September Flashcards
Q189484-another ecg with bradycardia, heart rate 51… with 2 episodes of fainting attack … next investigation
A-Stress echo
Q189465-A concerned woman comes to your clinic.she is 24 weeks pregnant.she says her friends kid had some kind of viral infection and earlier she was exposed to the kid.she took a picture of the child and shows it to you,what is the most appropriate next step?
a.check rubella ab
b.check measles ab
C.check parvovirus ab
D.commence measles ig
E.reassure that the virus wont affect the fetus
Q189435-An old man was diagnosed with acute sah and was admitted in the ward,on the second day of admition he became agitated while shouting and screaming what will be your next most appropriate management in this patient? 1.commence sedation 2.discharge the patient 3.order physical restraint 4.relocate him to a separate room No beta blocker in the options
اگه اگرسیو بود سدیشن
اگه نه اتاق ارام
Q189422-48 year old man with abdominal pain and fluid thrill and distension and caput medusa and JVP raised and edema in the legs. Where is the lesion?
a) Hepatic vein obstruction
b) Portal vein obstruction
c) Renal failure
d) CCF
فشار RA بالا
Q189419-A pregnant Lady with prevoius history of post partom depression treated with sertralin on that time now come with all the depression criteia exept suesidial though crying alot.decrise sexal desire decrise appetite ,just eating in order the baby remain healthy what is the best next step?
A.start sertrLin
B.sychiatrisy consultation abot prose and cons af using serterLin and((olanzapin))!!!! In peregnancy
➖in the stem directly pointed that the lady has not psycotic feature
A or B
Q189389-A woman comes to your clinic. She was prescribed trifluoperazine for her condition which controlled her symptoms very well. She did not take the drug for the last 3 weeks because her doctor was away and she could not get the prescription. Moreover, she is afraid of the side effects of the drug (extrapyramydal symptoms described) which she is recently experiencing. What is the most appropriate initial choice in management? 1.start trifluoperazine again 2.start resperidone 3.start quetiapine 4.give respa depot 5.give psychotherapy #روان
Q189244-An obese man had hypertension and family history of DM.On visits,BP-130/85 . FBS-7.8. What will u do? A.repeat FBS B.repeat RBS C.commence metformin D.commence insulin #internal
Q189224-30yrs old F, came with malaise, fatigue, palpitation, wt loss 4kg,HR-120/min,regular.Thyroid is palpable.TSH-0.1 low.Thyroid scan increase uptake. She was given propanolol. What is next step of management? A.carbimazole iodine C. Subtotal thyroidectomy D.prednisolone #داخلی #غدد
Q189218-After starting ocp, intermittent spotting occurs, cause asked a. endometrium not forming completely b. ovarian follicle response c. others #gyn
Q189218-After starting ocp, intermittent spotting occurs, cause asked a. endometrium not forming completely b. ovarian follicle response c. others #gyn
Q189220-A man had been on anti-Parkinson drug for 9 years. Recently, his wife complains of psychosis and was prescribed 10mg Haloperidol. After two weeks, wife complains of abnormal movement and inability to feed himself. What’s the cause?
A) Worsening Parkinson
B) Lewy body dementia
C) Haloperidol
Q189214-Woman comes to you complaining of fever, headache, rashes and a milky discharge from her nipples for four months. Six months prior, she was prescribed estrogen-progesterone OCP for birth control. What should you investigate? A. FSH/LH B. Serum ferritin C. Serum prolactin D. Testosterone E. CA-125 #gyn
Q189216-What would be the best indicator for development of further violent behavior in a demographic? a. Past h/o violent behavior b. H/o previous imprisonment c. juvenile delinquenc #روانپزشکی
Q189212-Pregnant women 16th weeks, oral glucose tolerance test 5.9. She is worried that she might have diabetes. What is the next step?
a) Refer to dietician
b) start metformin
c) Follow up OGTT between 24-28 weeks
d) do hba1c every trimester
e) Reassure
Q189213-A man comes to the ED after indulging several alcohol beverages. On exam, you notice there is increased swelling on the abdomen with jaundice and abdominal distention. The patient is in severe pain and you can palpate the liver. What is your diagnosis? (Pic is given) A. Budd Chiari B. Acute pancreatitis C. Alcohol induced cirrhosis D. Hepatomegaly E. Splenomegaly #داخلی #گوارش
Q189211-Mother takes 9 mon old irritable baby with a bile stain vomiting and diarrhea to see her local GP. She says the baby was doing fine until today when the baby kept vomiting up food.US shows shadows in right upper quadrant. What next to do? A. Urine culture B. Stool culture C. Air enema D. Laparotomy E. Laparoscopy
Q189208-A man comes to you complaining of fever, headache, and rashes. You run a couple tests and notice that he is positive for Coxsackievirus Burnetti. Which of the following occupation is most likely to be exposed to this virus? A. Gardening B. Working at a saw mill C. Dairy farmer milking D. Working at a reception desk E. Sewage sanitation #عفونی
Q189013-a lady with anemia mild icterus NOT vegeterian NO menorrhagia..macrocytic megaloblastic pic next step A-red cell folate B-vit B12 C-intrinsic factort antibody D-iron studies
Q189019-Most Appropriate test in Acute limb ischaemia? A-Colour Doppler B-Arteriogram C-Digital subtraction arteriography #داخلی
Q186288- A foster mom tensed about 2 year old child with his behaviour child witnessed severe domestic violence of biological mother with her different sex partner .At times child became withdrawal and silent . Don't play with toys and difficult to settle at night cause a-Separation anxiety b-Acute in ch stress c-Oppositional defiant behaviour d-Autistic spectrum disorder e-Paranoid personality disorder #psych
Q186302- Most teratogenic for fetus in pregnant lady? A) cocaine B) heroin C) amphetamine D) methamphetamine E) Flouxetine #obs #gyn
10/ #psych #pharma Q186325- A patient with a long history of bipolar disorder, mixed type, was recently started on an anticonvulsant that he was told would help with his mood swings. He had been on it for 5 weeks when he developed skin changes that looked like burns. He was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Which of the following medications did this patient most likely take? A. Carbamazepine B. Clonazepam C. Gabapentin D. Lamotrigine E. Valproate
5️⃣#internal Q186386- A scenario of a patient admitted for DVT and was started on Heparin and Warfarin. Then he developed bleeding per rectum, BP 80/50, HB: 8.5 (was 15 at admission), and INR became 9. What to do? A. Give Vitamin K B. Give FFP alone C. FFP + platelet D. Fresh whole blood
Q189051-ECG with bradycardia and prolong QT or sth like that, In scenario patient came with chest pain for 15 min and relieve by rest. Troponin normal. Pulse – normal and regular. BP normal. What to do next? 1.repeat troponin 2. echo 3. coronary angiography 4. repeat ecg #cardio
Q189056- X-ray with RA hand, Z deformity seen, investigation to confirm the diagnosis a) Anti citrunillated b) RF c) ANA #داخلی #روماتو
Q189059-70-year-old man with syncope, shortness of breath and ECG given - A-fib, what is the most important next management?
a) Atenolol
b) Warfarin
c) Aspirin
d) Clopidogrel
Q189061- A carpenter with a history of screwdriver into hand 4 days back- penetrating injury, now has come with swelling over the dorsum of the hand, after giving antibiotics what must be done
a) Incision and drainage
b) Tetanus
c) elevation
Q186235- Man whose hand deeply injured by screw driver , 5 weeks ago, he found supercial laceration and give diphtheria tetanus toxoid , now , the hand is swollen and painful. What to do beside antibiotics?
a) Elevation
b) Aspiration
c) Tetanus toxoid
d) Tetanus immunoglobulin only
e) Dpt
DM 1 pt after a penetrating injury developed swelling of ring finger, it was tender esp on flexor side pt had problem with extension of the finger … What to do next?
A. IV Antibiotic
B. aspiration
C. Surgical exploration
Q189064- Nerve root for triceps jerk? a) C5,C6 b) C6,C7 c) C8,T1 #نورولوژی
Q189063-35 year old,obese lady with swelling for the past four days, below and lateral to the pubic tubercle, no cough impulse, not reducible, her bowel movements are normal. What to do next? a) Usg abdomen b) Urgent surgery c) CT #جراحی
Q189065-Meralgia parenthetic case, what investigation to do
a) X-ray knee
b) X-ray hip
c) Ct lumbosacral
Emg to rule out
Q189069- You see your colleague drinking in a pub andknow they are on duty tonight. What will you do?
a) Inform the APHRA
b) Inform your other colleges about this behaviour
c) Do nothing and leave
d) Inform the hospital emergency
Q189073- 60-year-old, Cholecystitis post op Lap – developed swelling in the umbilicus and pain after 4 days of surgery. What is the cause ? a) Nosocomial b) Anerobic Gut c) From the urinary tract d) From the iv line e)from umbilicus #جراحی
Q189077- Patient on medications for HTN. She feels dizzy when get out of the bed... happening for a while...She also had some falls. BP 160/100 .Has AF. Next Ix A echo B xray C holter monitoring D 24 hour BP monitoring E check BP again in supine position #داخلی #قلب
Q189075- A mother brings her child for MMR vaccination at 12 months of age. Child has got flu-like illness with temperature 38ºC. What is the most appropriate next step?
a. Give MMR vaccine except rubella and give rubella vaccine once the child recover from flu
b. Postpone vaccination and vaccinate after the child recovers from flu
c. Give MMR vaccine now
d. Tell the mother that MMR is contraindicated
e. Give MMR vaccine except rubella portion
Q189080-Invasive intraductal carcinoma with no lymph node involvement, Mx askedg. A-Total mastectomy B- Partial mastectomy C- Radiation #زنان #جراحی
Q189081-45yrs female laproscopic cholecystectomy 6 months back now elevated ALT AST cholesterol and abd pain and dyspepsia. Most appropriate investigation A-Contrast CT abd and chest B-Ercp with manometry C-Mrcp D-Oral cholecystogram #جراحی
Q189083-45 yo man with hemoptysis and microscopic hematuria. Also granulomatous nodules on finger. Dx? A- Wegener granulomatosis B- Goodpasture #داخلی #کلیه
Q189087-man with stab injury , with knife in the chest ,posteriorly in the 4-5 ics,in midclavicular line.after stabilizing vitals in ed, what is the next most appropriate step- a.remove knife b.intubate c.drain usg. e.ct #جراحی
Q189088-same scenario ,with knife stabbed in chest.they haven’t mentioned the area of chest. After stabilisng the patient,what is the most appropriate next step a.ct chest b.intubate c.remove knife under ga d.usg #جراحی
Q189090-A diabetic patient in metformin 500 mg BD comes to you for follow up. His random blood glucose is 5.6 (4.4 -7.8) and his HbA1C is 6.9 (upto 6.6 was give as normal) What would be the best advise to give to this patient ? a. Add Insulin b. Decrease metformin c. Increase metformin d. Continue same treatment e Add simvastatin #داخلی #غدد
Q189091-DM qs. On metformin. HbA1c 6.9%. Normal was given upto 6.4. Bp was 130/80. Trace of protein in urine. Cholesterol 4 A. add simvastatin B. increase metformin C. Continue treatment d. acei/arbs #داخلی #غدد
Q189092-Elderly patient presents with 10 minutes loss of vision and weakness of one half of the face. How will you investigate? A-Carotid doppler B-Echo C-Mri D-Ct ( TIA – amuorosis fugax ) #نورولوژی
Q11331- A 75 years old man presents to you with blurring of vision over few hours. He said there was no pain or any other symptom before or along with the vision loss. On examination his vision was markedly reduced, and there was decreased pupillary reflex. Which of the following will lead you to diagnosis of his condition. A. Fundoscopy B. ESR C. MRI D. CT head E.Carotid Doppler
Q189099-A diabetic female scratched by cat in upper left arm developed rash and pain in arm forearm and hand along with numbness in hand.diagnosis? A. diabetic myotrophy B. cat scratch fever C. cellulitis #internal #infect
اگر فقط کت اسکرتچ باشه نامنس نمیده
یکسری علائم سیستمیک میده و نهایتا LAP
ولی اینکه کل دست درگیر هست و نامنس هم حتما بخاطر تورم شدید دستش هست دیگه
Q189101-Patient with cellulitis leg , treated with cefazolin , and got relieved but 3 days later fever develop with rash , In the future , which drug will be safe ?
A . Cefazolin -1st line cephalosporin
B . No cephalosporin
C , neither penicillin nor cephalosporin
D , Any cephalosporin except cefazolin
Q189102-What is the most common cause of death from PCKD? A)Intracerebral hemorrhage. B)Stones. C)Infection. D)Malignancy. E)Renal failure #داخلي
Q189103-A 75yr old man has just undergone bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement. He has atrial fibrillation. He is hypertensive as well. On examination no cardiac failure and rest of CVS examination is normal. What will you choose for anticoagulation for him? A.Warfarin B.Asprin and clopidogrel C.clopidogrel alone D.warfarin and asprin #داخلي #قلب
Bio warfarinتا ۶ ماه & aspirin
Prosthetic aspirin
Q189117-an alcoholic man presented with soft small testes,elevated all liver enzymes and cirrhosis symptoms,what do yo asses at first? 1)liver biopsy 2)iron studies 3)serum alcohol level #داخلي
فریتین بالای ۱۰۰۰
اختلال انزیم کبدی
بیوپسی کبد
Q189126- Farmer comes with lacerated wound now. He has taken DPT and TIG for superficial wound 3 weeks ago,has no other immunization history.Now what to do 1.TT 2.Tig(not sure) 3.Tig and DPT #عفوني
Q189134- 47Patient on warfarin.. had PR bleeding. InR 9. Whats most appropiate next tx? A -whole blood tx B -packed cell tx C- ffp tx D -vit k E -cease warfarin #داخلي
Q189137- A scenario of a patient who underwent gastrectomy for carcinoma of stomach antrum developed pain and tenderness and other serious symptoms (don’t remember). Values were given of which K+ was 6 and CK = 2500. Other values were normal. Most likely diagnosis? a. Rhabdomyolysis #داخلي #جراحي
Q189347-A scenario of a patient who underwent gastrectomy for carcinoma of stomach antrum
developed pain and tenderness and other serious symptoms (don’t remember). Values
were given of which K+ was 6 and CK = 2500. Other values were normal. Most likely
a. Rhabdomyolysis
b. malignant hyperthermia
Q189150- kids Periorbital cellulitis,eyelid swelling,orbital redness ,fever,he can't move eyeball,there is marked tenderness and erythema around the eye, most appropriate next investigation to diagnosis? A-CT scan B-Swab test C- Blood culture #اطفال
Q189153-A 65 years old Pt presented by light headiness, and palpitation, Examination was clinically free, he’s on perindopril, Eltroxin, verapamil, antidiabetic medications. ECG (1st degree heart block). What’s the next appropriate treatment?
A. Increase Eltroxin
B. Stop verapamil
C. Stop perindopril
D. Add digoxin #cardio
Q189156-A homosexual man comes to your clinic to pick up his medical records. You notice that he has tested positive for HIV and you explain to him about his results. The patient agrees to everything you said and tells you that he will use condoms but he will not tell his partners. What do you do?
A. Listen to the patient and agree not to tell
B. Notify Health Department and start contact tracing
C. Tell him that it is your duty to inform his partners
D. Call police
E. Refer to infectious disease unit
Q189160-A young girl is brought to you by her parents who explain that their daughter has been having headaches, fever, chills, nausea and vomiting. Upon examination, you notice she is drowsy and neck is stiff. What is your management in making a diagnosis? A. ABG B. CT scan C. LP D. Abdominal US E. EKG #نورولوژی #عفونی
Q189161-A young man comes to the ED after vomiting food particles. He says that he has never had this problem before and it started when he was eating solid foods in which it became hard for him to swallow. On exam, you notice there is narrowing ring of the esophagus. What is your dx? A. Esophageal cancer B. Esophagitis C. Peptic stricture D. Esophagogastric cancer E. Respiratory induced esophagitis #گوارش
Q189166-21year old come with left scrotal pain which wakes him up at night. No fever, malaise and discharge. On examination, right scrotum and content is normal. Left scrotum tender, redness, swollen. Cremasteric test is positive. Pain is reduced initially when left scrotum is elevated. What is next step in management? A-Urine C&S B-Chlamydia PCR C-Scrotal USG D-Needle aspiration E-CT scan #uro
C اگه داپلر بود
Q189169-Following a start of a dumping of waste by a factory, there is increase in cases of cancer in the locality, what study will you do? a) Cross-sectional b) Case control c) Cohort d) RCT e) Case report #آمار
Q189171-Pregnant lady is sent to the ED after MVA in which the airbags failed to deploy. On P/E, she is alert, conscious and responds to questions. Her vaginal exam did not have any bleeds and CTG is normal with FHR 180/min. What is the next step? A. Induce labour now B. Inject synotocin to induce labour C. Immediately C/S D. C/S after 24hrs E. Wait for labour #زنان
Q189172-65 year old man undergoes surgery for ruptured abdominal aneurysm and has no other problems. Upon examination, he shows no signs and reflexes are normal. What is your next step in management? A. Colloid solution B. 3% saline C. 0.9% solution D. Transfuse pack of red blood cells E. Oral iron #جراحی
Q189173-Old lady comes to you stating that she is feeling unwell. According to her h/x, she has HTN, diabetes, hypothyrodism and cardiac disease for which she takes io-thyroxine, metformin, verapamil, elondril? and thyroxine. Which tx will alleviate her discomfort? A. Cease metformin B. Cease verapamil C. Cease elondril D. Cease thyroxine E. Increase thyroxine #internal
Q189174-Old lady comes in with SOB and dyspnea. She says she underwent surgery few months prior and she has had asthma attacks and respiratory problems before however this is her worst case. On exam, she is normal aside from a small reduced entry on the right side of the lung. CXR shows small diffuse bilateral infiltrates. What is your dx? A. Pneumothorax B. Hemothorax C. Pulmonary embolism D. Fat embolism E. Acute respiratory disease #internal #قلب #ریه
Q189175-A mother takes her 6 yr old son to visit you, complaining of hematuria with runny nose, skin rash and fever. On exam, the child is responsive however feels unwell; during P/E, you notice the legs have edema. The mother says he has been like this for few days. What do you advise?
A. Take the boy home and restrict salt intake
B. Reassure the mother
C. Give the boy some medication
D. Tell the mother come back in several days
E. Admit the boy for fluid & salt restriction
Q189177-A man comes in complaining of gastric discomfort. His h/x states he drank lot of beers and ate pizza the evening before. Then he felt discomfort and vomited in which the pain came after. Vomitus contained just food particles and had no blood. On exam, the patient is conscious but in discomfort and no jaundice. What is your dx? A. Acute pancreatic cancer B. Cirrhosis C. Perforated duodenal ulcer D. Alcohol liver disease E. Mallory-Weise syndrome #گوارش
Q189178-A elderly man comes to the ED as result of status asthamaticus. He has been on albuterol and salbutamol for years in which it has not alleviated the symptoms. What medication will you give?
A. Prophylline + ipratrodium (I got this wrong )
B. B-agonist + albuterol + sedation
C. corticosteroids + salbutamol + sedation
D. Higher disease of albuterol
E. Corticosteriods only
Q189179-A man comes to you complaining of paralysis on the right side of his face and arm. On examining, you find everything is normal. What is your next step in tx? A. Aspirin B. Metoclomide C. Dypyridamole/Aspirin D. Morphine E. Some nitrate #قلب
Q189182-An old man with onset pain in the lower back was given indomethacin. With little weight loss, anal sphincter tone was normal. On DRE, prostate was bit enlarged and smooth. Patient now complains of hematuria. What is dx? A. Indomethacin induced hematuria B. testicular cancer C. abdominal cancer D. acute pylonephritis E. kidney failure #internal
Q189192-A man is involved in RTA and is sent to the hospital. Upon arrival, the patient is clear, conscious and alert. Patient does not complain of any pain and on exam, there is just bruising. After three days, the patient complains of aches and is disoriented. What do you suspect? A. Alcohol withdraw B. Narcotic withdraw C. Subdural hematoma D. Pneumothorax E. Lung contusion #جراحی #نورولوژی
C? Or A?
سوال هندبوک
Q189197-aA man had been on anti-Parkinson drug for 9 years. Recently, his wife complains of psychosis and was prescribed 10mg Haloperidol. After two weeks, wife complains of abnormal movement and inability to feed himself. What to do next. A) decrease dose of anti-Parkinson drug. B) increase dose of anti-Parkinson drug C) decrease dose of Haloperidol D) increase dose of Haloperidol E) continue same treatment #روانپزشکی
Q189203-A girl is taken to the hospital after being found unconscious. On her h/x, she had drank petrol from a soft drink container, 500mg paracetamols/aspirin & 10 standard drinks. What is your immediate tx? A. give naloxone B. give N-acetyle infusion C. Take to surgery D. ABG E. gastric lavage
Q189206-A man was taken to you from prison after being aggressive and threatening to kill himself. He is convicted and currently serving time for trying to kill his parents because he thinks they have been replaced by double. Upon reviewing the h/x, you realize the man has been diagnosed with schizophrenia as a child and given dexamethasone. The warden calls and asks for your next step in management. What do you do?
A. Send the man back to prison
B. Administer anti-psychotics and send the man away
C. Release the man from custody
D. Send to prison hospital
E. Send to local psych unit
Q189205-A female patient comes to you for medical check-up. You notice she has bruises and cuts on her limbs with a swollen left eye. She looks frightened and tells you that she does not want to go home. What do you do next?
A. Advise her to go home
B. Call her husband and counsel him
C. Refer to domestic & violence
D. Admit her to hospital
E. Tell her to call relatives and stay with them
Q189208-A man comes to you complaining of fever, headache, and rashes. You run a couple tests and notice that he is positive for Coxsackievirus Burnetti. Which of the following occupation is most likely to be exposed to this virus? A. Gardening B. Working at a saw mill C. Dairy farmer milking D. Working at a reception desk E. Sewage sanitation #عفونی
Q189211-Mother takes 9 mon old irritable baby with a bile stain vomiting and diarrhea to see her local GP. She says the baby was doing fine until today when the baby kept vomiting up food.US shows shadows in right upper quadrant. What next to do? A. Urine culture B. Stool culture C. Air enema D. Laparotomy E. Laparoscopy #جراحی #اطفال
Q189212-Pregnant women 16th weeks, oral glucose tolerance test 5.9. She is worried that she might have diabetes. What is the next step? a) Refer to dietician b) start metformin c) Follow up OGTT between 24-28 weeks d) do hba1c every trimester e) Reassure #غدد #زنان
Fbs : a
Rbs: c
Q189213-A man comes to the ED after indulging several alcohol beverages. On exam, you notice there is increased swelling on the abdomen with jaundice and abdominal distention. The patient is in severe pain and you can palpate the liver. What is your diagnosis? (Pic is given) A. Budd Chiari B. Acute pancreatitis C. Alcohol induced cirrhosis D. Hepatomegaly E. Splenomegaly
Q189214-Woman comes to you complaining of fever, headache, rashes and a milky discharge from her nipples for four months. Six months prior, she was prescribed estrogen-progesterone OCP for birth control. What should you investigate? A. FSH/LH B. Serum ferritin C. Serum prolactin D. Testosterone E. CA-125 #gyn
Q189215-A patient who was taking phenytoin for the past 10 years for epilepsy used to get 2 – 3
episodes every month. Several months back, he changed over to carbamazepine, after which he did not have any more seizures for one month. Now he comes to you asking for permission to drive. What should be the minimum interval before he can start driving?
1. 3 months
2. 6 months (I picked this cause he has been seizure free)
3. 12 months
4. 2 years
5. 5 years
C or d??
Q189244_an obese man had htn and family history of DM.on visits,BP_130/85.FBS_7.8.what will do u? A.repeat FBS B.repeat RBS C.commence metformin D.commence insulin
Q1811012- Pt with bmi 35, family his of dm 2, obese, fbs is 11. Comes to u. Ur next step.
- Start metformin
- Refer to endocrinologist
- Repeat fbs.
- Rbs
- Ogtt
Q189071- FBS = 5.8, what to do for screening?
a) OGTT now
b) FBS after a year
c) HbA1c
Q189427-Healthy man with Random blood glucose =8.5 and nothing else .next investigation ?
- Reassure
- Hb1c
- Fbs
Q189245-Pregnant woman who did not receive Hepatitis B vaccine before getting pregnant, gets exposed to Hep B infection. How will you manage her?
a. Give Hep B vaccine and Immunoglobulin now
b. Give Hep B Ig now
c. Give the vaccine and Immunoglobulin after delivery
تکرار واکسن یک و ۶ ماه بعد از دوز اولیه
چک انتی بادی با فواصل ؟؟
Q189253- Stroke patient with agitation, violent to staff, Most app action? A. Send him home B. Give sedation C. Send to ICU D. Send to separate room #neuro
Q189277-post op oliguria after cholecystectomy. UO 100 ml /12 hrs .catheterised. fever present 38.9. A. Serum Cr B. Bladder scan C. blood culture D. abdominal USG E. abdominal X-ray #اورولوژی
کاتتر درست و حسابی داره A
نداشت B
اول پست رنال، بعد پره رنال و اخر رنال
در کل با خواندن کل سوال به ترتیب اقدامات :
ابتدا رد علل پست رنال که در بیمار پس از جراحی شامل انسداد کاتتر ، آسیب مثانه ، بسته شدن و لیگیشن یا انسداد دوطرفه حالب
، اگر سوند دارد بررسی انسداد و اشکال خود سوند .
اگر سوند ندارد با اسکنر مثانه یا زدن سوند بررسی میکنیم ریتنشن ادراری و وجود ادرار در مثانه را .
بررسی علل پره رنال ، از آنجایی که شایعترین علت الیگوری در جراحی کمبود مایع هست باید مایع بدهیم .
در قدم سوم بررسی علل رنال هست که شامل بررسی کراتینین و bun و الکترولیت ها (EUC)هست.
توجه شود که تب پس از جراحی در ۳ روز اول ناشی از هماتوم و اتلکتازی ،ترومای جراحی می باشد .
تب ناشی از سپسیس از روز سوم به بعد مطرح می شود
Q189288-A. 65 y.o. healthy man with palpitations and lightheadedness after regular run.
On ECG atrial fibrillation – asking most common cause:
a. Hypertension
b. Ischaemicheartdisease
Q189287-CT-Image of an older male presenting with increasing constipation and abdominal discomfort for 3 weeks. H/o appendectomy and open cholecystectomy. No stool in rectum, distented, tympanic abdomen. On axial CT are two distended, fluid-filled intestinal loops, air in rectum, but no faecal matter or air-fluid levels. Asking Diagnosis. A. Volvulus B. Pseudo-obstruction C. LBO #surg
Q189283-Ethiopian migrants presents for medical check up, Mantoux test 12 mm, history of BGG vaccination, HIV negative. Next app step? A. CXR B. repeat Mantoux C. Observation D. INH given E. Isolation
Q189484-another ecg with bradycardia, heart rate 51… with 2 episodes of fainting attack … next investigation
A-Stress echo