Sentence Starters Chapters 5-8 Flashcards
Tokohia koutou e hoki ana ki te kāinga?
How many of you went home?
He tere rawa te oma a Rewi
Rewi is/was running too fast
Haere ai a Tamahae ki te miraka kau ia ata, ia ata
Tamahae goes to milk the cow every morning
At, on (future time)
At, on (past time)
When did…?
He aha koe i haere ai?
Why did you go?
Nā te aha koe i ngenge ai?
Why are you tired?
Ehara tērā i te tangata
That is/was not a man
Tērā e pohēhētia ko koe te kāpene
Anyone would think you are/were the captain
Tērā e pōhēhētia ko te raumati tēnei, I pēnei rawa ai te wera o te rangi
Anyone would think it was/is summer, the day is so hot
He aha i pēnei rawa ai te tere o tō haere?
Why are/were you going so fast?
Ko te tau tēnei e rere ai ngā rōkete ki te marama
This is the year when the rockets will fly to the moon
Ko te rā tēnei i haere ai mātau ki te mātakitaki whutupaoro
This is the day when we will go to watch rugby
He hū ō ētahi
Some have boots
Kāore he hū ō etahi
Some have no boots
Kātahi anō ka tae mai ngā manuhiri
The visitors have just arrived (all together)
Tokoono mātau e hoki ana
6 of us went back
Kei kōna a Rewi?
Is Rewi there?
Kāore a Rewi i konei
Rewi is not here
Anei ahau
Here I am
Kei hea taku kete?
Where is my kit?
Anā, kei muri i a koe
There it is behind you
Arā, te tarikihana, kei te kēti
Over there is the tractor at the gate
Kua taetae mai ngā manuhiri
The visitors are arriving (one at a time)
Hoko ai a Hata i āna purapura i te toa
Hata buys his seeds from the shop
Kua kurua a Rewi ki te rīwai
Rewi has been hit by a potato
Ā te mutunga o te hui, ka hoki tātau
When the meeting is over, we will go back
Nō te taenga ki te marae, ka tū te pahi
When they reached the marae, the bus stopped
Nō tō mātau kitenga i a rātau, ka kata mātau
When we saw them, we laughed
Ā hea koe hoki atu ai?
When will you go back?
Ā te toru o Ākuhata
On the third of August
Nōnahea koe i tae mai ai?
When did you arrive?
Nō te ata o te Paraire
On Friday morning
Nō te ata o te Paraire au i tae mai ai
I arrived on Friday morning
He aha koe i kore ai e haere?
Why did you not go?
Nā te purei whutupaoro au i ngenge ai
I’m tired because of playing rugby
He tangata tērā
That is/was a man
He taniwha kē
It is/was a monster
Tērā e pōhēhētia kei te hararei a Rewi, i pērā rawa ai o tōna moe roa
Anyone would think Rewi was on holiday, he is sleeping so long
Tērā e pōhēhētia ko te uaua tēnei, i pērā rawa ai te hina o ngā kapua
Anyone would think it was raining, the clouds are so grey
He whāwhai nōku ki te hoki ki te kāinga
It is because I am/was in a hurry to get home
Ko te rā tēnei i purei ai ngā tīma toa
This is the day when the champion teams played
He kākahu pai ō Timi mō te haere ki te tāone
Timi has good clothes for going to town
Ki tō whakaaro, ka wini i a wai?
Who do you think will win?
Ki tōku whakaaro, ka wini i a Te Kaha
I think it will be won by Te Kaha
Ki a au nei, ko Te Kaha te tīma toa o Niu Tīreni
In my opinion, Te Kaha is the champion team of NZ
Ēngari ki a au nei, ka pīti a Te Kao
But in my opinion, Te Kao will be beaten
Aua hoki! Ka mate pea tātau i a ratau
Who knows! Maybe we will be defeated by them
Titiro ki a Te Hamana, te kāpene o Te Kaha
Look at Te Hamana, the captain of Te Kaha
Ko Hata tērā, te Pāpā o Mārama
Over there is Hata, the father of Mārama
Pēnei tonu a Rewi he tuna
Rewi thought it was an eel
He rākau kē
But it was a stick
Pēnei tonu ngā tamariki kua mahue rātau i te pahi
The children thought they were left behind by the bus
He reka kē atu te mīti ki te tuna
Meat is sweeter to eels (eels prefer meat)
He reka kē atu te mīti i te tuna
Meat is tastier than eels
He tere kē atu te motokā i te paihikara
Cars are faster than bikes
Ki tā Hata, ko ngā pō pōuri ngā pō pai
According to Hata, dark nights are the best
Ki tā te tangata rā, ka ua āpōpō
According to that man, it will rain tomorrow
Ki tā te pukapuka nei, he kaha ngā Māori o mua ki te whakatō kai
According to this book, Māori back in the day were good(strong) at preparing food
He pai noa iho mō te tamariki
It’s quite all right for children
He mahana noa iho te wai mō te tamariki
The water is quite warm enough for the children
He makariri rawa mō te kaukau
It’s too cold for swimming
He uaua rawa tēnei mahi mā te tamariki, ēngari he pai noa iho mā te pakeke
This work is too difficult for the children, but it’s quite all right for the adults
He pōturi rawa te kurī nā mō te whakangau poaka
That dog is too slow for hunting pigs
Ka mutu te kai a Rewi, ka haere ia ki waho
When Rewi had finished eating, he went outside
Kia tae atu rātau ki te awa, ka whakatūria e rātau te tēneti
When they reached the river, they put up the tent
Tukua kia oma
Let it escape
Kaua e tukua kia oma
Don’t let it escape
Tukua au kia kōrero
Let me speak
Kaua e tukua ngā tamariki kia kaukau i konā
Don’t let the children swim there
Tae rawa atu ia, kua mutu kē te kēmu
By the time he finally arrived the game was over
Tae rawa mai koe, kua haere kē ia
By the time you get here, she will have gone
Tae rawa atu rātau, kua kati kē ngā kēti
By the time they arrived, the gates were closed
Hoki rawa mai ahau, kua puta kē ngā whetū
By the time I get back, the stars will have appeared
He tino ātaahua ngā whetū ki te titiro ake
The stars are/were very pretty to look up at
Tino mārama te tiaho iho o ngā whetū
The stars are/were shining down very brightly