Sentences Flashcards
What are you by profession?
Kaj ste vi po poklicu?
What is your nationality?
Kaj ste vi po narodnosti?
I’m a diplomat.
Jaz sem diplomatka.
I’m an American.
Jaz sem američanka.
Are you a Slovenian?
No, I’m not Slovenian.
Ali ste vi slovenka?
Ne, jaz nisem slovenka.
What language do you speak?
I speak English.
Kako govorite?
Govorim angleško.
Nice to meet you.
Me veseli.
I am the attaché for culture.
Jaz sem atašejka za kulturo.
I am not a teacher.
He is not a teacher.
Nisem učiteljica.
On ni učitelj.
It’s difficult, but I try!
Težko je ampak poskušam.
Please repeat slowly.
Prosim ponovite počasi.
Aha, now I understand!
Aha, sedaj razumem!
What does that mean?
Kaj to pomeni?
I don’t understand. Please repeat slowly….
Ne razumem. Prosim ponovite počasi.
You speak quickly.
Hitro govorite.