Sequencing Methods Flashcards
what is PCR?
Polymerase Chain Reaction
a.k.a. a reaction to amplify DNA in a machine
why do we use PCR?
amplifying DNA is useful so you get more DNA material to work with. Can be very useful in a forensic context (since there is not much material to work with) to diagnose disease (infectiouse disease and mutiations) and just generally for the study of DNA.
Materials for PCR are…
1) DNA template (what you want to amplify)
2) DNA primers
3) DNA polymerase
4) DNTP’s (the building blocks)
5) Buffer solutions
6) Thermal cycling
DNA primers are…
short oligonucleotides (short sequence of nucleotides, usually fewer than 50 nucleotides) for the flanking of target region. they can bind to their complementary sequence.
DNA polymerase is…
an enzyme that is essential for the synthesizing of new DNA strands
Buffer solutions are used for…
for the optimal conditions of the enzymatic reactions
Thermal cycling entails…
temperature cycles to create the necessary conditions for the reactions
Method for PCR is:
1) Denature (95C) : DNA seperates into 2 strands because the hydrogen bonds breaks due to the heat
2) Annealing (50-65C): DNA primers can bind to their complementary strand
3) Extension (72C): the temperature is raised for the optimal function of the DNA polymerase
Repeat: usually 25-35 repeats
Note: temperatures can differ per primer or enzyme used
Advanteges of PCR
+ high sensitivity: can amplify really small portions of DNA
+ High specificity: primers can make the amplification really specific
+ Usually quick
Limitations of PCR
- Easy contaminated due to it’s sensitivity
- poorly designed primers can have huge effects
- It just amplifies, it does not sequence
What is Sanger Sequencing
it is a chain termination method to sequence DNA
Why do we use Sanger Sequencing?
It is used to sequence DNA. It is still used to validate the results of next generation sequencing technologies and can still be cost-effective for smaller projects
Materials needed for Sanger Sequencing are:
1) DNA template
2) Primers
3) DNA polymerase
4) dNTPs to syntesyse DNA
5) ddNTPs with fluorescent dye to stop synthesis and find out what the sequence is
6) buffer for optimal conditions of reaction
Sanger Sequencing Method:
1) The DNA that needs to be sequenced is denatured into single strands
2) Primers will anneal to the DNA fragments
3) DNA syntesis –> shorter and longer fragments will be formed because of the dNTPs which wull synthesise the strand and ddNTPs (that have the dye) will terminate the synthesis of the strand, leading to multiple strands with varying lengths
4) electrophoresis –> because longer strands are stuck at the top of the gel while short strands will end up at the bottom. The ddNTPs with the dye will indicate the full sequence if you look from the bottom to the top.
5) Data analysis –> using a chromatogram you can analyse the peaks associated with the corresponding nucleotides
Advantages to Sanger Sequencing
+ high accuracy
+ Usefull and small scale projets
+ validated and reliable
Limitations of Sanger Sequencing
- Lower throughput
- Not as useful for de novo (NGS has more depth coverage)
- Difficulties in high repeat area
Next Generation Sequencing
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a high-throughput technology that allows for the rapid sequencing of entire genomes or targeted DNA regions, enabling comprehensive genetic analysis and advancements in personalized medicine, research, and diagnostics.
(think of Illumina or Oxford Nanopore)
advantages of NGS vs. Sanger Sequencing
+ higher throughput (can sequence millions of DNA fragments simultaneously
+ More rcomprehensive coverage, such as entire genome or large targeted areas.
+ Cost effective per base and it is easier to scale up
+ Very fast dor how much data it can provide
+ high coverage depth, better at finding rare variants
+ Versatillity: WGS, WES, RNAseq, Epigenetic, Metagenomics
+ better at detecting single nucleotide variations
+ can be used for de novo sequencing
Limitation NGS
It may not always be as accurate as Sanger Sequencing
WGS (what is it)?
Whole Genome Sequencing: a method to Determine the complete DNA sequence. (incorporating coding and non-coding , extra chromosomal areas and mitochondrial DNA)
Why do we use WGS?
WGS has comprehensive coverage and thus potentially gices a lot of information
Method WGS:
1) DNA isolation: blood, tissue and cultured cells
2) Library preparation: adaptors are ligated to ends of DNA fragments
3) Sequencing
4) Data analysis
5) Interpretation
Advantages for WGS
+ Comprehensive coverage, entire genome, regulatory elements, repetitive regions
+ Rather accurate
+ Useful for novel genetic variants not captured by targeted sequence approaches
Limitations WGS
- Need a lot of DNA and analysis resources
- High cost
- Difficult to interpret, in WGS we see a lot of variations, but there are a lot of VUS (variants of unknown significance) and the effects of non-coding regions are not always well understood.
WES (what is it?)
Whole exome Sequencing: focusses on the protein-coding regions of the genome (exons) which is about 1-2% of the human genome
Why use WES?
This type of sequencing looks at parts of the genome which tend to be more clearly disease causing and better understood in the context of disease compard to non-coding elements.
How does WES work?
1) targeted enrichment: regions of interest are selectively captured using oligonucleotides (in this case sequences to flank targeted regions)
2) Library preparation
3) Sequencing
4) Data analysis
Advantages WES
+ more efficient because the sequenced regions are more likely to be disease causing
+ Is especially useful for detecting disease causing variants
+ Can also facilitate gene discovery
Limitations WES
- Incomplete coverage compared to WGS
- Limited detection of structural variants such as chromosomal rearrangements or inversions
- There are still many variants of unknown significance or variants that are significant but in non-coding areas
RNA Sequencing (what is it?)
Instead of sequencing the DNA we sequence the RNA
Why use RNA sequencing?
1) gives insights on the actual gene expression, so what is actually transcribed
2) insights in alternative splicing effects
3) it can detect fusion genes
4) It gives insights in the functional consequences
5) it allows us to detect imprinting effects by seeing which genes ar active, and which are not
Limitation RNA sequencing
RNA is not as stable as DNA
sc-RNA Sequencing (What is it?)
Single Cell RNA Sequencing: RNA sequencing of a single cell
Why use sc-RNA Sequencing
To find out what is being transcribed
How does sc-RNA Sequencing work?
1) Cell isolation
2) Library preparation –> extraction of RNA and the cDNA (coding DNA) because it tends to be more stable
3) PCR
4) Sequencing
5) Data analysis
Advantages sc-RNA sequencing
+ Insights how cell types differ in expression
+ It allows for detection of rare cell types within cell populations
+ Allows for the study of dynamic changes such as the response of environmental stimuli on a cell
Limitations sc-RNA Sequencing
- Limited coverage
- More difficult to replicate
- More noise and amplification bias compared to bulp RNA sequencing
- Dissociating cells from tissue can lead to artifacts and stress response from cells
- More difficult to maintain cell integrity and viability
Bulk-RNA Sequencing (what is it)
B-RNA sequencing: takes multiple cell types in its analysis
Why use Bulk-RNA sequencing?
Because it has some good advantages
(coste effective, population level analysis, easy to replicate, global expression of genes)
How does bulk-RNA sequencing work?
1) RNA extraction through cells and tissue
2) Library preparation
3) Sequencing
4) Data analysis
Advantages bulk-RNA sequencing
+ cost effective
+ population level analysis
+ Easier to replicate: because its a larger sample to average out compared to one cell sample
+ Global expression of genes: including upregulation and downreagulation of genes
Limitation of bulk-RNA sequencing
- Cannot distinguish cell to cell variability, such as subpopulation
- Limited detection of rare cell transcriptions
- It is more of a snapshot and less able to detect dynamics
- Limited resolution for cell-to-cell interactions
Targeted Gene Panels
focusses on specific mutations in a given sample.
Limitation Targeted gene panels
- Limited information and other mutations might actually be causative
Advantage Targeted gene panel
+ It is great if you have an idea of what gene is involved and you want to confirm it.
SNP array (what is it?)
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism array is an array to detect SNP in the DNA