Sensory 2 Flashcards
Types of synaptic potentials
1) Postsynaptic potentials
2) Presynaptic potentials
Types of postsynaptic potentials
Types of presynaptic potentials
1) Presynaptic Inhibition
2) Presynaptic facilitation
What is EPSP?
- A local state of partial depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane.
- Produced as a result of binding of an exitatory neurotransmittrer with its receptors.
Ionic basis of EPSP
- Opening of ligand-gated Na+ (or Ca++) channels.
- Closure of Cl- channels.
EPSP on neuron potential
It makes the inside of the cell membrane less negative, thereby more excitable as it is now nearer to the firing level.
Maximum of EPSP after…
1 - 5 msec.
Types of Summation
1) Time summation
2) Space summatiom
Time Summation
One presynaptic neuron is stimulated repetitively.
Space Summation
Several presynaptic neurons are stimulated simultaneously.
What is IPSP?
- A local state of partial hyperpolarization of the post synaptic membrane.
- Produced as a result of binding of an inhibitory neurotansmitter with its receptors.
Ionic basis of IPSP
- Opening of ligand-gated Cl- channels.
- Closure of Na+ (or Ca++) channels.
IPSP on neuron potential
It makes the inside of the cell membrane more negative, thereby less excitable as it is now away from the firing level.
Maximum of IPSP after…
1 - 2 msec.
What is GPSP ?
It is the summation of all EPSPs & IPSPs occurring at the same time.
Outcomes of GPSP
- A balance of excitatory & inhibitory inputs, so the PSMP remains close to the RMP.
- If Excitatory inputs slightly > Inhibitory inputs, Excitatory state (facilitation).
- If Excitatory inputs much > Inhibitory inputs, threshold is reached an AP will be generated.
- If Inhibitory inputs > Excitatory inputs, Inhibitory state (inhibition).
Postsynaptic Potentails
- Do not obey all or none law.
- Graded.
- No absolute refractory period.
- Summated.
- Not blocked by anesthesia.
- Not propagated.
- 20 msec.
Action Potentials
- Obey all or none law.
- Can not be graded.
- Absolute refractory period.
- Can not be summated.
- Blocked by anesthesia.
- Propagated.
- 1 msec.