Sensory System Flashcards
Loss of hearing.
Weakness of the ocular or ciliary muscles that causes the eyes to tire easily.
Distortion of sight because of lack of focus of light rays at one point on the retina.
Drooping of the eyelid.
Involuntary eyelid movement (excessive blinking)
Cloudiness of the lens of the eye. Also known as waterfall
Nodular inflammation that usually forms on the eyelid..
Dacryoadenitis – Inflammation of the lacrimal glands.
Dacryocystitis – Inflammation of the tear duct.
Diplopia – Double vision.
Epiphora – Excessive tearing.
Farsightedness – Hyperopia.
Glaucoma – any of various disease caused by abnormally high eye pressure.
Mastoiditis – Inflammation of the mastoid process..
Nearsightedness – Myopia.
Nyctalopia – Night blindness.
Nystagmus – Excessive involuntary eyeball movement.
Otalgia – Pain in the ear.
Otorrhagia – Bleeding from the ear.
Otorrhea – Purulent discharge from the ear.
Ostosclerosis – Hardening of bones of the ear.
Paracusis – Impaired hearing.
Photophobia – Extreme sensitivity to light.
Presbyacusis – Age-related hearing loss.
Presbyopia – Age-related diminished ability to focus or accommodate.
Strabismus – Eye misalignment.
Sty, stye – Hordoelum.
Tinnitus –Constant ringing or buzzing in the ear.
Trichiasis – Abnormal growth of eyelashes in a direction that causes them to rub on the eye.
Vertigo – Dizziness.