Sensory-motor system Flashcards
What is the somatosensory pathway?
Sensor–> Sensory input > integration (CNS)—> motor output (PNS) –> Effector
What is a sensory receptor
encodes the nature and the localization, intensity and duration of a stimuli
What happens when a sensory receptor is stimulated?
- Stimuli applied to the skin changes the chemistry of the receptor à changes in permeability of the receptor’s cell membrane à neural signal
- Cell bodies are located in the dorsal root ganglion
What are some types of receptors ?
- Receptors respond to specific type of stimuli (e.g. pressure, temperature) – main types of sensory receptors are classified by modality; specificity is determined by the nerve endings; size of the receptive field ( the extend of the body are that elicits receptor response); rate of adaptation (fast vs slow) – response of a receptor decreases with stimulus repetition
* Mechanoreceptors – mechanical pressure, touch * Thermoreceptors – temperature * Nociceptors – pain
What are fast adapting receptors?
Fast adapting receptors (FA) – responds when stimulus appears/disappears but not during steady state
What are slow adapting receptors?
Slow-adapting receptors (SA) – active during the period when the stimulus is in contact with the receptive field
What is sensory threshold and what are the types?
- Absolute threshold – minimal intensity to perceive a stimulus
- Differential threshold – minimal difference in intensity between two stimuli to be perceived (Weber’s Lwas: Delta stimuli = KS or minimal intensity difference = constantintensity of the stimulus)
Sensory (afferent) neurons in the periphery (e.g. skin)
Sensory cells within the central nervous system
Includes touch, pressure, pain, body senses, muscle tension and joint position, visceral state
What are some examples of sensory receptors?
- Free end nerves –(no specialized ending structure) – sensitive to pain and temperature change
- Pacinian corpuscles – largest an deepest (looks like onions); adapt rapidly and respond to sudden displacements of the skin; DO NOT respond to constants pressure
- Markel’s disks and Ruffini’s endings – adapt slowly; respond to gradual skin indentation and skin stretch respectively
How does the information travels from the sensory receptors to the brain?
- Information travels from receptors to spinal cord via dorsal root ganglion (bundles of nerve fibers from the peripheral nerves and become spinal nerves when they approach the spinal cord); contains cell bodies of the somatosensory receptors;
* Speed depends on the diameter of the fibres and has functional significance * High speed – large myelinated fibres; small myelinated fibres * Low speed – smaller unmyelinated fibers
What is the structure of the spinal cord?
- pinal cord – peripheral white matter and central gray matter; WM (columns/funiculi) and GM into horns; relay point for sensory info, contains ascending afferent pathways and descending motor tracts; contains interneurons
* GM – interneurons (association neurons), cell body of motor neurons, ganglia cells, unmyelinated axons; shape and size depends on the size of the spinal nerve roots *Association neurons connect sensory and motor neurons; small and locally projecting * WM – fibre tracts (ascending and descending); divided in three funiculi (columns) * Posterior (dorsal) * Lateral * Anterior (ventral)
What is the longest neuron in the human body?
The longest neuron in the human body is dorsal column neurons that originate in the toes
What is the structure of the spinal cord?
- 31 pairs of spinal nerves, where each vertebrae has:
* Corresponding segment of the spinal cord * Segments with a name and number that indicate their position in the corresponding spinal nerve * Cervical (neck) region * Thoracic (chest) region * Lumbar (middle back) region * Sacral (lower back) region * Each receives peripheral sensory innervation through the dorsal root
What is the dermatome?
nnervated by peripheral nerves that enters the spinal cord at specific segments; ordered to create a map that is also used as a diagnostic tool for localizing injuries at the spinal cord or dorsal roots;
What are the main sensory myelinated tracts in the white matter?
Dorsal-column medial lemniscla (MLS) and anterolateral system (AS)
Describe the role and structures of the dorsal column-medial lemniscal (MLS) system?
- Dorsal column – medial lemniscal (MLS)– touch, body position and movement
* Wide diameter axons and few synapses * Information is conveyed quickly to the brain * Tactile and kinesthetic information carried out is used for planning and executing rapid movements * The dorsal tracts * Ascend ipsilaterally to the medulla * Decussate in medulla * To ventral posterior nucleus of the thalamus through medial lemniscus * To primary somatosensory cortex through internal capsule
Describe the role and structures on the anterolateral system?
- Anterolateral system (AS) – pain, temperature, light touch, tickle and itch
* More synapses * Information is slower to reach the brain * Information is mostly though thermos receptors and nocicepros, poorly localized * The dorsal spinal tract *Decussate in spinal cord (spino-thalamic tract) ventrally * To posterior nucleus of thalamus but also brain stem (spino-reticular, spino-encephalic) * To primary somatosensory cortex
Compare and contrasy the differences between the MLS and AS systems
1. Type of information conveyed: • tactile & kinaesthetic vs temperature & pain 2. Where they decussate: • medulla vs spinal cord 3. Type of fibers: • MLS: large, myelinated • AS: thinly myelinated and unmyelinated 4. Where do they travel: • MLS: mainly to thalamus then cortex; • AS: also brain stem (spinothalamic, spinoreticular, spino-mesnecefalic paths) 5. Laterality: • MLS: controlateral only; • AS: also ipsilateral