Series Flashcards
What are the two summation formulas that must be memorised and the two that are given in the formula book?
Not Given:
Σnr=1(1) = n
Σnr=1(r) = 1/2 n(n+1)
Σnr=1(r2) = 1/6 n(n+1)(2n+1)
Σnr=1(r3) = 1/4 n2(n+1)2
What are important summation results?
Σkƒ(x) = kΣƒ(x)
Σƒ(x)+g(x) = Σƒ(x) + Σg(x)
How can you derive the formulas for other sums of series?
Using the given sums of series and using the results of series we can derive new sums of series
How do you deal with using a given sum of series when the top of the sigma isn’t an n?
Swap all the n’s in the given sums of series for whatever is on top of the sigma
How do you deal with a series where the bottom is not r = 1? e.g Σnr=k
You split the sum into two sums e.g
Σnr=k = Σnr=1 - Σk-1r=1
How do you solve a method of differences question?
- Make sure the term you are finding the sum of is in partial fraction form
- Write out the sum of the partial fractions, in a column where each row r=1,2,3…..n-2,n-1,n until you see a pattern
- Cross out all the terms that cancel (if for e.g the first three terms cancel then the last three should aswell)
- Once you have cancelled everything then write your short sum out and rearrange for the form they ask for
Note it may ask you to sub in a value of n or to split the sum into two sums as r≠1
What is the formula for mclaurin series given in the formula book?
f(x) = f(0) + xf’(0) + (x2/2!)f ‘‘(0) + …
What are the steps to finding a mclaurin series?
- State f(x) then find f(0)
- State f’(x) then find f’(0)
- Repeat this process until you have your first k non zero terms
- Sub into the mclaurin series formula and simplify
Note generally it will ask for the first k non zero terms
How do you find the general sequence of a mclaurin expression in terms of r?
- Work out the nth term of the powers in the form ar+b
- If the first term is positive then the top of your expression must be (-1)r+1, if your first terms negative the top of your expression is (-1)r
- The bottom of your expression is generally the nth term of the factorials which is the same as the nth term of the powers (ar+b) to the factorial (ar+b)!
Your final expression will probably look like this:
(-1)r+1/(cr+d)! * xar+b
Note it may help to leave some things unsimplified
Note the first term is always r=1
What taylor series expansions are given in the formula book?
Note the validity will change from expression to expression so you must work it out