Sententiae, Semester 2 Flashcards
fortuna fatuis favet
Fortune favors the foolish
horas non numero nisi serenas
I do not count hours except bright ones
alia aliis placent
Some things please some people; other things, other people
deus ex machina
A god from the machine (divine intervention)
vulgus vult decipi
The crowd wishes to be deceived
modus vivendi
A way of living
experto credite
Believe the one who lived it
si parva licet componere magnis
If it is permitted to compare small things to great ones
ovem lupo commisisti
You have entrusted the sheep to the wolf
nemo in amore videt
No one in love sees (things as they really are)
amor tussisque non celatur
Love and a cough are not concealed
da mi basia mille, deinde centum
Give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred
occasio furem facit
Opportunity makes a thief
summum ius, summa iniuria
Extreme justice [is] extreme injustice
habeas corpus
You must have the body
in loco parentis
In place of the parent
ad unguem
To a nicety, exactly [lit. to the fingernail]
Word for word
videlicet (viz.)
Namely, to wit
quod vide (q. v.)
Which see (i.e., refer to this)
ibidem (ibid.)
In the same place (used in references)
opere citato (op. cit.)
In the work cited
confer (cf.)
scilicet (sc.)
To wit, that is to say, namely
magister bibendi
arbiter elegantiae
The determiner of taste
dum vivimus, vivamus
While we live, let us live
post nubila iubila
after sadness, gladness
bis dat qui cito dat
He gives twice who gives quickly
deceptio visus
An optical illusion
esto perpetua
Let it be forever
diem perdidi
I have lost a day
Honorably retired
ex cathedra
From the chair (officially)
ex mero motu
Out of pure impulse, spontaneously
lingua franca
A language used in common
fama crescit eundo
Rumor grows in the going, i.e., as it spreads
oderint dum metuant
Let them hate as long as they fear
multum non multa
Quality, not quantity [lit. much, not many things]
odi profanum vulgus et arceo
I hate the common crowd and I fend it off
leve fit quod bene fertur onus
The burden that is borne well becomes light
non sum, qualis eram
I am not as I once was
finis coronat opus
The end crowns the work
dulce otium
Sweet leisure
otium sine litteris est mors et hominis vivi sepultura
Leisure without literature is death and the burial of a living person
Fortune favors the foolish
fortuna fatuis favet
I do not count hours except bright ones
horas non numero nisi serenas
Some things please some people; other things, other people
alia aliis placent
A god from the machine (divine intervention)
deus ex machina
The crowd wishes to be deceived
vulgus vult decipi
A way of living
modus vivendi
Believe the one who lived it
experto credite
If it is permitted to compare small things to great ones
si parva licet componere magnis
You have entrusted the sheep to the wolf
ovem lupo commisisti
No one in love sees (things as they really are)
nemo in amore videt
Love and a cough are not concealed
amor tussisque non celatur
Give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred
da mi basia mille, deinde centum
Opportunity makes a thief
occasio furem facit
Extreme justice [is] extreme injustice
summum ius, summa iniuria
You must have the body
habeas corpus
In place of the parent
in loco parentis
To a nicety, exactly [lit. to the fingernail]
ad unguem
Word for word
Namely, to wit
videlicet (viz.)
Which see (i.e., refer to this)
quod vide (q. v.)
In the same place (used in references)
ibidem (ibid.)
In the work cited
opere citato (op. cit.)
confer (cf.)
To wit, that is to say, namely
scilicet (sc.)
magister bibendi
The determiner of taste
arbiter elegantiae
While we live, let us live
dum vivimus, vivamus
after sadness, gladness
post nubila iubila
He gives twice who gives quickly
bis dat qui cito dat
An optical illusion
deceptio visus
Let it be forever
esto perpetua
I have lost a day
diem perdidi
Honorably retired
From the chair (officially)
ex cathedra
Out of pure impulse, spontaneously
ex mero motu
A language used in common
lingua franca
Rumor grows in the going, i.e., as it spreads
fama crescit eundo
Let them hate as long as they fear
oderint dum metuant
Quality, not quantity [lit. much, not many things]
multum non multa
I hate the common crowd and I fend it off
odi profanum vulgus et arceo
The burden that is borne well becomes light
leve fit quod bene fertur onus
I am not as I once was
non sum, qualis eram
The end crowns the work
finis coronat opus
Sweet leisure
dulce otium
Leisure without literature is death and the burial of a living person
otium sine litteris est mors et hominis vivi sepultura