Sequenza III for Female Voice Flashcards
In Sequenza III for Female voice, there are ( rare) conventionally sung passages with clearly defined pitches and intervals. give examples
Minor thirds, broken triads, 7ths, Augmented 4ths and repeated notes. (notated on five-line stave).
What is the harmony of Sequenza III for Female voice?
it is a solo piece, so there is none. Berio spoke of a ‘sequence of harmonic fields’, but it is impossible to describe harmony as such.
What is the rhythm/metre of Sequenza III for Female voice?
Essentially there is no rhythm or metre in the traditional sense.
Performances of Sequenza III for Female voice are rare. where are they most likely to take place?
at ‘specialist’ modern music events.
What is Sequenza III for Female voice notable for?
Virtuosity, ‘extended vocal techniques’, and challenging of traditional language and conventions of music.
What genre is Sequenza III for Female voice?
It is an avant-garde work.
What is teh structure of Sequenza III for Female voice?
It is a random sucesssion of ideas and ‘moods’, indicated by such directions as ‘anxious’, ‘urgent’, ‘very excited’ and ‘frantic’.
Give an example of how Sequenza III for Female voice challenges traditional language and conventions of music
The disguise opening of the work with the performer working on stage muttering.
Other than the rate conventionally sung passages, which other eight torms of vocal production does Berio use in Sequenza III for Female voice?
Muttering, laughing, tongue clicks, coughs, sighs, trills, tremolos, cupping of hand over mouth.
What is the notation of Sequenza III for Female voice?
Graphic with only approximate indication of the time values and pitches.
Where is the text for Sequenza III for Female voice sourced?
the text is a poem by Marc Rutter.
What is the tonality of Sequenza III for Female voice?
It is atonal with no fixed relationships of pitches to one another. the performer is not obliged to sing even the passages notated on the five line staves at concert pitch.
the Melody/word setting of Sequenza III for Female voice is frequently dislocated and subjected to various treatments, Name three
( rare) use of complete phrase, Spinning out of new phrases drawing on component parts of text, splitting up of words or changing component sounds.
How is the time element of Sequenza III for Female voice managed?
Through the division of the music into 10-second segments, but even here the timings
Though not notated traditionally, what is there in terms of note durations in Sequenza III for Female voice?
there are relatively long and short durations.
Which year was Sequenza III for Female voice written in?