Sentence 2 & 3 Flashcards
To differ, vary, be different from
differō, differe, distulī, dīlātus
Practice, custom, institution
īnstitūtum, īnstitūtī n
lēx, lēgis f
This, he, she, it
hic, haec, hoc
One another, each other
sui, sibi, sē, sē
To error is human
errāre hūmānum est
Glory, fame, renown, honour, reputation
glōria, glōriae f
nātūra, nātūrae f
War, battle
bellum, bellī n
Authority, sway, dominion, sovereignty
imperium, imperiī n
Beginning, commencement
initium, initiī n
Battle, combat
proelium, proeliī n
Kingly or royal authority, royal power
rēgnum, rēgnī n
The year of our lord
annō Dominī
Secret league, confederacy, conspiracy
coniūrātiō, coniūrātiōnis f
A consul
cōnsul, cōnsulis m
Vexation, annoyance, grief
dolor, dolōris m
Bravery, courage, fortitude
fortitūdō, fortitūdinis f
Human being, man
homō, hominis m
Width, extent, breadth
lātitūdō, lātitūdinis f
Length, extent
longitūdō, longitūdinis f
Merchant, trader
mercātōr, mercātōris m
A great number, multitude
multitūdō, multitūdinis f
Orgetorix (a Gallic chieftain)
Orgetorīx, Orgetorīgis m
Piso (a Roman name)
Pīsō, Pīsōnis m
The North
septentriōnēs, septentriōnum m pl
The sun
sōl, sōlis m
Courage, valour, bravery
virtūs, virtūtis f
Rōmānus, Rōmāna, Rōmānum
To bring together, collect, gather
cōnferō, cōnferre, contulī, collātus
To bring or carry out, to take away
efferō, efferre, extulī, ēlātus
To advance, bear into, inflict, cause, produce
īnferō, īnferre, intulī, illātus
To go back, to retreat
referō, referre, retulī, relātus
River, stream
flūmen, flūminis n
carrus, carrī m
One surrendered, prisoner
dēditīcius, dēditīciī m
fīlius, fīliī m
fīnitimī, fīnitimōrum m pl
gladius, gladiī m
Place, position, locality
locus, locī m
Number, amount
numerus, numerī m
Message, news, report
nūntius, nūntiī m
obaerātus, obaerātī m
District, province
pāgus, pāgī m
Slave, servant
servus, servī m
Hamlet, village
vīcus, vīcī m
A marching column, an army
āgmen, āgminis n
Right, justice, law, rights, power
iūs, iūris n
A wound
vulnus, vulneris n
corpus, corporis n
Route, road, journey, march
iter, itineris n
Side, wing, flank
latus, lateris n
and, and in fact, and even
to make war, carry on war
bellō, bellāre, bellāvī, bellātus
To be superior, to surpass
praestō, praestāre, praestitī, praestatus
To possess, have, hold
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus
To stretch out, extend
pateō, patēre, patuī
To convince, persuade, prevail upon
persuādeō, persuādēre, persuāsī, persuāsus
To lead on, induce, influence; instigate
indūcō, indūcere, indūxī, inductus
To affect
afficiō, afficere, affēcī, affectus
Reckless, rash
temārius, temāria, temārium