Separation Flashcards
Whe n alternative methods of separation are available, which should you select?
Controllers should select the least restrictive, compatible with workload and the overall traffic situation.
When arranging separation what allowances shall be taken into account?
The time involved in the compilation and transmission of clearances to ensure that the required separation minimum is not infringed.
What action must a Controller take when the separation or minimum between aircraft cannot be maintained?
Another type of separation or another minimum shall be established prior to the time when the current separation minimum would be infringed.
Where flights are required to be separated, how shall this be achieved?
Vertical separation is achieved by requiring aircraft using prescribed altimeter setting procedures to operate at levels that are separated by a specified minimum.
Horizontal separation is achieved by applying longitudinal, lateral, geographical or radar separation.
Visual separation is achieved by the sighting of aircraft and the application of procedures described in this section.
List the SEVEN examples provided in MATS where INCREASED separation should be applied.
- when requested by a pilot or considered necessary by the Controller; or
- when a pilot reports severe turbulence or mountain wave activity or the aircraft is entering an area of severe turbulence or mountain wave activity; or
- the navigational accuracy of an aircraft may be impaired; or
- failure of a navaid reduces capacity for frequent determination of position and speed; or
- an aircraft is experiencing a communications failure; or
- an aircraft’s performance is abnormal; or
- an aircraft is subject to unlawful interference.
According to the MATS, under what circumstances may separation be reduced?
- when visual (including composite visual) separation is applied; or
- when military separation is being applied; or
- between aircraft in formation, providing prior notice of the formation flight has been given to ATC, or the formation flight consists of an aircraft in distress and its escort.
State the elements Essential Traffic should include
- Direction of flight
- Type of aircraft
- level information
- Position information
Is the Auckland Oceanic FIR designated RVSM airspace? If so, between what flight levels?
Yes, F290-F410
State the guidance provided by the MATS with regard to priority for level allocation within the RVSM stratum.
RVSM approved aircraft shall have priority for level allocation over non-RVSM approved aircraft within the RVSM stratum. A non- RVSM state aircraft (military, customs or Police) shall be afforded the same priority within the RVSM stratum as an RVSM approved aircraft.
Detail the THREE occasions where non-RVSM civil aircraft may flight plan with the intention of operating in or transiting through the RVSM stratum.
- the aircraft is being delivered for initial acceptance, change of ownership, or lease; or
- the aircraft was formerly RVSM approved but has experienced an equipment failure and is being flown to a maintenance facility for repair to meet RVSM requirements and/or obtain approval, or is transporting externally a spare engine or strut assembly; or
- is being utilised for mercy or humanitarian purposes.
When is a revised non-RVSM clearance required to be issued to an aircraft operating within the RVSM stratum?
- Aircraft encountering weather turbulence that affects its capability to maintain the CFL; or
- Encountering wake turbulence; or
- Experiencing distracting aircraft system alerts.
How shall an aircraft operator indicate that the appropriate State authority has approved the aircraft for RVSM operations?
“Approved non-RVSM” in item 18 of the ICAO flight plan.
When may an RVSM level be used outside the RVSM stratum?
As part of a block clearance.
What phraseology should be used to verbally supplement an automated EST message exchange which does not automatically transfer item 18 flight plan information regarding non-RVSM?
Negative RVSM or Negative RVSM state aircraft [as applicable]
Define what is meant by the term RNP.
A statement of the navigation performance accuracy necessary for operation within a defined airspace and is based on a navigation performance accuracy value which is expected to be achieved at least 95% of the time by the population of aircraft operating within the airspace.