September Flashcards
Binary Operation
Let X be a binary operation on X is a map
For all x,y,z ∈ X
- Associative (x.y).z=x.(y.z)
- Commutative x.y=y.x
3 Admit neutral iff x.e=e.x=x - Admit the inverses x.y=y.x=e
is a set G with BO * that is assoc, commu, neutral and inverses
Abelian or commutative
Let (G,*) be a group with neutral elements e
x.y=e and x.z=e then y=z
y.x=e and z.x=e then y=z
Definition of RIng
Ring is a set with 2 BO +, *
Commutative, associative, it has additive identity 0, inverse is -a+a=0, distributive over multiplication
A ring with 1 or a ring with unity, if ring has a neutral elements
A subring
A subring S of a ring (R,+,) is a subset S⊆R such that +, restricted to BO on S
A subset S of a ring R is a subring of R if S is itself a ring with the operations of R.
Subring test
A non-empty subset S of R is a subring if S is closed under add and multi
if a-b and ab is closed under S whenever a and b are in S
What is Q?
Pairs of integers (a,b) b/=0
1/2 (1,2)
2/4 (2,4)
Equivalence relations
1.Reflexivity ∀a∈R, aRa (a,a)∈R
2. Symmetry ∀a,b∈R aRb<===>bRa
3. ∀a,b,c ∈R if aRb and bRc==> aRc
Zero Divisor
A zero divisor is a non-zero element a of the commutative ring R such that there is a non-zero element b∈R with a.b=0
Integral domain
is a commutative ring with unity and no zero-divisors
r∈R is a unit if
there some s such that r.s=1
and r has a mul inverse
{r∈R|r is a unit}
A field i
is a commutative ring with unity in which every non-zero element is a unit
A finite integral domain is field
A finite integral domain is field
Zp is a field
Zp is a field
Characteristic of integral domain
it is either 0 or prime
If the characteristic were composite, it would introduce zero divisors, which contradicts the definition of an integral domain.
Characteristic of rings
If for a ring R a positive integer n exists such that n·a=0 for all a∈R, then the least such positive integer is the characteristic of the ring R. If no such positive integer exists, then R is of characteristic 0.
Characteristic of a field
A field has a characteristic of either 0 or a prime p. If the characteristic is 0, no integer multiple of 1 equals 0. If the characteristic is p, then 𝑝⋅1=0 for all elements in the field.
- Injective (aka 1-1) if ∀ a,b ∈X, f(a)=f(b) ==>a=b
- Surjective (aka onto) if ∀ y∈Y, and ∃x∈X such that f(x)=y, (If each element of Y is the image of at least one element of X)
- Bijective meaning both 1 and 2
- If it’s surjective iff f(x)=y
- If it’s injective, if for all y∈Y f^-1(y)has at most one element
- If it’s bijective <====> for all y∈Y f^-1(y) has exactly one element
Definitions Ring Homomorphism
A ring homomorphism φ from a ring R to a ring S is a mapping from Rto S that preserves the two ring operations; that is, for all a, b in R
Ring Isomorphism
A ring homomorphism that is both one-to-one and onto is called a ringisomorphism.
Let a, b, and c belong to an integral domain. If a not = 0 and ab=ac, then b - c.
PROOF From ab = ac, we have a(b-c) = 0. Since a not= 0, we must have b-c = 0.
φ is injective <==>ker(φ)=0
Ring Isomorphism
A ring homomorphism that is both one-to-one and onto is called a ringisomorphism.
Let homo R==>S the mapping from R/Kerφ to φ(R)is given by r+kerφ==>φ(r), is an isomorphism in symbols R/kerφ=φ(R)