series 3 Flashcards
cme / electronic platform / side by side / open outcry
fut on ICE
based in london, but can be exchanged with NY
risk disclosure doc
must be signed BEFORE account opened
OPTION disclosure doc
must show components of option premium [time value and intrinsic]. but NOT the actual premium
opening acct
if customer does not disclose certain info, can still open acct
cash acct
not allowed for commodities
margin agmt
MUST be signed by all clients
FCM capital requirement
IB capital requirement
books + records
5 yrs
Position limits
speculators only
excess trading to generate commissions
block orders
allocation must be done before end of day; not required to be specified at time of order
disclosure document
can be used 12 months from effective date
AP can work with how many FCMs?
2, if approval received
breakout of support
breakout of resistance
h&s top
reversal - bearish
inverted h&s (bottom)
convergence of spot and fut
must happen by first day delivery
costs of carry
storage, financing, insurance. NOT transport
1% of 100,000
1/32 of $1000
optns on tnotes and tbonds
t bills / eurodollar
quoted in bps, 1 bp - $25
who establishes margin?
is margin diff for long and short pos?
hedging vs speculating margin
smaller for hedging.
margin requirements
calculated daily / based on settlement vlaue
equity < maintenance margin
restore to initial margin
use excess equity on other positions to meet margin req on new positions
sell one fut contract and buy another
type of spread
intramarket/interdelivery - same exch, diff mo
intermarket - diff exch but same commod and mo
intercommodity - 2 diff commod
spreaders sentiment
look @ near month. meaning if bullish, go long near month
EXCEPTION is stock index futures / fx spreads
spreads - widen / narrow
long expensive - WIDEN
short expensive - NARROW
NOB spread
create offsetting positions in 3 year t bond fut and 10 year t note fut.
if long term rates are falling faster than intermediate term rates, do NOB spread by shorting t note futures and long t bond fut
Producers, long commodity, short fut, long basis = STRENGTHEN = more pos
Consumers, short commodity, long fut, short basis = WEAKEN = more neg
effective selling price
cash now + profit on hedge OR cash now - loss on hedge
effective selling price or cost
effective selling price = producer. effective cost = consumer
index fut
hedge positions against systematic risk. settled for cash
multiplier: sp500 = 250, emini 50
can offset sp500 contract with equivalent amt of emini
synthetic long call
long call = long put+ long fut
combine all from synthetic long call ->
long call = long f
start from synthetic long call MOVE EVERYTHING TO THE RIGHT->
long call = long put + long fut
subtract long call, = long put + long fut - short call
start with synthetic long call+ MOVE EVERYTHING TO THE LEFT->
long call = long put + long fut
long call - short put - short fut
european vs american option
european can be exercised ONLY business day before ex
american can be exercised any time
order // time stamp
within 1 min of receipt by FCM
ITM, options
call, when market > strike
put, when market < strike
intrinsic value + time value
what influences time value
time til expiration and vol of underlying
long straddle
vol trade. buy both call and put
short straddle
S for stability. sell call and put
do banks have to join NFA?
performance history
just need 5 years, or life of pool if > 3 yrs.
SO 4 years need all pools
switch order
offset existing position and roll into later month
delta increase for calls when market rises
ITM optiosn have delta close to 1.
OTM close to 0
As market rises, calls become deeper in the money and rise to 1
backwardated mkt
backwardated caused by tight supply/shortage
eurodollar settlement
vertical spread
same optn, same exp , diff strike
buy call / sell call
horizontal spread
diff exp
cpo account statements
at least qtly
NAV > 500K, monthly
maintenance margin
if equity < maintenance margin, margin call