Sentences (utilizing vocab from the 2 decks directly above) Flashcards
you have to understand some basic sentence structure to understand these sentences. I would recommend watching the first 10 videos in this playlist to get an understanding if you don't already understand.
jan mi moku
the person eats
ona li olin
they love
moku ona li pona
their food is great
mi jan
I am a person
olin li pona
love is good
ona li lape
they are sleeping
moku mi li ike
my food is bad
sina olin
you(r) love
mi jan pona sina
I am your friend
jan pona oan li lape
their friend is sleeping
jan li moku e telo
people drink water
mi moku e ijo
I eat something
mi lukin e ijo
I look at something
ona li pona e ijo
they cause something to become good
mi ike e ijo
I make something worse
mi jan e ijo
I personify a thing
mi jan
I am a person
mi jan pona
my friend
mi jan olin
my lover
jan ni le lukin e moku mute
that person sees a lot of food
ona li pona lukin
that person is pretty
sona toki li musi
“the knowledge of languages is fun” = linguistics is fun
sina suli e musi
you increased the fun
jan mute li lukin e ijo suli
many people see something large
mi olin e sina
I love you