Sentences Flashcards




She wore a beautiful necklace adorned with colorful beads.
(Ela usava um colar bonito adornado com miçangas coloridas.)

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The construction workers installed steel beams to support the weight of the building.
(Os trabalhadores da construção instalaram vigas de aço para suportar o peso do prédio.)

The morning sun cast a warm beam of light through the window.
(O sol da manhã projetou um raio de luz quente através da janela.)

Her face lit up with a beam of happiness when she heard the good news.
(Seu rosto se iluminou com uma expressão de felicidade quando ela ouviu a boa notícia.)

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She made a delicious pot of chili with kidney beans and black beans.
(Ela fez uma panela deliciosa de chili com feijão vermelho e feijão preto.)

I prefer to grind my coffee beans just before brewing a fresh cup of coffee.
(Prefiro moer meus grãos de café imediatamente antes de preparar uma xícara de café fresca.)

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The beat of the drum echoed through the room, setting the rhythm for the dance.
(O ritmo do tambor ecoou pela sala, estabelecendo o ritmo para a dança.)

The police officer patrolled the beat in the downtown area every night.
(O policial fazia a patrulha na área central todas as noites.)
“Beat” here signifies the specific area or route assigned to a police officer for patrolling.

The long hike in the mountains beat them, but they felt accomplished at the summit.
(A longa caminhada nas montanhas os exaustou, mas eles se sentiram realizados no cume.)

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They serve good food here, and it’s quite cheap compared to other places.
(Eles servem comida boa aqui, e é bastante barato em comparação com outros lugares.)

I need to find a place to live that fits my budget, so I’m searching for a cheap apartment.
(Preciso encontrar um lugar para morar que se encaixe no meu orçamento, então estou procurando um apartamento barato.)

Sometimes, it’s better to invest in a quality product rather than buying something cheap that won’t last.
(Às vezes, é melhor investir em um produto de qualidade em vez de comprar algo barato que não durará.)

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She made a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.
(Ela fez um sanduíche de queijo grelhado para o almoço.)

I prefer goat cheese over other types of cheese.
(Eu prefiro queijo de cabra em vez de outros tipos de queijo.)

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  1. I need to clean my room before my guests arrive. (Preciso limpar meu quarto antes que meus convidados cheguem.)
    * Many people tidy up and make sure their living spaces are clean when they have visitors.
  2. Make sure you wash your hands until they are clean. (Certifique-se de lavar as mãos até que fiquem limpas.)
    * Handwashing is important to maintain clean and hygienic hands.
  3. The kitchen was spotless after she cleaned it. (A cozinha estava imaculada depois que ela a limpou.)
    * Keeping the kitchen clean is essential for food safety.
  4. He always wears clean clothes to work. (Ele sempre usa roupas limpas para o trabalho.)
    * Wearing clean attire is often a workplace requirement.
  5. The river water is so clean that you can see the fish swimming. (A água do rio é tão limpa que você pode ver os peixes nadando.)
    * Clean water is essential for aquatic life and ecosystems.
  6. I like to have a clean car, so I wash it regularly. (Gosto de ter um carro limpo, então o lavo regularmente.)
    * Keeping a clean car can help preserve its appearance and value.
  7. She used a clean cloth to wipe down the surfaces. (Ela usou um pano limpo para limpar as superfícies.)
    * Using clean materials is important when cleaning to avoid spreading dirt or germs.
  8. The hotel room was clean and comfortable. (O quarto de hotel estava limpo e confortável.)
    * Cleanliness is a crucial factor in guest satisfaction in the hospitality industry.
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  1. I like to add cream to my coffee.
    (Eu gosto de adicionar creme ao meu café.)
    * Cream is often added to coffee to make it creamier and milder.
  2. She applied a soothing cream to her sunburned skin.
    (Ela aplicou um creme suavizante em sua pele queimada pelo sol.)
    * Creams are used for various skincare purposes, such as moisturizing or treating skin conditions.
  3. The recipe calls for heavy cream to make the sauce.
    (A receita pede creme de leite fresco para fazer o molho.)
    * Cream is commonly used in cooking to add richness and flavor to sauces and desserts.
  4. I prefer vanilla ice cream over chocolate. (
    Eu prefiro sorvete de baunilha ao invés de chocolate.)
    * Ice cream is a popular frozen dessert available in various flavors.
  5. She topped the pie with a dollop of whipped cream.
    (Ela cobriu a torta com uma colherada de chantilly.)
    * Whipped cream is often used as a topping for desserts like pies and cakes.
  6. He enjoys a hot bowl of soup with a swirl of cream.
    (Ele gosta de uma tigela de sopa quente com um fio de creme.)
    * Cream can be used to add richness and flavor to soups and stews.
  7. The cream of the crop was selected for the award.
    (A elite foi selecionada para o prêmio.)
    * “Cream of the crop” é uma expressão que significa as melhores ou as mais excelentes pessoas ou coisas em um grupo.
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  1. Each student received a book.
    (Cada aluno recebeu um livro.)
    * This sentence indicates that every student received their own individual book.
  2. They had one cookie each.
    (Eles tinham um biscoito cada um.)
    * In this case, each person had their own cookie, not shared with others.
  3. Please complete each section of the form.
    (Por favor, complete cada seção do formulário.)
    * The instruction is to fill out every individual section of the form.
  4. She gave each of her children a gift.
    (Ela deu um presente para cada um de seus filhos.)
    * Here, each child received their own separate gift.
  5. They had to answer each question on the exam.
    (Eles tiveram que responder a cada pergunta no exame.)
    * Students were required to respond to every individual question on the exam.
  6. There are five apples, one for each person.
    (Há cinco maçãs, uma para cada pessoa.)
    * In this example, there is an apple allocated to each specific person.
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  1. Christmas Eve is the night before Christmas Day.
    (A véspera de Natal é a noite antes do Dia de Natal.)
    * Many people celebrate Christmas Eve with family gatherings and festive meals.
  2. On the eve of her birthday, she received many well-wishes from friends.
    (Na véspera de seu aniversário, ela recebeu muitos votos de felicitações dos amigos.)
    * “Eve of her birthday” significa o dia anterior ao aniversário dela.
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  1. I feel happy today. (Eu me sinto feliz hoje.)
  2. The water feels cold to the touch. (A água está fria ao toque.)
  3. She could feel the warmth of the sun on her skin. (Ela podia sentir o calor do sol em sua pele.)
  4. I can’t feel my toes; they’re numb from the cold. (Não consigo sentir meus dedos dos pés; eles estão dormentes devido ao frio.)
  5. He feels confident about the upcoming exam. (Ele se sente confiante em relação ao próximo exame.)
  6. This fabric feels soft against the skin. (Este tecido é macio ao toque da pele.)
  7. She could feel the tension in the room. (Ela podia sentir a tensão na sala.)
  8. I feel that we should make a decision soon. (Sinto que deveríamos tomar uma decisão em breve.)
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  1. I need to wash my feet after a long walk. (Preciso lavar meus pés depois de uma longa caminhada.)
  2. She has small feet, so it’s hard to find shoes that fit her. (Ela tem pés pequenos, então é difícil encontrar sapatos que sirvam nela.)
  3. He hurt his feet while playing soccer. (Ele machucou os pés jogando futebol.)
  4. The beach was so hot that the sand burned our feet. (A praia estava tão quente que a areia queimou nossos pés.)
  5. She danced all night and her feet were sore the next day. (Ela dançou a noite toda e seus pés estavam doloridos no dia seguinte.)
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  1. I found a flea on my dog and used a flea comb to remove it. (Eu encontrei uma pulga no meu cachorro e usei um pente de pulgas para removê-la.)
  2. He noticed a flea on his arm and quickly brushed it away. (Ele percebeu uma pulga em seu braço e rapidamente a afastou.)
  3. After a hike in the woods, she discovered several flea bites on her legs. (Depois de uma caminhada na floresta, ela descobriu várias picadas de pulga em suas pernas.)
  4. The flea market had a variety of antiques and collectibles for sale. (A feira de pulgas tinha uma variedade de antiguidades e colecionáveis à venda.)
  5. In the past, flea circuses were a popular form of entertainment. (No passado, os circos de pulgas eram uma forma popular de entretenimento.)
  6. She noticed that her cat was scratching excessively, a sign of potential flea infestation. (Ela percebeu que seu gato estava se coçando excessivamente, um sinal de possível infestação de pulgas.)
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  1. The concert tickets were free of charge. (Os ingressos para o concerto eram gratuitos.)
  2. She enjoys spending her free time reading books. (Ela gosta de passar seu tempo livre lendo livros.)
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  1. I had a delicious meal at the restaurant last night. (Eu tive uma refeição deliciosa no restaurante ontem à noite.)
    * In this sentence, “meal” refers to the food served at the restaurant.
  2. She prepares a hearty breakfast meal every morning. (Ela prepara um café da manhã substancial todas as manhãs.)
    * “Meal” here signifies the morning food that includes breakfast items.
  3. We enjoyed a picnic meal in the park on a sunny day. (Nós desfrutamos de um piquenique no parque em um dia ensolarado.)
    * In this context, “meal” means the food items eaten during a picnic.
  4. He usually eats three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (Ele geralmente faz três refeições por dia: café da manhã, almoço e jantar.)
    * “Meal” refers to the main eating occasions throughout the day.
  5. The airline served a hot meal during the long flight. (A companhia aérea serviu uma refeição quente durante o voo longo.)
    * Here, “meal” signifies the food provided during the flight.
  6. I’m looking for quick and easy meal ideas for dinner tonight. (Estou procurando ideias de refeições rápidas e fáceis para o jantar de hoje à noite.)
    * “Meal” in this sentence refers to the evening food preparation.
  7. They sat down to a family meal to celebrate Thanksgiving. (Eles se sentaram para uma refeição em família para celebrar o Dia de Ação de Graças.)
    * In this example, “meal” is associated with a special family gathering.
  8. A balanced meal should include protein, vegetables, and carbohydrates. (Uma refeição equilibrada deve incluir proteínas, vegetais e carboidratos.)
    * “Meal” here refers to a complete and well-rounded serving of food.
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  1. We’re going to meet for lunch at the new restaurant downtown. (Vamos nos encontrar para almoçar no novo restaurante no centro.)
    * In this sentence, “meet” means to come together or gather with someone at a specific location.
  2. They arranged to meet at the park at 3 PM. (Eles combinaram se encontrar no parque às 15h.)
    * “Meet” here denotes a planned gathering or rendezvous at a particular time.
  3. The two teams will meet in the championship game. (As duas equipes se enfrentarão na partida do campeonato.)
    * In this context, “meet” means to compete or face each other in a game or competition.
  4. I hope to meet new people and make friends at the event. (Espero conhecer novas pessoas e fazer amigos no evento.)
    * “Meet” is used to express the act of getting to know or becoming acquainted with others.
  5. We’ll have to meet the deadline to complete the project on time. (Teremos que cumprir o prazo para concluir o projeto no prazo.)
    * In this case, “meet” means to satisfy or achieve a specified requirement or target.
  6. The river meets the ocean at this point. (O rio encontra o oceano neste ponto.)
    * “Meet” in this sentence indicates the point of convergence or joining between two bodies of water.
  7. The board will meet tomorrow to discuss the company’s financial report. (O conselho se reunirá amanhã para discutir o relatório financeiro da empresa.)
    * Here, “meet” means to convene or gather for a formal discussion or meeting.
  8. The movie didn’t meet my expectations; it was disappointing. (O filme não correspondeu às minhas expectativas; foi decepcionante.)
    * In this context, “meet” suggests failing to meet or reach a certain standard or expectation.
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  1. The mountaineers reached the peak of the mountain after a long and challenging climb. (Os alpinistas alcançaram o pico da montanha após uma escalada longa e desafiadora.)
    * In this sentence, “peak” refers to the highest point of a mountain or hill.
  2. During the summer, temperatures in the desert can reach their peak. (Durante o verão, as temperaturas no deserto podem atingir seu auge.)
    * “Peak” here signifies the highest or maximum level of something, in this case, temperature.
  3. His career was at its peak when he won the championship. (Sua carreira estava no auge quando ele venceu o campeonato.)
    * In this context, “peak” means the zenith or the highest point in terms of success or achievement.
  4. The company’s profits reached a peak last year. (Os lucros da empresa atingiram o pico no ano passado.)
    * “Peak” in this sentence indicates the highest level of financial performance.
  5. She reached the peak of her physical fitness after months of training. (Ela atingiu o auge de sua forma física após meses de treinamento.)
    * Here, “peak” refers to the highest level of physical condition.
  6. The hikers enjoyed the breathtaking view from the peak of the cliff. (Os excursionistas apreciaram a vista deslumbrante do topo do penhasco.)
    * “Peak” signifies the highest point of elevation or altitude.
  7. Traffic congestion in the city usually occurs during peak hours. (A congestão de tráfego na cidade geralmente ocorre durante as horas de pico.)
    * In this context, “peak” means the busiest or rush hours of the day.
  8. The demand for winter coats reaches its peak in the colder months. (A demanda por casacos de inverno atinge seu pico nos meses mais frios.)
    * “Peak” here refers to the highest level of demand for a particular product.


  1. People from all walks of life attended the charity event. (Pessoas de todas as esferas da vida compareceram ao evento beneficente.)
    * “People” here refers to individuals from various backgrounds or social groups
  2. Many people enjoy spending their weekends outdoors. (Muitas pessoas gostam de passar seus finais de semana ao ar livre.)
    * In this context, “people” denotes individuals in general who have this preference.
  3. The concert attracted thousands of people. (O concerto atraiu milhares de pessoas.)
    * “People” signifies the audience or attendees at the concert.
  4. People in this community are known for their hospitality. (As pessoas nesta comunidade são conhecidas por sua hospitalidade.)
    * Here, “people” refers to the residents or members of the community.
  5. Many people are passionate about environmental conservation. (Muitas pessoas são apaixonadas pela conservação ambiental.)
    * “People” in this sentence refers to individuals who share a common interest.
  6. The museum showcases the history and culture of indigenous peoples. (O museu exibe a história e a cultura dos povos indígenas.)
    * In this context, “people” refers to specific ethnic or cultural groups.
  7. People should respect each other’s opinions and differences. (As pessoas devem respeitar as opiniões e diferenças umas das outras.)
    * “People” here represents individuals in society.
  8. The city is known for its diverse population, with people from around the world. (A cidade é conhecida por sua população diversificada, com pessoas de todo o mundo.)
    * “People” indicates the city’s residents, who come from various countries and backgrounds.


  1. She cut a piece of cake for each guest at the party. (Ela cortou um pedaço de bolo para cada convidado na festa.)
    * In this sentence, “piece” refers to a portion or part of the cake.
  2. He’s a talented musician; he played a beautiful piece on the piano. (Ele é um músico talentoso; ele tocou uma bela peça no piano.)
    * Here, “piece” denotes a musical composition or work.
  3. She found a missing piece of the puzzle and completed it. (Ela encontrou uma peça faltando do quebra-cabeça e o completou.)
    * “Piece” in this context refers to a single part of a puzzle.
  4. The artist painted a stunning piece of art that sold for a high price. (O artista pintou uma impressionante obra de arte que foi vendida por um alto preço.)
    * “Piece” signifies a work of art or creation.
  5. Can you pass me a piece of paper, please? (Você pode me passar um pedaço de papel, por favor?)
    * In this sentence, “piece” refers to a sheet or portion of paper.
  6. She tore a piece of fabric to use for patching the hole in her jeans. (Ela rasgou um pedaço de tecido para usar na costura do buraco de suas calças jeans.)
    * “Piece” here denotes a part of a material, such as fabric.
  7. The company produces high-quality furniture, and each piece is handcrafted. (A empresa produz móveis de alta qualidade, e cada peça é feita à mão.)
    * In this context, “piece” refers to an individual item of furniture.
  8. The detective put together the pieces of the puzzle to solve the mystery. (O detetive juntou as peças do quebra-cabeça para resolver o mistério.)
    * “Piece” signifies parts or elements that, when combined, provide a solution or answer.


  1. Please pass the salt. (Por favor, passe o sal.)
    * In this sentence, “please” is used to politely request that someone pass the salt.
  2. Could you please help me with this task? (Você poderia, por favor, me ajudar com esta tarefa?)
    * “Please” is used to make a polite request for assistance.
  3. She said “please” and “thank you” as she interacted with the customer. (Ela disse “por favor” e “obrigada” enquanto interagia com o cliente.)
    * Here, “please” is part of polite etiquette when interacting with others.
  4. Please let me know if you have any questions. (Por favor, me avise se tiver alguma dúvida.)
    * “Please” is used to convey a willingness to assist or provide information.
  5. He worked diligently to please his boss and meet the company’s expectations. (Ele trabalhou diligentemente para agradar ao chefe e atender às expectativas da empresa.)
    * In this context, “please” means to satisfy or meet the desires or expectations of someone.
  6. “Would you like more tea?” “Yes, please.” (“Você gostaria de mais chá?” “Sim, por favor.”)
    * “Please” is used to accept an offer politely.
  7. Please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience. (Por favor, aceite minhas sinceras desculpas pelo inconveniente.)
    * “Please” here expresses a desire for the apology to be accepted.
  8. The chef prepared a special dish to please the restaurant’s regular customers. (O chef preparou um prato especial para agradar aos clientes habituais do restaurante.)
    * In this case, “please” means to satisfy the preferences of customers.


  1. Does anybody have a question? (Alguém tem alguma pergunta?)
    * In this sentence, “anybody” is used to inquire if any person present has a question.
  2. I don’t know if anybody will be home when we arrive. (Eu não sei se alguém estará em casa quando chegarmos.)
    * “Anybody” here refers to an unspecified person who may or may not be at home.
  3. If anybody needs assistance, please let us know. (Se alguém precisar de ajuda, por favor, nos informe.)
    * In this context, “anybody” signifies any individual who requires help.
  4. I didn’t see anybody at the store this morning. (Eu não vi ninguém na loja esta manhã.)
    * “Anybody” is used to indicate the absence of people at the store.
  5. Is anybody interested in joining the hiking club? (Alguém está interessado em se juntar ao clube de caminhada?)
    * Here, “anybody” is used to inquire if there are individuals interested in joining.
  6. I’ll help anybody who needs it. (Eu ajudarei qualquer pessoa que precisar.)
    * “Anybody” in this sentence refers to any person who requires assistance.
  7. If anybody has any objections, please speak up now. (Se alguém tiver objeções, por favor, fale agora.)
    * “Anybody” denotes any individual who may have objections.
  8. She’s always willing to lend a hand to anybody in need. (Ela está sempre disposta a ajudar qualquer pessoa que precise.)
    * In this context, “anybody” represents individuals who require assistance.


  1. The audience applauded loudly after the musician’s performance. (A plateia aplaudiu fervorosamente após a performance do músico.)
    * In this sentence, “audience” represents the group of people who were listening to the musician’s performance.
  2. The lecture was well-received by the audience, who asked thoughtful questions. (A palestra foi bem recebida pelo público, que fez perguntas ponderadas.)
    * “Audience” here refers to the attendees of the lecture.
  3. The comedian had the entire audience laughing throughout the show. (O comediante fez toda a plateia rir durante o espetáculo.)
    * In this context, “audience” denotes the spectators or viewers of the comedy show.
  4. The speaker engaged the audience with a captivating story. (O palestrante envolveu a plateia com uma história cativante.)
    * “Audience” signifies the people who were listening to the speaker’s presentation.
  5. The movie received mixed reviews from both critics and the audience. (O filme recebeu críticas mistas tanto de críticos quanto do público.)
    * Here, “audience” refers to the moviegoers or viewers of the film.
  6. The theater was filled with a diverse audience of all ages. (O teatro estava cheio de uma plateia diversificada de todas as idades.)
    * “Audience” in this sentence represents the various individuals in attendance.
  7. The performance was broadcast to a global audience via live streaming. (A apresentação foi transmitida para uma audiência global via transmissão ao vivo.)
    * In this context, “audience” encompasses the viewers from around the world.
  8. The teacher encouraged students to consider their audience when giving presentations. (A professora incentivou os alunos a considerarem a audiência ao fazer apresentações.)
    * “Audience” here means the individuals who will be listening to the presentations.


  1. Her explanation for being late was so detailed and logical that it seemed completely believable. (A explicação dela para o atraso foi tão detalhada e lógica que parecia totalmente plausível.)
  2. The actor’s performance was so convincing that it made the fictional character he portrayed very believable. (A atuação do ator foi tão convincente que tornou o personagem fictício muito crível.)
  3. In a well-written story, the characters and their actions should seem believable to the reader. (Em uma história bem escrita, os personagens e suas ações devem parecer críveis para o leitor.)
  4. The scientific evidence presented in the research paper made the hypothesis highly believable. (As evidências científicas apresentadas no artigo de pesquisa tornaram a hipótese altamente crível.)
  5. The eyewitnesses provided consistent and believable accounts of the accident. (As testemunhas oculares forneceram relatos consistentes e críveis do acidente.)



**Champion (substantivo) - Campeão:
1. The champion of the competition received a gold medal. (O campeão da competição recebeu uma medalha de ouro.)

  1. She has been a champion in swimming for many years. (Ela tem sido uma campeã na natação por muitos anos.)

**Champion (verbo) - Defender/Advogar:
1. He championed the cause of human rights throughout his career. (Ele defendeu a causa dos direitos humanos ao longo de sua carreira.)

  1. The organization champions environmental conservation efforts. (A organização promove esforços de conservação ambiental.)

**Champion (adjetivo) - Excelente/Excepcional:
1. Her champion performance in the race earned her a trophy. (Sua atuação excepcional na corrida lhe rendeu um troféu.)

  1. He received recognition for his champion work in the community. (Ele recebeu reconhecimento por seu excelente trabalho na comunidade.)



**Company (Noun) - Business Organization:
1. The company is known for its innovative technology products. (A empresa é conhecida por seus produtos de tecnologia inovadores.)
* In this sentence, “company” refers to a business organization.

  1. She works for a multinational company with offices around the world. (Ela trabalha para uma empresa multinacional com escritórios ao redor do mundo.)
    * “Company” here signifies a large corporation with a global presence.

**Company (Noun) - A Group of People:
1. Their company made the long road trip more enjoyable. (A presença deles tornou a longa viagem de carro mais agradável.)
* “Company” refers to the people who accompanied the speaker on the trip.

**Company (Noun) - A Military Unit:
1. The infantry company was sent to the front lines of the battle. (A companhia de infantaria foi enviada para as linhas de frente da batalha.)
* In this case, “company” refers to a military unit.

**Company (Noun) - Guests or Visitors:
1. We had a great dinner party with a company of close friends and family. (Tivemos uma ótima festa de jantar com a presença de amigos próximos e familiares.)
* “Company” here signifies the group of guests or visitors.



  1. The curious child asked a lot of questions about the stars in the night sky. (A criança curiosa fez muitas perguntas sobre as estrelas no céu noturno.)
    * In this sentence, “curious” describes the child’s eagerness to learn about stars.
  2. She couldn’t resist opening the mysterious package out of curiosity. (Ela não pôde resistir a abrir o pacote misterioso por curiosidade.)
    * “Curiosity” here suggests the desire to know what is inside the package.
  3. His curious nature led him to explore the uncharted jungle. (Sua natureza curiosa o levou a explorar a selva inexplorada.)
    * In this context, “curious” highlights his adventurous and inquisitive personality.
  4. The scientist had a curious mind and was constantly seeking answers to complex questions. (O cientista tinha uma mente curiosa e estava constantemente em busca de respostas para perguntas complexas.)
    * “Curious” describes the scientist’s inclination to inquire and explore.
  5. She was curious about different cultures and loved traveling to new places. (Ela tinha curiosidade sobre diferentes culturas e adorava viajar para lugares novos.)
    * Here, “curious” conveys her interest in experiencing and learning about diverse cultures.
  6. The detective’s curious instincts helped solve the mysterious case. (Os instintos curiosos do detetive ajudaram a resolver o caso misterioso.)
    * “Curious” in this sentence refers to the detective’s keen and investigative nature.
  7. Curious minds often make groundbreaking discoveries in science and technology. (Mentes curiosas frequentemente fazem descobertas inovadoras na ciência e tecnologia.)
    * “Curious minds” highlights the inquisitive and innovative nature of individuals in these fields.


  1. This math problem is quite easy; you can solve it in a few steps. (Este problema de matemática é bastante fácil; você pode resolvê-lo em alguns passos.)
    * In this sentence, “easy” describes the simplicity of the math problem.
  2. Learning to ride a bike is usually easy for children. (Aprender a andar de bicicleta costuma ser fácil para as crianças.)
    * “Easy” in this context means that it is not a challenging task for children.
  3. Cooking this recipe is easy; it only requires a few basic ingredients. (Cozinhar esta receita é fácil; requer apenas alguns ingredientes básicos.)
    * Here, “easy” suggests that the recipe is uncomplicated to prepare.
  4. The teacher explained the concept in an easy-to-understand manner. (O professor explicou o conceito de uma maneira fácil de entender.)
    * “Easy-to-understand” emphasizes that the explanation was clear and straightforward.
  5. She found the test questions to be quite easy, as she had studied extensively. (Ela achou as perguntas do teste bastante fáceis, pois tinha estudado muito.)
    * “Easy” in this sentence means that the questions were not challenging for her due to her extensive preparation.
  6. It’s easy to get lost in this maze; be careful and follow the signs. (É fácil se perder neste labirinto; tenha cuidado e siga as placas.)
    * In this context, “easy” implies that it’s not difficult to become disoriented in the maze.
  7. Completing the puzzle was easy for him because he’s a puzzle-solving expert. (Completar o quebra-cabeça foi fácil para ele porque ele é um especialista em resolver quebra-cabeças.)
    * “Easy” here suggests that solving the puzzle was not a challenge for him.
  8. She made it look easy to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously. (Ela fez parecer fácil equilibrar várias tarefas ao mesmo tempo.)
    * “Easy” conveys that she made the multitasking appear effortless.



**Energy (Noun) - Capacity to Do Work:
1. Solar energy is harnessed from the sun and used to generate electricity. (A energia solar é capturada do sol e usada para gerar eletricidade.)
* In this sentence, “energy” refers to the capacity to do work, particularly in the form of solar power.

  1. The athlete had a lot of energy left for the final sprint of the race. (O atleta tinha muita energia restante para a corrida final.)
    * “Energy” here signifies the physical stamina and power to perform.

**Energy (Noun) - Force or Power:
1. The collision released a tremendous amount of energy, causing significant damage. (A colisão liberou uma quantidade tremenda de energia, causando danos significativos.)
* In this context, “energy” refers to the force generated during the collision.

  1. Chemical energy is stored in the bonds between atoms and molecules. (A energia química é armazenada nas ligações entre átomos e moléculas.)
    * “Energy” here represents the potential for chemical reactions.

**Energy (Noun) - Vitality and Enthusiasm:
1. His positive attitude and boundless energy make him a great team leader. (Sua atitude positiva e energia ilimitada o tornam um ótimo líder de equipe.)
* In this sentence, “energy” describes his enthusiasm and vitality.

  1. The live concert was full of energy, with the audience dancing and cheering. (O show ao vivo estava cheio de energia, com o público dançando e aplaudindo.)
    * “Energy” here signifies the lively and enthusiastic atmosphere of the concert.



**Family (Noun) - Relatives Living Together:
1. My family gathers for a big dinner every Sunday evening. (Minha família se reúne para um grande jantar todos os domingos à noite.)
* In this sentence, “family” refers to the group of relatives who come together for dinner.

  1. She comes from a large and loving family with many siblings. (Ela vem de uma família grande e amorosa, com muitos irmãos.)
    * “Family” here represents her relatives and siblings.

**Family (Noun) - A Household Unit:
1. They decided to start a family and have children. (Eles decidiram formar uma família e ter filhos.)
* In this context, “family” refers to the household unit consisting of parents and children.

  1. We’re planning a family vacation to the beach this summer. (Estamos planejando férias em família na praia neste verão.)
    * “Family” signifies the group of individuals who will be going on the vacation together.

**Family (Noun) - A Close-Knit Group:
1. Our close-knit family always supports each other through thick and thin. (Nossa família unida sempre se apoia nos momentos bons e ruins.)
* In this sentence, “family” describes the close and supportive bond among its members.

  1. The Smith family has lived in this neighborhood for generations. (A família Smith mora neste bairro há gerações.)
    * “Family” here denotes the generational connection and presence in the neighborhood.

**Family (Noun) - A Group with Similar Characteristics:
1. The cat family, including lions, tigers, and cheetahs, is known for its predatory skills. (A família dos felinos, incluindo leões, tigres e chitas, é conhecida por suas habilidades predatórias.)
* In this context, “family” refers to a group of species with similar characteristics in the animal kingdom.

**Family (Noun) - A Category or Group:
1. This dish belongs to the pasta family of Italian cuisine. (Esse prato pertence à categoria de massas da culinária italiana.)



  1. My memory of that childhood vacation is still vivid after all these years. (Minha lembrança daquelas férias de infância ainda é vívida depois de todos esses anos.)
    * In this sentence, “memory” refers to the mental recollection of the vacation.
  2. As we age, our memory may decline, but there are ways to keep it sharp. (À medida que envelhecemos, nossa memória pode diminuir, mas existem maneiras de mantê-la afiada.)
    * “Memory” here signifies the ability to recall information and experiences.
  3. Her photographic memory allows her to remember detailed information effortlessly. (Sua memória fotográfica permite que ela lembre-se de informações detalhadas sem esforço.)
    * In this context, “memory” describes the ability to remember information with great accuracy.
  4. The test is designed to assess memory and cognitive skills. (O teste é projetado para avaliar a memória e as habilidades cognitivas.)
    * “Memory” in this sentence refers to the cognitive ability to remember.
  5. This old photograph is a cherished memory from my grandmother’s youth. (Esta foto antiga é uma lembrança querida da juventude da minha avó.)
    * Here, “memory” represents the recollection or souvenir in the form of a photograph.
  6. The movie is set in the 1950s, evoking memories of a bygone era. (O filme se passa nos anos 1950, evocando memórias de uma época passada.)
    * “Memory” here signifies a period of time in the past that is being recalled or evoked.
  7. The computer’s memory is filled with important documents and files. (A memória do computador está cheia de documentos e arquivos importantes.)
    * In this context, “memory” refers to the storage device used to store data.
  8. The ceremony was a touching memory of those we’ve lost. (A cerimônia foi uma lembrança emocionante daqueles que perdemos.)


  1. Proper planning and preparation are necessary for a successful project. (Um planejamento e preparação adequados são necessários para um projeto bem-sucedido.)
    * In this sentence, “necessary” means essential or required.
  2. It’s necessary to drink enough water to stay hydrated, especially in hot weather. (É necessário beber água suficiente para se manter hidratado, especialmente em clima quente.)
    * “Necessary” here implies that drinking enough water is essential for staying hydrated.
  3. A valid passport is necessary for international travel. (Um passaporte válido é necessário para viagens internacionais.)
    * In this context, “necessary” signifies that a valid passport is required for international travel.
  4. She took the necessary precautions to ensure her safety during the storm. (Ela tomou as precauções necessárias para garantir sua segurança durante a tempestade.)
    * “Necessary” in this sentence means the precautions that are essential for safety.
  5. Good communication skills are necessary in today’s workplace. (Habilidades de comunicação eficaz são necessárias no ambiente de trabalho atual.)
    * Here, “necessary” implies that good communication skills are essential in the modern workplace.
  6. In emergency situations, quick decision-making is often necessary. (Em situações de emergência, a tomada de decisões rápida é frequentemente necessária.)
    * “Necessary” in this context suggests that quick decision-making is required.
  7. The doctor prescribed the necessary medication to treat the infection. (O médico receitou o medicamento necessário para tratar a infecção.)
    * In this sentence, “necessary” means the medication required for treatment.
  8. Studying regularly is necessary to excel in your academic pursuits. (Estudar regularmente é necessário para se destacar em suas atividades acadêmicas.)
    * “Necessary” here implies that regular studying is essential for academic success.


  1. Nuclear power plants generate electricity through nuclear reactions. (Usinas nucleares geram eletricidade por meio de reações nucleares.)
  2. The atomic bomb is an example of a devastating nuclear weapon. (A bomba atômica é um exemplo de uma arma nuclear devastadora.)
  3. Scientists study the behavior of atomic particles in nuclear physics. (Cientistas estudam o comportamento de partículas atômicas na física nuclear.)
  4. Nuclear energy is considered a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels. (A energia nuclear é considerada uma alternativa mais limpa aos combustíveis fósseis.)


  1. The previous owner of the house left some furniture behind. (O proprietário anterior da casa deixou alguns móveis para trás.)
    * In this sentence, “previous” refers to the owner who came before the current one.
  2. We had a meeting yesterday to discuss the issues from the previous week. (Tivemos uma reunião ontem para discutir as questões da semana anterior.)
    * “Previous” here indicates the week that occurred before the meeting.
  3. The results of the previous experiment provided valuable insights for our research. (Os resultados do experimento anterior forneceram insights valiosos para nossa pesquisa.)
    * In this context, “previous” signifies the experiment that took place before the current one.
  4. She had a previous career in finance before transitioning into the field of art. (Ela teve uma carreira anterior em finanças antes de fazer a transição para o campo da arte.)
    * “Previous” indicates her career in finance before her career in art.
  5. The previous version of the software had several bugs that needed to be fixed. (A versão anterior do software tinha vários bugs que precisavam ser corrigidos.)
    * Here, “previous” describes the version of the software that existed before the current one.
  6. Please provide your previous address on the application form. (Por favor, forneça seu endereço anterior no formulário de inscrição.)
    * “Previous” in this sentence refers to the address you lived at before your current one.


  1. It’s obvious that she’s upset; her tears give it away. (É óbvio que ela está chateada; suas lágrimas entregam isso.)
    * In this sentence, “obvious” indicates that her emotional state is easily perceivable.
  2. The solution to the puzzle became obvious once I realized the pattern. (A solução para o quebra-cabeça ficou óbvia assim que percebi o padrão.)
    * “Obvious” here means that the solution became clear and easy to understand.
  3. His talent for music was obvious from a very young age. (Seu talento para a música era óbvio desde muito jovem.)
    * In this context, “obvious” suggests that his musical talent was easily noticeable.
  4. It’s quite obvious that they are hiding something; their behavior is suspicious. (É muito óbvio que eles estão escondendo algo; o comportamento deles é suspeito.)
    * “Obvious” in this sentence implies that their hidden agenda is clear and apparent.
  5. The mistake in the report was so obvious that it couldn’t be ignored. (O erro no relatório era tão óbvio que não poderia ser ignorado.)
    * Here, “obvious” means that the mistake was glaring and easily detected.
  6. Her dedication to her work was obvious to everyone in the office. (Sua dedicação ao trabalho era óbvia para todos no escritório.)
    * “Obvious” here suggests that her dedication was evident and easily recognized.
  7. The answer to the riddle was right in front of us; it was painfully obvious once we saw it. (A resposta para o enigma estava bem na nossa frente; era dolorosamente óbvia assim que a vimos.)
    * “Obvious” conveys that the answer was clear and apparent once it was observed.



**Property (Noun) - Possessions or Belongings:
1. She lost her personal property in the fire, including her clothes and jewelry. (Ela perdeu seus pertences pessoais no incêndio, incluindo suas roupas e joias.)
* In this context, “property” refers to personal belongings or possessions.

  1. The government is responsible for protecting the property rights of citizens. (O governo é responsável por proteger os direitos de propriedade dos cidadãos.)
    * “Property” here signifies the legal rights to possessions and assets.

**Property (Noun) - Real Estate or Land:
1. They recently purchased a beautiful property with a large garden. (Eles recentemente compraram uma propriedade bonita com um grande jardim.)
* In this sentence, “property” refers to real estate, including land and buildings.

  1. The property values in the city have been steadily rising over the past few years. (Os valores das propriedades na cidade têm aumentado constantemente nos últimos anos.)
    * “Property” here pertains to the market value of real estate.

**Property (Noun) - Characteristic or Quality:
1. One of the properties of this material is its ability to conduct electricity. (Uma das propriedades deste material é sua capacidade de conduzir eletricidade.)
* In this context, “property” describes a specific characteristic or quality of the material.

**Intellectual Property (Phrase) - Creative Works and Inventions:
1. Many companies invest in protecting their intellectual property through patents and copyrights. (Muitas empresas investem na proteção de sua propriedade intelectual por meio de patentes e direitos autorais.)
* “Intellectual property” refers to creative works and inventions that are protected by legal rights.

**Property (Noun) - Territory or Domain:
1. The Arctic region is known for its harsh climate and is a challenging property to explore. (A região do Ártico é conhecida por seu clima rigoroso e é um território desafiador para explorar.)
* Here, “property” denotes a specific territory or domain.

**Private Property (Phrase) - Owned by Individuals or Entities:
1. The park is private property, and visitors are not allowed without permission. (O parque é propriedade privada, e visitantes não são permitidos sem permissão.)
* “Private property” refers to property owned by individuals or entities and not owned by the government.



  1. I’m really excited about the upcoming trip to Europe. (Estou realmente animado com a viagem à Europa que está por vir.)
    * In this sentence, “really” emphasizes the speaker’s level of excitement.
  2. She’s really good at playing the piano; she’s been practicing for years. (Ela é realmente boa em tocar piano; ela tem praticado por anos.)
    * “Really” here indicates a high degree of skill in playing the piano.
  3. I can’t believe how quickly he completed the project; he’s a really efficient worker. (Não posso acreditar como ele concluiu o projeto rapidamente; ele é um trabalhador realmente eficiente.)
    * In this context, “really” emphasizes the efficiency of the worker.
  4. Are you sure this is the right way? I don’t really know the area well. (Você tem certeza de que este é o caminho certo? Eu realmente não conheço bem a região.)
    * “Really” expresses uncertainty or a lack of knowledge in this sentence.
  5. She’s not just a coworker; she’s also a really good friend of mine. (Ela não é apenas uma colega de trabalho; ela também é uma amiga realmente próxima.)
    * In this case, “really” emphasizes the depth of the friendship.
  6. He’s really tall; he stands at over six feet. (Ele é realmente alto; tem mais de seis pés de altura.)
    * “Really” here indicates a significant height.
  7. I really need to finish this report by tomorrow; it’s crucial for the project. (Eu realmente preciso terminar este relatório até amanhã; é crucial para o projeto.)
    * In this context, “really” emphasizes the importance or urgency of finishing the report.
  8. Did you really see a UFO last night, or was it just a strange light in the sky? (Você realmente viu um OVNI ontem à noite, ou foi apenas uma luz estranha no céu?)
    * “Really” is used to express a question about the truth or certainty of the sighting.


  1. Humans belong to the species Homo sapiens. (Os seres humanos pertencem à espécie Homo sapiens.)
    * In this sentence, “species” is used to specify the biological classification of humans.
  2. There are thousands of species of birds in the world, each with its unique characteristics. (Existem milhares de espécies de aves no mundo, cada uma com suas características únicas.)
    * “Species” here refers to the various types of birds that exist.
  3. The endangered species program aims to protect and preserve threatened animals and plants. (O programa de proteção de espécies ameaçadas tem como objetivo proteger e preservar animais e plantas em perigo.)
    * In this context, “species” denotes animals and plants that are at risk of extinction.
  4. Scientists study the DNA of different species to understand their evolutionary relationships. (Cientistas estudam o DNA de diferentes espécies para entender suas relações evolutivas.)
    * “Species” is used to describe various biological groups that are being studied.
  5. The cheetah is known for being the fastest land animal among all species. (O guepardo é conhecido por ser o animal terrestre mais rápido entre todas as espécies.)
    * Here, “species” refers to all types of animals.
  6. The Galápagos Islands are home to a remarkable diversity of species, some of which are found nowhere else on Earth. (As Ilhas Galápagos são o lar de uma notável diversidade de espécies, algumas das quais não são encontradas em nenhum outro lugar da Terra.
    * “Species” indicates various types of organisms living on the Galápagos Islands.
  7. The discovery of a new species of insect in the rainforest was a significant scientific achievement. (A descoberta de uma nova espécie de inseto na floresta tropical foi uma conquista científica significativa.)
    * In this sentence, “species” refers to a distinct type of insect.



**Theater (Noun) - Entertainment Venue:
1. We’re going to the theater tonight to see a play. (Vamos ao teatro esta noite para assistir a uma peça.)
* In this sentence, “theater” refers to a venue where live performances, such as plays, are staged.

  1. The local theater is showing a new movie this weekend. (O cinema local está exibindo um filme novo neste fim de semana.)
    * “Theater” here signifies a cinema or movie theater where films are screened.

**Theater (Noun) - Dramatic Arts:
1. She studied theater in college and later became a successful actress. (Ela estudou teatro na faculdade e mais tarde se tornou uma atriz de sucesso.)
* In this context, “theater” relates to the academic study and practice of acting and drama.

  1. The theater department is putting on a Shakespearean play next month. (O departamento de teatro apresentará uma peça shakespeariana no próximo mês.)
    * “Theater” denotes the academic department dedicated to theatrical arts.

**Theater (Noun) - Dramatic Performance:
1. The theater production received rave reviews for its outstanding performances. (A produção teatral recebeu críticas entusiasmadas por suas performances excepcionais.)
* Here, “theater” refers to the live dramatic performance on stage.

  1. The theater’s rendition of the classic novel brought the story to life for the audience. (A interpretação do teatro do clássico romance deu vida à história para o público.)
    * “Theater” signifies the theatrical presentation of a literary work.

**Theater (Noun) - A Place for Cultural Events:
1. The city’s theater hosts a variety of cultural events, including concerts and art exhibitions. (O teatro da cidade recebe uma variedade de eventos culturais, incluindo concertos e exposições de arte.)
* In this context, “theater” is used broadly to describe a venue for cultural and artistic events.

**Home Theater (Phrase) - Personal Entertainment Setup:
1. He set up a home theater system in his living room for a cinematic experience at home. (Ele montou um sistema de home theater na sala de estar para uma experiência cinematográfica em casa.)
* “Home theater” refers to a personal entertainment setup in a home environment.



  1. I usually wake up at 7:00 AM during the week for work. (Normalmente, eu acordo às 7:00 da manhã durante a semana para o trabalho.)
    * In this sentence, “usually” indicates the regularity of waking up at a specific time.
  2. They usually go for a walk in the park on Sundays. (Eles normalmente fazem uma caminhada no parque aos domingos.)
    * “Usually” here suggests the typical activity they engage in on Sundays.
  3. She usually takes a break around noon to have lunch. (Ela geralmente faz uma pausa por volta do meio-dia para almoçar.)
    * In this context, “usually” signifies the customary time for taking a break.
  4. He usually wears a suit and tie to formal meetings. (Ele normalmente veste terno e gravata para reuniões formais.)
    * “Usually” indicates the typical attire for formal meetings.
  5. The restaurant usually serves breakfast until 10:00 AM. (O restaurante normalmente serve café da manhã até as 10:00 da manhã.)
    * Here, “usually” specifies the regular serving hours for breakfast.
  6. It usually takes about 45 minutes to commute to work in the morning. (Normalmente, leva cerca de 45 minutos para ir trabalhar de manhã.)
    * “Usually” signifies the typical duration of the morning commute.
  7. They usually celebrate their anniversary with a special dinner. (Eles normalmente celebram seu aniversário com um jantar especial.)
    * In this sentence, “usually” describes the customary way they celebrate their anniversary.
  8. I usually finish my work assignments before the deadline. (Normalmente, eu concluo minhas tarefas de trabalho antes do prazo.)
    * “Usually” indicates the typical approach to completing work assignments.


  1. The store offers various flavors of ice cream, including chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. (A loja oferece vários sabores de sorvete, incluindo chocolate, baunilha e morango.)
    * In this sentence, “various” describes different flavors of ice cream.
  2. He has traveled to various countries around the world, experiencing different cultures and cuisines. (Ele viajou para vários países ao redor do mundo, experimentando culturas e culinárias diferentes.)
    * “Various” here indicates different countries with diverse cultures.
  3. The museum houses various artworks from different time periods and artistic movements. (O museu abriga diversas obras de arte de diferentes períodos e movimentos artísticos.)
    * In this context, “various” describes artworks from different time periods.
  4. The project team consists of various experts in fields such as engineering, design, and finance. (A equipe do projeto é composta por diversos especialistas em áreas como engenharia, design e finanças.)
    * “Various” signifies experts from different fields.
  5. The library has various books on a wide range of topics, catering to diverse interests. (A biblioteca possui diversos livros sobre uma ampla variedade de tópicos, atendendo a interesses diversos.)
    * Here, “various” describes books covering different subjects.
  6. The company offers various training programs to develop employees’ skills and abilities. (A empresa oferece diversos programas de treinamento para desenvolver as habilidades e capacidades dos funcionários.)
    * “Various” indicates different training programs.
  7. They tried various methods to solve the complex problem but eventually found the most effective one. (Eles tentaram vários métodos para resolver o problema complexo, mas eventualmente encontraram o mais eficaz.)
    * In this sentence, “various” describes different approaches or methods.
  8. The garden features various types of flowers, including roses, tulips, and daffodils. (O jardim apresenta várias espécies de flores, incluindo rosas, tulipas e narcisos.)
    * “Various” here signifies different types of flowers.