Sentences_Number Flashcards
Watashi no denwa bangou wa 090-1234-5678 desu.
My phone number is 090-1234-5678.
Anata no denwa bangou wa nan desu ka?
What is your phone number?
Tomodachi no denwa bangou wa 080-8765-4321 desu.
My friend’s phone number is 080-8765-4321.
Kare no denwa bangou wa nan desu ka?
What is his phone number?
Watashi no kaisha no denwa bangou wa 03-9876-5432 desu.
My company’s phone number is 03-9876-5432.
Anata wa nan sai desu ka?
How old are you?
Watashi wa hatachi desu.
I am 20 years old.
Kare wa juu go sai desu.
He is 15 years old.
Watashi no imouto wa juu ni sai desu.
My younger sister is 12 years old.
Anata no otousan wa nan sai desu ka?
How old is your father?
Kore wa ikura desu ka?
How much is this?
Sore wa go sen en desu.
That is 5000 yen.
Are wa san zen en desu.
That over there is 3000 yen.
Ano hon wa ikura desu ka?
How much is that book?
Sono kaban wa nana sen en desu.
That bag is 7000 yen.
Sore wa nan doru desu ka?
How much is that in dollars?
Kore wa san juu go doru desu.
This is 35 dollars.
Ano terebi wa hyaku doru desu.
That TV is 100 dollars.
Sono jitensha wa roku juu doru desu.
That bicycle is 60 dollars.
Kore wa ni juu nana doru desu.
This is 27 dollars.
Watashi no heya wa ni kai desu.
My room is on the second floor.
Gakko wa doko desu ka?
Where is the school?
Ginkou wa eki no tonari desu.
The bank is next to the station.
Watashi no uchi wa shinjuku ni arimasu.
My house is in Shinjuku.
Sore wa shibuya ni arimasu ka?
Is that in Shibuya?
Kore wa dare no kaban desu ka?
Whose bag is this?
Are wa watashi no kasa desu.
That over there is my umbrella.
Ano jitensha wa sensei no desu.
That bicycle belongs to the teacher.
Kono enpitsu wa dare no desu ka?
Whose pencil is this?
Sono kutsu wa imouto no desu.
Those shoes belong to my younger sister.