Sensory Organs Flashcards
Special Sense
- touch(integumentary system), vision (eyes), hearing (ears), smell (nose) and taste (tongue)
- receive sensory signals and transmit them to the brain by cranial nerve. Each have unique sensory cells
General Sense…tactile receptors
bring information about pressure touch and vibration; abundant in fingertips and lips
General Sense…temperature receptors
sense changes in temperature; concentrated in lips, mouth and anus
General Sense…pain receptors
through skin and certain organs but some are poorly supplied `
General Sense…Propricetors
Kinesthesia=enables you to sense the position of various body parts w/o looking and to sense whether the body parts are moving and in what direction
Anatomy of Eye…Conjuctiva
clear membrane that covers outside front of eyeball
Anatomy of Eye…Cornea
allows light to pass through and has layers of flat cells and also has pain and touch receptors
Anatomy of Eye…Iris
colored part; contains the muscle that adjust size of pupil
Anatomy of Eye…Pupil
(black dot) where light passes
Anatomy of Eye…Optic Disc(blind spot)
focus light onto retina, has a disc with a convex surface on both sides
Anatomy of Eye…Retina
detects light and transmit signal back to brain
Anatomy of Eye…Choriod
provides blood and oxygen
Anatomy of Eye…sclera
outermost layer and it protects the eye and is the surface to which the outer muscle attach
Olfactory Bulb
highly specialized nerves that enables your nose to smell
-nose can detect 10,000 different smells
Anatomy of Tongue…bolus
molds food for swallowing
Anatomy of Tongue…gustatory
cells defect basic sensations
Anatomy of Tongue…Papilae
visible, bumpy, hair-like projections
Anatomy of Ear…Pinna
collects sounds from environment and focuses them into the auditory canal
Anatomy of Ear…Ear Drum
transmits vibrations of sound waves from auditory canal to middle ear
-gland secreete cercumen (wax)
Anatomy of Ear…Cochlea
filled w/ fluid and contains corti (organ lined w/ nerve ending) sensitive
Anatomy of Ear…Semicircular Canals
-control balance and equilibrium
Anatomy of Ear…Stirrup
-gently pumps against window causing cochlear fluid to move and hairs to vibrate
Anatomy of Ear…Anvil