Sentences week 4-4 Flashcards
There is a thing here.
Hay una casa aquí.
There are two guys.
Hay dos chicos.
There are three women in the house.
Hay tres mujeres en la casa.
I believe, to believe, believed, believing.
Creo, to creer, creído, creyendo.
I see, to see, seen, seeing,
Veo, ver, visto, viendo
To look at, looked at, looking at
Mirar, mirado, mirando
They are believing it.
Lo están creyendo.
You are not going to believe it.
No lo vas a creer.
They have believed that he has been good.
Han creído que él ha sido bueno.
I think that we are going.
Creo que vamos.
I think that their things are here.
Creo que sus cosas están aquí.
Have you seen it?
¿Lo has visto?
They aren’t seeing her.
No la están viendo.
I am not going to see that.
No voy a ver eso.
She is watching them.
Los está mirando.
I am here to watch.
Estoy aquí para mirar.
To be able, can
Puedo, puedes, puede, podemos, pueden
To want
Quiero, quieres, quiere, queremos, quieren
To know something
Sé, sabes, sabe, sabemos, saben
We know that we were here.
Sabemos que estábamos aquí.
He loves her.
La quiere.
We can not see them.
No los podemos ver.
We want you to be good.
Queremos que seas bueno.
He knows it.
Él lo sabe.
She can leave.
Se puede ir.
They don’t know it.
No lo saben.
Actually, she and the man are good.
En verdad, ella y el hombre son buenos.
I can see that they are wanting it.
Puedo ver que lo están queriendo.
You were with her for two years.
Estabas con ella por dos años.
I have to go because of my things.
Tengo que ir por mis cosas.
One has to say very good things.
Uno tiene que decir cosas muy buenas.
They are going to do three things for him.
Ellos le van a hacer tres cosas.
You have to look at this house!
¡Tienes que mirar esta casa!
I believe that he has watched her.
Creo que él la ha mirado.
They want to leave the place.
Se quieren ir del lugar.
You were the gentleman when the people were here.
Tú eras el señor cuando la gente estaba aquí.
I know that they were good.
Sé que eran buenos.
There is a miss with him.
Hay una señorita con él.
Have you seen us?
¿Nos has visto?
YOU know it. You are a Mrs.
Tú lo sabes. Tú eres una señora.
The life has done them a favor.
La vida les ha hecho un favor.
The woman knows that I have looked at her.
La mujer sabe que la he mirado.
They are seeing you.
Ellos te están viendo.
Another night we are going to do something for them.
Otra noche les vamos a hacer algo.
He has to leave or he wants to leave?
¿Él se tiene que ir o se quiere ir?
I want the houses to be good.
Quiero que las casas sean buenas.
There is a thing here for the boys.
Hay una cosa aquí para los chicos.
Please, can they see it?
Por favor, ¿lo pueden ver?
It is going to have to be the truth.
Va a tener que ser la verdad.
They have believed that we have to eat.
Han creído que tenemos que comer.
It was the man, the one that has seen the house.
Era el hombre, el que ha visto la casa.
What are they believing?
¿Qué están creyendo?
Actually, the days have not been good for me.
En verdad, las días no ha sido buenos para mí.
We know that were are the girls.
Sabemos que éramos las chicas.
We have told you that we are doing it.
¡Te hemos dicho que lo estamos haciendo!
I really have not know that.
De verdad no he sabido eso.
They have to be here, in order to see.
Tienen que estar aquí, para ver.
They know that I have something better.
Saben que tengo algo mejor.
I believe that they have had to leave.
Creo que han tenido que ir.
You want us not to be with you?
¿Quieres que no estemos contigo?
The man is believing that they go.
El hombre está creyendo que van.
I am saying it many times.
Lo estoy diciendo muchas veces.
I am leaving in order for you to be the madame.
Me voy para que seas la señora.
We want to make it for you.
Lo queremos hacer para ti.
You can have one with me.
Puedes tener uno conmigo.
They are seeing that both are with us.
Están viendo que los dos están con nosotros.
They are your things. I am watching them.
Son tus cosas. Las estoy mirando.
If we are going to go to the place…
Si vamos a ir al lugar…
There is a good day for that.
Hay un buen día para eso.
He has not believed that we were here.
No ha creído que estábamos aquí.
You have to go to the house so that…
Tienes que ir a la casa para que…
There are two girls. She is watching them, both of them.
Hay dos chicos. Ella las está mirando, las dos.
We can not believe it.
Nosotros no lo podemos creer.
We have wanted to watch him.
Lo hemos querido mirar.
But he can’t know that!
¡Pero no puede saber eso!
You are not going to believe this.
No vas a creer esto.
She has to be able to love him.
Ella lo tiene que poder querer.
I am from Chicago, too.
Yo soy de Chicago, también.
Both at once. Two at a time.
Los dos a la vez.
All of them already have one.
Todos ellos ya tienen uno.
You had it for me.
Tú lo tenias para mí.
We are all that way like you.
Todos somos así como tú.
What do you mean you’re leaving?
¿Cómo que te vas?
Haven’t you ever gone?
¿Nunca has ido?
Wasn’t that you?
¿Era no eras tú?
I wouldn’t be here if this was not bad.
Yo no estaría aquí si esto no fuera malo.
The same thing always happens.
Siempre sucede lo mismo.
When are we going to do that plan?
¿Cuándo vamos a hacer ese plan?
María says that you dis a good job.
Dice María que hiciste un buen trabajo.
I don’t understand it, his death is something very strange.
No lo entiendo, su muerte se algo muy extraño.
I hope that there are not any problems with your position.
Espero que haya no problems con tu puesto.
I thought that the girl didn’t go to the party. Are you still there?
Pensé que la niña no fue a la fiesta. ¿Sigues tú ahí?
I suppose that you already saw your mom, if not, you should call her.
Supongo que ya viste a tu mamá, si no, deberías llamarla.
But she came and we did it in less than an hour.
Pero viene y lo hicimos juntos en menos de un hora.