Sentences Basic Set G 1 of 5 Flashcards
Il est venu à l’improviste.
His visit was unannounced.
Elle prenait des antidépresseurs.
She used to take anti-depressants.
Cet article est vraiment partial.
This article is very biased.
Les fleurs s’épanouissent.
The flowers are blooming.
Il a marqué un but incroyable.
He scored an amazing goal.
L’homme a la faculté de parler.
Man has the ability to talk.
Il l’a sauvée au péril de sa vie.
He saved her at the risk of his life.
Le conflit était réglé.
The dispute was settled.
Copernic était astronome.
Copernicus was an astronomer.
L’univers est en expansion.
The universe is expanding.
On lui a diagnostiqué un cancer.
She was diagnosed with cancer.
Vous rappelez-vous son nom?
Can you remember his name?
Ils sont heureux en mariage.
They are happily married.
C’est une fille têtue.
She is a headstrong girl.
Il s’est évadé de prison.
He escaped from prison.