Septicaemia (1*) Flashcards
What are the common causes in neonates?
What are the common causes in children?
What occurs in Septic Shock?
➊ Group B strep, and Listeria
➋ S.pneumoniae, N.meningitidis, and S.aureus
➌ Cardiovascular dysfunction - BP drops → Hypoperfusion → Raised Lactate
How does it present?
What is found O/E?
➊ • Poor feeding
• Inconsolable crying
• Altered mental state – e.g. sleepiness, irritability, lethargy, floppiness
• Pale or mottled skin
➋ Increased WOB, Tachycardia, Fever or hypothermia, Prolonged CRT, Non-blanching rash (very worrying sign, and puts the child at high risk)
How is it investigated and managed?
1. High-flow O2
2. Get IV/IO access and take:
‣ Blood Culture
‣ Bloods – Glucose, FBC, U&E, CRP, INR
‣ Blood Gas – Lactate, Acidosis
3. Give IV/IO Abx – Broad-spectrum
4. IVF – 20ml/kg IV bolus of 0.9% Saline over 5-10 mins if Lactate > 2mmol/L or Shock
‣ Repeat if necessary and aim for normal physiological parameters
5. Involve seniors early
6. Consider Inotropic support early if normal physiological parameters aren’t reached after >40ml/kg of Fluids