Separation Standards - General Flashcards
Explain the process of providing separation
Using approved separation standards, associated conditions and procedures ensuring spacing between aircraft is never less than the prescribed separation minima
How is separation assured
Through the process of assessing traffic, identifying conflicts, planning to assure separation, executing the plan and monitoring the situation to ensure the standard is not infringed
Only apply distance-based longitudinal standards when:
a) Direct Controller Pilot Communications Exist (No HF)
b) ATC monitors all distance reports made by the aircraft
What is the definition of Standard Rate
A specification for rate of climb or descent of not less than 500ft per minute, provided that the last 1000ft of level change to an assigned level must be made at 500ft per minute
What are the four formation types
Define Close Formation
Aircraft within the formation are considered to be one aircraft.
Separation is based on the lead aircraft
Define Standard Formation
Aircraft may manouevre up to 1NM either side of, co-altitude with, and up to 1NM behind the lead aircraft
Separation is based on the outer limits of the formation
Define In-Trail Formation
Elements within the trail maintain a nominated spacing from the element ahead
Separation is based on the first and last element of the trail
Define Block Formation
A non-standard formation type that operates within a pre-arranged airspace block
Separate based on the outer edges of the airspace block
What is MARSA
Military Assumes Responsibility for Separation of military Aircraft
ATC cannot initiate MARSA and MARSA cannot be applied between military and civil flight.
What can be used as a PRF?
An NDB, a VOR, TACAN site or marker beacon (NOT A DME)
What is the condition of using the TOP function for separation
Calculate a passing time immediately prior to issuing an instruction to an aircraft
Where it is possible that differing aircraft speed may compromise a separation standard what shall controllers do?
Obtain speed confirmation from the aircraft concerned
What is the process for applying the step climb procedure
a) advise pilots they are subject to a step climb
b) progressively assigning the lower aircraft levels which provide vertical separation with the level vacated by the higher climbing aircraft
c) advising pilots when the step climb is no longer required
A DME beacon is considered co-sited with a waypoint or azimuth navaid when it is within how many metres of the waypoint or navaid
600 metres
What is the condition for using an off-track waypoint for same direction distance standards
When both aircraft are together increasing or decreasing
R1-R3 can be applied in CTA with what approvals/equipment
Approved SCNS and/or DME
Closing speeds may exist between aircraft provided that:
a) separation is in excess of the minimum distance required
b) distance checks are made at intervals not exceeding 15 minutes
c) when aircraft are crusing at levels not vertically separated, the closing speed is not greater than 35 knots or Mach 0.06
What are the approved means for the application of lateral separation
a) establishing an aircraft’s position outside lateral conflict
b) applying an appropriate ATS surveillance system separation minimum; or
c) by day only, applying a 1NM buffer to the track or position of an aircraft which is determined relative to a prominent geographic feature provided that the aircraft is
i) tracking visually, and
ii) not more than 5000ft above the geographical feature
If during an emergency situation, such as radar failure, it is not possible to ensure
that the applicable procedural separation minima will be maintained, you may
temporarily use half the applicable vertical separation minima.
When would you use 500ft and when would you use 1000ft?
500 ft: up to and including FL290 or in RVSM airspace
1000ft: At or above FL290 in non-RVSM airspace
What is the definition of a crossing track
Tracks that intercept at or between 45 degrees and 135 degrees
What is the definition of a reciprocal or same track
Tracks that intercept at less than 45 degrees