Sentencing Flashcards
Purpose of Sentencing – s. 718
1) Denounce
2) Deter (general + specific)
3) Separate from society
4) Rehabilitation
5) Reparations to victims
6) Sense of responsibility and acknowledgment of harm done
Fundamental Principle of Sentencing – s. 718.1
Must be proportionate to the gravity of offence and degree of responsibility
Other Sentencing Principles s. 718.2
- the court shall take into consideration in sentencing 5 factors :
1) Sentence up/down based on relevant agg/mit factors:
o Motivated by bias/prejudice
o Abused spouse or common-law partner
o Abused person under 18
o Abused a position of trust or authority
o Committed at direction /association with crim org.
2) Similar to similar offenders for similar offences in similar circumstances
3) Consecutive sentences, if imposed, not unduly long/harsh
4) Not be deprived of liberty if less restrictive available
5) All other available sanctions that are reasonable to be considered other than jail– particularly for aboriginals
Offences against Children – s. 718.01
- Abuse of person under 18, primary consideration given to denunciation and deterrence
Plea to Lesser Included Offence – s. 606(4)
- any offence arising from same offence, whether or not included offence
- requires consent of prosecutor
Party to an Offence – s. 21
1) Commits it
2) Does/omits anything for purpose of aiding main party
3) Abets any person in committing
4) Commits an offence for purpose of common intention
Absolute/Conditional Discharge – s. 730
1) No min sentence or punishable by imprisonment for 14 yrs or life
2) Best interest of A
3) Not contrary to public interest
- If breach of prob, court can enter conviction
Mandatory Terms of Probation Order – s. 732.1(2)
2) Appear before a court when required to do so
3) Notify court / PO of change of residence in advance and promptly if change of employment
Optional Terms of Probation Order – s. 732.1(3)
1) Report to PO within 2 working days
2) Remain in jurisdiction
3) Abstain from drugs and/or alcohol
4) No weapons
5) Provide support/care for dependents
6) Perform up to 240hrs CSO over period not > 18 mts
7) If A agrees, participate in treatment program
8) Curative treatment if A agrees for alcohol/drugs
9) Interlock device if A agrees
10) Comply with all other reasonable conditions
Conditional Sentence – s. 742:
- Not appropriate when denunciation/deterrence particularly pressing
- House arrest/curfew the norm
Definition – s. 742.1 (Requirements for Conditional Sentence)
1) Not endanger safety of comm. & consistent with purpose/principles of sentencing (s.718-718.2);
2) Term of prison <2 yrs;
3) No man minimum
4) Not a terrorism/crim org offence, prosecuted by indict, with max of 10 yrs or more; and
Conditional Sentence Mandatory Terms - 742.3(1)
Mandatory Terms – s. 742.3(1)
2) Appear in court
3) Notify in advance of change of name/address, promptly of employment
4) Report to supervisor within 2 days, and then as required
5) Remain within jurisdiction
Conditional Sentence Optional Terms - 742.3(2)
1) Abstain from drugs and/or alcohol
2) No weapons
3) Provide support/care for dependents
4) Perform up to 240hrs CSO over period not > 18 mts
5) Attend for treatment program
6) Comply with all other reasonable conditions
Breach of CSO – 742.6
- Hearing within 30 days – s. 742.6(3)
- Reverse onus for release – 742.6(2)
- Standard = balance of probabilities
- If breach – s. 742.6(9):
Take no action
Change optional conditions
Serve in custody for portion of sentence then resume
Terminate and collapse into real jail
- Running of sentence suspended until finding of breach and earliest of:
Issuance of warrant
Arrest without warrant
Compelled appearance
Intermittent Sentence – s. 732
- Sentence of 90 days or less:
o Serve intermittently
o Abide by probation conditions while on release
NB: Calculated AFTER PSC
Pre-Sentence Custody
- general rule = PSC to be 1:1 – s. 719(3)
- exception: PSC can go to 1.5:1 “if circumstances justify it” – s. 719(3.1)
- enhanced cannot be awarded if:
- Denied bail primarily because of previous conviction and bail judge endorsed record as such – s. 515(9.1)
- Detained in reason of bail revocation – s. 719(3.1)
- previous reason for 2:1 credit no longer reason for enhance credit, i.e. lack of earned remission, parole and statutory release, lack of programming, etc.
Victim Impact Statement – s. 722
- Must be:
o Prepared in writing
o Filed with the court - Permitted for V to read statement
- Court shall consider statement
- Court shall inquire, after finding of guilt, if there’s a VIS – s.722.2
- Court can adjourn for VIS, if not interfere with proper admin of justice – s. 722.2(2)
- To be disclosed to D/C in a timely fashion
R. v. Sharma
CSOs not available for indictment (14 years+) or import/export of drugs (10+ years).
Bill C-5 overrode this. CSOs for anything except:
A. Offences featuring a mandatory minimum sentence
B. Offences listed in s. 742.1(c) - torture, genocide, attempt murder (w/o firearm)
C. Terrorism or criminal organization offences, prosecuted by way of indictment, that feature a maximum sentence of 10 years or more.