Sensory Perception Flashcards
Visual cues allows us to perceptually orgnaize by taking to account the following cues ___, ___, ___, and ____
depth, form, motion, and constancy
Humans have two eyes therefore we receive ___ cues. This gives sense of ___
binocular cues
What is Retinal dispairty
when eyes are 2.5 inches apart so we get slightly different views of objects and an idea on depth
What is convergence
gives humans idea of dpeth based on how much eyeballs are turned
Things far away - muscles of eyes ___
Things close to us - muscles of eyes ___
What are monocular cues?
Visual cuces that require only one eye
Moncular cues can give a sense of what 8 things
form, relative size, interposition (overlap), relative height, shading and contour, motion, constancy
Relative size
infer with one eye, closer and object is bigger, farther is smaller. Gives us idea of form
Interposition (overlap)
Perception that one object is in fornt of another (object that is infront is closer
relative height
things higher are perceived farther than those lower
Shading and contour
using light and shadows to perceive form, depth/contours, crater/mountain
Motion parallax
things farther away move slower, closer moves faster
Monoecular cue of cosntancy
Size cosntancy and shape constnacy so one that appears larger because its clsoer we still think it’s the same size
a changing shape still maintains the same shape perception (
A door opening is an example of what?
shape cosntancy, As the door is opening the shape is changign but we still beleive the door is a rectangle
Color constancy
Despire changes in lighting whichc ahnges the image color on our retina, we still perceive that object the same color just a different lighting