September 27 reading (Plato) Flashcards
The Noble Lie that is to be told to the people of the just city includes the idea that…
peoples’ childhoods took place underground.
How does Socrates initially justify his claim that women and men are suited to the same tasks?
By analogy with guard dogs.
What is the apparent contradiction that Socrates and Glaucon undertake to defend (in the first few
pages of the reading from Book V)?
That women should, and should not, do the same work as men.
Which of the following is not one of Socrates’ positions on men and women (among the guardians)?
There are some tasks for which only one sex is suited.
How will people know whom to call “father” or “mother” in the system Socrates proposes?
They will know by their birth month.
Which of these is not a feature of the “marriages” that Socrates describes?
The number of marriages will be limited, to keep the population at a good level.