Sentences Family, Friends & Pets Chapter 6 Flashcards
My cousin & her husband have got a little baby. He’s 5 months old and he doesn’t sleep very much.
Ma cousine et son mari ont un petit bebe. Il acinq mois et il ne dort pas beaucoup.
My grandparents are very kind. When they come to my house, they always give me a little present.
Mes grand-parents sont tres gentils. Quand ils viennent chez moi, ils me donnent toujours un petit cadeau.
My father is a businessman and very dynamic. He goes to the office everyday.
Mon pere est homme d’affaires et trs dynamique. Il va tous les jours au bureau.
My pen friend has some friends who are sitting their ‘bac’ in June.
Ma correspondante a des copines qui passent le bac au mois de juin.
He’s the owner of a cafe. He talks with his customers. He seems very nice.
Il est patron d’un cafe. Il parle avec ses clients. Il a L’air sympa.