Sequences An Series Of Functions Flashcards
When does a sequence of functions converge pointwise
A sequence of functions (fk)k converge pointwise to f on A as lim k tends to inf if sequence (fk(x)) converges to f(x) for every x in A.
If for every x in A and every epsilon > 0 exists N in N s.t for every k >= N we have mod(fk(x) - f(x)) < epsilon
There is a fixed x, k goes to inf
When does a sequence converges uniformly
A sequence converges uniformly to f on A if:
For all epsilon > 0 exists N in N s.t for all k >= N for all x in A mod(fk(x)-f(x)) < epsilon
Different because epsilon can’t depend on x
X not fixed, K fixed at first
When does fk converge to f uniformly
Fk converges to f uniformly on A when:
Lim k tends to inf (sup mod(fk(x) - f(x))) = 0
Supremum because can choose x = epsilon
What is the sequence of partial sums
Sequence of partial sums is:
Sn = sum k=1 to n fk
When does a series sum k=1 to inf fk converge pointwise
A series sum k=1to inf converges pointwise when the sequence (Sn)n converges to f pointwise on A
When does series sum k=1 to inf fk converge uniformly
Series sum k=1 to inf fk converges uniformly when series (Sn)n converge to f uniformly on A
What does uniform convergence imply
Uniform convergence implies pointwise convergence, but vice versa isn’t necessarily true
What is Cauchy criterion for uniform convergence
Cauchy criterion fo uniform convergence is:
A sequence of functions (fk) fk : A to R converges uniformly on A iff for every epsilon > 0 exists an integer N s.t if j,m >= N and x is in A then mod(fj(x) -fm(x)) < epsilon.
Useful because don’t need to find limit to prove
What is the weierstrass M-test
Weierstrass M-test is:
Sup(Mod(fk(x))) <= Mk for every x, sum k=1 to inf Mk < inf then series fk converges uniformly on A
If uniform convergence of a series is proved by weierstrass then what else is proved
If uniform convergence is proved by weierstrass M-test then series also converges absolutely, but uniform convergence doesn’t moly absolute convergence
When is weierstrass M-test not applicable
Weierstrass M-test is not applicable when there is a series that converges uniformly but not absolutely
If fk tends to f uniformly as k tends to inf, then what is f
If fk tends uniformly to f as k tends to inf, then f is continuous on interval