S-II recieves fibers from …..
Both sides of the body
Mention areas where SII axons are sent
Association cortex, motor cortex, insula, amygdala, hippocampus
Describe SII lesion
Deficits in learning by object manipulation & recognizing texture & size of hand-held objects
Functions of posterior parietal area
Recieves signals from:
1. SI & II
2. Visual & auditory cortices
3. Sensory nuclei & other areas in thalamus
Name sensory association areas lesion
Thalamus is formed of …groups of nuclei, which are …..
A, P, L, M, V
Non specific nuclei of thalamus recieve input from ….& project to whole cortex
Reticular formation
Mention functions of thalamus
Highest center for crude sensations
Relay for fine, auditory, visual sensations & motor fibers from basal ganglia & cerebellum
Connected to RAS has role in consciousness
Connected to prefrontal cortex, thus personality
Connected to limbic system thus emotions
Responsible for alpha waves of EEG
Mention origin of pyramidal tract
Mainly motor area 4 & premotor area 6 but also fibers from area 3,1,2 and parietal cortex A5
GR; Fibers from the sensory cortex descend to terminate on the contralateral dorsal horn of spinal cord
For modulation of sensations
Describe course of pyramidal tract in brain
Converge in corona radiata then pass in ant 2/3 of post limb of internal capsule
Describe course of pyramidal tract in brain stem
Pass in middle 3/5 of crus cerebri (basis pedunculi of midbrain) then
As scattered bundles in the basis pontis separated by transverse pontine fibers
Fibers collect to form pyramid of medulla oblongata
80% of fibers cross at the lowermost part of medulla
Describe course of pyramidal tract in spinal cord
Crossed fibers continue in spinal cord as lateral corticospinal tract while uncrossed fibers continue as ant corticospinal tract
Describe lamination in internal capsule & spinal cord(midbrain) of pyramidal tract
C, genu-face, UL most ant & LL most post in post limb of internal capsule
SC, cervical is med, sacral is lat
Crossed fibers of PT end on …. While uncrossed fiber end on …..
Lateral group of AHC (limbs)
Medial group (trunk)