Sentences Flashcards
Areu inkerra
I chase the sheep
Na kera, ayia sere naa duo, Aiken emboo
Children, goodbye, I close the enclosure
Aiba engoro
I hate anger
I close the bag
Aiken olbene
O young mother (wife), I carry the child
Na tomononi, anap enkerai
Papaai arik entasat. Ayia, Ashe oleng
Father I lead the old woman, alright thank you
I descend the mountain
Adou toldoinyo
I want food
Ayieu endaa
I want silence
Ayieu engira
Eilep empuruo
The smoke ascends
O friend, I climb the hill
Olchore lai, aked endoinyo
I open the enclosure
Abol emboo
Yieyo, alau endaa
Mother, I lack food
Akuet enkoitoi
I run the path
What is this?
Kainyoo ena?
What is that? (far)
Kainyoo enda?
Kainyo idia?
How do you say ___?
Keji aa __?
Who is that?
Kaingae ilo?
Kaingae ina?
Kengae ninye?
What do they do?
Kainyoo easita?
Say it again please
(Nyaake) ingila
I did not hear you clearly
Eitu aaningu aitobiraki/(esidai)
Say it slower
Speak slower
Tejo akiti
Roro akiti
Say it with raised voice
Tejo ilepunye oltoilo
Did I say it correctly
Katejo aitobiraki/(esidai)
Thanks for your help
Ashe oleng amu ketoreto
Where do you live?
Kaji nikimanya
Are you maried?
Do you have kids
iata inkera
Where is your family?
Koree olmarei lino?
What do you want
Kainyoo iyieu
Do you have time?
iata erishata
I only know a little
Enkiti ake aiyolo