Sentences Flashcards
Menap enkerai enye olbene lenye kake anapita olbene lang.
His child does not carry his bag but I am carrying our bag.
God feels our sorrows and He cares for us.
Ening Enkai isinaitin lang nerrip iyiook.
Eitu epik intoyie aainei intokitin enye kulo benia lang.
My girls did not put their things in these bags of ours.
This woman tells her husband that his dog is in their village.
Eliki ena kitok olpayian lenye ajo etii oldia lenye enkang enye.
My stomach will become sick if I take milk
Kaya enkoshoke tenaok kule
That is our sin, not theirs.
Enaang enda ng’oki, me enenye.
These are my affairs.
inaainei kuna baa
inkulalang kulo alema. Koree ilinono?
These are our swords, where are yours?
Olalai ele soit. Koree olino?
This stone is mine, where is yours?
The angels who came down from heaven
ilmalaika oodou te shumata
The women who collect things
inkituak naasotu intokitin
He who loves God will come
elotu olonyor Enkai
I stay at that village which is near
abik te ina ang nataana
Oldoinyo oibor
The mountain which is white
Na tasat, eitu ining? Atejo ayieu olorika
Woman, did you not hear? I said I want a chair.
The visitors stayed many days and they ate all the food.
Etotona (otobiko) ilomon inkolong’i kumok nenya endaa pooki.
The other girls are not coming, only these
Mepuonu inkulie toyie, kuna ake.
Eshomo olikai ayioni engai wueji
The other boy went to another place
iip ile onom o oopishana
ntomoni naapishana o oong’uan
olola le tomon
The tenth load
The sick people drank the medicine five times
Etooko iltung’ana oomuei olchani katitin imiet
Enapita enkitok iltooi maa aare
The woman is carrying the tins two at a time
The children threw the stones but the dogs did not feel them
Etanang’a (Etanang’aitie) inkera isoito kake eitu ening ildiein
You all have returned our things but he has not returned them
itushukutuo intokitin ang kake eitu eshuku ninye.
The children sang this song because it is beautiful
Etaranya inkera ele sinkolio amu eisidai
The son of God led His disciples to the desert and told those disciples that God loves the world.
Etoriko Enkerai e Nkai ilkipaareta lenyena ti angata neliki lelo kipaareta inchere enyor Enkai enkop.
itijing’a enkang ang kake etijing’a ninye enkaji ang
You entered our village but he entered our house.
Here is the thing we were talking about yesterday
Nena enang’ole toki
That man mentioned earlier today
oladuoo tung’ani
enang’ole tito
that girl mentioned yesterday