to filling the customer order, since the customer does not want to pay more than $16.10. A member firm is permitted to trade alongside a customer at the same price only if prior permission is obtained from the customer.
The modifier used in a timely report to the TRF, when the market has moved away is:
An .O modifier is a price override indication, and is used if the market has moved away between execution and reporting times. The modifier .P refers to “prior reference price.” It is used for trades that are executed late, but are reported on a timely basis. In contrast, the modifier .Z is used for late trade reports for trading occurring during Regular market hours and .B is an obsolete modifier that was used for aggregated (bunched) trade reports. Note that bunched trade reports are no longer permitted.
Regulation NMS requires that all of the following quotes be protected and accessible for automatic execution EXCEPT:
A NASDAQ quote B Linked ECN quote C NYSE Display Book Quote D NYSE floor broker manual quote
The best answer is D.
Floor brokers on the NYSE floor can still make bids and offers by voice to other traders on the floor, and these are not subject to the trade-through rule. Only quotes that can be accessed by electronic systems are subject to the 1-second execution rule. Also note that the NYSE floor has its own rules requiring that floor brokers cannot trade-through a better priced quote.
A market maker receives a better-priced limit order from a customer which it does not want to display. The market maker, to comply with the Limit Order Display Rule, could take all of the following actions EXCEPT:
A execute the order B deliver the order to a linked ECN C deliver the order to another market maker D deliver the order to an unlinked ECN
The best answer is D.
The Limit Order Display Rule requires the market maker to display any customer limit order that is better priced than its own quote. One way not to have to display the order would be to execute it. Another way would be to deliver the order to a linked ECN, which would be obligated to display it under its MPID. If the order is delivered to another market maker, then that market maker would have to display it under its MPID. If the order were routed to an unlinked ECN, then because the ECN will not be displaying it on NASDAQ, then that market maker must display it.
On Tuesday prior to market opening, 4 market makers are displaying the following bids for ABCD, a Global Market stock:
MM#1 26.36 PSMM
MM#2 26.34 PSMM
MM#3 26.32
MM#4 26.30
Wednesday is the effective date for an additional offering of ABCD stock. MM#2’s bid is an agency bid. MM#1 is about to adjust its bid to be in compliance with Rule 103 of Regulation M. To do so, the bid can be no higher than:
Passive bids, under Rule 103, can be no higher than the highest current independent bid. Both MM#1 and MM#2 are PSMMs - passive market makers who are involved in the distribution, and are subject to the rule. They must adjust their bid to no higher than 26.32, the bid of MM#3 - which is an independent market maker not involved in the distribution, unless the bid represents a customer limit order (in which case, it can be higher). Thus, MM#1 must adjust its bid to 26.32 or lower (which is what the question asks); while MM#2 can maintain its bid of 26.34 since it reflects a customer limit order.
Rule 144 applies to all of the following EXCEPT:
sales of registered securities by an officer of the issuer
sales of registered securities by an unaffiliated minority shareholder
sales of unregistered securities by an officer of the issuer
sales of unregistered securities by an unaffiliated minority shareholder
The best answer is B.
Rule 144 requires that sellers of restricted stock and control stock in the open market must give public notice of the intended sale, and the sales are subject to volume restrictions. Control stock is registered stock owned by an officer or director of the company. This stock can be sold without any minimum holding period. Restricted stock is unregistered stock, typically acquired in a private placement. Given that the company has gone public, the owner of restricted stock can sell after holding the position, fully paid for 6 months. Note that Rule 144 does not apply to sales of registered shares by non-control persons.
All of the following securities may be quoted on the Alternative Display Facility EXCEPT:
A Global Market stocks B OTC Bulletin Board stocks C Exchange traded funds D Capital Market stocks
The best answer is B.
The ADF - Alternative Display Facility - displays NASDAQ price quotes for market participants choosing not to display their quotes in the NASDAQ Market Center. The ADF displays quotes for all NASDAQ stocks (both Global Market and Capital Market) and also displays quotes for exchange traded stocks. OTCBB stocks are not quoted (or traded) on the ADF.
Which securities are eligible for the Opening Cross?
I NASDAQ listed securities
II NASDAQ securities dual listed on another exchange
III OTCBB securities
IV Pink Sheet securities
I and II
The Opening Cross is only used to set the opening price for NASDAQ stocks that are not dual listed on an exchange. For NASDAQ dual listed issues (which are listed on both the NYSE and NASDAQ), it is the exchange that sets the opening price, since the NYSE is where the vast majority of trading in “dual listed” issues takes place. The Opening Cross is not used for OTCBB or Pink Sheet issues.
All of the following can trade NASDAQ securities on a UTP exchange EXCEPT:
A Exchange Market Maker B ECN C NASDAQ Order Entry Firm D Third Market Maker
The best answer is D.
Third market makers trade exchange listed stocks - not NASDAQ stocks. Any NASDAQ market participant can trade NASDAQ stocks on an exchange that trades these issues on a “UTP” basis.
A Third Market trade takes place in an NYSE issue that is quoted on CQS (Consolidated Quotations Service),
1/2 hour prior to the market opening. Which statement is TRUE about reporting this trade?
The trade is not required to be reported
The trade is reported to the NYSE TRF within 10 seconds as a “.T” trade
The trade is reported to the Consolidated Network “A” Tape via the NYSE TRF within 10 seconds of market opening at 9:30 AM ET
This trade must be reported as an “as/of” trade via ACT/TRF on the following business day
The best answer is B.
This is a Third Market Trade in an NYSE listed issue that is occurring at 9:00 AM (since the NYSE opens at 9:30 AM). This trade is reported via the NYSE Trade Reporting Facility (TRF, a service of the ACT platform). Since ACT opens at 8:00 AM, this trade must be reported within 10 seconds of execution, with the designation “.T.” A “.T” modifier in a trade report indicates that the transaction is being reported outside of ACT operating hours (which are from 8:00 AM until 8:00 PM) but is being reported on the same day. These would be trades occurring from 12 Midnight until 8:00 AM and trades occurring after 4:00 PM until 8:00 PM. A trade reported outside of ACT operating hours but reported on the next day (these are trades that occur after 8:00 PM until Midnight) has the modifier “as/of.”
An exemption is given under the “Penny Stock Rule” to an established customer, which is defined as any person who has:
I effected a securities transaction or deposited funds with that broker-dealer more than 6 months prior to the proposed penny stock trade
II effected a securities transaction or deposited funds with that broker-dealer more than 12 months prior to the proposed penny stock trade
III has made 2 or more purchases of penny stocks through that broker-dealer
IV has made 3 or more purchases of penny stocks through that broker-dealer
II or IV
The “penny stock rule” is intended to apply to member firms that specialize in recommending speculative penny stocks to unsuspecting investors. These customers must sign a detailed suitability determination prior to confirmation of purchase, and where the customer signs is a big bold disclaimer that the customer is likely to lose everything! Thus, they are not likely to sign unless they really, really, think they are doing the right thing. The rule is intended to protect new customers who are being solicited for these investments. So-called “established” customers of the firm are exempt from the rule. An established customer is anyone who has already bought 3 or more penny stocks through that firm (thus, they have already signed 3 suitability determinations); or anyone who has cash or securities in custody of that firm for more than 1 year.
Under SEC rules, a member firm must register as a Third Market Maker if, in any calendar:
Under SEC rules, a member firm must register as a Third Market Maker if, in any calendar:
SEC rules requires that any Market Maker whose “in-house” order flow accounts for 1% or more of the aggregate trading volume in that listed security in the preceding calendar quarter, must register as a Third Market Maker and post quotes on CQS.
The majority of issues quoted in CQS are those that are:
NYSE listed
CQS - Consolidated Quotations Service - provides quotes for both NYSE and AMEX (NYSE-American) listed issues. However, the overwhelming majority of stock quotes are for NYSE listed issues. CQS shows quotes from the principal exchange trading the issue; regional exchanges that “dual list” the issue; and OTC “Third Market Makers” that are maintaining bid and ask quotes in the issue in competition with exchange DMMs (Designated Market Makers).
A market maker accepts a customer limit order to sell 500 shares at 37.80, which includes an agreed upon mark-down of 25 cents. Under SEC rules, the order must be protected at:
Limit orders must be protected at a price that excludes mark-ups and mark-downs. This is a limit order to sell at 37.80, which includes an agreed upon mark-down of 25 cents, thus the “true” sale price specified is 38.05. This is the price at which the order must be protected.
Which statements are TRUE about NASDAQ securities traded on a UTP basis?
I NASDAQ must agree to have the security traded on a UTP basis
II The exchange must agree to have the security traded on a UTP basis
III Low volume NASDAQ securities are generally traded on a UTP basis
IV High volume NASDAQ securities are generally traded on a UTP basis
II and IV
Any exchange can trade NASDAQ stocks on a “UTP” basis - it is the exchange that makes the decision to do so; not NASDAQ. Thus, there are now competing markets for trading of NASDAQ issues. Generally, the exchanges will only trade high volume NASDAQ issues - it is unprofitable for them to trade the low volume issues.
Unlisted Trading Privileges
In some cases, exchanges permit their members to trade unlisted securities. Not listed because the issuer hasn’t yet applied for listing and are considered to have unlisted trading privileges (UTP). Most cases, UTP securities are listed on another exchange. Ex.) CHX trades Nasdaq securities on a UTP basis.
An OTC trader executes a short sale for a customer in a Global Market stock at 9:02 AM. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
I The transaction is subject to the bid test rule
II The transaction is not subject to the bid test rule
III The transaction must be reported to the TRF within 10 seconds as an “as/of” trade
IV The transaction must be reported to the TRF within 10 seconds as a “T” trade
II and IV
There is no “short sale rule” that requires that short sales can only be effected on an up-bid UNLESS that stock’s price falls 10% or more from its market close. Trades that take place between 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM must be reported (to the Trade Reporting Facility for NASDAQ) within 10 seconds with the “T” designation. NASDAQ, linked ECNs, and automated exchange systems are all subject to the rule.
Under SEC Rule 144, a customer wishing to sell must file the 144 “Notice of Sale” with the SEC:
concurrent with the placement of the sell order or earlier
Rule 144 requires that the Form 144 be filed, at or prior to, placement of the sell order.
Under SEC rules, which of the following records must be retained for 3 years?
I Customer order tickets
II Customer confirmations
III Corporate syndicate records
All of the records listed - order tickets, confirmations, and syndicate records, must be retained for 3 years.
Form 211 must be received by FINRA:
3 business days prior to quotation entry into the OTCBB
To register as a market maker in an OTCBB issue, Form 211 must be filed with FINRA at least 3 business days prior to quotation entry, unless an exemption is available.
Once a member has performed the required due diligence and documented its pricing and business rationales for its quote, it must file a Form 211 that has been reviewed and signed by a principal with FINRA. Form 211 must be filed at least three business days before the firm enters any priced quotes for the security.
With regard to NASDAQ short sales for prime brokerage accounts, which statements are TRUE?
I The executing broker is responsible for compliance with the “locate” requirement
II The prime broker is responsible for compliance with the “locate” requirement
III The executing broker is responsible for the mandatory buy in if there is a fail to deliver
IV The prime broker is responsible for the mandatory buy in if there is a fail to deliver
I and III
With short sales, the executing broker is responsible for making the affirmative determination that the shares can be borrowed to make delivery on settlement. If the security sold short is not delivered, Rule 204 of Regulation SHO requires that the position be bought at the market opening on S + 1 (T + 3). This is also the responsibility of the executing broker. The prime broker is responsible for recording the transaction in the customer’s account and collecting the required margin. The prime broker is also responsible for sending the customer trade confirmations and account statements.
Quotes for all of the following will be found on CQS EXCEPT:
A common stock B preferred stock C convertible bonds D rights
The best answer is C.
No bonds of any kind are quoted on CQS. CQS give quotes with size for listed equity and equity-related securities, including common stock, preferred stock, rights and warrants.
The NASDAQ Intraday Cross is:
I used by institutional customers
II used by retail customers
III a fully anonymous trade execution facility
IV a fully disclosed trade execution facility
I and III
In addition to the Opening and Closing Crosses, NASDAQ conducts 3 Intraday Crosses at 10:45 AM; 12:45 PM and 2:45 PM. These are designed for institutional investors that want to trade large blocks without moving the market. All trades are blindly matched on an anonymous basis.
A market maker in a Global Market stock would NOT be allowed to do which of the following over the telephone?
Inform another dealer that its market size in the subject security is larger than that displayed on NASDAQ
Ask another dealer to tighten its bid-ask spread in the subject security
Honor a bid for the subject security from which another dealer has just backed away
Negotiate a transaction price for the subject security between the current best bid and offer
The best answer is B.
Asking another dealer to either tighten or widen its spread is a prohibited practice - such coercive action was one of the major violations that occurred during the NASDAQ “Price Fixing Scandal” that was uncovered in the mid-1990s. The other actions are all just fine - a dealer is free to offer more shares than that displayed on NASDAQ (though the dealer cannot refuse to trade less than its displayed size); a dealer can honor a bid that another dealer has just refused to honor (note, however, that other dealer has committed a “backing away” violation); and negotiating prices between the current best bid and offer is what human traders are hired to do!
Quotes for NASDAQ stocks placed by unlinked ECNs would be found in:
ADF stands for Alternate Display Facility - and ECNs that choose not to post quotes in the NASDAQ System have their quotes displayed here.
Which statements are TRUE?
I Market-wide circuit breakers are first imposed if the S&P 500 Index falls by 5% from the prior day’s close
II Market-wide circuit breakers are first imposed if the S&P 500 Index falls by 7% from the prior day’s close
III Single-stock circuit breakers are first imposed if the stock’s price falls by 5% from the prior 5-minute average price
IV Single-stock circuit breakers are first imposed if the stock’s price falls by 7% from the prior 5 minute average price
II and III
Under the circuit-breaker rule, the U.S. markets for NMS (NYSE, AMEX (now renamed NYSE-American) and NASDAQ) stocks are closed if the S&P 500 Index falls by 7%, 13% and 20% respectively. This is based on the prior day’s closing index value. Under the single-stock circuit breaker, an NMS stock cannot trade either up or down by more than 5% from its previous 5 minute average price. If trades are unable to occur for 15 seconds within the band, then trading is stopped for 5 minutes in that stock before it will resume.
Under Regulation M, passive market making is prohibited in all of the following situations EXCEPT:
A “additional issue offerings” of Capital Market stocks B “at the market” offerings C “best efforts” offerings D the time window when a stabilizing bid is in effect
The best answer is A.
Under Rule 103, passive market making is only permitted in additional issue offerings that are fixed price, underwritten on a firm commitment basis. It is not permitted for at the market offerings; nor for best efforts offerings. Under Rule 104, when a stabilizing bid is in effect, there can be no passive market making. Passive market making is permitted for “add-on” offerings of listed stocks and NASDAQ stocks (both Global Market and Capital Market).
As the initial transaction in a new short margin account, a customer sells 1,000 ABC @ $20 per share. The stock then rises to $23. After the market rise, the customer’s equity in the account is:
Initially, the account sets up as:
Credit Balance - Short Market Value = Equity Credits - Short Market Value = Equity % Sale $20,000 $20,000 0 Margin $10,000 $10,000 Total $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 50%
If the market value rises to $23,000, the account will show:
Credits - Short Market Value = Equity %
$30,000 $23,000 $7,000 30%
A market maker buys stock from a customer in a principal transaction. In an active, competitive market, the amount of the mark-down is based on the:
highest bid
For mark-up or mark-down purposes, the inside market at the time of the transaction is the prevailing market price in active, competitive markets. That is, the mark-up is computed from the inside (lowest) ask and the mark-down is computed from the inside (highest) bid.
Under NASDAQ rules, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
a market maker must maintain a 2-sided attributable quote
a market maker must maintain a 2-sided non-attributable quote
a market maker must accept automatic executions
a market maker may maintain more than one attributable quote
The best answer is B.
A market maker in the NASDAQ System must maintain a 2-sided attributable (that means displayed) quote, and must be willing to accept automatic executions at the inside market. Market makers may have multiple quotes in the system, either non-attributable or under a supplemental MPID. All non-attributable interest at a particular price level is aggregated and displayed under a special anonymous MPID called “NSDQ.” There is no rule requiring market makers to maintain non-attributable orders in the NASDAQ System.
Which TWO of the following statements are true regarding the trading restrictions imposed by Rule 101 of Regulation M?
I If a syndicate were underwriting XYZ common stock, XYZ convertible bonds would be a reference security
II If a syndicate were underwriting XYZ common stock, XYZ convertible bonds would not be a reference security
III If a syndicate were underwriting XYZ convertible bonds, XYZ common stock would be a reference security
IV If a syndicate were underwriting XYZ convertible bonds, XYZ common stock would not be a reference security
II and III
Syndicate members who are not market makers in the security being underwritten (the subject security) are prohibited from purchasing, or making a bid for, the subject security during the restricted period. These trading restrictions apply to both the subject security and any reference securities - defined as securities that can be converted into the subject security. Common stock cannot be converted into convertible bonds, and hence is not a reference security if the syndicate is underwriting the common stock. Convertible bonds can be converted into common stock, therefore the common stock is a reference security if the syndicate is underwriting the convertible bonds of that issuer.
All of the following statements are true about the OTCBB EXCEPT:
there are no listing standards for issuers to be included in the OTCBB
foreign equity issues are not included in the OTCBB
priced quotes for equity securities are firm
one-sided quotes may be displayed in the OTCBB
The best answer is B.
The OTCBB shows quotes of foreign equity issues (such as Nestle) as well as ADRs. There are no listing standards for OTCBB issues, though the issuers must be filing required reports with the SEC. Priced quotes must be firm. Unpriced quotes are permitted as well, with the designation “Unfirm.” One sided quotes are permitted, as are “Bid Wanted” and “Offer Wanted.” Basically, this is a fairly illiquid market, so there is much more leeway given to permitted quote displays than for an active market such as NASDAQ.
During the 1-day restricted period prior to the effective date for an additional issue offering, a trader at a syndicate member places a bid and purchases the subject security. The SEC will overlook this Rule 101 violation if all of the following are true EXCEPT:
A the firm resigns from the syndicate B the purchase was inadvertent C the amount purchased totaled less than 2% of the security’s average daily trading volume D the firm has in place protective procedures designed to achieve compliance with Rule 101
The best answer is A.
Syndicate members who are not market makers are prohibited from purchasing, making a bid for, or inducing the purchase of, the subject security during the restricted period. They may, however execute unsolicited orders during this period. However, if a syndicate member inadvertently purchases the subject security during the restricted period in an amount that totals less than 2% of the security’s ADTV (Average Daily Trading Volume), the SEC will overlook the violation as the firm has procedures in place designed to achieve compliance with Rule 101 of Regulation M (consider this a learning question!). There is no requirement for the firm to resign the syndicate.
A broker-dealer has an investment adviser subsidiary. The investment adviser receives an order from a customer to sell 1,000 shares of ABCD stock. Which statement is TRUE about the broker-dealer buying the stock in the firm’s inventory from the customer?
The broker-dealer is prohibited from buying the stock from the customer
The broker-dealer must receive written consent from the customer and disclose the conflict of interest
The broker-dealer must buy the stock into its inventory account at a price at least $.01 higher than the inside bid
The broker-dealer can execute the trade without restriction
The best answer is B.
Investment advisers are held to a fiduciary standard, while broker-dealers are not. This means that if a customer wishes to sell a security, they cannot buy it from the customer (or have a broker-dealer affiliate buy it) or vice-versa. The only way that an investment adviser can take the other side of a customer trade is to get the customer’s permission in writing and it must disclose the conflict of interest to the customer.
The NASDAQ Official Opening Price for the majority of NASDAQ issues is set based on the:
first trade execution matched after market opening at 9:30 AM
The NASDAQ Official Opening Price is an opening reference price that is representative of NASDAQ trading at the open. It is based on the price established when the Opening Cross is completed at 9:30 AM. If a price could not be established by the Opening Cross, then the Opening Price is reported when the first trade actually occurs at any time during that trading date. This is called the first last-sale eligible trade.
During the hours that ACT is open, OTCBB and Pink Sheet trades are reported:
I through TRF
II through ORF
III within 10 seconds of execution
IV by 8:00 PM on the day of the transaction
II and III
OTCBB and Pink Sheet trades are reported though the ORF (Over The Counter Trade Reporting Facility). In contrast, NASDAQ and Third Market trades are reported through the NASDAQ TRF and NYSE TRF- Trade Reporting Facility (all 3 are legally separate components of ACT). During the hours that ACT is open (8:00 AM - 8:00 PM ET), all trades must be reported within 10 seconds of execution.
If a firm believes it participated in a non-customer options transaction that was the result of an obvious error, it must notify the Exchange within:
15 minutes of the execution
Under NASDAQ’s obvious error rules for options transactions, if a non-customer believes it participated in a transaction that resulted in an obvious error, it must notify the Exchange within 15 minutes of the execution. Note, in contrast, that the time limit for reporting customer transactions is longer - 30 minutes.
Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding a T.3 indicator?
I For NASDAQ securities, the time that market makers can begin quoting the stock is displayed
II For NASDAQ securities, the time that market makers can begin trading the stock is displayed
III For CQS securities, the time that market makers can begin quoting the stock is displayed
IV For CQS securities, the time that market makers can begin trading the stock is displayed
I, II and IV
A T.3 indicator indicates a trading halt, but that trading will now resume. For NASDAQ securities, 2 times are shown - the time that market makers can begin quoting the stock, and the time that they can begin trading the stock (usually 5 minutes later). For CQS stocks, only 1 time is shown - the time that Third Market Makers can resume trading the stock.
An order that can be executed at multiple price levels is termed a:
sweep order
The best answer is C.
An order that executes at multiple price levels is a “sweep” order. A pegged order is tied to the movements of the NBBO. A discretionary order is displayed on the book at one price, but also includes a more aggressive “discretionary price” that is not displayed. A VWAP order is a Volume Weighted Average Price order.
ACME Broker-Dealer is a market maker in ABCD stock, a NASDAQ listed issue. ACME has a risk arbitrage trading desk that has been buying ABCD stock as a potential takeover target. Which statement is TRUE regarding the application of the Limit Order Protection Rule (Manning) to its trading of ABCD stock?
The risk arbitrage desk is subject to the Manning Rule unless there is a Chinese Wall between it and the NASDAQ trading desk
The best answer is B.
The risk-arbitrage desk would be subject to the Limit Order Protection (Manning) Rule if there were no internal information barriers between it and the NASDAQ trading desk. If there is an information barrier in place, then there is no Manning Obligation. As long as the risk arbitrage desk has no knowledge of customer limit orders held by the trading desk, then the risk arbitrage desk could buy ABCD stock at any price that it wishes without triggering a Manning obligation to fill the customer orders first.
Payment for order flow for a preferenced order:
must be disclosed on the confirmation
Any payment for order flow must be disclosed on the customer confirmation - there is no requirement for it to be on the order ticket for the trade.
A complaint report filed with FINRA about a backing away violation would be made via:
To eliminate the problem of market makers’ “backing away” from their quotes (that is, not honoring a firm quote), FINRA created FQCS - the Firm Quote Compliance System - to investigate complaints about market makers failing to honor their firm quotes. FINRA permits (but does not require) members to contact FQCS within 5 minutes of an alleged violation, so that FINRA can obtain a contemporaneous trade execution from the market maker in question. TRACE is used to report corporate bond trades; ACES is used by order entry firms to place their limit orders into the NASDAQ Market Center via a market maker’s automated order entry system; and OATS is used to match order information against resulting trades.
Which OTC transaction would NOT be reported to the TRF? An OTC trade of a(n):
A Exchange listed stock B NASDAQ listed stock C NASDAQ listed convertible bond D Non-NASDAQ listed, non-convertible bond
The best answer is D.
The Trade Reporting Facility for NASDAQ reports trades of NASDAQ stocks (and convertible bonds listed on NASDAQ since they are an equity equivalent) and OTC trades of exchange listed stocks. NASDAQ does not list non-convertible bonds, so these trades are not reported to ACT (they are reported through a separate system called TRACE).
A discretionary order to buy at $10.50 is entered into the NASDAQ System with a discretionary price of $11.00. A market order to sell is received by NASDAQ. This order will:
be executed at $10.50
A discretionary order is displayed on the book at one price, but also includes a more aggressive “discretionary price” that is not displayed. The undisplayed discretionary price can only be a maximum of $.99 higher than the displayed bid; and $.99 lower than the displayed ask. The “passive” discretionary price is not displayed and only becomes active as an IOC order when shares are available within the discretionary range. An incoming market order will execute against the display price. An incoming limit order that is not executable at the display price, but is within the discretionary range, executes at the limit price. This is a discretionary order to buy with a displayed price of $10.50 and an undisplayed bid of $11.00. If a market order to sell is received, it will be filled at $10.50 - the displayed price.
Which of the following cannot post orders directly in the NASDAQ Market Center?
A Order entry firms B Market makers C Electronic Communication Networks D Exchange DMMs (Specialists)
The best answer is D.
The NASDAQ Market Center is the NASDAQ automated quotation and trade execution system. Its participants are Order Entry Firms, Market Makers and linked ECNs. Exchange Specialists or Designated Market Makers maintain their quote on the exchange floor; not in the NASDAQ Market Center.
A NASDAQ Market Maker is quoting ABCD stock at $30.00 - $30.25. The Market Maker holds an undisplayed customer limit order to buy 500 shares of the stock at $30.10. If the market maker buys 1,000 of shares of that stock at $30.00 in its proprietary account, it is:
obligated to buy 500 shares for the customer at $30.00
If the market maker buys 1,000 shares for its own account at $30.00, it is obligated to fill the customer’s undisplayed limit order to buy 500 shares (Manning obligation). The customer order to buy was placed at $30.10, however, the market maker is obligated to “price improve” the customer’s buy limit order to the same $30.00 that it paid to buy the stock into its inventory. Otherwise, the market maker would be front running that customer order.
In order for a member firm to be eligible for the delisting exemption under SEC Rule 15c2-11, which of the following statements are TRUE?
The member:
I must have been a registered market maker in the security during the 30 calendar days prior to its delisting from NASDAQ
II must have published quotations in the subject security on at least 12 business days during the preceding 30 calendar days
III cannot have had more than 4 consecutive business days without quotations in the preceding 30 calendar days
Exemptions to the requirement to file Form 211 to make a market in an OTCBB security are provided if:
- an existing market maker in an OTCBB issue has met the “continuous quote rule” - that is, if it has quoted the stock in 12 business days out of the preceding 30 calendar days, with no more than 4 consecutive business days without a quote. Thus, there is a “proven” market for the stock (so noted by the word “active” showing on the OTCBB screen for that stock), so any new potential market makers can begin to quote immediately without filing Form 211. This is called the “piggybacking exemption.”
- a firm is entering quotes in response to an unsolicited customer order (not dealer orders). Once the order is filled, the quote must be pulled.
- the issue has been delisted from NASDAQ due to failure to meet maintenance standards, where the firm was a registered market maker in the issue and the security was continuously quoted for the preceding 30 calendar days. As long as the market maker’s registration in the issue is effective by the close of business on the trading day following the delisting announcement, Form 211 is not required to be filed.
Please note that these exemptions are contingent on the firm being current in its SEC filings; and the issuer not being subject to any bankruptcy proceeding.
Under Rule 103 of Regulation M, passive market makers can display a bid higher than the highest current independent bid:
for customer limit orders
Under Rule 103 of Regulation M, syndicate members who are market makers in that security may either seek an excused withdrawal from making a market in that security - that is, get permission of NASDAQ to stop making a market during this period; or may elect to operate as a “passive” market maker - that is, they may bid for that security at no higher than the highest current independent bid. Thus, they cannot push the price up in the market. However, note that under Rule 103, unsolicited customer orders to buy may be accepted at any price.
As of the close of business on Wednesday, the inside bid for ABCD stock is $61.00. The following day, the stock goes ex dividend for a $.495 cash dividend. The opening bid the next day will be set at:
The closing bid was $61.00. The next day at the opening, the bid is reduced by the cash dividend amount. If the cash dividend amount is not an exact trading increment ($.01), the convention is that the dividend is “rounded up” to the next highest penny - so $.495 is rounded to $.50. This amount is subtracted from the closing bid of $61.00, adjusting the opening bid to $60.50.
The SEC defines an ATS (Alternative Trading System) as one that:
I does not set rules governing the conduct of subscribers other than trading on the system
II sets rules governing the conduct of subscribers
III has the power to discipline members
IV does not discipline members other than by exclusion from trading
I and IV
An ATS is an Alternative Trading System. These are ECNs, crossing networks and dark pools. ATSs must register with the SEC as “broker-dealers” and must follow basic fairness and recordkeeping rules. They are not regulated as exchanges, which are “self-regulatory organizations” that have the power to set rules for members and the power to discipline members for rule violations.
The value at expiration of the NASDAQ 100 Index (NDX) is set based upon the market opening price on expiration. A program trader that arbitrages price differences between the value of the underlying stocks in the index and the index value itself would violate FINRA rules if it placed orders in an attempt to set the prices of the stocks at the expiration of the NDX. This is a violation known as:
marking the open
The violation here is the trader attempting to establish the opening price of each stock in the NASDAQ 100 by placing orders than are not true market orders. If the opening index value can be manipulated by this method, the program trader could have a large (and illegal) trading profit. This is a violation known as “marking-the-open.”
Which transaction MUST be reported to the NYSE/TRF?
A trade executed on the floor of the exchange where the security is listed
A Third Market trade of an exchange listed security effected when the exchange is closed
A security purchased pursuant to a tender offer in an “off the floor” transaction
A purchase related to the exercise of an option at a price that is unrelated to the current market
The best answer is B.
All trades of exchange listed securities that take place in either the Third or Fourth Market must be reported through the NYSE Trade Reporting Facility (TRF) within 10 seconds of execution during ACT hours (8:00 AM - 8:00 PM ET). Trades effected on the NYSE exchange floor (First Market) are reported by the NYSE itself. Finally, there are no reports made to any trade reporting facility (either the NASDAQ TRF, NYSE TRF, or ORF) for:
- Trades where the price is unrelated to the current market (including tender offers, conversions, exercises of listed options, and gifts of securities); and
- Private placements and Odd lots.
A member firm that is participating in an “add on” offering of stock for an issuer is a market maker in that issuer’s common stock. The registration statement for the issue has been filed with the SEC but is not yet effective. During one day, the market maker has made net purchases of the stock equal to 28,000 shares. Then, at the same time, the market maker receives an order to sell 2,000 shares from Customer A and 3,000 shares from Customer B. The average daily trading volume in that issue is 100,000 shares. Which statement is TRUE about filling the customers’ orders?
The market maker can fill the 2,000 share order from Customer A and cannot fill the 3,000 share order from Customer B
The market maker can fill the 3,000 share order from Customer B and cannot fill the 2,000 share order from Customer A
The market maker can choose between filling Customer A’s 2,000 share order or Customer B’s 3,000 share order but cannot fill both orders
The market maker can bunch Customer A’s 2,000 share order with Customer B’s 3,000 share order and fill them in 1 trade
The best answer is C.
If an issuer is doing an “add-on offering” of securities where a member of the syndicate is a market maker in that issue, then during the “20 day cooling off period,” the worry of SEC is that the market maker will “bid up” the price of the issue, so that when registration is effective, the underwriter can set a higher Public Offering Price for the issue. Regulation M requires that the market maker either stop making a market during the cooling off period; or act as a passive market maker. Passive market makers can bid no higher than the highest current independent bid for the issue (thus, they cannot push the price of the issue up); and their daily net purchases of the issue are limited to a maximum of 30% of ADTV (Average Daily Trading Volume). Since this issue has traded 100,000 shares per day, 30% of ADTV sets a 30,000 share net purchase limit. This market maker has already purchased 28,000 shares this day. The rule allows the market maker to execute trades up to the limit; or to execute a trade that will take it over the limit, after which purchases must stop. The market maker could either fill Customer A’s order for 2,000 shares (putting the firm at the limit) or it can fill Customer B’s order for 3,000 shares (which puts the market maker over the limit, after which additional purchases must stop). However, it cannot get around the limit by bunching the orders and executing them as 1-5,000 share fill.
A trade that took place at 6:30:15 PM is canceled at 8:15:00 PM. The trade cancellation:
must be reported by 8:00:00 PM the next business day
The NASDAQ rule on trade cancellations is:
Trades That Take Place During Regular Market Hours (9:30 AM - 4:00 PM ET):
- For trades canceled at or before 4:00 PM, the cancellation must be reported within 10 seconds;
- For trades canceled after 4:00 PM but before 8:00 PM, the member should use its best efforts to report no later than 8:00 PM that day (ACT Closing); otherwise the cancellation is to be reported to ACT by 8:00 PM the next day;
- For trades canceled after 8:00 PM ET, the cancellation is to be reported to ACT by 8:00 PM the next day.
Trades That Take Place Outside of Regular Hours (before 9:30 AM, but after 4:00 PM):
- For trades canceled before 8:00 PM (ACT closing), the cancellation must be reported by 8:00 PM that day;
- For trades canceled after 8:00 PM, the cancellation must be reported by 8:00 PM the next day.
Since this trade took place at 6:30:15 PM, it took place after Regular Market hours, so the second set of rules apply. Since it was canceled after ACT closing at 8:00 PM, the cancellation must be reported to ACT no later than 8:00 PM the next business day.
BD1 and BD2 are FINRA member firms. BD1 executes a trade in a foreign equity security with BD2 at 7:15:30 AM ET. The security is not listed on a U.S. exchange, but is quoted in the Pink OTC Markets. The trade:
must be reported to ORF between 8:00:00 AM and 8:15:00 AM ET
Trades of foreign equity securities that are not made and reported in the foreign market (translated, the trade occurs here in the U.S.) must be reported under ACT rules. Reporting follows the normal reporting rules. This trade is reported to the ORF, not the TRF, because this is not a NASDAQ security. All trades of non-NASDAQ OTC issues are reported to the ORF (OTC Reporting Facility). Because this trade took place before ACT opening at 8:00 AM, it must be reported when ACT opens, between 8:00 AM and 8:15 AM. Because the trade occurred outside of regular market hours, it must be reported as .T.
The SEC suspends trading in XYZZ stock, an issue quoted only in the Pink Sheets. Which statement is TRUE regarding a market maker in XYZZ?
A market can continue to be made in XYZZ stock because the Pink Sheets are not regulated by FINRA
The market maker should review the SEC suspension order as part of its obligations under SEC Rule 15c2-11
The market maker must disseminate the suspension information to all of its customers that have traded XYZZ stock in the past 30 days
The market maker is permitted to fill unsolicited customer orders for XYZZ shares
The best answer is B.
If the SEC suspends trading in a stock, it cannot be traded anywhere! It makes no difference if potential trades are solicited or unsolicited. SEC Rule 15c2-11 requires that non-NASDAQ market makers review company filings with the SEC in order to make a market in the issue. The information in the SEC suspension notice is material and should be reviewed by the market maker as part of this obligation. There is no requirement to distribute the suspension notice to the market maker’s customers that have traded the stock.
The inside market for ABCD stock is $30.00 - $30.50. The market maker is holding an undisplayed limit order from Customer A to buy 1,000 shares at $30.25. If the market maker receives an order from Customer B to sell 1,000 shares of ABCD at $30.15, the market maker can:
buy 1,000 shares of ABCD into its inventory at $30.25 from Customer B and simultaneously sell 1,000 shares of ABCD at $30.25 to Customer A
This question is really about the requirement for a market maker to improve the price of a trade for a customer, if possible. The convention for order handing is that new incoming orders are given the opportunity for price improvement. Customer B placed a new sell limit order at $30.15 - meaning sell at $30.15 or higher. Customer A is willing to buy that stock at $30.25, which improves the fill price of the new order - so this is the execution price.
The modifier “SYND” on NASDAQ indicates:
a non-penalty stabilizing bid
The modifier “SYND” indicates that the manager has placed a non-penalty stabilizing bid on behalf of the syndicate. The modifier “PBID” indicates that the manager has placed a penalty stabilizing bid on behalf of the syndicate.
Which order type MUST be included in the Rule 605 monthly report?
A IOC order B AON order C Not Held order D At the Open order
The best answer is A.
SEC Rule 605 of Regulation NMS requires exchanges to prepare monthly reports of statistical information concerning their order executions, covering execution speed, price, including any price improvement and bid-ask spreads. This information is available to the public. The types of orders “covered” by this rule are market orders and limit orders (including marketable limit orders). In addition, “IOC” - Immediate or Cancel orders are covered by the rule (since they allow for partial execution if the full amount of the order cannot be filled). However, other special instruction orders are excluded from the rule because either they can take longer periods of time to fill and would distort the “speed of execution” statistics that are compiled; or they might never be filled. The excluded orders include All or None (AON) orders; At the Open and At the Close orders; Stop orders; and Not Held orders
All of the following may be used to validate the inside market as the prevailing market price for mark-ups and mark-downs EXCEPT:
A retail transactions B the existence of a competitive market C inter-dealer sales occurring with frequency D inter-dealer sales occurring at prices at, or around, the quoted offer
The best answer is A.
Retail transactions may not be used to validate the price used for mark-up or mark-down computations. The existence of an active (that is there are frequent sales) competitive (lots of sales at the inside market), market is normally used. For inactive markets, the basis for the computation is either contemporaneous cost if the firm is the sole market maker; or contemporaneous purchases and sales.
Under SEC Rule 605 of Regulation NMS, which of the following securities are subject to disclosure of order execution information by market centers?
I Exchange listed equities
II Global Market equities
III Capital Market equities
IV Exchange listed equity options
SEC Rule 605 of Regulation NMS requires that market centers prepare, and make available to the public, monthly standardized reports summarizing their order executions. Included in the report is data on:
- Effective spreads;
- How market orders of various sizes were executed relative to the public quote;
- Speed of execution;
- Fill rates; and
- Price improvement or disimprovement.
Only market and limit order executions (including marketable limit orders and IOC - Immediate or Cancel - limit orders) are included in the reports (an IOC order is one that is filled in part or in full in one short, with any unfilled portion canceled). Special handling orders, such as “fill or kill” (fill it all in one short or the entire order is canceled), market-not held, and average price orders are excluded. Reports are only compiled for each stock exchange and NASDAQ (but not for the options exchanges, which differs from the options exchanges’ inclusion in Rule 606). Also note that OTCBB and Pink Sheet security executions are excluded from these reports
SEC Rule 145 exempts all of the following from registration EXCEPT a:
A forward stock split B reverse stock split C merger of two companies D stock dividend
The best answer is C. Rule 145 exempts from registration, any issuer distributions to existing shareholders of the same class of already registered securities. Thus, stock dividends and stock splits do not require registration. On the other hand, a merger of 2 companies creates a new company with a newly issued class of common stock, and registration is required.
A trade reported with the modifier “.1” is a:
stop-stock transaction
An exception to the “trade-through” rule is granted to stop-stock transactions. An institution can place a “stopped” order, which is a block trade (a block is 10,000 shares or more or a trade of $200,000 or more under Regulation NMS) that either sets a guaranteed minimum price to sell; or a maximum price to buy. Thus, the broker-dealer handling the block might take a loss in the block (an “underwater stop”). To complete the block trade, the price is likely to be inferior to the NBBO. Thus, a trade-through will have occurred. The SEC will permit this (but only for block trades with a stop price). This type of order is similar to a specialist “stopping stock” on an exchange - that is, there is a minimum or maximum guaranteed price, which is not necessarily the NBBO. Such a block transaction, when reported to ACT under NASDAQ rules, is given the modifier “.1”
FINRA can halt trading in all of the following EXCEPT:
A NASDAQ Global Market issues B NASDAQ Capital Market issues C OTCBB issues D Exchange listed issues
The best answer is D.
FINRA has the power to stop trading in NASDAQ issues, OTCBB issues and Pink Sheet issues by its members - since FINRA is the primary regulator over these. Regarding trades of exchange listed issues, only the exchange can impose a trading halt on a stock on the exchange floor. If this occurs, then FINRA, by agreement, imposes a trading halt on its members trading that stock in the Third or Fourth Markets.
Under the Limit Order Protection Rule, which of the following retail orders would be considered institutional?
A 5,000 shares trading at $25 B 10,000 shares trading at $8 C 11,000 shares trading at $15 D 8,000 shares trading at $60
The best answer is C.
A member is permitted to negotiate special terms for the handling of limit orders that are considered to be “institutional.” Any customer order for 10,000 shares or more, with a value of $100,000 or more, is defined as “institutional.” Only Choice C, 11,000 shares at $15, meets both of these tests.
When an execution of an order for a NASDAQ security occurs, the order ticket or electronic record must be time-stamped:
at the time of order execution
All order tickets must be time stamped with time of order entry; time of order execution if executed; and time of order cancellation, if canceled.
The provisions of Regulation SHO apply to:
I Global Market issues
II Capital Market issues
III OTCBB issues
IV Pink Sheet issues
Regulation SHO applies to short sales in any equity security, whether it be exchange listed, NASDAQ, OTCBB or Pink Sheet. Its provisions include the “locate” requirement, “threshold” list, and the requirement to buy-in of securities failed to deliver.
Under Rule 103 of Regulation M, passive market making would be permitted by a market maker that is also a syndicate member in an “add on” offering only if:
there is a current independent market for the subject security
Rule 103 of Regulation M places limits on market makers who are also syndicate members in an “add on” (secondary offering) during the 20 day cooling off period. The underlying problem is that the issue has yet to be priced, and it would be in the syndicate’s interest to move that price up - and this is prohibited. Thus, any market maker that is also a syndicate member can either resign as a market maker until the effective date; or can act as a PSMM - Passive Market Maker, where that market maker is prohibited from bidding higher than the highest current independent bid in that issue. Thus, in order to act as a PSMM, there currently must be an independent market for that issue - which means at least 1 other market maker that is not a member of the syndicate is quoting that issue.
If a CBOE member firm believes that a clearly erroneous trade occurred, which statements are TRUE?
I The trade in question must be reported to a Trading Official within 15 minutes of occurrence
II The trade in question must be reported to a Trading Official within 60 minutes of occurrence
III A determination is rendered by a trading official within 15 minutes of receiving the report
IV A determination is rendered by a trading official within 60 minutes of receiving the report
I and IV
The CBOE rule for resolution of “clearly erroneous trades” requires that the trade be reported to a Trading Official within 15 minutes of execution. The Trading Official must review the circumstances of the trade and make a determination within 60 minutes. If either party disagrees with the determination, an appeal can be made to the Obvious Error Panel within 30 minutes. The Obvious Error Panel reviews the complaint and makes a final determination by the end of that trading day. (Also note that if a trade occurs after 2:30 PM CT, either party has until 8:30 AM CT the next day to request the review, in which case, the determination is made by the end of that day.)
Under CBOE rules, options trade confirmations must be sent to customers:
CBOE rules require that options trade confirmations be sent “promptly” - but the rule does not actually set a date. In practice, the confirmation is sent no later than the business day after trade date (which is the same as settlement date for options traded “regular way”). In this question, the best answer is to use the CBOE wording of their rule (Rule 9.11) - which is “promptly.”
Under FINRA rules, the earliest date that a seller’s option transaction can settle is:
T + 3
A seller’s option transaction settles “at the seller’s option” any time after the regular way time frame. Since regular way settlement is “T + 2,” the earliest that a seller’s option transaction can settle is T + 3.
If an underwriting syndicate wishes to engage in any short covering, which of the following must be disclosed to NASDAQ?
Date the first covering transaction will occur
Rule 104 of Regulation M requires that, if the syndicate manager wishes to engage in any short covering in the secondary market, notification must be made to NASDAQ as to the date the first covering transaction will occur. Information on the size of the syndicate short position is not a required disclosure, though this data will be maintained by the syndicate manager.
Under the rules of the FINRA Uniform Practice Code, the regular way ex-date for a cash dividend is 1 business day:
before the Record Date
The Uniform Practice Code sets ex-dates for corporate distributions. On the ex-date, the stock’s price is reduced for the value of the distribution. The most commonly known ex-date is that for cash dividends - set at 1 business day prior to record date for regular way trades. Anyone who buys prior to this date will settle on the record date or before and thus will get the dividend. Anyone who buys on ex-date or after will settle after the record date and will not get the dividend - hence the reduction.
An individual who maintains a fair and orderly market on the CBOE floor is the:
Designated Primary Market Maker
On the CBOE, the market maker function is handled by the “DPM” - the designated Primary Market Maker. The DPM maintains the bid-ask quote in the contract and must maintain a fair and orderly market. The DPM cannot act as a floor broker in the options classes to which it is assigned. Floor brokers, also called ROTs (Registered Options Traders), handle customer agency orders but cannot maintain a bid-ask quote.
A broker-dealer wishes to execute a closing trade in its proprietary account in a cabinet transaction. Which statement is TRUE?
The position can be closed as long as the aggregate premium is no more than $1
In a cabinet trade, a worthless option position is closed by a specialist or market maker as an “accommodation liquidation” at an aggregate premium of $1 ($.01 per share). This can be done for both customer and proprietary positions that are worthless.
The appropriate order to place above a “resistance level” would be:
Buy Stop
Following is a picture of support and resistance levels:
If a security “breaks” a resistance level, it is expected that the price will rise rapidly. To profit from this, an order would be placed to buy if the stock breaks through resistance (say at $21). The buy orders that are placed higher than the current market, and would be executed if the market moves up, are buy stop orders. The buy orders that allow the stock to be purchased at a price lower than the current market are buy limit and buy MIT orders.
nder SEC Rule 606 of Regulation NMS, the required quarterly report on order routing methods includes information on which of the following?
I Directed orders for listed equity securities
II Non-directed orders for listed equity securities
III Directed orders for NASDAQ securities
IV Non-directed orders for NASDAQ securities
II and IV
SEC Rule 606 of Regulation NMS requires broker-dealers to do the following:
- The fact that the firm received a payment for order flow must be disclosed on the customer trade confirmation;
- The firm, on request of the customer, must disclose the identity of the market to which the customer’s orders were routed for execution in the preceding 6 months along with the time of execution. (These are known as “non-directed” orders, since the customer did not tell the broker the specific market where the order was to be executed, so the member firm could route the order to wherever it wanted.)
- The firm must notify customers, in writing, at least annually, of the availability of this information.
In addition, the rule requires member firms to prepare a quarterly report that is publicly available that details the:
- Percentage of customer orders that were “non-directed;”
- Identity of the 10 largest markets or market makers, to whom non-directed orders were routed and any other venue that received 5% or more of the firm’s orders; and
- Member firm’s relationship with that market maker (for example, many larger retail member firms own their own market maker subsidiaries to whom they route orders);
- Arrangement, if any, for payment for order flow or profit-sharing.
Because of this rule, member firms cannot have “hidden” arrangements with market makers to favor them in return for “payment for order flow” - everything is out in the open and is fully disclosed. Thus, customers can make informed decisions about how retail member firms are routing and executing their orders.
Note that Rule 606) does not apply to “directed orders” where the customer specified the market venue to which the order was sent. The rule applies to “non-directed” orders for exchange listed stocks and exchange listed options and NASDAQ securities. It does not apply to executions of trades of OTCBB or Pink Sheet stocks.
The NASDAQ IPO Cross takes place:
before the IPO is released for trading
NASDAQ uses an IPO Cross to set the NOOP - NASDAQ Official Opening Price - for all initial public offerings. The basic outline of the process is:
Before IPO is released for trading:
- NASDAQ accepts quotes and orders;
- NASDAQ reports an indicative clearing price and imbalance information;
- No executions occur until the IPO is cleared for trading.
Then: - The IPO Cross occurs;
- The NOOP is disseminated, with a bulk execution reported to the tape;
- Normal trading starts in the issue.
A Floor Broker holds orders to buy and sell the same option series, and wishes to cross the orders. Which statement is TRUE?
Crossing is permitted if the Floor Broker first requests bids and offers from the trading crowd, including the Order Book Official, and there are no takers
If a floor broker holds an order to buy an options contract at the market; and also holds an order to sell the equivalent contract at the market, he is only permitted to “cross” the orders if the following procedure is used:
- The floor broker must first request bids and offers for those contracts from the trading crowd, including the Order Book Official;
- The floor broker must then bid above the highest bid received by the minimum fraction; and must offer below the lowest offer received by the minimum fraction;
- If this higher bid or lower offer is not taken, he may cross the orders at such higher bid or lower offer by announcing by public outcry that he is crossing, and giving the quantity and price.
Essentially, this procedure forces the floor broker to first attempt an execution with other traders before crossing the orders himself; and also forces the floor broker to cross the orders at a price that truly reflects the current market.
A broker-dealer receives 2 large institutional customer orders, one to buy $500,000 of ABCD stock and one to sell $500,000 of ABCD stock. The broker-dealer operates a dark pool and routes the orders there for execution, without sending the orders to a public market. The orders are electronically matched in the dark pool. This action is:
legal as long as the resulting trade is reported to the TRF within the required time frame
So-called “dark pools” are permitted by the SEC and are operated by broker-dealers and exchanges. These allow market participants to bid and offer shares without showing these orders - thus, these orders represent “hidden liquidity.” Dark pools are attractive to large institutional traders, since their large orders can “move the market” if they are displayed. Furthermore, if such a large order were sent to a public market where it would be displayed, it could move the market and the institution could get an inferior fill.
The SEC recognizes this, and exempts institutional orders (typically $200,000 or more) from Regulation NMS quote display requirements. These institutional orders are also exempted from the trade-through rule of Regulation NMS - the idea being that the institution is “sophisticated” enough to protect itself from an inferior execution. However, when such a trade is executed, it must still be reported to the tape within the required time frame (10 seconds during regular market hours) as an OTC trade.
Which of the following is the definition of a “stock power”?
A limited power of assignment or substitution given to the broker-dealer
A stock power is a form that is separate from a stock certificate on which the assignment can be performed. Transfers of ownership are effected by naming the old and new holders on the stock power. In this way, a new stock certificate does not have to be issued each time there is a change of ownership. Instead, a new stock power is used.
The trading of an NYSE listed stock is halted on that exchange on the Thursday prior to expiration, and trading on the CBOE in that issuer’s contracts is halted as well. If the trading halt continues through the expiration date, holders of contracts expiring that month may:
I Effect closing transactions on the CBOE on first day that trading resumes
II Effect closing transactions on the NYSE on first day that trading resumes
III Exercise the contracts prior to the expiration date
IV Allow the contracts to expire
III and IV only
If an option stops trading, closing transactions cannot be effected since there is no market on the Exchange floor. However, holders can still exercise their contracts (since this goes directly to the O.C.C. and does not involve the Exchange floor), or can let them expire.
Which of the following would be a Manning violation?
A customer order is received to buy 100 shares of ABC at $30; 40 seconds later, the member firm buys 100 shares of ABC for its proprietary account at $31
A member firm buys 100 shares of ABC for its proprietary account at $30; 40 seconds later, the member firm receives a market order from a customer to buy 100 shares of ABC, which is immediately filled at $29
A customer order is received to buy 100 shares of ABC at $30; the member firm immediately buys 100 shares of ABC at $29 in the market and fills the customer order at $30
A customer order is received to buy 100 shares of ABC at $30; the member firm immediately buys 100 shares of ABC at $31 in the market and does not fill the customer order
The best answer is C.
The “Manning Rule” is the limit order protection rule. It states that member firms cannot “front run” customer limit orders. In Choice C, the customer limit order to buy was placed at $30. The member firm immediately buys the stock at $29 and then sells it to the customer at $30. This is a Manning violation - the member firm should have bought the stock directly at $29 for the customer. There is no Manning violation in Choice A because the member firm bought the stock for its own account at $31 and the customer does not want to pay more than $30. Choice B is not a Manning violation because the member firm bought the stock for its own account at $29 before it received the customer buy order at $30. Finally, Choice D is not a Manning violation because the customer does not want to pay more than $30 for the stock.
Broker-dealers that offer direct market access to hedge fund customers must have risk management controls in place designed to prevent the entry of all of the following EXCEPT:
orders that exceed pre-set credit thresholds
orders not in compliance with regulatory requirements
orders that exceed institutional guidelines for penny stock purchases
orders that are erroneous
The best answer is C.
SEC Rule 15c3-5 is designed to eliminate unfiltered market access. In other words, customers using a firm’s MPID to enter orders must now go through a pre-trade check to prevent the entry of orders which exceed credit or capital thresholds; which appear to skirt various regulations; or which are on the firm’s restricted list. The rule has nothing to do with setting guidelines for institutional purchases of penny stocks.
Under the Dodd Frank amendments, an informer that gives information to the SEC that results in an insider trading conviction can be paid a bounty of:
10% to 30% of the penalty imposed above $1 million
The Dodd Frank Amendments of 2010 authorized the payment of a bounty of anywhere from 10%-30% of civil penalties imposed above $1 million on any person convicted of insider trading (if the conviction resulted from the information provided by the informant).
All of the following statements are true regarding the activities of Floor Brokers on the CBOE EXCEPT:
floor brokers directly accept and execute orders for other member firms
floor brokers directly accept and execute orders for public customers
floor brokers are prohibited from executing orders to buy and sell the security in which they are registered to trade for their own accounts
floor brokers may either be independent, or may act as nominee for member firms
The best answer is B.
Floor brokers effect trades only for other member firms - they are prohibited from accepting orders directly from public customers. Thus, a customer calls his member firm to place the order. The firm then routes the order to a floor broker on the Exchange. This floor broker can either be an “independent” - that is, an individual who solely effects trades for retail member firms for a commission; or the floor broker can be a “nominee” of the member - that is a floor broker who is actually an employee of that member, and who only effects trades for that member. Floor brokers are prohibited from acting as market makers in the same security.
In an inactive, competitive market, the prevailing market price for mark-down purposes is:
contemporaneous purchases from other dealers
In an inactive competitive market, the prevailing market price to be used for mark-up or mark-down purposes is: Contemporaneous (recent) sales to other dealers for mark-ups and; Contemporaneous (recent) purchases from other dealers for mark-downs.
All of the following would be considered long positions in ABC stock under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 EXCEPT:
Long ABC warrants on which notice of exercise has been served
Long ABC call options on which notice of exercise has been tendered
Long ABC convertible preferred stock which has been tendered for conversion
Long ABC stock for which payment has not been tendered
The best answer is D.
A customer is considered long if he owns option or warrants and has exercised; or if he owns convertible securities and has tendered the securities for conversion. A customer is not considered to be long for a position that is unpaid.
A Capital Market stock is being delisted for failure to meet maintenance listing standards. An eligible market maker in the stock can become a Bulletin Board market maker without having to file Form 211, as long as its OTCBB registration is in place:
by the close of business on the trading day following the announcement
Under the delisting exemption, a NASDAQ market maker in a stock that is being delisted can become an OTC Bulletin Board market maker without filing a Form 211, as long as its registration is effective by the close of business on the trading day following the delisting announcement.
A market order to buy an options contract is placed when the market maker is quoting 4.00 - 4.50. This order will NOT be the first to be filled on the exchange floor if:
the long leg of an unfilled spread order is received at the same time
Normally, customer market orders have priority on the trading floor and are filled first. Member firms cannot “trade ahead” of customer orders at the same price - customer orders are filled first! However, an exception to this rule is permitted under the “Spread Priority Rule.” To facilitate the filling of spread orders, which need to have both legs filled to complete the spread position, the CBOE permits the uncompleted leg of a spread order to “trade ahead” of an existing customer order at the same premium.
All of the following statements regarding midpoint peg orders for NASDAQ stocks are true EXCEPT they:
A are priced relative to the NBBO B are displayed C may be filled in sub-pennies D are repriced without manual entry as the NBBO moves
The best answer is B.
A midpoint peg order is priced at the midpoint between the NBBO. For example, if the Best Bid is $20.00 and the Best Offer is $20.06, the order is placed at $20.03. If the Best Offer were to update to $20.08 with the Best Bid staying at $20.00, the order would reprice automatically at $20.04. Orders for NASDAQ stocks do not show in sub-pennies (unless the stock is under $1, in which case the issuer will be delisted after “breaking the buck” for 30 days). However, any order can be filled in sub-pennies. As another note on midpoint peg orders is that because the orders are placed inside the NBBO, they are never displayed because they are “best price” orders and will be filled immediately.
Which of the following is the proper description of the following order:
“Sell 10 ABC Jan 100 Calls @ 8.50 MIT”
The order becomes a market order to sell if a trade occurs at 8.50 or higher
The order becomes a limit order to sell at 8.50 if a trade occurs at 8.50 or higher
The order becomes a market order to sell if a trade occurs at 8.50 or lower
The order becomes a limit order to sell at 8.50 if a trade occurs at 8.50 or lower
The best answer is A.
A sell MIT (market if touched) order is similar to a sell limit in that it is also placed higher than the prevailing market. Assume that the market is trading at $50 and a customer places the following order: “Sell 100 ABC @ $60 MIT GTC.” This is a sell “Market If Touched” order and is placed higher than the current market price. If the stock trades up to $60 or higher, the order becomes a market order to sell. If a trade occurred at $60 (not this order) and the stock then moved below $60, this order would still be filled because it became a market order to sell - there is no limit on the price.
During an opening rotation, which of the following orders may be executed?
I Market Orders
II Limit orders
III Stop orders
IV Straddle orders
I and II only
During the opening and closing rotations, only market and limit orders may be executed at the bids and offers made. No stop orders, spread orders, or straddle orders are executed during the rotations. Rotations are used daily to ensure orderly openings; and are used at the close on the business day prior to expiration to ensure an orderly close.
The CBOE can institute an individual stock trading pause due to extraordinary market volatility during the hours of:
9:45 AM - 3:35 PM ET
The CBOE has a specific rule to address the issues created by the “flash crash” of May 2010. If any single stock rises or falls by 10% or more within a 5-minute window of time in its primary market, the exchange will stop trading of that stock for 5 minutes; and the CBOE will stop trading of related options as well. It will do this only between the hours of 9:45 AM - 3:35 PM ET. Note that the rule is not applied to market opening or market closing, where trading may normally be a bit volatile. It is only applied to extreme volatility that occurs intra-day.
Which of the following individuals CANNOT buy options for his own account?
I Order Book Official
II Specialist (Designated Market Maker)
III Market Maker
IV Floor Broker
I and IV only
The Order Book Official on the CBOE maintains a book of limit orders that are “away from the market” for public customers. He executes these orders on an agency basis, and is prohibited from trading for his own account. The Floor Broker acts as an agent, handling transactions for his firm, or for other firms. Floor brokers are also prohibited from trading for their own accounts. On the American Stock Exchange and the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, there are Specialists that are market makers in options. They can buy for their own account. On the CBOE, there is no Specialist. Instead, there is a Designated Primary Market Maker, who performs the same functions as a Specialist, and other competing market makers, who only buy and sell from their inventory accounts.
An individual that is in possession of material nonpublic information relating to a tender offer that has been received from the maker of the offer or the issuer that is the subject of the offer:
I cannot buy the issuer’s common stock, convertible securities, or options on these securities
II can buy the issuer’s common stock, convertible securities, or options on these securities
III after public disclosure of the information and its source, cannot buy the issuer’s common stock, convertible securities, or options on these securities
IV after public disclosure of the information and its source, can buy the issuer’s common stock, convertible securities, or options on these securities
I and IV
Under SEC Rule 14e-3, during the life of a tender offer, an individual that receives material nonpublic information from the maker of the offer relating to that offer and how it is progressing, is treated as an “insider.” Therefore, that individual cannot buy the issuer’s common stock, convertible securities or options on these securities. However, if the information is publicly disclosed, then it is no longer treated as “inside” information and that individual is permitted to buy that issuer’s securities.
All of the following statements are true regarding the treatment of bids made on the floor of the CBOE EXCEPT:
At the opening, public market orders held by the Order Book Official have priority over equivalent limit orders held by the Order Book Official
The bid representing the highest price has priority over lower bids
If two or more orders represent the highest price, and a bid by the Order Book Official is not involved, priority is afforded the orders based upon the sequence of the bids
If two or more bids represent the highest price, and one of the bids is displayed by the Order Book Official, the other bid has priority
The best answer is D.
Since orders held by the Order Book Official are those from the public, these orders always have priority over equivalent orders from other sources (e.g., market makers or floor brokers). Therefore, Choice D is false. The other statements are true. At the opening, public market orders held by the Order Book Official have priority over equivalent limit orders held by the Order Book Official, since market orders always have priority over limit or stop orders at the same price. The bid representing the highest price has priority over lower bids, and the ask representing the lowest price has priority over higher asking prices. Finally, if two or more orders represent the highest price, and a bid by the Order Book Official is not involved, priority is afforded the orders based upon the sequence of the bids (first come, first served!).
The CBOE will institute an individual stock trading pause due to extraordinary market volatility if an NMS stock included in the S&P 500 Index falls by:
10% or more within five minutes
The best answer is B.
The CBOE has a specific rule to address the issues created by the “flash crash” of May 2010. If any single stock rises or falls by 10% or more within a 5-minute window of time in its primary market, the exchange will stop trading of that stock for 5 minutes; and the CBOE will stop trading of related options as well. When the stock reopens for trading, the CBOE will reopen that stock using an opening rotation before general trading will resume.
During the Regular Market trading session, BD1 placed an order to buy a NASDAQ security in the NASDAQ System that was executed and reported against BD2. Subsequently, the order was canceled 25 minutes after execution. Which statement is TRUE?
BD1 must notify NASDAQ of the cancellation within 10 seconds
BD2 must notify NASDAQ of the cancellation within 10 seconds
BD1 must notify NASDAQ of the cancellation by 8:00 PM that day
BD2 must notify NASDAQ of the cancellation by 8:00 PM that day
The best answer is B.
If a trade is canceled during the Regular Market trading session, it must be reported to TRF (Trade Reporting Facility) within 10 seconds. Since the executing member (BD2, which maintained the quote in NASDAQ) reports the trade, BD2 also reports the cancellation. The rule for trade cancellations for trades that take place during Regular Market hours (9:30 AM - 4:00 PM ET) are:
- For trades canceled at or before 4:00 PM, the cancellation must be reported within 10 seconds;
- For trades canceled after 4:00 PM but before 8:00 PM, the member should use its best efforts to report no later than 8:00 PM that day (ACT Closing); otherwise the cancellation is to be reported to ACT by 8:00 PM the next day;
- For trades canceled after 8:00 PM ET, the cancellation is to be reported to ACT by 8:00 PM the next day.
A security has an ADTV of $500,000 and a public float of $25,000,000. Under SEC Rule 101 of Regulation M, the security has a restricted period of:
1 day
Regulation M places a restricted period of:
- 5 days prior to the effective date for issues that have an ADTV of up to $100,000 and a public float of up to $25,000,000;
- 1 day prior to the effective date for issues that have an ADTV over $100,000 up to $1,000,000; and a public float of more than $25,000,000 up to $150,000,000; and
- No restricted period for issues that have an ADTV over $1,000,000 and a public float of over $150,000,000.
Since this issue has an ADTV of $500,000 and a public float of more than $25,000,000, the restricted period is 1 day. This means that members of the syndicate and selling group for an add-on offering cannot buy the issue in the market for the 1-day period prior to the effective date.
Dark Pools are part of the:
Fourth Market
Dark Pools are trade matching services run by broker-dealers for institutional investors. They are basically ECNs (Electronic Communications Networks), using a book that is hidden from public view, so this is part of the 4th market (direct trading between institutions on ECNs). About 25% of all equity trades in the U.S. are now directed to dark pools, because institutions can keep their orders hidden, as opposed to showing them on exchange or ECN display books. Note, however, that once the trade occurs, it is reported like any other stock trade.
Under Regulation SHO, a stock will be put on the threshold list if it has a large clearing short position at NSCC for:
5 business days
Regulation SHO requires the exchanges to create a daily list of securities that are “Hard To Borrow.” These are known as the “threshold” securities. A “threshold list security” is one which has a clearing short position at NSCC (National Securities Clearing Corporation division of DTCC) of 10,000 shares or more; and this clearing short position represents at least 1/2% of the total shares outstanding. To be on the list, the security must meet these tests for 5 business days. Basically, a threshold list security is one that has a large outstanding short position - the SEC does not want large outstanding short positions that cannot be covered, to build over time.
A company is making an Initial Public Offering of 12,000,000 shares via a Dutch Auction. The following bids are received:
$36 4,000,000 shares
$35 4,000,000 shares
$34 4,000,000 shares
$33 4,000,000 shares
The winning bidders will pay a price of:
$34 per share
In a Dutch Auction, priced bids are taken for specified amounts of the security being auctioned. The bids are arranged from highest to lowest, and the bid that completes the sale at the lowest price is given to all winning bidders in the auction. In this case, there are 12,000,000 shares being auctioned; and bids for 4,000,000 shares are received at $36; bids for 4,000,000 shares are received at $35; and bids for 4,000,000 shares are received at $34. This last bid at $34 completes the sale and is given to all winning bidders.
Which of the following could be evidence of rogue trading?
A sequence of trades that is consistently profitable
A sequence of trades that results in a flat position at end of day
A sequence of trades that results in a higher level of cancels and corrects
A sequence of trades that are concentrated at the opening or close
The best answer is C.
Rogue traders are trying to fly under the firm’s radar, taking positions that are larger than the firm permits, in an attempt to offset existing losses or magnify gains. If a trader has a significant position with a loss, and does not want the firm to know about it, the trader could enter a “sell” order that is basically a false trade (this could only be done outside of automated trading systems - for example, OTC derivatives), so there would no position visible at the end of the day. The trader is hoping that, on the next day, the position will rebound, and he or she can close the position at no loss, or at a profit. The “tip off” to the firm that something is going on is that a DK (Don’t Know) will be generated by the “supposed” trade counterparty, and when received by the firm, the rogue trader would be forced to cancel that trade.
Choice A is a potential indicator of insider trading. Choice B is typical for traders who don’t want to carry risk overnight (a flat position is a “0” position). Choice D is also typical, because most trading volume and most volatility occurs right after opening, or as the market heads for a close.
A market maker in ABCD, alone at the inside, is quoting 31.21 - 31.30 (10x10). The firm receives a customer order to buy 1,200 shares at $31.225. Which statement is TRUE?
The firm will change its bid to $31.22 for 1,200 shares
The firm will change its bid to $31.23 for 1,200 shares
The firm will change its bid to $31.225 for 1,200 shares
The order must be returned to the customer
The best answer is D.
Rule 612 of Regulation NMS requires that quotes for NMS stocks (NYSE, NYSE-American and NASDAQ) be displayed in pennies - no sub-penny quotes. The SEC rule is that if a customer order for an NMS stock priced at $1 or more is received in “sub-pennies,” it must be returned to the customer for repricing in minimum penny increments. Note, however, that while orders and quotes can only be taken or displayed in penny increments, executions are permitted in sub-pennies, which allows price improvement if the spread is 1 cent.
How are options strike prices established?
At issuance, the option strike price is based on the current market price of the stock
The basic rule for setting of options strike prices at issuance is that the strike is based on the current market price of the stock. For example, if the strike price interval is $2.50 and a stock is trading at $18, at that moment, new contracts cannot be issued at $18, but they could be issued at, say, $17.50, $20.00, $22.50, etc. For each stock trading at $20 or less, strike prices can be issued up to 100% higher or lower; for stocks over $20, the range is +/- 50%. So if a stock is trading at, say, $50, options can be issued with strike prices ranging from $25 to $75.
The certification required under SEC Rule 15c3-5 must be signed by the firm’s:
Chief Executive Officer
SEC Rule 15c3-5 is designed to eliminate “unfiltered” market access. The background to the rule is that “rapid-fire” algorithmic trading by hedge funds and other institutional traders that had “direct access” to systems such as the NASDAQ Market Center or NYSE Super Display Book could swamp them and cause them to crash. Therefore, the SEC requires that all broker-dealers that provide direct access to exchanges and ATSs to institutional clients using that B/D’s MPID must first put these trades through “pre-trade risk checks.”
The rule requires broker-dealers to review and document, at least annually, their market access activity to assure overall effectiveness of their risk management controls. As an additional compliance matter, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the firm is required to certify, on an annual basis, that its controls and procedures comply with the rule and that the firm has conducted a regular review.
If there is a 1-day restricted period relative to an add-on offering for ABCD, all of the following would be prohibited from purchasing or bidding for ABCD stock during this period EXCEPT:
A ABCD Corporation for its investment account B selling shareholders C market makers in the stock D affiliated persons
The best answer is C.
Rule 102 of Regulation M prohibits the issuing company, its affiliates (e.g., board members) and selling shareholders from purchasing the stock or bidding for the stock during any restricted period established in connection with the prospectus offering. The intent is to stop these persons from trying to manipulate the price of the stock up. Market makers that are not involved in the distribution are not prohibited. If a market maker is involved in the distribution, it must adhere to Rule 103 - either resign as a market maker or act as a passive market maker.
Under the Opening Cross procedures, imbalance messages are sent:
I starting at 9:25:00 AM
II starting at 9:28:00 AM
III every second
IV every 10 seconds
II and III
The NASDAQ Opening Cross procedure creates an orderly opening (at 9:30 AM) for each NASDAQ stock. Starting at 9:28 AM until market open, NASDAQ displays an Order Imbalance Indicator that is updated every second that indicates the current “Match Price,” number of shares paired at the “Match Price” based on accumulated MOO (Market On Open), LOO (Limit On Open), OIO, (Order Imbalance Only) and early regular hours orders entered, and the size of the imbalance. This is done to attract more buyers if there are too many sellers; and vice-versa.
Which of the following is NOT an exemption from options position limits?
Dividend Capture
Options position limits are intended for speculative positions. Options positions that are hedged or covered by an offsetting security position (e.g., long stock / short call) are exempted; as are delta hedges (hedges designed to offset options price volatility). In addition, market makers are given an exemption so that they can provide sufficient depth to the market; and member firms may get an exemption for proprietary options accounts that are being used to fill customer orders (called a firm facilitation exemption). Note that there is no exemption for dividend capture positions.
An NMS stock included in the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index drops by 10% in its principal market over a 3 minute time window. Which statement is TRUE?
Trading in that stock and related options is unaffected
Trading in that stock and related options will be paused for 3 minutes
Trading in that stock and related options will be paused for 5 minutes
Trading in that stock and related options will be halted for the remainder of that day and the entire next day
The best answer is C.
The CBOE has a specific rule to address the issues created by the “flash crash” of May 2010. If any single stock rises or falls by 10% or more within a 5 minute window of time in its primary market, the exchange will stop trading of that stock for 5 minutes; and the CBOE will stop trading of related options as well. The actual calculation of the percentage move that will trigger the pause is based upon the last reported traded trade as compared to any trade the occurred during the preceding 5 minutes, so, in reality, the pause will be triggered by a 10% drop that occurs within 5 minutes or less.
During Regular Market hours, a trade in NASDAQ-listed ABCD stock takes place at $40. The next trade in ABCD stock is reported at $37. Which statement is TRUE about the trade at $37?
This trade will be nullified by MarketWatch if it is reported as a clearly erroneous trade
This trade will not be nullified by MarketWatch if it is reported as a clearly erroneous trade
This trade cannot be reported to MarketWatch
This trade can only be nullified if both parties agree
The best answer is A.
NASDAQ will nullify a “clearly erroneous stock trade” if the price variation from one trade to the next is too large. For trades of NMS issues (NYSE, NYSE-MKT (AMEX) and NASDAQ), occurring during Regular Market hours, these variations are:
Last Price Variation $0 - $25 10% >$25 - $50 5% >$50 3% Leveraged ETFs 2 Times Amounts Above
The last trade in this stock was at $40. A following trade at a price that is +/-5% or more from $40 ($2 variation) will be clearly erroneous. The following trade was at $37 - a $3 variation - so it will be nullified.
Under the provisions of Regulation SHO, prior to selling a stock short, which is required?
Ascertaining the location of the shares to be borrowed and documenting this
Determining if the last trade occurred on an up bid, allowing that security to be sold short
Checking to see if that security is included on the threshold list
Depositing the required margin as stipulated under Regulation T
The best answer is A.
Prior to selling a security short, Regulation SHO requires that the member firm determine the location of the securities to be borrowed and that they can be delivered by settlement. This must be documented. The intent is to stop “naked short selling” - the sale of shares that cannot be borrowed for delivery. The up bid requirement for a short sale is only applied to a stock that has dropped by 10% in price - then it can only be sold short on an up bid for the remainder of that day and the entire next day. The threshold list of hard to borrow securities is used to determine which securities will be subject to mandatory buy-in if a fail occurs. Margin deposits for short sales are required to be collected “promptly” but no later than settlement. There is no requirement to collect margin deposits in advance of the trade.
Index options trade from:
A 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM ET; 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM CT B 9:00 AM - 4:15 PM ET; 8:00 AM - 3:15 PM CT C 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM ET; 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM CT D 9:30 AM - 4:15 PM ET; 8:30 AM - 3:15 PM CT
The best answer is D.
While the stock markets and equity options markets are open from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM ET (subtract 1 hour for Central Time), the index options market is open 15 minutes longer and closes at 4:15 PM. This is the case because the index values cannot be calculated until the equities markets close, and this gives an extra 15 minutes to do a closing round of trades based on the closing index value.
The ex-date for a cash dividend is set:
I by the issuer
III at 1 business day prior to the Record Date
IV at 2 business days prior to the Record Date
II and III
FINRA sets the ex-date for a cash dividend based on the report of the Record Date received from the issuing corporation. The ex-date for cash dividends is set at 1 business day prior to the Record Date. This is the first day that anyone buying the stock in a regular way trade will settle after the Record Date and will not be entitled to the cash dividend. As of the morning of the ex-date the price of the stock is reduced and orders below the market are reduced (unless they are entered as DNR - as in, Do Not Reduce on ex date).
All of the following report trades of securities EXCEPT: A ADF B TRF C TRACE D TRACS
The best answer is A.
The ADF is the Alternate Display Facility. It displays quotes for NASDAQ stocks from ECNs that are not linked into NASDAQ. If a trade results from a quote in the ADF, it is reported via a system called TRACS. The TRF is the Trade Reporting Facility - there is a NASDAQ TRF and a NYSE TRF - reporting trades for securities from NASDAQ and OTC trades of NYSE-listed stocks. TRACE is the reporting system for all bond trades, with the exception of municipal securities (which are reported by a separate MSRB system called RTRS).
A proprietary trader that is long a listed option contract wishes to exercise. The exercise notice is given to:
the clearing firm
The OCC only accepts exercise notices from member firms. A customer or proprietary trader that wishes to exercise does not notify the OCC directly - it won’t respond! The customer or proprietary trader must notify the clearing member firm, who, in turn notifies the OCC, who in turn, will assign the exercise notice to a writer of that contract.
NASDAQ offers all of the following Crosses EXCEPT:
A Pre-Opening Cross B Opening Cross C Intra-Day Cross D Closing Cross
The best answer is A.
NASDAQ conducts the following Crosses:
Opening Cross (at 9:30 AM);
3 IntraDay Crosses (at 10:45 AM; 12:45 PM; and 2:45 PM);
Closing Cross (at 4:00 PM);
Post-Close Cross (at 4:30 PM).
All of the following statements are true about a “Fast” market EXCEPT:
the price and size of disseminated quotes may be inaccurate
electronic orders may be denied access to the market
Order Book Officials at other posts may be assigned trading in the option classes or series
Trading Floor Officials may step in to facilitate trading
The best answer is D.
Floor Officials oversee options trading to ensure that it is fair and orderly, but do not trade themselves. In a “Fast” market, as declared by 2 Floor Officials:
- the affected contracts can be assigned to OBOs at other trading posts to handle the increased trading volume;
- OBO clerks can be authorized to execute trades to handle the increased volume;
- trading rotations can be instituted;
- the firm quote requirement can be suspended (therefore, quotes may be inaccurate);
- RAES may be turned off (the automated options trading system); and
- any other necessary actions may be taken.
Exercise settlement of PM Index options is based on the:
reported level of the index derived from the last reported prices of the component securities at the close of market hours on the day of exercise
Most American Style options are “PM” settled if they are exercised. This means that whenever an exercise occurs during a trading day, the actual settlement value is determined based on the closing index value that day. In contrast, European style options, if exercised (which can only happen at expiration, not before) are “AM” settled. This means that they can be exercised at expiration and the actual settlement value is calculated using the opening prices the following business day.
A market maker must have a good understanding of a company in order to make a market in a(n):
Pink Sheet stock
In order to make a market in an OTC stock (either OTCBB or Pink Sheet), a market maker must file a Form 211 with FINRA 3 days in advance, attesting to the fact that the market maker has obtained a copy of the issuer’s latest financial filings and reviewed them. This is not required to make markets in listed stocks, since the exchanges require the companies listed on them to file their financial reports with the exchanges.
A market maker (MM) receives an order from an institutional customer to buy 500,000 shares of ZZZ stock at the market. The MM buys 200,000 shares in the market and takes a short position in the firm’s inventory account to fill another 200,000 shares. The MM was about to fill the remaining 100,000 shares when the firm’s research department calls and says that it would be coming out with a favorable report that would likely lift the stock’s price. What would the MM be permitted to do?
Take a short position in the firm inventory account to fill the 100,000 share balance of the customer order
Because of FINRA’s “Trading Ahead of Research” prohibition, once the trading desk is aware of the impending favorable research report to be issued by the firm, it cannot position its inventory account, or use options, to take advantage of the expected price rise. However, the customer’s order was received before the trading desk knew of the impending research report, and it can complete the fill of the customer purchase order. To do so, it could buy the stock in the market (which is not given as a choice), or it could short the stock to the customer out of the firm’s inventory account. Also note that any customer order received, as long as the customer has no knowledge of the impending research report, can still be filled.
Listed options contracts are adjusted by the OCC for:
extraordinary cash dividends of $12.50 or more
While there is no adjustment to equity options for cash dividends, a very large “extraordinary” cash dividend will result in an adjustment. The OCC defines this as a cash dividend of $12.50 or more.
All of the following can participate in an opening rotation EXCEPT:
A OBO B DPM C LMM D Floor Official
The best answer is D.
The opening rotation is conducted by the Designated Primary Market Maker (DPM) or the Order Book Official (OBO). Floor brokers can participate in the opening rotation, as can LMMs (Lead Market Makers). Floor officials do not trade - they oversee the options trading floor.
Large traders must file an annual Form 13h with the SEC within:
45 days of calendar year end
A “large trader” is defined as a person whose transactions in NMS securities (including standardized options) equal or exceed:
- 2 million shares or $20 million in any calendar day; or
- 20 million shares or $200 million during any calendar month.
Large traders must report their status to the SEC on Form 13H “promptly,” but no later than 30 days after crossing the threshold. Thereafter, larger traders must report annually on Form 13H, within 45 days of calendar year end. The report includes basic information on trading strategies and the nature of the firm’s business. It also includes a list of all broker-dealers through which the large trader executes trades.
Under SEC Rule 3b-8, a block positioner is a firm which purchases or sells blocks worth:
$200,000 or more
Blocks are defined under Rule 3b-8 as trades of 10,000 shares or more; or a trade with a value of $200,000 or more.
Under the LULD rules, excluding market open and close, the price band percentage for an S&P 500 stock is set at:
Under the LULD - Limit Up, Limit Down rules, the price band for S&P 500 stocks is set at 5%. Price bands are published every 30 seconds for NYSE and NASDAQ stocks. While the percentage does not change, the reference price changes continuously as the stock price moves. If the National Best Offer equals the Lower Price Band (so offered prices are falling rapidly) or the National Best Bid equals the Upper Price Band (so bid prices are rising rapidly), then a “so-called” Limit State exists. If the security remains in the Limit State for 15 seconds, then the security enters a 5-Minute Trading Pause. Once the Trading Pause is completed, the security re-opens for trading with an auction in its Primary Listing Exchange - and this auction price should, hopefully, be reflective of the current market price.
Options trades on the CBOE are required to be reported by the:
I buyer
II seller
III within 30 seconds of execution
IV within 90 seconds of execution
II and IV
The CBOE rule for options trade reporting is totally different than the FINRA rule. The CBOE rule is that the sell side must report the trade within 90 seconds of execution. The FINRA rule for equity trade reporting is that the executing member must report the trade within 10 seconds of execution.
Under SEC Rule 606 of Regulation NMS, broker-dealers must provide, upon a customer request, information on where the customer’s orders were routed for execution during the previous:
6 months
SEC Rule 606 of Regulation NMS requires broker-dealers to do the following:
The fact that the firm received a payment for order flow must be disclosed on the customer trade confirmation;
The firm, on request of the customer, must disclose the identity of the market to which the customer’s orders were routed for execution in the preceding 6 months along with the time of execution. (These are known as “non-directed” orders, since the customer did not tell the broker the specific market where the order was to be executed, so the member firm could route the order to wherever it wanted.);
The firm must notify customers, in writing, at least annually, of the availability of this information.
A DPM on the CBOE that is quoting an option contract at a premium of anywhere from $5 to $10 is permitted to have a maximum spread of:
The CBOE sets a schedule of maximum allowable spreads for its DPMs. The schedule is:
Premium Amount | Maximum Spread $0 - $2 | $ .25 $2 - $5 | $ .40 $5 - $10 | $ .50 $10 - $20 | $ .80 Over $20 | $1.00
The circuit breaker of Rule 201 of Regulation SHO is triggered if a stock’s price falls by what percentage from the prior day’s closing price?
Rule 201 of Regulation SHO is relatively new (2010) and was put in place due to market volatility that was experienced in specific stocks. Once a specific stock’s price drops by 10% or more from the previous day’s closing price, a circuit breaker is triggered for that security and, for the remainder of that day and the entire next day, a short sale is only permitted at a price above the national best bid for that security.
A Form 144 must be filed with the SEC to claim a 144 exemption:
concurrent with the placement of the sell order
To claim an exemption from registration under Rule 144, the Form 144 must be filed concurrent with the placement of the order to sell. Essentially, the Form is an affidavit stating that the sale complies with the rule.
If the National Best Bid price breaks through the lower LULD band, what state exists?
If either end of a LULD band is broken by the NBBO, a straddle state exists. Nasdaq will monitor trading conditions during a straddle state, but would not automatically halt trading. Note that a limit state would occur if the best offer were to equal the lower band.
A Nasdaq listed option trades for $0.45 at a time when the last sale price is $0.50 and the theoretical price is $0.90 Under the Nasdaq obvious error rule, what will be the final price of the trade?
Under the Nasdaq obvious error rule, Nasdaq will adjust a trade if it is a more than a defined amount away from the theoretical price. For options with a theoretical price below $2.00, the band is $0.25. Since this trade occurs outside the band, the price will be adjusted. For options with a theoretical price below $3.00, the adjustment is to $0.15 away from the theoretical price.
Which of the following risks is not required to be included in an Extended Hours Trading Risk Disclosure document?
Risk that securities may lose value
Retail investors generally should be discouraged from extended-hours trading due to the higher risk and greater potential for unfavorable trade execution. The disclosure must cover six specific types of risk, but that securities may lose value is not a part of the extended hours risk document; though that may be disclosed in other brokerage documents.
Under the T+N Trade Processing method, how long is an open order carried over, before it is no longer eligible for automatic lock-in processing?
22 calendar days after trade date
Open orders are those that are unmatched or unaccepted. The system automatically carries forward open orders to the next business day, through and including T+21. On T+22 the System will carry over any trade that remains open, but the trade will not be subject to the automatic lock-in process.
Under Rule 10b-18, to meet the timing requirement of the safe harbor on issuer share repurchases, an issuer with an ADTV value of $1 million or more and a public float value of $150 million or more, may NOT repurchase shares
at the opening or during the last 10 minutes of trading.
The timing restriction for large issuers restricts share repurchases at the opening or during the last 10 minutes of regular market hours trading. For non “actively traded securities” the restriction applies during the first trade and the last 30 minutes of trading.
An investor is long an EFG Nov 70 call for 3. To establish a straddle the investor must
Buy an EFG Nov 70 put
A straddle is a market neutral combination position in which the investor buys calls and puts with the same exercise prices and expiration dates. The investor wants high volatility because the market must move enough in one direction to recover both of the strike prices paid to implement the straddle.
Trader Q enters a Price-to-Comply order that would lock or cross another protected quote. It will be shown on the Nasdaq book as
Price-to-Comply are designed not to lock or cross the market. They are put on the Nasdaq book as non-displayed at the locking price. Nasdaq then displays the order at the most aggressive price allowed under Regulation NMS - one trading increment away from the locking price.
Which one of the following broker-dealers does not meet the criteria for a block positioner?
Minimum net capital of $500,000; sells blocks worth $1 million
For block positioners, the minimum net capital requirement is $1.0 million and the minimum block size is $200,000 or more.